import React from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom' import { defineMessages, injectIntl, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl' import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes' import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component' import { favorite, unfavorite, repost, unrepost, } from '../actions/interactions' import { replyCompose } from '../actions/compose' import { openModal } from '../actions/modal' import { openPopover } from '../actions/popover' import { makeGetStatus } from '../selectors' import { CX, MODAL_BOOST, } from '../constants' import { me, boostModal } from '../initial_state' import Avatar from './avatar' import Button from './button' import CommentHeader from './comment_header' import StatusContent from './status_content' import StatusMedia from './status_media' import { defaultMediaVisibility } from './status' import Text from './text' class Comment extends ImmutablePureComponent { static contextTypes = { router: PropTypes.object, } state = { showMedia: defaultMediaVisibility(this.props.status), statusId: undefined, height: undefined, } handleClick = () => { // } handleOnReply = () => { this.props.onReply(this.props.status, this.context.router) } handleOnFavorite = () => { this.props.onFavorite(this.props.status) } handleOnRepost = () => { this.props.onRepost(this.props.status) } handleOnOpenStatusOptions = () => { this.props.onOpenStatusOptions(this.moreNode, this.props.status) } handleToggleMediaVisibility = () => { this.setState({ showMedia: !this.state.showMedia }) } handleOnThreadMouseEnter = (event) => { if ( { const threadKey ='data-threader-indent') const elems = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-threader-indent="${threadKey}"]`) elems.forEach((elem) => elem.classList.add('thread-hovering')) } } handleOnThreadMouseLeave = (event) => { if ( { const threadKey ='data-threader-indent') const elems = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-threader-indent="${threadKey}"]`) elems.forEach((elem) => elem.classList.remove('thread-hovering')) } } handleOnThreadClick = (event) => { // : todo : } setMoreNode = (c) => { this.moreNode = c } setContainerNode = (c) => { this.containerNode = c if (this.props.isHighlighted && this.containerNode) { this.containerNode.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' }); } } render() { const { indent, intl, status, isHidden, isHighlighted, isDetached, ancestorAccountId, } = this.props if (isHidden) { return ( <div tabIndex='0' ref={this.setContainerNode}> {status.getIn(['account', 'display_name']) || status.getIn(['account', 'username'])} {status.get('content')} </div> ) } const style = { paddingLeft: `${indent * 38}px`, } const containerClasses = CX({ d: 1, px15: 1, pt5: !isDetached, pt10: isDetached, pb5: isDetached, borderBottom1PX: isDetached, borderColorSecondary: isDetached, }) const contentClasses = CX({ d: 1, px10: 1, pt5: 1, pb10: 1, radiusSmall: 1, bgSubtle: !isHighlighted, highlightedComment: isHighlighted, }) return ( <div className={containerClasses} data-comment={status.get('id')} ref={this.setContainerNode} > { indent > 0 && <div className={[_s.d, _s.z3, _s.flexRow, _s.posAbs, _s.topNeg20PX, _s.left0, _s.bottom20PX, _s.aiCenter, _s.jcCenter].join(' ')}> {Array.apply(null, { length: indent }).map((_, i) => ( <button key={`thread-${status.get('id')}-${i}`} data-threader data-threader-indent={i} onMouseEnter={this.handleOnThreadMouseEnter} onMouseLeave={this.handleOnThreadMouseLeave} onClick={this.handleOnThreadClick} className={[_s.d, _s.w14PX, _s.h100PC, _s.outlineNone, _s.bgTransparent, _s.ml20, _s.cursorPointer].join(' ')} > <span className={[_s.d, _s.w2PX, _s.h100PC, _s.mlAuto, _s.mr2, _s.bgSubtle].join(' ')} /> </button> ))} </div> } <div className={[_s.d, _s.mb5].join(' ')} style={style}> <div className={[_s.d, _s.flexRow].join(' ')}> <NavLink to={`/${status.getIn(['account', 'acct'])}`} title={status.getIn(['account', 'acct'])} className={[_s.d, _s.mr10, _s.pt5].join(' ')} > <Avatar account={status.get('account')} size={30} /> </NavLink> <div className={[_s.d, _s.flexShrink1, _s.maxW100PC42PX].join(' ')}> <div className={contentClasses}> <CommentHeader ancestorAccountId={ancestorAccountId} status={status} onOpenRevisions={this.props.onOpenStatusRevisionsPopover} onOpenLikes={this.props.onOpenLikes} onOpenReposts={this.props.onOpenReposts} /> <StatusContent status={status} onClick={this.handleClick} isComment