import React from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom' import queryString from 'query-string' import { me } from '../initial_state' import { CX } from '../constants' import { changeSearch, clearSearch, submitSearch, showSearch, } from '../actions/search' import Button from './button' class Search extends React.PureComponent { static contextTypes = { router: PropTypes.object.isRequired, } state = { focused: false, } textbox = React.createRef() componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { // If user navigates to different page, ensure tab bar item // with that is on location is set to active. if (this.props.location !== prevProps.location) { const isCurrent = === this.props.location.pathname if (this.state.isCurrent !== isCurrent) { this.setState({ isCurrent }) } } } handleOnChange = (e) => { this.props.onChange( } handleOnFocus = () => { this.setState({ focused: true }) this.props.onShow() } handleOnBlur = () => { this.setState({ focused: false }) } handleKeyUp = (e) => { const { value } = this.props if (e.key === 'Enter') { e.preventDefault() this.props.onSubmit() this.context.router.history.push(`/search?q=${value}`) } else if (e.key === 'Escape') { this.textbox.blur() } } setTextbox = n => { this.textbox = n } handleSubmit = () => { this.props.onSubmit() } render() { const { value, submitted, onClear, isInNav, theme, } = this.props const { focused } = this.state const highlighted = focused || `${value}`.length > 0 const inputClasses = CX({ d: 1, text: 1, outlineNone: 1, lineHeight125: 1, displayBlock: 1, py7: 1, bgTransparent: 1, cPrimary: 1, fs14PX: 1, flexGrow1: 1, radiusSmall: 1, pl15: 1, searchInput: 1, }) const isLight = ['light', 'white'].indexOf(theme) > -1 const containerClasses = CX({ d: 1, searchNavigation: (!highlighted && isInNav && isLight) || (isInNav && theme !== 'light'), bgWhite: (highlighted && isInNav && theme === 'light'), bgPrimary: !isInNav, flexRow: 1, radiusSmall: 1, aiCenter: 1, }) const prependIconColor = (highlighted || !isInNav || theme === 'white') ? 'brand' : 'white' const placeholder = !me ? 'Search Gab' : 'Search for people, groups or gabs' const id = 'nav-search' return ( <div className={[_s.d, _s.jcCenter, _s.h53PX].join(' ')}> <div className={containerClasses}> <label className={_s.visiblyHidden} htmlFor={id}>Search</label> <input id={id} className={inputClasses} type='search' placeholder={placeholder} ref={this.setTextbox} value={value} onKeyUp={this.handleKeyUp} onChange={this.handleOnChange} onFocus={this.handleOnFocus} onBlur={this.handleOnBlur} autoComplete='off' /> <Button className={[_s.px10, _s.mr5].join(' ')} tabIndex='0' title='...' backgroundColor='none' color={prependIconColor} onClick={this.handleSubmit} icon='search' iconClassName={_s.fillInherit} iconSize='16px' /> </div> </div> ) } } const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({ value: state.getIn(['search', 'value']), submitted: state.getIn(['search', 'submitted']), theme: state.getIn(['settings', 'displayOptions', 'theme']), }) const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({ onChange: (value) => dispatch(changeSearch(value)), onClear: () => dispatch(clearSearch()), onSubmit: () => dispatch(submitSearch()), onShow: () => dispatch(showSearch()), }) Search.propTypes = { value: PropTypes.string.isRequired, submitted: PropTypes.bool, onShow: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, withOverlay: PropTypes.bool, onClear: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onSubmit: PropTypes.func.isRequired, isInNav: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, theme: PropTypes.string, } export default withRouter(connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Search))