- Removed status counting in dashboard for admins - Added limit to notifications to only 7 days ago - Removed ability for non-logged in users to view group, group-collection timelines - Limited account realtime search on compose, list, chat actions - Removed fetching of user suggestions - Removed fetching of shortcuts - Removed featured groups, user suggestions timeline injections - Removed group featured panel from explore layout for non logged in users - Removed media gallery panel from profile layout - Removed lists, suggestions, groups panel from home page - Removed user suggestions to list page - Updated pro_timelie in status.rb to find only from 1 hour ago - Updated home timeline to not include groups and to find only latest from 5 days ago - Removed search for non logged in users
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# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'sidekiq/api'
module Admin
class DashboardController < BaseController
def index
@users_count = User.count
@statuses_count = "." #Status.count
@pro_accounts_count = Account.where(is_pro: true).count
@donor_accounts_count = Account.where(is_donor: true).count
@registrations_week = Redis.current.get("activity:accounts:local:#{current_week}") || 0
@logins_week = Redis.current.pfcount("activity:logins:#{current_week}")
@interactions_week = Redis.current.get("activity:interactions:#{current_week}") || 0
@single_user_mode = Rails.configuration.x.single_user_mode
@search_enabled = Chewy.enabled?
@version = GabSocial::Version.to_s
@database_version = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('SELECT VERSION()').first['version'].match(/\A(?:PostgreSQL |)([^\s]+).*\z/)[1]
@redis_version = redis_info['redis_version']
@reports_count = Report.unresolved.count
@queue_backlog = Sidekiq::Stats.new.enqueued
@recent_users = User.confirmed.recent.includes(:account).limit(4)
@database_size = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('SELECT pg_database_size(current_database())').first['pg_database_size']
@redis_size = redis_info['used_memory']
@ldap_enabled = ENV['LDAP_ENABLED'] == 'true'
@cas_enabled = ENV['CAS_ENABLED'] == 'true'
@saml_enabled = ENV['SAML_ENABLED'] == 'true'
@pam_enabled = ENV['PAM_ENABLED'] == 'true'
@hidden_service = ENV['ALLOW_ACCESS_TO_HIDDEN_SERVICE'] == 'true'
def current_week
@current_week ||= Time.now.utc.to_date.cweek
def redis_info
@redis_info ||= Redis.current.info