122 lines
3.6 KiB
122 lines
3.6 KiB
# frozen_string_literal: true
class SortingQueryBuilder < BaseService
def call(sort_type, group = nil, page = 1, account_id = nil, source = nil)
limit = 20
min_likes = 5
min_reblogs = 2
min_replies = 1
date_limit = 5.years.ago
pure_limit = "NOW() - INTERVAL '14 days'"
max_page = 8
case sort_type
when 'hot'
date_limit = 8.hours.ago
pure_limit = "NOW() - INTERVAL '8 hours'"
when 'top_today'
date_limit = 24.hours.ago
pure_limit = "NOW() - INTERVAL '24 hours'"
when 'top_weekly'
date_limit = 7.days.ago
pure_limit = "NOW() - INTERVAL '7 days'"
when 'top_monthly'
date_limit = 30.days.ago
pure_limit = "NOW() - INTERVAL '30 days'"
when 'top_yearly'
date_limit = 1.year.ago
top_order = 'status_stats.favourites_count DESC, status_stats.reblogs_count DESC, status_stats.replies_count DESC'
valid_sort_types = [
if page.to_i > max_page
return []
if source == 'group_collection'
return [] if account_id.nil?
query = "
select q.* from (
select s.*
from statuses s
join group_accounts ga
on s.group_id = ga.group_id
and ga.account_id = #{account_id} "
query += "
join status_stats ss
on s.id = ss.status_id " if sort_type != 'newest'
query += "
where "
query += "
ss.updated_at > #{pure_limit} " if sort_type == 'recent'
query += "
s.created_at > #{pure_limit} " if sort_type != 'recent'
query += "
and s.reply is false
and s.reblog_of_id is null "
if sort_type != 'newest'
query += "
order by ss.favourites_count desc, ss.reblogs_count desc, ss.replies_count desc "
query += "
order by s.created_at desc "
query += "limit #{limit} "
if page.to_i > 1
query += "offset #{page.to_i * limit}"
query += "
) q
left join custom_filters cf
on cf.account_id = #{account_id}
and q.text like '%' || cf.phrase || '%'
where cf.id is null
return Status.find_by_sql query
if sort_type == 'newest'
query = Status.without_replies.without_reblogs
query = query.with_public_visibility if group.nil?
query = query.where('statuses.created_at > ?', date_limit)
query = query.where(group: group) unless group.nil?
query = query.page(page.to_i)
query = query.per(limit)
return query
query = StatusStat.where('status_stats.created_at > ?', date_limit)
query = query.order(top_order) unless sort_type == 'recent'
query = query.order(updated_at: :desc) if sort_type == 'recent'
query = query.where('status_stats.replies_count > ?', min_replies) unless sort_type == 'recent'
query = query.where('status_stats.reblogs_count > ?', min_reblogs) unless sort_type == 'recent'
query = query.where('status_stats.favourites_count > ?', min_likes) unless sort_type == 'recent'
query = query.joins(:status)
query = query.where('statuses.reblog_of_id IS NULL')
query = query.where('statuses.in_reply_to_id IS NULL')
query = query.where('statuses.group_id': group) unless group.nil?
query = query.where('statuses.visibility': 0) if group.nil?
query = query.page(page)
query = query.per(limit)
query = query.map(&:status)
return query