// https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Rosey/markdown-draft-js/main/src/markdown-to-draft.js import { Remarkable } from 'remarkable'; const TRAILING_NEW_LINE = /\n$/; // In DraftJS, string lengths are calculated differently than in JS itself (due // to surrogate pairs). Instead of importing the entire UnicodeUtils file from // FBJS, we use a simpler alternative, in the form of `Array.from`. // // Alternative: const { strlen } = require('fbjs/lib/UnicodeUtils'); function strlen(str) { return Array.from(str).length; } // Block level items, key is Remarkable's key for them, value returned is // A function that generates the raw draftjs key and block data. // // Why a function? Because in some cases (headers) we need additional information // before we can determine the exact key to return. And blocks may also return data const DefaultBlockTypes = { paragraph_open: function (item) { return { type: 'unstyled', text: '', entityRanges: [], inlineStyleRanges: [] }; }, blockquote_open: function (item) { return { type: 'blockquote', text: '' }; }, ordered_list_item_open: function () { return { type: 'ordered-list-item', text: '' }; }, unordered_list_item_open: function () { return { type: 'unordered-list-item', text: '' }; }, fence: function (item) { return { type: 'code-block', data: { language: item.params || '' }, text: (item.content || '').replace(TRAILING_NEW_LINE, ''), // remarkable seems to always append an erronious trailing newline to its codeblock content, so we need to trim it out. entityRanges: [], inlineStyleRanges: [] }; }, heading_open: function (item) { var type = 'header-' + ({ 1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three', 4: 'four', 5: 'five', 6: 'six' })[item.hLevel]; return { type: type, text: '' }; } }; // Entity types. These are things like links or images that require // additional data and will be added to the `entityMap` // again. In this case, key is remarkable key, value is // meethod that returns the draftjs key + any data needed. const DefaultBlockEntities = { link_open: function (item) { return { type: 'LINK', mutability: 'MUTABLE', data: { url: item.href, href: item.href } }; } }; // Entity styles. Simple Inline styles that aren't added to entityMap // key is remarkable key, value is draftjs raw key const DefaultBlockStyles = { strong_open: 'BOLD', em_open: 'ITALIC', code: 'CODE' }; // Key generator for entityMap items var idCounter = -1; function generateUniqueKey() { idCounter++; return idCounter; } /* * Handle inline content in a block level item * parses for BlockEntities (links, images) and BlockStyles (em, strong) * doesn't handle block level items (blockquote, ordered list, etc) * * @param <Object> inlineItem - single object from remarkable data representation of markdown * @param <Object> BlockEntities - key-value object of mappable block entity items. Passed in as param so users can include their own custom stuff * @param <Object> BlockStyles - key-value object of mappable block styles items. Passed in as param so users can include their own custom stuff * * @return <Object> * content: Entire text content for the inline item, * blockEntities: New block eneities to be added to global block entity map * blockEntityRanges: block-level representation of block entities including key to access the block entity from the global map * blockStyleRanges: block-level representation of styles (eg strong, em) */ function parseInline(inlineItem, BlockEntities, BlockStyles) { var content = '', blockEntities = {}, blockEntityRanges = [], blockInlineStyleRanges = []; inlineItem.children.forEach(function (child) { if (child.type === 'text') { content += child.content; } else if (child.type === 'softbreak') { content += '\n'; } else if (child.type === 'hardbreak') { content += '\n'; } else if (BlockStyles[child.type]) { var key = generateUniqueKey(); var styleBlock = { offset: strlen(content) || 0, length: 0, style: BlockStyles[child.type] }; // Edge case hack because code items don't have inline content or open/close, unlike everything else if (child.type === 'code') { styleBlock.length = strlen(child.content); content += child.content; } blockInlineStyleRanges.push(styleBlock); } else if (BlockEntities[child.type]) { var key = generateUniqueKey(); blockEntities[key] = BlockEntities[child.type](child); blockEntityRanges.push({ offset: strlen(content) || 0, length: 0, key: key }); } else if (child.type.indexOf('_close') !== -1 && BlockEntities[child.type.replace('_close', '_open')]) { blockEntityRanges[blockEntityRanges.length - 1].length = strlen(content) - blockEntityRanges[blockEntityRanges.length - 1].offset; } else if (child.type.indexOf('_close') !== -1 && BlockStyles[child.type.replace('_close', '_open')]) { var type = BlockStyles[child.type.replace('_close', '_open')] blockInlineStyleRanges = blockInlineStyleRanges .map(style => { if (style.length === 0 && style.style === type) { style.length = strlen(content) - style.offset; } return style; }); } }); return {content, blockEntities, blockEntityRanges, blockInlineStyleRanges}; } /** * Convert markdown into raw draftjs object * * @param {String} markdown - markdown to convert into raw draftjs object * @param {Object} options - optional additional data, see readme for what options can be passed in. * * @return {Object} rawDraftObject **/ function markdownToDraft(string, options = {}) { const remarkablePreset = options.remarkablePreset || options.remarkableOptions; const remarkableOptions = typeof options.remarkableOptions === 'object' ? options.remarkableOptions : null; const md = new Remarkable(remarkablePreset, remarkableOptions); // if tables are not explicitly enabled, disable them by default if ( !remarkableOptions || !remarkableOptions.enable || !remarkableOptions.enable.block || remarkableOptions.enable.block !