import React from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes' import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component' import { sortableContainer, sortableElement, } from 'react-sortable-hoc' import { me, meUsername} from '../initial_state' import { GAB_DECK_MAX_ITEMS, URL_GAB_PRO, MODAL_PRO_UPGRADE, } from '../constants' import { deckConnect, deckDisconnect, updateDeckColumnAtIndex, } from '../actions/deck' import { saveSettings } from '../actions/settings' import { openModal } from '../actions/modal' import WrappedBundle from './ui/util/wrapped_bundle' import DeckColumn from '../components/deck_column' import Text from '../components/text' import Button from '../components/button' import { AccountTimeline, Compose, GroupTimeline, LikedStatuses, ListTimeline, HomeTimeline, Notifications, HashtagTimeline, BookmarkedStatuses, ProTimeline, News, ExploreTimeline, } from './ui/util/async_components' class Deck extends React.PureComponent { static contextTypes = { router: PropTypes.object, } componentDidMount () { this.props.dispatch(deckConnect()) if (!this.props.isPro) this.handleOnOpenProUpgradeModal() } componentWillUnmount() { this.props.dispatch(deckDisconnect()) } handleOnOpenProUpgradeModal = () => { this.props.dispatch(openModal(MODAL_PRO_UPGRADE)) } onSortEnd = ({oldIndex, newIndex}) => { this.props.dispatch(updateDeckColumnAtIndex(oldIndex, newIndex)) } onShouldCancelStart = (event) => { if ( { if (!'data-sort-header')) { return true } } return false } getDeckColumn = (deckColumn, index) => { if (!deckColumn || !this.props.isPro) return null let Component, noRefresh, accountId, icon = null let componentParams = {} let title, subtitle = '' switch (deckColumn) { case 'notifications': title = 'Notifications' icon = 'notifications' Component = Notifications break case 'home': title = 'Home' icon = 'home' Component = HomeTimeline break case 'compose': title = 'Compose' icon = 'pencil' Component = Compose noRefresh = true break case 'likes': title = 'Likes' icon = 'like' Component = LikedStatuses componentParams = { params: { username: meUsername }} break case 'bookmarks': title = 'Bookmarks' icon = 'bookmark' Component = BookmarkedStatuses componentParams = { params: { username: meUsername }} break case 'pro': title = 'Pro Timeline' icon = 'pro' Component = ProTimeline break case 'news': title = 'News' icon = 'news' Component = News componentParams = { isSmall: true } break case 'explore': title = 'Explore' icon = 'explore' Component = ExploreTimeline break default: break } if (!Component) { if (deckColumn.indexOf('user.') > -1) { const userAccountId = deckColumn.replace('user.', '') title = 'User' Component = AccountTimeline componentParams = { id: userAccountId } accountId = userAccountId } else if (deckColumn.indexOf('list.') > -1) { const listId = deckColumn.replace('list.', '') title = 'List' subtitle = listId icon = 'list' Component = ListTimeline componentParams = { params: { id: listId }} } else if (deckColumn.indexOf('group.') > -1) { const groupId = deckColumn.replace('group.', '') title = 'Group' subtitle = groupId icon = 'group' Component = GroupTimeline componentParams = { params: { id: groupId }} } else if (deckColumn.indexOf('news.') > -1) { // : todo : } else if (deckColumn.indexOf('hashtag.') > -1) { const hashtag = deckColumn.replace('hashtag.', '') title = 'Hashtag' subtitle = hashtag icon = 'apps' Component = HashtagTimeline componentParams = { params: { id: hashtag }} } } if (!Component) return null return ( <SortableItem key={`deck-column-${index}`} index={index} sortIndex={index} > <DeckColumn title={title} subtitle={subtitle} icon={icon} index={index} noRefresh={noRefresh} accountId={accountId} > <WrappedBundle component={Component} componentParams={componentParams} /> </DeckColumn> </SortableItem> ) } render () { const { gabDeckOrder, isPro } = this.props const isEmpty = gabDeckOrder.size === 0 const title = ( <span className={[_s.d, _s.flexRow, _s.jcCenter, _s.aiCenter].join(' ')}> <span className={[_s.d, _s.mr2].join(' ')}> Gab Deck for Gab </span> <span className={[_s.bgPro, _s.cBlack, _s.radiusSmall, _s.px5, _s.py5].join(' ')}>PRO</span> </span> ) return ( <SortableContainer axis='x' lockAxis='x' onSortEnd={this.onSortEnd} shouldCancelStart={this.onShouldCancelStart} > { (isEmpty || !isPro) && <React.Fragment> <DeckColumn title='Compose' icon='pencil' noButtons> <WrappedBundle component={Compose} /> </DeckColumn> { !isPro && <DeckColumn title={title} icon='pro' noButtons> <div className={[_s.d, _s.px15, _s.py15].join(' ')}> <Text> GabDeck is a unique way to customize your Gab experience. Upgrade to GabPRO to unlock the GabDeck. </Text> <div className={[_s.mt15, _s.d, _s.flexRow].join(' ')}> <Button href={URL_GAB_PRO}> <Text color='inherit' className={_s.px10}> Upgrade to GabPRO </Text> </Button> </div> </div> </DeckColumn> } <DeckColumn title='Explore' icon='explore' noButtons> <WrappedBundle component={ExploreTimeline} /> </DeckColumn> <DeckColumn title='News' icon='news' noButtons> <WrappedBundle component={News} componentParams={{ isSmall: true }} /> </DeckColumn> <DeckColumn /> </React.Fragment> } { !isEmpty && isPro &&, i) => this.getDeckColumn(deckOption, i)) } </SortableContainer> ) } } const SortableItem = sortableElement(({children}) => ( <div> {children} </div> )) const SortableContainer = sortableContainer(({children}) => ( <div className={[_s.d, _s.flexRow, _s.listStyleNone].join(' ')}> {children} </div> )) const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({ isPro: state.getIn(['accounts', me, 'is_pro']), gabDeckOrder: state.getIn(['settings', 'gabDeckOrder']), }) Deck.propTypes = { isPro: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, gabDeckOrder: ImmutablePropTypes.list, } export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Deck)