import React from 'react' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl' import { Map as ImmutableMap, List as ImmutableList, fromJS, } from 'immutable'; import { replyCompose, mentionCompose, quoteCompose, } from '../actions/compose'; import { repost, favorite, unrepost, unfavorite, } from '../actions/interactions'; import { hideStatus, revealStatus, fetchComments, fetchContext, } from '../actions/statuses'; import { openModal } from '../actions/modal'; import { openPopover } from '../actions/popover'; import { me, boostModal, } from '../initial_state' import { MODAL_BOOST, MODAL_CONFIRM, POPOVER_COMMENT_SORTING_OPTIONS, COMMENT_SORTING_TYPE_OLDEST, COMMENT_SORTING_TYPE_NEWEST, COMMENT_SORTING_TYPE_TOP, } from '../constants' import { makeGetStatus } from '../selectors' import Status from '../components/status'; const sortReplies = (replyIds, state, type) => { if (!replyIds) return replyIds if (type === COMMENT_SORTING_TYPE_OLDEST || !type) { return replyIds // default } else if (type === COMMENT_SORTING_TYPE_NEWEST) { return replyIds.reverse() } else if (type === COMMENT_SORTING_TYPE_TOP) { let statusList = [] replyIds.forEach((replyId) => { const status = state.getIn(['statuses', replyId]) if (status) { statusList.push({ id: replyId, likeCount: status.get('favourites_count'), }) } }) statusList.sort((a, b) => parseFloat(b.likeCount) - parseFloat(a.likeCount)) let newReplyIds = ImmutableList() for (let i = 0; i < statusList.length; i++) { const block = statusList[i]; newReplyIds = newReplyIds.set(i, } return newReplyIds } return replyIds } const getDescendants = (state, status, highlightStatusId, commentSortingType) => { let descendantsIds = ImmutableList() let index = 0 const MAX_INDENT = 2 descendantsIds = descendantsIds.withMutations((mutable) => { const ids = [{ id: status.get('id'), indent: -1, }] while (ids.length > 0) { let block = ids.shift() let id = let indent = block.indent let replies = state.getIn(['contexts', 'replies', id]) // Sort only Top-level replies (if original status not comment) if (index === 0) { replies = sortReplies(replies, state, commentSortingType) } if (status.get('id') !== id) { mutable.push(ImmutableMap({ statusId: id, indent: indent, isHighlighted: !!highlightStatusId && highlightStatusId === id, })) } if (replies) { indent++ indent = Math.min(MAX_INDENT, indent) replies.reverse().forEach((reply) => { ids.unshift({ id: reply, indent: indent, }) }) } index++ } }) return descendantsIds } const makeMapStateToProps = () => { const getStatus = makeGetStatus() const mapStateToProps = (state, props) => { const statusId = || props.params.statusId const username = props.params ? props.params.username : undefined const commentSortingType = state.getIn(['settings', 'commentSorting']) const status = getStatus(state, { id: statusId, username: username, }) let fetchedContext = false let descendantsIds = ImmutableList() let ancestorStatus // if (status && status.get('in_reply_to_account_id') && !props.isChild) { fetchedContext = true let inReplyTos = state.getIn(['contexts', 'inReplyTos']) let ancestorsIds = ImmutableList() ancestorsIds = ancestorsIds.withMutations(mutable => { let id = statusId; while (id) { mutable.unshift(id) id = inReplyTos.get(id) } }) const ancestorStatusId = ancestorsIds.get(0) if (ancestorStatusId !== statusId) { ancestorStatus = getStatus(state, { id: ancestorStatusId, }) if (!!ancestorStatus) descendantsIds = getDescendants(state, ancestorStatus, statusId) } } // if (status && status.get('replies_count') > 0 && !fetchedContext) { descendantsIds = getDescendants(state, status, null, commentSortingType) } const isComment = !!status ? !!status.get('in_reply_to_id') : false return { status, ancestorStatus, descendantsIds, isComment, commentSortingType, isComposeModalOpen: state.getIn(['modal', 'modalType']) === 'COMPOSE', } } return mapStateToProps }; const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({ onReply (status, router, showModal) { if (!me) return dispatch(openModal('UNAUTHORIZED')) dispatch((_, getState) => { const state = getState(); if (state.getIn(['compose', 'text']).trim().length !== 0) { dispatch(openModal('CONFIRM', { message: <FormattedMessage id='confirmations.reply.message' defaultMessage='Replying now will overwrite the message you are currently composing. Are you sure you want to proceed?' />, confirm: <FormattedMessage id='confirmations.reply.confirm' defaultMessage='Reply' />, onConfirm: () => dispatch(replyCompose(status, router)), })) } else { dispatch(replyCompose(status, router, showModal)); } }) }, onShowRevisions (status) { if (!me) return dispatch(openModal('UNAUTHORIZED')) dispatch(openModal('STATUS_REVISION', { status })); }, onFavorite (status) { if (!me) return dispatch(openModal('UNAUTHORIZED')) if (status.get('favourited')) { dispatch(unfavorite(status)); } else { dispatch(favorite(status)); } }, onMention (account, router) { if (!me) return dispatch(openModal('UNAUTHORIZED')) dispatch(mentionCompose(account, router)); }, onOpenMedia (media, index) { dispatch(openModal('MEDIA', { media, index })); }, onOpenVideo (media, time) { dispatch(openModal('VIDEO', { media, time })); }, onToggleHidden (status) { if (!me) return dispatch(openModal('UNAUTHORIZED')) if (status.get('hidden')) { dispatch(revealStatus(status.get('id'))); } else { dispatch(hideStatus(status.get('id'))); } }, onOpenLikes(status) { if (!me) return dispatch(openModal('UNAUTHORIZED')) dispatch(openModal('STATUS_LIKES', { status })) }, onOpenReposts(status) { if (!me) return dispatch(openModal('UNAUTHORIZED')) dispatch(openModal('STATUS_REPOSTS', { status })) }, onFetchComments(statusId) { dispatch(fetchComments(statusId)) }, onFetchContext(statusId) { dispatch(fetchContext(statusId)) }, onQuote (status, router) { if (!me) return dispatch(openModal('UNAUTHORIZED')) dispatch((_, getState) => { const state = getState() if (state.getIn(['compose', 'text']).trim().length !== 0) { dispatch(openModal(MODAL_CONFIRM, { message: <FormattedMessage id='confirmations.quote.message' defaultMessage='Quoting now will overwrite the message you are currently composing. Are you sure you want to proceed?' />, confirm: <FormattedMessage id='confirmations.quote.confirm' defaultMessage='Quote' />, onConfirm: () => dispatch(quoteCompose(status, router)), })) } else { dispatch(quoteCompose(status, router)) } }) }, onRepost (status) { if (!me) return dispatch(openModal('UNAUTHORIZED')) const alreadyReposted = status.get('reblogged') if (boostModal && !alreadyReposted) { dispatch(openModal(MODAL_BOOST, { status, onRepost: () => dispatch(repost(status)), })) } else { if (alreadyReposted) { dispatch(unrepost(status)) } else { dispatch(repost(status)) } } }, onCommentSortOpen(targetRef, callback) { dispatch(openPopover(POPOVER_COMMENT_SORTING_OPTIONS, { targetRef, callback, position: 'top', })) } }); export default connect(makeMapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Status);