# frozen_string_literal: true require 'sidekiq/web' require 'sidekiq-scheduler/web' Sidekiq::Web.set :session_secret, Rails.application.secrets[:secret_key_base] Rails.application.routes.draw do mount LetterOpenerWeb::Engine, at: 'letter_opener' if Rails.env.development? authenticate :user, lambda { |u| u.admin? } do mount Sidekiq::Web, at: 'sidekiq', as: :sidekiq mount PgHero::Engine, at: 'pghero', as: :pghero end use_doorkeeper do controllers authorizations: 'oauth/authorizations', authorized_applications: 'oauth/authorized_applications', tokens: 'oauth/tokens' end get '.well-known/host-meta', to: 'well_known/host_meta#show', as: :host_meta, defaults: { format: 'xml' } get '.well-known/webfinger', to: 'well_known/webfinger#show', as: :webfinger get '.well-known/change-password', to: redirect('/auth/edit') get '.well-known/keybase-proof-config', to: 'well_known/keybase_proof_config#show' get 'manifest', to: 'manifests#show', defaults: { format: 'json' } get 'intent', to: 'intents#show' get 'custom.css', to: 'custom_css#show', as: :custom_css devise_scope :user do get '/invite/:invite_code', to: 'auth/registrations#new', as: :public_invite match '/auth/finish_signup' => 'auth/confirmations#finish_signup', via: [:get, :patch], as: :finish_signup end devise_for :users, path: 'auth', controllers: { omniauth_callbacks: 'auth/omniauth_callbacks', sessions: 'auth/sessions', registrations: 'auth/registrations', passwords: 'auth/passwords', confirmations: 'auth/confirmations', } get '/users/:username', to: redirect('/%{username}'), constraints: lambda { |req| req.format.nil? || req.format.html? } get '/authorize_follow', to: redirect { |_, request| "/authorize_interaction?#{request.params.to_query}" } resources :accounts, path: 'users', only: [:show], param: :username do resources :stream_entries, path: 'updates', only: [:show] do member do get :embed end end get :remote_follow, to: 'remote_follow#new' post :remote_follow, to: 'remote_follow#create' resources :statuses, only: [:show] do member do get :activity get :embed get :replies end end resources :followers, only: [:index], controller: :follower_accounts resources :following, only: [:index], controller: :following_accounts resource :follow, only: [:create], controller: :account_follow resource :unfollow, only: [:create], controller: :account_unfollow resource :outbox, only: [:show], module: :activitypub resource :inbox, only: [:create], module: :activitypub resources :collections, only: [:show], module: :activitypub end resource :inbox, only: [:create], module: :activitypub get '/interact/:id', to: 'remote_interaction#new', as: :remote_interaction post '/interact/:id', to: 'remote_interaction#create' namespace :settings do resource :profile, only: [:show, :update] resource :preferences, only: [:show, :update] resource :notifications, only: [:show, :update] resource :import, only: [:show, :create] namespace :billing do get :upgrade, to: 'upgrade#index', as: :upgrade get :transactions, to: 'transactions#index', as: :transactions post '/btcpay-notification', to: 'upgrade#btcpay_notification', as: :btcpay_notification end namespace :verifications do get :moderation, to: 'moderation#index', as: :moderation get 'moderation/:id/approve', to: 'moderation#approve', as: :approve get 'moderation/:id/reject', to: 'moderation#reject', as: :reject resources :requests, only: [:index, :create] end resource :export, only: [:show, :create] namespace :exports, constraints: { format: :csv } do resources :follows, only: :index, controller: :following_accounts resources :blocks, only: :index, controller: :blocked_accounts resources :mutes, only: :index, controller: :muted_accounts resources :lists, only: :index, controller: :lists resources :domain_blocks, only: :index, controller: :blocked_domains end resource :two_factor_authentication, only: [:show, :create, :destroy] namespace :two_factor_authentication do resources :recovery_codes, only: [:create] resource :confirmation, only: [:new, :create] end resources :identity_proofs, only: [:index, :show, :new, :create, :update] resources :applications, except: [:edit] do member do post :regenerate end end resource :delete, only: [:show, :destroy] resource :migration, only: [:show, :update] resources :sessions, only: [:destroy] resources :featured_tags, only: [:index, :create, :destroy] end resources :media, only: [:show] do get :player end resources :emojis, only: [:show] resources :invites, only: [:index, :create, :destroy] resources :filters, except: [:show] resource :relationships, only: [:show, :update] get '/public', to: redirect('/home'), as: :public_timeline # homehack get '/media_proxy/:id/(*any)', to: 'media_proxy#show', as: :media_proxy # Remote follow resource :remote_unfollow, only: [:create] resource :authorize_interaction, only: [:show, :create] resource :share, only: [:show, :create] namespace :admin do get '/dashboard', to: 'dashboard#index' resources :subscriptions, only: [:index] resources :domain_blocks, only: [:new, :create, :show, :destroy] resources :email_domain_blocks, only: [:index, :new, :create, :destroy] resources :action_logs, only: [:index] resources :warning_presets, except: [:new] resource :settings, only: [:edit, :update] resources :invites, only: [:index, :create, :destroy] do collection do post :deactivate_all end end resources :relays, only: [:index, :new, :create, :destroy] do member do post :enable post :disable end end resources :instances, only: [:index, :show], constraints: { id: /[^\/]+/ } resources :reports, only: [:index, :show] do member do post :assign_to_self post :unassign post :reopen post :resolve end resources :reported_statuses, only: [:create] end resources :report_notes, only: [:create, :destroy] resources :accounts, only: [:index, :show] do member do post :subscribe post :unsubscribe post :enable post :unsilence post :unsuspend post :redownload post :remove_avatar post :remove_header post :memorialize post :approve post :reject post :verify post :unverify post :add_donor_badge post :remove_donor_badge post :add_investor_badge post :remove_investor_badge end resource :change_email, only: [:show, :update] resource :reset, only: [:create] resource :action, only: [:new, :create], controller: 'account_actions' resources :statuses, only: [:index, :show, :create, :update, :destroy] resources :followers, only: [:index] resource :confirmation, only: [:create] do collection do post :resend end end resource :role do member do post :promote post :demote end end end resources :pending_accounts, only: [:index] do collection do post :approve_all post :reject_all post :batch end end resources :users, only: [] do resource :two_factor_authentication, only: [:destroy] end resources :custom_emojis, only: [:index, :new, :create, :update, :destroy] do member do post :copy post :enable post :disable end end resources :account_moderation_notes, only: [:create, :destroy] resources :tags, only: [:index] do member do post :hide post :unhide end end end get '/admin', to: redirect('/admin/dashboard', status: 302) namespace :api do # PubSubHubbub outgoing subscriptions resources :subscriptions, only: [:show] post '/subscriptions/:id', to: 'subscriptions#update' # PubSubHubbub incoming subscriptions post '/push', to: 'push#update', as: :push # Salmon post '/salmon/:id', to: 'salmon#update', as: :salmon # OEmbed get '/oembed', to: 'oembed#show', as: :oembed # Identity proofs get :proofs, to: 'proofs#index' # JSON / REST API namespace :v1 do resources :statuses, only: [:create, :show, :destroy] do scope module: :statuses do resources :reblogged_by, controller: :reblogged_by_accounts, only: :index resources :favourited_by, controller: :favourited_by_accounts, only: :index resource :reblog, only: :create post :unreblog, to: 'reblogs#destroy' resource :favourite, only: :create post :unfavourite, to: 'favourites#destroy' resource :mute, only: :create post :unmute, to: 'mutes#destroy' resource :pin, only: :create post :unpin, to: 'pins#destroy' end member do get :context get :card end end namespace :timelines do resource :direct, only: :show, controller: :direct resource :home, only: :show, controller: :home resource :public, only: :show, controller: :public resources :tag, only: :show resources :list, only: :show resources :group, only: :show end resources :streaming, only: [:index] resources :custom_emojis, only: [:index] resources :suggestions, only: [:index, :destroy] resources :scheduled_statuses, only: [:index, :show, :update, :destroy] resources :preferences, only: [:index] resources :trends, only: [:index] resources :conversations, only: [:index, :destroy] do member do post :read end end get '/search', to: 'search#index', as: :search get '/account_by_username/:username', to: 'account_by_username#show' resources :follows, only: [:create] resources :media, only: [:create, :update] resources :blocks, only: [:index] resources :mutes, only: [:index] resources :favourites, only: [:index] resources :reports, only: [:create] resources :filters, only: [:index, :create, :show, :update, :destroy] resources :endorsements, only: [:index] namespace :apps do get :verify_credentials, to: 'credentials#show' end resources :apps, only: [:create] resource :instance, only: [:show] do resources :peers, only: [:index], controller: 'instances/peers' resource :activity, only: [:show], controller: 'instances/activity' end resource :domain_blocks, only: [:show, :create, :destroy] resources :follow_requests, only: [:index] do member do post :authorize post :reject end end resources :notifications, only: [:index, :show] do collection do post :clear post :dismiss # Deprecated end member do post :dismiss end end namespace :accounts do get :verify_credentials, to: 'credentials#show' patch :update_credentials, to: 'credentials#update' resource :search, only: :show, controller: :search resources :relationships, only: :index end resources :accounts, only: [:create, :show] do resources :statuses, only: :index, controller: 'accounts/statuses' resources :followers, only: :index, controller: 'accounts/follower_accounts' resources :following, only: :index, controller: 'accounts/following_accounts' resources :lists, only: :index, controller: 'accounts/lists' resources :identity_proofs, only: :index, controller: 'accounts/identity_proofs' member do post :follow post :unfollow post :block post :unblock post :mute post :unmute end resource :pin, only: :create, controller: 'accounts/pins' post :unpin, to: 'accounts/pins#destroy' end resources :lists, only: [:index, :create, :show, :update, :destroy] do resource :accounts, only: [:show, :create, :destroy], controller: 'lists/accounts' end resources :groups, only: [:index, :create, :show, :update, :destroy] do member do delete '/statuses/:status_id', to: 'groups#destroy_status' post '/statuses/:status_id/approve', to: 'groups#approve_status' end resources :relationships, only: :index, controller: 'groups/relationships' resource :accounts, only: [:show, :create, :update, :destroy], controller: 'groups/accounts' resource :removed_accounts, only: [:show, :create, :destroy], controller: 'groups/removed_accounts' end resources :polls, only: [:create, :show] do resources :votes, only: :create, controller: 'polls/votes' end namespace :push do resource :subscription, only: [:create, :show, :update, :destroy] end end namespace :v2 do get '/search', to: 'search#index', as: :search end namespace :web do resource :settings, only: [:update] resource :embed, only: [:create] resources :push_subscriptions, only: [:create] do member do put :update end end end end get '/', to: 'about#show', as: :homepage get '/about', to: 'about#more' get '/about/tos', to: 'about#terms' get '/about/privacy', to: 'about#privacy' get '/about/investors', to: 'about#investors' get '/about/dmca', to: 'about#dmca' get '/about/sales', to: 'about#sales' get '/(*any)', to: 'home#index', as: :web root 'home#index' # Routes that are now to be used within webapp, but still referenced within application # TODO : Consolidate get '/explore', to: 'directories#index', as: :explore get '/explore/:id', to: 'directories#show', as: :explore_hashtag get '/:username', to: 'accounts#show', as: :short_account get '/:username/with_replies', to: 'accounts#show', as: :short_account_with_replies get '/:username/media', to: 'accounts#show', as: :short_account_media get '/:username/tagged/:tag', to: 'accounts#show', as: :short_account_tag get '/:account_username/posts/:id', to: 'statuses#show', as: :short_account_status get '/:account_username/posts/:id/embed', to: 'statuses#embed', as: :embed_short_account_status resources :tags, only: [:show] match '*unmatched_route', via: :all, to: 'application#raise_not_found', format: false end