mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 20:49:54 +00:00
work on ps2test
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,7 +28,20 @@ int *__errno() { return &errno; }
// NONINTERLACED has half the vertical units
uint128 packetbuf[128];
uint128 chainbuf[128];
uint128 vuXYZScale;
uint128 vuXYZOffset;
extern uint32 geometryCall[];
extern uint32 skinPipe[];
uint128 *curVifPtr;
uint128 lightpacket[128];
int32 numLightQ;
rw::World *world;
rw::Camera *camera;
int frames;
@ -40,6 +53,22 @@ printquad(uint128 p)
printf("%016lx %016lx\n", lp[1], lp[0]);
printquad4(uint128 p)
uint32 *lp;
lp = (uint32*)&p;
printf("%08x %08x %08x %08x\n", lp[0], lp[1], lp[2], lp[3]);
dump4(uint128 *p, int n)
printf("data at %p\n", p);
struct DmaChannel {
uint32 chcr; uint32 pad0[3];
uint32 madr; uint32 pad1[3];
@ -393,29 +422,6 @@ drawtri(void)
rw::Matrix projMat, viewMat, worldMat;
extern uint32 MyDmaPacket[];
extern rw::RawMatrix vuMat;
extern rw::RawMatrix vuLightMat;
extern float vuXYZScale[];
extern float vuXYZOffset[];
extern float vuOffset[];
extern uint64 vuGIFtag[];
extern float vuMatcolor[];
extern float vuSurfProps[];
extern float vuAmbLight[];
extern uint32 vuGeometry[];
extern uint32 mpgCall[];
extern uint32 textureCall[];
extern uint32 geometryCall[];
extern uint32 defaultPipe[];
extern uint32 skinPipe[];
rw::World *world;
rw::Camera *camera;
printMatrix(rw::Matrix *m)
@ -436,59 +442,120 @@ printMatrix(rw::Matrix *m)
// This is not proper data, just for testing
setupLight(rw::Atomic *atomic)
using namespace rw;
Matrix *lightmat;
float32 *lp;
numLightQ = 0;
lp = (float32*)lightpacket;
// TODO: this is the wrong matrix. we actually want to
// transform the light, not all normals.
lightmat = atomic->getFrame()->getLTM();
*lp++ = lightmat->right.x;
*lp++ = lightmat->right.y;
*lp++ = lightmat->right.z;
*lp++ = 0.0f;
*lp++ = lightmat->up.x;
*lp++ = lightmat->up.y;
*lp++ = lightmat->up.z;
*lp++ = 0.0f;
*lp++ = lightmat->at.x;
*lp++ = lightmat->at.y;
*lp++ = lightmat->at.z;
*lp++ = 0.0f;
*lp++ = lightmat->pos.x;
*lp++ = lightmat->pos.y;
*lp++ = lightmat->pos.z;
*lp++ = 1.0f;
// TODO: make a proper light block
// ambient
*lp++ = 80.0f;
*lp++ = 80.0f;
*lp++ = 80.0f;
*lp++ = 0.0f;
// directional
*lp++ = 0.5f;
*lp++ = -0.5f;
*lp++ = -0.7071f;
*lp++ = 0.0f;
numLightQ = 6;
setupTransform(rw::Atomic *atomic, rw::Matrix *trans)
rw::Matrix::mult(trans, atomic->getFrame()->getLTM(), &camera->viewMatrix);
enum {
DMAcnt = 0x10000000,
DMAref = 0x30000000,
DMAcall = 0x50000000,
DMAret = 0x60000000,
DMAend = 0x70000000,
V4_32 = 0x6C
#define UNPACK(type, nq, offset) ((type)<<24 | (nq)<<16 | (offset))
#define STCYCL(WL,CL) (0x01000000 | (WL)<<8 | (CL))