== 'table' || remarkableOptions.enable.block.includes('table') === false ) { md.block.ruler.disable('table'); } // disable the specified rules if (remarkableOptions && remarkableOptions.disable) { for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(remarkableOptions.disable)) { md[key].ruler.disable(value); } } // enable the specified rules if (remarkableOptions && remarkableOptions.enable) { for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(remarkableOptions.enable)) { md[key].ruler.enable(value); } } // If users want to define custom remarkable plugins for custom markdown, they can be added here if (options.remarkablePlugins) { options.remarkablePlugins.forEach(function (plugin) { md.use(plugin, {}); }); } var blocks = []; // blocks will be returned as part of the final draftjs raw object var entityMap = {}; // entitymap will be returned as part of the final draftjs raw object var parsedData = md.parse(string, {}); // remarkable js takes markdown and makes it an array of style objects for us to easily parse var currentListType = null; // Because of how remarkable's data is formatted, we need to cache what kind of list we're currently dealing with var previousBlockEndingLine = 0; // Allow user to define custom BlockTypes and Entities if they so wish const BlockTypes = Object.assign({}, DefaultBlockTypes, options.blockTypes || {}); const BlockEntities = Object.assign({}, DefaultBlockEntities, options.blockEntities || {}); const BlockStyles = Object.assign({}, DefaultBlockStyles, options.blockStyles || {}); parsedData.forEach(function (item) { // Because of how remarkable's data is formatted, we need to cache what kind of list we're currently dealing with if (item.type === 'bullet_list_open') { currentListType = 'unordered_list_item_open'; } else if (item.type === 'ordered_list_open') { currentListType = 'ordered_list_item_open'; } var itemType = item.type; if (itemType === 'list_item_open') { itemType = currentListType; } if (itemType === 'inline') { // Parse inline content and apply it to the most recently created block level item, // which is where the inline content will belong. var {content, blockEntities, blockEntityRanges, blockInlineStyleRanges} = parseInline(item, BlockEntities, BlockStyles); var blockToModify = blocks[blocks.length - 1]; blockToModify.text = content; blockToModify.inlineStyleRanges = blockInlineStyleRanges; blockToModify.entityRanges = blockEntityRanges; // The entity map is a master object separate from the block so just add any entities created for this block to the master object Object.assign(entityMap, blockEntities); } else if ((itemType.indexOf('_open') !== -1 || itemType === 'fence' || itemType === 'hr') && BlockTypes[itemType]) { var depth = 0; var block; if (item.level > 0) { depth = Math.floor(item.level / 2); } // Draftjs only supports 1 level of blocks, hence the item.level === 0 check // List items will always be at least `level==1` though so we need a separate check for that // If there’s nested block level items deeper than that, we need to make sure we capture this by cloning the topmost block // otherwise we’ll accidentally overwrite its text. (eg if there's a blockquote with 3 nested paragraphs with inline text, without this check, only the last paragraph would be reflected) if (item.level === 0 || item.type === 'list_item_open') { block = Object.assign({ depth: depth }, BlockTypes[itemType](item)); } else if (item.level > 0 && blocks[blocks.length - 1].text) { block = Object.assign({}, blocks[blocks.length - 1]); } if (block && options.preserveNewlines) { // Re: previousBlockEndingLine.... omg. // So remarkable strips out empty newlines and doesn't make any entities to parse to restore them // the only solution I could find is that there's a 2-value array on each block item called "lines" which is the start and end line of the block element. // by keeping track of the PREVIOUS block element ending line and the NEXT block element starting line, we can find the difference between the new lines and insert // an appropriate number of extra paragraphs to re-create those newlines in draftjs. // This is probably my least favourite thing in this file, but not sure what could be better. var totalEmptyParagraphsToCreate = item.lines[0] - previousBlockEndingLine; for (var i = 0; i < totalEmptyParagraphsToCreate; i++) { blocks.push(DefaultBlockTypes.paragraph_open()); } } if (block) { previousBlockEndingLine = item.lines[1]; blocks.push(block); } } }); // EditorState.createWithContent will error if there's no blocks defined // Remarkable returns an empty array though. So we have to generate a 'fake' // empty block in this case. 😑 if (!blocks.length) { blocks.push(DefaultBlockTypes.paragraph_open()); } return { entityMap, blocks }; } export default markdownToDraft;