import React from 'react' import Block from '../../components/block' import Button from '../../components/button' import Divider from '../../components/divider' import Heading from '../../components/heading' import Text from '../../components/text' export default class Press extends React.PureComponent { render() { return ( <div className={[_s.default, _s.minH50VH].join(' ')}> <Block> <div className={[_s.default, _s.px15, _s.py15, _s.mb10].join(' ')}> <Heading>Press Inquiries</Heading> <div className={[_s.d, _s.mt15, _s.pb15, _s.w100PC].join(' ')}> <Text tagName='p' className={_s.mt15} size='medium'>Gab is a social network that champions free speech, individual liberty and the free flow of information online. All are welcome.</Text> <Text tagName='p' className={_s.mt15} size='medium'> To contact Gab for press please email <Button isText underlineOnHover color='brand' backgroundColor='none' className={_s.displayInline} href='' > </Button>. </Text> </div> </div> </Block> </div> ) } }