#include #include #include #include #include #include "rwbase.h" #include "rwplugin.h" #include "rwpipeline.h" #include "rwobjects.h" #include "rwps2.h" #include "rwogl.h" #include "rwxbox.h" #include "rwd3d8.h" #include "rwd3d9.h" using namespace std; namespace rw { Frame* Frame::create(void) { Frame *f = (Frame*)malloc(PluginBase::s_size); assert(f != NULL); f->object.init(Frame::ID, 0); f->objectList.init(); f->child = NULL; f->next = NULL; f->root = NULL; for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) f->matrix[i] = 0.0f; f->matrix[0] = 1.0f; f->matrix[5] = 1.0f; f->matrix[10] = 1.0f; f->matrix[15] = 1.0f; f->matflag = 0; f->dirty = true; f->constructPlugins(); return f; } Frame* Frame::cloneHierarchy(void) { Frame *frame = this->cloneAndLink(NULL); frame->purgeClone(); return frame; } void Frame::destroy(void) { this->destructPlugins(); Frame *parent = this->getParent(); Frame *child; if(parent){ // remove from child list child = parent->child; if(child == this) parent->child = this->next; else{ for(child = child->next; child != this; child = child->next) ; child->next = this->next; } this->object.parent = NULL; // Doesn't seem to make much sense, blame criterion. this->setHierarchyRoot(this); } for(Frame *f = this->child; f; f = f->next) f->object.parent = NULL; free(this); } void Frame::destroyHierarchy(void) { Frame *next; for(Frame *child = this->child; child; child = next){ next = child->next; child->destroyHierarchy(); } this->destructPlugins(); free(this); } Frame* Frame::addChild(Frame *child, bool32 append) { if(append){ if(this->child == NULL) this->child = child; else{ Frame *f; for(f = this->child; f->next; f = f->next); f->next = child; } child->next = NULL; }else{ child->next = this->child; this->child = child; } child->object.parent = this; child->root = this->root; return this; } Frame* Frame::removeChild(void) { Frame *parent = this->getParent(); if(parent->child == this) parent->child = this->next; else{ Frame *f; for(f = parent->child; f; f = f->next) if(f->next == this) goto found; // not found found: f->next = f->next->next; } this->object.parent = NULL; this->next = this->root = NULL; return this; } Frame* Frame::forAllChildren(Callback cb, void *data) { for(Frame *f = this->child; f; f = f->next) cb(f, data); return this; } static Frame* countCB(Frame *f, void *count) { (*(int32*)count)++; f->forAllChildren(countCB, count); return f; } int32 Frame::count(void) { int32 count = 1; this->forAllChildren(countCB, (void*)&count); return count; } void Frame::updateLTM(void) { if(!this->dirty) return; Frame *parent = this->getParent(); if(parent){ parent->updateLTM(); matrixMult(this->ltm, parent->ltm, this->matrix); this->dirty = false; }else{ memcpy(this->ltm, this->matrix, 16*4); this->dirty = false; } } static Frame* dirtyCB(Frame *f, void *) { f->dirty = true; f->forAllChildren(dirtyCB, NULL); return f; } void Frame::setDirty(void) { this->dirty = true; this->forAllChildren(dirtyCB, NULL); } void Frame::setHierarchyRoot(Frame *root) { this->root = root; for(Frame *child = this->child; child; child = child->next) child->setHierarchyRoot(root); } // Clone a frame hierarchy. Link cloned frames into Frame::root of the originals. Frame* Frame::cloneAndLink(Frame *clonedroot) { Frame *frame = Frame::create(); if(clonedroot == NULL) clonedroot = frame; frame->object.copy(&this->object); memcpy(frame->matrix, this->matrix, sizeof(this->matrix)); frame->root = clonedroot; this->root = frame; // Remember cloned frame for(Frame *child = this->child; child; child = child->next){ Frame *clonedchild = child->cloneAndLink(clonedroot); clonedchild->next = frame->child; frame->child = clonedchild; clonedchild->object.parent = frame; } frame->copyPlugins(this); return frame; } // Remove links to cloned frames from hierarchy. void Frame::purgeClone(void) { Frame *parent = this->getParent(); this->setHierarchyRoot(parent ? parent->root : this); } static Frame* sizeCB(Frame *f, void *size) { *(int32*)size += f->streamGetPluginSize(); f->forAllChildren(sizeCB, size); return f; } Frame** makeFrameList(Frame *frame, Frame **flist) { *flist++ = frame; if(frame->next) flist = makeFrameList(frame->next, flist); if(frame->child) flist = makeFrameList(frame->child, flist); return flist; } // // Clump // Clump* Clump::create(void) { Clump *clump = (Clump*)malloc(PluginBase::s_size); assert(clump != NULL); clump->object.init(Clump::ID, 0); clump->atomics.init(); clump->lights.init(); clump->cameras.init(); clump->constructPlugins(); return clump; } Clump* Clump::clone(void) { Clump *clump = Clump::create(); Frame *root = this->getFrame()->cloneHierarchy(); clump->setFrame(root); FORLIST(lnk, this->atomics){ Atomic *a = Atomic::fromClump(lnk); Atomic *atomic = a->clone(); atomic->setFrame(a->getFrame()->root); clump->addAtomic(atomic); } root->purgeClone(); clump->copyPlugins(this); return