collapsable /> <div className={[_s.d, _s.mt5].join(' ')}> <StatusMedia isComment status={status} onOpenMedia={this.props.onOpenMedia} cacheWidth={this.props.cacheMediaWidth} defaultWidth={this.props.cachedMediaWidth} visible={this.state.showMedia} onToggleVisibility={this.handleToggleMediaVisibility} width={this.props.cachedMediaWidth} /> </div> </div> <div className={[_s.d, _s.flexRow, _s.mt5].join(' ')}> <CommentButton title={intl.formatMessage(status.get('favourited') ? messages.unlike :} onClick={this.handleOnFavorite} /> <CommentButton title={intl.formatMessage(messages.reply)} onClick={this.handleOnReply} /> <CommentButton title={intl.formatMessage(status.get('reblogged') ? messages.unrepost : messages.repost)} onClick={this.handleOnRepost} /> <div ref={this.setMoreNode}> <CommentButton title='ยทยทยท' onClick={this.handleOnOpenStatusOptions} /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> ) } } class CommentButton extends React.PureComponent { render() { const { onClick, title } = this.props return ( <Button isText radiusSmall backgroundColor='none' color='tertiary' className={[_s.px5, _s.bgSubtle_onHover, _s.py2, _s.mr5].join(' ')} onClick={onClick} > <Text size='extraSmall' color='inherit' weight='bold'> {title} </Text> </Button> ) } } CommentButton.propTypes = { onClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired, title: PropTypes.string.isRequired, } const messages = defineMessages({ reply: { id: 'status.reply', defaultMessage: 'Reply' }, repost: { id: 'status.repost', defaultMessage: 'Repost' }, unrepost: { id: 'status.unrepost', defaultMessage: 'Unrepost' }, like: { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Like' }, unlike: { id: 'status.unlike', defaultMessage: 'Unlike' }, }) const makeMapStateToProps = (state, props) => ({ status: makeGetStatus()(state, props) }) const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({ onReply(status, router) { if (!me) return dispatch(openModal('UNAUTHORIZED')) dispatch((_, getState) => { const state = getState(); if (state.getIn(['compose', 'text']).trim().length !== 0) { dispatch(openModal('CONFIRM', { message: <FormattedMessage id='confirmations.reply.message' defaultMessage='Replying now will overwrite the message you are currently composing. Are you sure you want to proceed?' />, confirm: <FormattedMessage id='confirmations.reply.confirm' defaultMessage='Reply' />, onConfirm: () => dispatch(replyCompose(status, router)), })) } else { dispatch(replyCompose(status, router, true)) } }) }, onFavorite(status) { if (!me) return dispatch(openModal('UNAUTHORIZED')) if (status.get('favourited')) { dispatch(unfavorite(status)) } else { dispatch(favorite(status)) } }, onRepost(status) { if (!me) return dispatch(openModal('UNAUTHORIZED')) const alreadyReposted = status.get('reblogged') if (boostModal && !alreadyReposted) { dispatch(openModal(MODAL_BOOST, { status, onRepost: () => dispatch(repost(status)), })) } else { if (alreadyReposted) { dispatch(unrepost(status)) } else { dispatch(repost(status)) } } }, onOpenStatusOptions(targetRef, status) { dispatch(openPopover('STATUS_OPTIONS', { targetRef, statusId: status.get('id'), position: 'top', })) }, onOpenLikes(status) { dispatch(openModal('STATUS_LIKES', { status })) }, onOpenReposts(status) { dispatch(openModal('STATUS_REPOSTS', { status })) }, onOpenStatusRevisionsPopover(status) { dispatch(openModal('STATUS_REVISIONS', { status, })) }, onOpenMedia (media, index) { dispatch(openModal('MEDIA', { media, index })); }, }) Comment.propTypes = { indent: PropTypes.number, intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired, ancestorAccountId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, status:, isHidden: PropTypes.bool, isDetached: PropTypes.bool, isIntersecting: PropTypes.bool, isHighlighted: PropTypes.bool, onReply: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onFavorite: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onRepost: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onOpenStatusOptions: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onOpenLikes: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onOpenReposts: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onOpenStatusRevisionsPopover: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onOpenMedia: PropTypes.func.isRequired } export default injectIntl(connect(makeMapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Comment))