drawAtomic(rw::Atomic *atomic)
using namespace rw;
int i;
Matrix trans;
Geometry *geo;
Matrix *vp;
printf("view matrix\n");
printf("camera matrix\n");
printf("atomic ltm\n");
RpAtomicPS2AllGetMeshHeaderMeshCache(atomic, ps2AllPipeData);
RpAtomicPS2AllMorphSetup(atomic, ps2AllPipeData);
RpAtomicPS2AllObjInstanceTest(atomic, ps2AllPipeData);
RpAtomicPS2AllTransformSetup(atomic, transform);
RpAtomicPS2AllFrustumTest(atomic, &inFrustum);
RpAtomicPS2AllPrimTypeTransTypeSetup(ps2AllPipeData, inFrustum);
RpAtomicPS2AllMatModulateSetup(atomic, ps2AllPipeData);
// Transform Setup
Matrix::mult((Matrix*)&vuMat, atomic->getFrame()->getLTM(), &camera->viewMatrix);
vuMat.rightw = vuMat.right.z;
vuMat.upw = vuMat.up.z;
vuMat.atw = vuMat.at.z;
vuMat.posw = vuMat.pos.z;
*(Matrix*)&vuLightMat = *atomic->getFrame()->getLTM();
vuLightMat.rightw = 0.0f;
vuLightMat.upw = 0.0f;
vuLightMat.atw = 0.0f;
vuLightMat.posw = 1.0f;
ps2::ObjPipeline *pipe;
ps2::MatPipeline *matpipe;
Material *material;
uint128 tmp, *lp;
uint32 *vec;
RGBAf color;
int i;
geo = atomic->geometry;
if(!(geo->flags & Geometry::NATIVE)){
printf("not instanced!\n");
pipe = (ps2::ObjPipeline*)atomic->getPipeline();
if(pipe->platform != PLATFORM_PS2)
vuAmbLight[0] = 80;
vuAmbLight[1] = 80;
vuAmbLight[2] = 80;
vuAmbLight[3] = 0;
setupTransform(atomic, &trans);
curVifPtr = packetbuf;
// upload lights
MAKEQ(tmp, DMAcnt | numLightQ+8, 0, STCYCL(4,4), UNPACK(V4_32, numLightQ, 0x3d0));
*curVifPtr++ = tmp;
for(lp = lightpacket; numLightQ--;)
*curVifPtr++ = *lp++;
// upload transformation matrix
MAKEQ(tmp, 0, 0, STCYCL(4,4), UNPACK(V4_32, 4, 0x3f0));
*curVifPtr++ = tmp;
vec = (uint32*)&trans.right;
MAKEQ(tmp, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], vec[2]);
*curVifPtr++ = tmp;
vec = (uint32*)&trans.up;
MAKEQ(tmp, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], vec[2]);
*curVifPtr++ = tmp;
vec = (uint32*)&trans.at;
MAKEQ(tmp, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], vec[2]);
*curVifPtr++ = tmp;
vec = (uint32*)&trans.pos;
MAKEQ(tmp, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], vec[2]);
*curVifPtr++ = tmp;
// upload camera/screen info
MAKEQ(tmp, 0, 0, STCYCL(4,4), UNPACK(V4_32, 2, 0x3f7));
*curVifPtr++ = tmp;
*curVifPtr++ = vuXYZScale;
*curVifPtr++ = vuXYZOffset;
assert(geo->instData != NULL);
rw::ps2::InstanceDataHeader *instData =
@ -496,27 +563,49 @@ drawAtomic(rw::Atomic *atomic)
rw::MeshHeader *meshHeader = geo->meshHeader;
rw::Mesh *mesh;
for(i = 0; i < instData->numMeshes; i++){
geometryCall[1] = (uint32)instData->instanceMeshes[i].data;
vuMatcolor[0] = 1.0f;
vuMatcolor[1] = 1.0f;
vuMatcolor[2] = 1.0f;
vuMatcolor[3] = 1.0f;
material = instData->instanceMeshes[i].material;
