import classNames from 'classnames/bind' import Button from './button' import Icon from './icon' import Image from './image' const cx = classNames.bind(_s) export default class SidebarSectionItem extends PureComponent { static contextTypes = { router: PropTypes.object, } static propTypes = { to: PropTypes.string, href: PropTypes.string, onClick: PropTypes.func, active: PropTypes.bool, icon: PropTypes.string, image: PropTypes.string, title: PropTypes.string, me: PropTypes.bool, suffix: PropTypes.node, buttonRef: PropTypes.func, } state = { hovering: false, } handleOnMouseEnter = () => { this.setState({ hovering: true }) } handleOnMouseLeave = () => { this.setState({ hovering: false }) } render() { const { to, active, icon, image, title, me, count, onClick, href, buttonRef, } = this.props const { hovering } = this.state const noRouter = !this.context.router const iconSize = '16px' const currentPathname = noRouter ? '' : this.context.router.route.location.pathname const shouldShowActive = hovering || active || currentPathname === to || currentPathname === href const isNotifications = to === '/notifications' const containerClasses = cx({ default: 1, maxWidth100PC: 1, width100PC: 1, flexRow: 1, py5: 1, px10: 1, alignItemsCenter: 1, radiusSmall: 1, border1PX: 1, outlineNone: 1, borderColorTransparent: !shouldShowActive, borderColorSecondary: shouldShowActive, bgTransparent: !shouldShowActive, bgPrimary: shouldShowActive, }) const textClasses = cx({ default: 1, fontWeightNormal: 1, fs15PX: 1, text: 1, textOverflowEllipsis: 1, colorPrimary: 1, }) const iconClasses = cx({ fillPrimary: 1, }) const countClasses = cx({ default: 1, text: 1, mlAuto: 1, fs12PX: 1, px5: 1, mr2: 1, lineHeight15: 1, ml5: 1, colorSecondary: !isNotifications, colorWhite: isNotifications, bgBrand: isNotifications, radiusSmall: isNotifications, }) return ( ) } }