# frozen_string_literal: true module JsonLdHelper def equals_or_includes?(haystack, needle) haystack.is_a?(Array) ? haystack.include?(needle) : haystack == needle end def equals_or_includes_any?(haystack, needles) needles.any? { |needle| equals_or_includes?(haystack, needle) } end def first_of_value(value) value.is_a?(Array) ? value.first : value end # The url attribute can be a string, an array of strings, or an array of objects. # The objects could include a mimeType. Not-included mimeType means it's text/html. def url_to_href(value, preferred_type = nil) single_value = if value.is_a?(Array) && !value.first.is_a?(String) value.find { |link| preferred_type.nil? || ((link['mimeType'].presence || 'text/html') == preferred_type) } elsif value.is_a?(Array) value.first else value end if single_value.nil? || single_value.is_a?(String) single_value else single_value['href'] end end def as_array(value) value.is_a?(Array) ? value : [value] end def value_or_id(value) value.is_a?(String) || value.nil? ? value : value['id'] end def supported_context?(json) !json.nil? && equals_or_includes?(json['@context'], ActivityPub::TagManager::CONTEXT) end def unsupported_uri_scheme?(uri) !uri.start_with?('http://', 'https://') end def invalid_origin?(url) return true if unsupported_uri_scheme?(url) needle = Addressable::URI.parse(url).host haystack = Addressable::URI.parse(@account.uri).host !haystack.casecmp(needle).zero? end def canonicalize(json) graph = RDF::Graph.new << JSON::LD::API.toRdf(json, documentLoader: method(:load_jsonld_context)) graph.dump(:normalize) end def fetch_resource(uri, id, on_behalf_of = nil) unless id json = fetch_resource_without_id_validation(uri, on_behalf_of) return unless json uri = json['id'] end json = fetch_resource_without_id_validation(uri, on_behalf_of) json.present? && json['id'] == uri ? json : nil end def fetch_resource_without_id_validation(uri, on_behalf_of = nil, raise_on_temporary_error = false) build_request(uri, on_behalf_of).perform do |response| unless response_successful?(response) || response_error_unsalvageable?(response) || !raise_on_temporary_error raise GabSocial::UnexpectedResponseError, response end return body_to_json(response.body_with_limit) if response.code == 200 end # If request failed, retry without doing it on behalf of a user return if on_behalf_of.nil? build_request(uri).perform do |response| unless response_successful?(response) || response_error_unsalvageable?(response) || !raise_on_temporary_error raise GabSocial::UnexpectedResponseError, response end response.code == 200 ? body_to_json(response.body_with_limit) : nil end end def body_to_json(body, compare_id: nil) json = body.is_a?(String) ? Oj.load(body, mode: :strict) : body return if compare_id.present? && json['id'] != compare_id json rescue Oj::ParseError nil end def merge_context(context, new_context) if context.is_a?(Array) context << new_context else [context, new_context] end end private def response_successful?(response) (200...300).cover?(response.code) end def response_error_unsalvageable?(response) (400...500).cover?(response.code) && response.code != 429 end def build_request(uri, on_behalf_of = nil) request = Request.new(:get, uri) request.on_behalf_of(on_behalf_of) if on_behalf_of request.add_headers('Accept' => 'application/activity+json, application/ld+json') request end def load_jsonld_context(url, _options = {}, &_block) json = Rails.cache.fetch("jsonld:context:#{url}", expires_in: 30.days, raw: true) do request = Request.new(:get, url) request.add_headers('Accept' => 'application/ld+json') request.perform do |res| raise JSON::LD::JsonLdError::LoadingDocumentFailed unless res.code == 200 && res.mime_type == 'application/ld+json' res.body_with_limit end end doc = JSON::LD::API::RemoteDocument.new(url, json) block_given? ? yield(doc) : doc end end