matpipe = pipe->groupPipeline;
if(matpipe == nil)
matpipe = (ps2::MatPipeline*)material->pipeline;
if(matpipe == nil)
matpipe = ps2::defaultMatPipe;
vuGIFtag[0] = GIF_MAKE_TAG(0, 1, 1, GS_MAKE_PRIM(GS_PRIM_TRI_STRIP,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), GIF_PACKED, 3);
vuGIFtag[1] = 0x412;
geometryCall[3] = 0x020000DC;
mpgCall[1] = (uint32)skinPipe;
// geometryCall[3] = 0x02000114;
// mpgCall[1] = (uint32)defaultPipe;
// call vu code
MAKEQ(tmp, DMAcall, (uint32)skinPipe, 0, 0);
*curVifPtr++ = tmp;
// unpack GIF tag, material color, surface properties
MAKEQ(tmp, DMAcnt | 3, 0, STCYCL(4,4), UNPACK(V4_32, 3, 0x3fa));
*curVifPtr++ = tmp;
MAKE128(tmp, 0x412,
GIF_MAKE_TAG(0, 1, 1, GS_MAKE_PRIM(GS_PRIM_TRI_STRIP,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), GIF_PACKED, 3));
*curVifPtr++ = tmp;
convColor(&color, &material->color);
color.alpha *= 128.0f/255.0f;
MAKEQ(tmp, *(uint32*)&color.red, *(uint32*)&color.green,
*(uint32*)&color.blue, *(uint32*)&color.alpha);
*curVifPtr++ = tmp;
MAKEQ(tmp, *(uint32*)&material->surfaceProps.ambient,
0.0f); // extra
*curVifPtr++ = tmp;
// call geometry
MAKEQ(tmp, DMAcall, (uint32)instData->instanceMeshes[i].data, 0x03000000, 0x02000000 | matpipe->vifOffset);
*curVifPtr++ = tmp;
MAKEQ(tmp, DMAend, 0, 0, 0);
*curVifPtr++ = tmp;
for(lp = packetbuf; lp < curVifPtr; lp++)
uint128 *p, tmp;
float32 *f;
p = packetbuf;
MAKE128(tmp, 0xe, GIF_MAKE_TAG(2, 1, 0, 0, GIF_PACKED, 1));
*p++ = tmp;
@ -525,14 +614,16 @@ beginCamera(void)
MAKE128(tmp, GS_TEST_1, GS_MAKE_TEST(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2));
*p++ = tmp;
toGIF(packetbuf, 3);
vuXYZScale[0] = WIDTH;
vuXYZScale[1] = HEIGHT;
vuXYZScale[2] = camera->zScale;
vuXYZScale[3] = 0.0f;
vuXYZOffset[0] = 2048.0f;
vuXYZOffset[1] = 2048.0f;
vuXYZOffset[2] = camera->zShift;
vuXYZOffset[3] = 0.0f;
f = (float32*)&vuXYZScale;
f[0] = WIDTH;
f[1] = HEIGHT;
f[2] = camera->zScale;
f[3] = 0.0f;
f = (float32*)&vuXYZOffset;
f[0] = 2048.0f;
f[1] = 2048.0f;
f[2] = camera->zShift;
f[3] = 0.0f;
rw::EngineStartParams engineStartParams;
@ -636,12 +727,9 @@ main()
// PCSX2 needs a delay for some reason
{ int i; for(i = 0; i < 1000000; i++); }
clearscreen(0, 0, 0);
vuOffset[0] = 0.0f;
vuOffset[1] = 0.0f;
clearscreen(0x80, 0x80, 0x80);
// drawtest();
// drawtri();
@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ typedef unsigned int uint128 __attribute__((mode(TI)));
#define MAKE128(RES,MSB,LSB) \
__asm__ ( "pcpyld %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (RES) : "r" ((uint64)MSB), "r" ((uint64)LSB))
#define UINT64(LOW,HIGH) ((uint64)HIGH<<32 | (uint64)LOW)
#define UINT64(LOW,HIGH) (((uint64)HIGH)<<32 | ((uint64)LOW))
