• Added: - New Account filtering - PreviewCard viewing/sorting/filtering deleting (todo) - DeletePreviewCardWorker, Service - Status viewing/sorting/filtering deleting - ChatMessage viewing/sorting/filtering deleting (todo) - Account > Follows view • Updated: - LinkBlock to sort alphabetically - Groups to be under "Moderation" instead of "Admin" in navigation.rb - Status in admin to have group name/link - Reports reset button - Group filtering/sorting - LinkBlock filtering/sorting - Account now has bio and few more data points in dashboard
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- content_for :page_title do
= t('admin.reports.title')
%strong= t('admin.reports.status')
%li= filter_link_to t('admin.reports.unresolved'), resolved: nil
%li= filter_link_to t('admin.reports.resolved'), resolved: '1'
= form_tag admin_reports_url, method: 'GET', class: 'simple_form' do
= text_field_tag :comment, params[:comment], class: 'string optional', placeholder: "Comment"
%button= t('admin.accounts.search')
= link_to t('admin.accounts.reset'), admin_reports_path, class: 'button negative'
- @reports.group_by(&:target_account_id).each do |target_account_id, reports|
- target_account = reports.first.target_account
= account_link_to target_account, '', size: 36, path: admin_account_path(target_account.id)
= link_to pluralize(target_account.targeted_moderation_notes.count, t('admin.reports.account.note')), admin_account_path(target_account.id)
- if target_account.suspended?
%span.red= t('admin.accounts.suspended')
- elsif target_account.silenced?
%span.red= t('admin.accounts.silenced')
- elsif target_account.user&.disabled?
%span.red= t('admin.accounts.disabled')
- else
%span.neutral= t('admin.accounts.no_limits_imposed')
- reports.each do |report|
- if report.account.local?
= admin_account_link_to report.account
- else
= report.account.domain
= link_to admin_report_path(report) do
.one-line= report.comment.presence || t('admin.reports.comment.none')
%span.report-card__summary__item__content__icon{ title: t('admin.accounts.statuses') }
= fa_icon('comment')
= report.statuses.count
%span.report-card__summary__item__content__icon{ title: t('admin.accounts.media_attachments') }
= fa_icon('camera')
= report.media_attachments.count
- if report.assigned_account.present?
= admin_account_link_to report.assigned_account
- else
= paginate @reports