# == Schema Information # # Table name: groups # # id :bigint(8) not null, primary key # account_id :bigint(8) # title :string not null # description :string not null # cover_image_file_name :string # cover_image_content_type :string # cover_image_file_size :integer # cover_image_updated_at :datetime # is_nsfw :boolean default(FALSE), not null # is_featured :boolean default(FALSE), not null # is_archived :boolean default(FALSE), not null # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # member_count :integer default(0) # slug :text # is_private :boolean default(FALSE) # is_visible :boolean default(FALSE) # tags :string default([]), is an Array # password :string # group_category_id :integer # class Group < ApplicationRecord self.ignored_columns = ["group_categories_id"] include Paginable include GroupInteractions include GroupCoverImage PER_ACCOUNT_LIMIT = 50 belongs_to :account, optional: true has_many :group_accounts, inverse_of: :group, dependent: :destroy has_many :accounts, through: :group_accounts has_many :group_join_requests, inverse_of: :group, dependent: :destroy has_many :join_requests, source: :account, through: :group_join_requests has_many :group_pinned_statuses, inverse_of: :group, dependent: :destroy has_many :pinned_statuses, source: :status, through: :group_pinned_statuses has_many :group_removed_accounts, inverse_of: :group, dependent: :destroy has_many :removed_accounts, source: :account, through: :group_removed_accounts belongs_to :group_categories, optional: true, foreign_key: 'group_category_id' validates :title, presence: true validates :description, presence: true validates_each :account_id, on: :create do |record, _attr, value| record.errors.add(:base, I18n.t('groups.errors.limit')) if Group.where(account_id: value).count >= PER_ACCOUNT_LIMIT end before_destroy :clean_feed_manager after_create :add_owner_to_accounts class << self def search_for(term, limit = 100, offset = 0) pattern = sanitize_sql_like(term.strip) + '%' Group.where('lower(title) like lower(?) AND is_archived=false AND is_visible=true', pattern) .order('member_count DESC') .limit(limit) .offset(offset) end end private def add_owner_to_accounts group_accounts << GroupAccount.new(account: account, role: :admin, write_permissions: true) end def clean_feed_manager reblog_key = FeedManager.instance.key(:group, id, 'reblogs') reblogged_id_set = Redis.current.zrange(reblog_key, 0, -1) Redis.current.pipelined do Redis.current.del(FeedManager.instance.key(:group, id)) Redis.current.del(reblog_key) reblogged_id_set.each do |reblogged_id| reblog_set_key = FeedManager.instance.key(:group, id, "reblogs:#{reblogged_id}") Redis.current.del(reblog_set_key) end end end end