#define MAKEQ(RES,W0,W1,W2,W3) MAKE128(RES,UINT64(W2,W3),UINT64(W0,W1))
#define BIT64(v,s) ((uint64)(v) << (s))
#define BIT64(v,s) (((uint64)(v)) << (s))
#include "mem.h"
#include "gs.h"
@ -11,34 +11,15 @@
.equ outBuf2, (outBuf1+outSize)
.equ lightMat, 0x3d0
.equ lightDir, 0x3d4
.equ ambientLight, 0x3d4
.equ lightDir, 0x3d5
.equ matrix, 0x3f0
.equ XYZScale, 0x3f7
.equ XYZOffset, 0x3f8
.equ gifTag, 0x3fa
.equ matColor, 0x3fb
.equ ambientLight, 0x3fd
/* This is the the projection matrix we start with:
* 1/2w 0 ox/2w + 1/2 -ox/2w
* 0 -1/2h -oy/2h + 1/2 oy/2h
* 0 0 1 0
* 0 0 1 0
* To get rid of the +1/2 in the combined matrix we
* subtract the z-row/2 from the x- and y-rows.
* The z-row is then set to [0 0 0 1] such that multiplication
* by XYZscale gives [0 0 0 zScale]. After perspective division
* and addition of XYZoffset we then get zScale/w + zShift for z.
* XYZScale scales xy to the resolution and z by zScale.
* XYZOffset translates xy to the GS coordinate system (where
* [2048, 2048] is the center of the frame buffer) and add zShift to z.
; constant:
; VF28-VF31 transformation matrix
; VF25 XYZ offset
.equ surfProps, 0x3fc
.balign 16,0
@ -47,23 +28,7 @@ DMAret *
MPG 0, *
SUB.z VF28, VF28, VF28 LOI 0.5 ; right.z = 0
SUB.z VF29, VF29, VF29 LQ VF28, matrix(VI00) ; up.z = 0 - load matrix
SUB.z VF30, VF30, VF30 LQ VF29, matrix+1(VI00) ; at.z = 0 - load matrix
ADDw.z VF31, VF00, VF00 LQ VF30, matrix+2(VI00) ; at.z = 1 - load matrix
NOP LQ VF31, matrix+3(VI00) ; - load matrix
MULi.w VF20, VF28, I LQ.xyz VF01, XYZScale(VI00) ; fix matrix - load scale
MULi.w VF21, VF29, I NOP ; fix matrix
MULi.w VF22, VF30, I NOP ; fix matrix
MULi.w VF23, VF31, I NOP ; fix matrix
SUBw.xy VF28, VF28, VF20 NOP ; fix matrix
SUBw.xy VF29, VF29, VF21 NOP ; fix matrix
SUBw.xy VF30, VF30, VF22 NOP ; fix matrix
SUBw.xy VF31, VF31, VF23 NOP ; fix matrix
MUL.xy VF28, VF28, VF01 LQ.xyz VF25, XYZOffset(VI00) ; scale matrix
MUL.xy VF29, VF29, VF01 IADDIU VI12, VI00, outBuf1 ; scale matrix
MUL.xy VF30, VF30, VF01 IADDIU VI13, VI00, outBuf2 ; scale matrix
MUL.xyz VF31, VF31, VF01 NOP ; scale matrix
#include "setup_persp.vu"
NOP XTOP VI02 ; input pointer
NOP LQ VF01, gifTag(VI00)
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Ambloop:
ADD VF03, VF03, VF26 NOP
ADD.xyz VF03, VF03, VF26 NOP
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Colorloop:
;; MUL VF03, VF03, VF27 NOP
MUL VF03, VF03, VF27 NOP
NOP[I] LOI 255
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
/* This is the the projection matrix we start with:
* 1/2w 0 ox/2w + 1/2 -ox/2w
* 0 -1/2h -oy/2h + 1/2 oy/2h
* 0 0 1 0
* 0 0 1 0
* To get rid of the +1/2 in the combined matrix we
* subtract the z-row/2 from the x- and y-rows.
