import React from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component' import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes' import { openModal } from '../actions/modal' import { changeCompose } from '../actions/compose' import { urlRegex } from '../features/ui/util/url_regex' import { CX, DEFAULT_REL, MODAL_COMPOSE, } from '../constants' import Button from './button' import DotTextSeperator from './dot_text_seperator' import RelativeTimestamp from './relative_timestamp' import Text from './text' import Image from './image' class TrendsCard extends ImmutablePureComponent { handleOnShare = () => { this.props.onOpenComposeModal(this.props.trend.get('trends_url')) } render() { const { trend, viewType, isXS, } = this.props if (!trend) return null const title = trend.get('title') const url = trend.get('trends_url') if (!title || !url) return null let correctedDescription = trend.get('description') correctedDescription = correctedDescription.length >= 120 ? `${correctedDescription.substring(0, 120).trim()}...` : correctedDescription const descriptionHasLink = correctedDescription.match(urlRegex) const containerClasses = CX({ d: 1, w100PC: isXS || viewType === 0, pb10: viewType === 0, w33PC: !isXS && viewType === 1, px10: viewType === 1, py10: viewType === 1, mb5: isXS, }) const innerContainerClasses = CX({ d: 1, flexRow: !isXS && viewType === 0, boxShadowBlock: 1, w100PC: 1, h100PC: 1, radiusSmall: !isXS, overflowHidden: 1, bgPrimary: 1, }) const textContainerClasses = CX({ d: 1, flexNormal: 1, w100PC: viewType === 1, }) let imgWidth, imgHeight = viewType === 1 ? '100%' : '320px' if (viewType === 1) { imgWidth = '100%' imgHeight = '172px' } else { imgWidth = '358px' imgHeight = '232px' } if (isXS) { imgWidth = '100%' imgHeight = '172px' } return ( <div className={containerClasses}> <div className={innerContainerClasses}> <Image height={imgHeight} width={imgWidth} src={trend.get('image')} nullable /> <div className={textContainerClasses}> <div className={[_s.d, _s.w100PC, _s.pt15, _s.px15].join(' ')}> <Button noClasses rel={DEFAULT_REL} href={trend.get('trends_url')} className={[_s.noUnderline].join(' ')} > <Text size='large' weight='medium' color='primary'> {title} </Text> </Button> { !!correctedDescription && !descriptionHasLink && <Text color='secondary' className={_s.pt7}> {correctedDescription} </Text> } <div className={[_s.d, _s.flexRow, _s.pt7].join(' ')}> <Text color='secondary' size='small'> {trend.get('feed_base_url')} </Text> <DotTextSeperator /> <Text color='secondary' size='small' className={_s.ml5}> <RelativeTimestamp timestamp={trend.get('publish_date')} /> </Text> </div> </div> <div className={[_s.d, _s.flexRow, _s.w100PC, _s.mtAuto, _s.py15, _s.px15].join(' ')}> <Button isNarrow color='secondary' backgroundColor='tertiary' onClick={this.handleOnShare} className={[_s.px15].join(' ')} > <Text color='inherit' size='extraSmall'>Share on Gab</Text> </Button> <Button isNarrow color='tertiary' backgroundColor='none' rel={DEFAULT_REL} href={trend.get('trends_url')} className={[_s.px0, _s.mlAuto].join(' ')} > <Text color='inherit' size='extraSmall'>Go to Story</Text> </Button> </div> </div> </div> </div> ) } } const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({ onOpenComposeModal(trendsUrl) { dispatch(openModal(MODAL_COMPOSE)) dispatch(changeCompose(`${trendsUrl} `)) //extra space at the end }, }) TrendsCard.propTypes = { trend:, viewType: PropTypes.string, isXS: PropTypes.bool, onOpenComposeModal: PropTypes.func.isRequired, } export default connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(TrendsCard)