#ifdef RW_D3D9 #define NOMINMAX #include #endif namespace rw { #ifdef RW_D3D9 struct EngineStartParams { HWND window; }; #endif namespace d3d { extern bool32 isP8supported; #ifdef RW_D3D9 extern IDirect3DDevice9 *d3ddevice; extern Device renderdevice; void lightingCB(void); struct Im3DVertex { V3d position; D3DCOLOR color; float32 u, v; void setX(float32 x) { this->position.x = x; } void setY(float32 y) { this->position.y = y; } void setZ(float32 z) { this->position.z = z; } void setColor(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a) { this->color = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(a, r, g, b); } RGBA getColor(void) { return makeRGBA(this->color>>16 & 0xFF, this->color>>8 & 0xFF, this->color & 0xFF, this->color>>24 & 0xFF); } void setU(float32 u) { this->u = u; } void setV(float32 v) { this->v = v; } }; struct Im2DVertex { float32 x, y, z; float32 w; D3DCOLOR color; float32 u, v; void setScreenX(float32 x) { this->x = x; } void setScreenY(float32 y) { this->y = y; } void setScreenZ(float32 z) { this->z = z; } void setCameraZ(float32 z) { } void setRecipCameraZ(float32 recipz) { this->w = recipz; } void setColor(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a) { this->color = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(a, r, g, b); } void setU(float32 u) { this->u = u; } void setV(float32 v) { this->v = v; } }; void setD3dMaterial(D3DMATERIAL9 *mat9); #else enum { D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK = 0, // ignored D3DPOOL_MANAGED = 0, // ignored D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST = 4, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP = 5, D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT1 = 0, // 1D float expanded to (value, 0., 0., 1.) D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT2 = 1, // 2D float expanded to (value, value, 0., 1.) D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3 = 2, // 3D float expanded to (value, value, value, 1.) D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4 = 3, // 4D float D3DDECLTYPE_D3DCOLOR = 4, // 4D packed unsigned bytes mapped to 0. to 1. range // Input is in D3DCOLOR format (ARGB) expanded to (R, G, B, A) D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4 = 5, // 4D unsigned byte D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT2 = 6, // 2D signed short expanded to (value, value, 0., 1.) D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4 = 7, // 4D signed short D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4N = 8, // Each of 4 bytes is normalized by dividing to 255.0 D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT2N = 9, // 2D signed short normalized (v[0]/32767.0,v[1]/32767.0,0,1) D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4N = 10, // 4D signed short normalized (v[0]/32767.0,v[1]/32767.0,v[2]/32767.0,v[3]/32767.0) D3DDECLTYPE_USHORT2N = 11, // 2D unsigned short normalized (v[0]/65535.0,v[1]/65535.0,0,1) D3DDECLTYPE_USHORT4N = 12, // 4D unsigned short normalized (v[0]/65535.0,v[1]/65535.0,v[2]/65535.0,v[3]/65535.0) D3DDECLTYPE_UDEC3 = 13, // 3D unsigned 10 10 10 format expanded to (value, value, value, 1) D3DDECLTYPE_DEC3N = 14, // 3D signed 10 10 10 format normalized and expanded to (v[0]/511.0, v[1]/511.0, v[2]/511.0, 1) D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT16_2 = 15, // Two 16-bit floating point values, expanded to (value, value, 0, 1) D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT16_4 = 16, // Four 16-bit floating point values D3DDECLTYPE_UNUSED = 17, // When the type field in a decl is unused. D3DDECLMETHOD_DEFAULT = 0, D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITION = 0, D3DDECLUSAGE_BLENDWEIGHT, // 1 D3DDECLUSAGE_BLENDINDICES, // 2 D3DDECLUSAGE_NORMAL, // 3 D3DDECLUSAGE_PSIZE, // 4 D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD, // 5 D3DDECLUSAGE_TANGENT, // 6 D3DDECLUSAGE_BINORMAL, // 7 D3DDECLUSAGE_TESSFACTOR, // 8 D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITIONT, // 9 D3DDECLUSAGE_COLOR, // 10 D3DDECLUSAGE_FOG, // 11 D3DDECLUSAGE_DEPTH, // 12 D3DDECLUSAGE_SAMPLE, // 13 }; #endif extern int vertFormatMap[]; void *createIndexBuffer(uint32 length); uint16 *lockIndices(void *indexBuffer, uint32 offset, uint32 size, uint32 flags); void unlockIndices(void *indexBuffer); void *createVertexBuffer(uint32 length, uint32 fvf, int32 pool); uint8 *lockVertices(void *vertexBuffer, uint32 offset, uint32 size, uint32 flags); void unlockVertices(void *vertexBuffer); void *createTexture(int32 width, int32 height, int32 levels, uint32 format); uint8 *lockTexture(void *texture, int32 level); void unlockTexture(void *texture, int32 level); void deleteObject(void *object); // Native Texture and Raster struct D3dRaster { void *texture; void *palette; uint32 format; bool32 hasAlpha; bool32 customFormat; }; int32 getLevelSize(Raster *raster, int32 level); void allocateDXT(Raster *raster, int32 dxt, int32 numLevels, bool32 hasAlpha); void setPalette(Raster *raster, void *palette, int32 size); void setTexels(Raster *raster, void *texels, int32 level); extern int32 nativeRasterOffset; void registerNativeRaster(void); // Rendering void setRenderState(uint32 state, uint32 value); void getRenderState(uint32 state, uint32 *value); void setTextureStageState(uint32 stage, uint32 type, uint32 value); void getTextureStageState(uint32 stage, uint32 type, uint32 *value); void setSamplerState(uint32 stage, uint32 type, uint32 value); void getSamplerState(uint32 stage, uint32 type, uint32 *value); void flushCache(void); void setTexture(uint32 stage, Texture *tex); void setMaterial(SurfaceProperties surfProps, rw::RGBA color); void setVertexShader(void *vs); void setPixelShader(void *ps); void *createVertexShader(void *csosrc); void *createPixelShader(void *csosrc); } }