* The z-row is then set to [0 0 0 1] such that multiplication
* by XYZscale gives [0 0 0 zScale]. After perspective division
* and addition of XYZoffset we then get zScale/w + zShift for z.
* XYZScale scales xy to the resolution and z by zScale.
* XYZOffset translates xy to the GS coordinate system (where
* [2048, 2048] is the center of the frame buffer) and add zShift to z.
; constant:
; VF28-VF31 transformation matrix
; VF25 XYZ offset
SUB.z VF28, VF28, VF28 LOI 0.5 ; right.z = 0
SUB.z VF29, VF29, VF29 LQ VF28, matrix(VI00) ; up.z = 0 - load matrix
SUB.z VF30, VF30, VF30 LQ VF29, matrix+1(VI00) ; at.z = 0 - load matrix
ADDw.z VF31, VF00, VF00 LQ VF30, matrix+2(VI00) ; at.z = 1 - load matrix
NOP LQ VF31, matrix+3(VI00) ; - load matrix
MULi.w VF20, VF28, I LQ.xyz VF01, XYZScale(VI00) ; fix matrix - load scale
MULi.w VF21, VF29, I NOP ; fix matrix
MULi.w VF22, VF30, I NOP ; fix matrix
MULi.w VF23, VF31, I NOP ; fix matrix
SUBw.xy VF28, VF28, VF20 NOP ; fix matrix
SUBw.xy VF29, VF29, VF21 NOP ; fix matrix
SUBw.xy VF30, VF30, VF22 NOP ; fix matrix
SUBw.xy VF31, VF31, VF23 NOP ; fix matrix
MUL.xy VF28, VF28, VF01 LQ.xyz VF25, XYZOffset(VI00) ; scale matrix
MUL.xy VF29, VF29, VF01 IADDIU VI12, VI00, outBuf1 ; scale matrix
MUL.xy VF30, VF30, VF01 IADDIU VI13, VI00, outBuf2 ; scale matrix
MUL.xyz VF31, VF31, VF01 NOP ; scale matrix
@ -11,34 +11,15 @@
.equ outBuf2, (outBuf1+outSize)
.equ lightMat, 0x3d0
.equ lightDir, 0x3d4
.equ ambientLight, 0x3d4
.equ lightDir, 0x3d5
.equ matrix, 0x3f0
.equ XYZScale, 0x3f7
.equ XYZOffset, 0x3f8
.equ gifTag, 0x3fa
.equ matColor, 0x3fb
.equ ambientLight, 0x3fd
/* This is the the projection matrix we start with:
* 1/2w 0 ox/2w + 1/2 -ox/2w
* 0 -1/2h -oy/2h + 1/2 oy/2h
* 0 0 1 0
* 0 0 1 0
* To get rid of the +1/2 in the combined matrix we
* subtract the z-row/2 from the x- and y-rows.
* The z-row is then set to [0 0 0 1] such that multiplication
* by XYZscale gives [0 0 0 zScale]. After perspective division
* and addition of XYZoffset we then get zScale/w + zShift for z.
* XYZScale scales xy to the resolution and z by zScale.
* XYZOffset translates xy to the GS coordinate system (where
* [2048, 2048] is the center of the frame buffer) and add zShift to z.
; constant:
; VF28-VF31 transformation matrix
; VF25 XYZ offset
.equ surfProps, 0x3fc
.balign 16,0
@ -47,23 +28,7 @@ DMAret *
MPG 0, *
SUB.z VF28, VF28, VF28 LOI 0.5 ; right.z = 0
SUB.z VF29, VF29, VF29 LQ VF28, matrix(VI00) ; up.z = 0 - load matrix
SUB.z VF30, VF30, VF30 LQ VF29, matrix+1(VI00) ; at.z = 0 - load matrix
ADDw.z VF31, VF00, VF00 LQ VF30, matrix+2(VI00) ; at.z = 1 - load matrix
NOP LQ VF31, matrix+3(VI00) ; - load matrix
MULi.w VF20, VF28, I LQ.xyz VF01, XYZScale(VI00) ; fix matrix - load scale
MULi.w VF21, VF29, I NOP ; fix matrix
MULi.w VF22, VF30, I NOP ; fix matrix
MULi.w VF23, VF31, I NOP ; fix matrix
SUBw.xy VF28, VF28, VF20 NOP ; fix matrix
SUBw.xy VF29, VF29, VF21 NOP ; fix matrix
SUBw.xy VF30, VF30, VF22 NOP ; fix matrix
SUBw.xy VF31, VF31, VF23 NOP ; fix matrix
MUL.xy VF28, VF28, VF01 LQ.xyz VF25, XYZOffset(VI00) ; scale matrix
MUL.xy VF29, VF29, VF01 IADDIU VI12, VI00, outBuf1 ; scale matrix
MUL.xy VF30, VF30, VF01 IADDIU VI13, VI00, outBuf2 ; scale matrix
MUL.xyz VF31, VF31, VF01 NOP ; scale matrix
#include "setup_persp.vu"
NOP XTOP VI02 ; input pointer
NOP LQ VF01, gifTag(VI00)
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
.global MyDmaPacket
.global vuLightMat
.global vuMat
.global vuXYZScale
.global vuXYZOffset
.global vuOffset
.global vuGIFtag
.global vuMatcolor
.global vuSurfProps
.global vuAmbLight
.global mpgCall
.global textureCall
.global geometryCall
.align 4
DMAcnt *
DMAcall *, 0 ;vuProg
#define vuSDLightOffset 0x3d0
#define vuSDBlockLow 0x3c3
#define vuSDBlockHigh 0x3f0
#define vuSDmat0 vuSDBlockHigh
#define vuSDmat1 vuSDBlockHigh+1
#define vuSDmat2 vuSDBlockHigh+2
#define vuSDmat3 vuSDBlockHigh+3
#define vuSDnearClip vuSDBlockHigh+4
#define vuSDfarClip vuSDBlockHigh+5
#define vuSDxMaxyMax vuSDBlockHigh+6
#define vuSDcamWcamHzScale vuSDBlockHigh+7
#define vuSDoffXoffYzShift vuSDBlockHigh+8
#define vuSDrealOffset vuSDBlockHigh+9
#define vuSDgifTag vuSDBlockHigh+10
#define vuSDcolScale vuSDBlockHigh+11
#define vuSDsurfProps vuSDBlockHigh+12
#define vuSDpingPongAddr vuSDBlockHigh+13
#define vuSDpingPongCount vuSDBlockHigh+14
#define vuSDClipvec1 vuSDBlockHigh+13
#define vuSDClipvec2 vuSDBlockHigh+14
#define vuSDVUSwitch vuSDBlockHigh+15
DMAcnt *
UNPACK 4, 4, V4_32, 0x3d0, *
.float 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
.float 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
.float 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
.float 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
.float 0.5, -0.5, -0.70710, 0.0
UNPACK 4, 4, V4_32, 0x3f0, *
.float 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
.float 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
.float 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
.float 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
UNPACK 4, 4, V4_32, 0x3f7, *
.float 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
.float 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
.float 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
.int 0x00008000, 0x3005C000, 0x0000000412, 0x00000000
.float 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5
.float 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
.float 0, 0, 0, 0
;;DMAcall *, 0
DMAcall *, 0 ;vuGeometry
Reference in New Issue
Block a user