clump; } void Clump::destroy(void) { Frame *f; this->destructPlugins(); FORLIST(lnk, this->atomics) Atomic::fromClump(lnk)->destroy(); FORLIST(lnk, this->lights) Light::fromClump(lnk)->destroy(); FORLIST(lnk, this->cameras) Camera::fromClump(lnk)->destroy(); if(f = this->getFrame()) f->destroyHierarchy(); free(this); } Clump* Clump::streamRead(Stream *stream) { uint32 length, version; int32 buf[3]; Clump *clump; assert(findChunk(stream, ID_STRUCT, &length, &version)); clump = Clump::create(); stream->read(buf, length); int32 numAtomics = buf[0]; int32 numLights = 0; int32 numCameras = 0; if(version > 0x33000){ numLights = buf[1]; numCameras = buf[2]; } // Frame list Frame **frameList; int32 numFrames; clump->frameListStreamRead(stream, &frameList, &numFrames); clump->setFrame(frameList[0]); Geometry **geometryList = 0; if(version >= 0x30400){ // Geometry list int32 numGeometries = 0; assert(findChunk(stream, ID_GEOMETRYLIST, NULL, NULL)); assert(findChunk(stream, ID_STRUCT, NULL, NULL)); numGeometries = stream->readI32(); if(numGeometries) geometryList = new Geometry*[numGeometries]; for(int32 i = 0; i < numGeometries; i++){ assert(findChunk(stream, ID_GEOMETRY, NULL, NULL)); geometryList[i] = Geometry::streamRead(stream); } } // Atomics for(int32 i = 0; i < numAtomics; i++){ assert(findChunk(stream, ID_ATOMIC, NULL, NULL)); Atomic *a = Atomic::streamReadClump(stream, frameList, geometryList); clump->addAtomic(a); } // Lights for(int32 i = 0; i < numLights; i++){ int32 frm; assert(findChunk(stream, ID_STRUCT, NULL, NULL)); frm = stream->readI32(); assert(findChunk(stream, ID_LIGHT, NULL, NULL)); Light *l = Light::streamRead(stream); l->setFrame(frameList[frm]); clump->addLight(l); } // Cameras for(int32 i = 0; i < numCameras; i++){ int32 frm; assert(findChunk(stream, ID_STRUCT, NULL, NULL)); frm = stream->readI32(); assert(findChunk(stream, ID_CAMERA, NULL, NULL)); Camera *cam = Camera::streamRead(stream); cam->setFrame(frameList[frm]); clump->addCamera(cam); } delete[] frameList; clump->streamReadPlugins(stream); return clump; } bool Clump::streamWrite(Stream *stream) { int size = this->streamGetSize(); writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_CLUMP, size); int32 numAtomics = this->countAtomics(); int32 numLights = this->countLights(); int32 numCameras = this->countCameras(); int buf[3] = { numAtomics, numLights, numCameras }; size = version > 0x33000 ? 12 : 4; writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_STRUCT, size); stream->write(buf, size); int32 numFrames = this->getFrame()->count(); Frame **flist = new Frame*[numFrames]; makeFrameList(this->getFrame(), flist); this->frameListStreamWrite(stream, flist, numFrames); if(rw::version >= 0x30400){ size = 12+4; FORLIST(lnk, this->atomics) size += 12 + Atomic::fromClump(lnk)->geometry->streamGetSize(); writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_GEOMETRYLIST, size); writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_STRUCT, 4); stream->writeI32(numAtomics); // same as numGeometries FORLIST(lnk, this->atomics) Atomic::fromClump(lnk)->geometry->streamWrite(stream); } FORLIST(lnk, this->atomics) Atomic::fromClump(lnk)->streamWriteClump(stream, flist, numFrames); FORLIST(lnk, this->lights){ Light *l = Light::fromClump(lnk); int frm = findPointer(l->getFrame(), (void**)flist, numFrames); if(frm < 0) return false; writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_STRUCT, 4); stream->writeI32(frm); l->streamWrite(stream); } FORLIST(lnk, this->cameras){ Camera *c = Camera::fromClump(lnk); int frm = findPointer(c->getFrame(), (void**)flist, numFrames); if(frm < 0) return false; writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_STRUCT, 4); stream->writeI32(frm); c->streamWrite(stream); } delete[] flist; this->streamWritePlugins(stream); return true; } struct FrameStreamData { float32 mat[9]; float32 pos[3]; int32 parent; int32 matflag; }; uint32 Clump::streamGetSize(void) { uint32 size = 0; size += 12; // Struct size += 4; // numAtomics if(version > 0x33000) size += 8; // numLights, numCameras // Frame list int32 numFrames = this->getFrame()->count(); size += 12 + 12 + 4 + numFrames*(sizeof(FrameStreamData)+12); sizeCB(this->getFrame(), (void*)&size); if(rw::version >= 0x30400){ // Geometry list size += 12 + 12 + 4; FORLIST(lnk, this->atomics) size += 12 + Atomic::fromClump(lnk)->geometry->streamGetSize(); } // Atomics FORLIST(lnk, this->atomics) size += 12 + Atomic::fromClump(lnk)->streamGetSize(); // Lights FORLIST(lnk, this->lights) size += 16 + 12 + Light::fromClump(lnk)->streamGetSize(); // Cameras FORLIST(lnk, this->cameras) size += 16 + 12 + Camera::fromClump(lnk)->streamGetSize(); size += 12 + this->streamGetPluginSize(); return size; } void Clump::frameListStreamRead(Stream *stream, Frame ***flp, int32 *nf) { FrameStreamData buf; int32 numFrames = 0; assert(findChunk(stream, ID_FRAMELIST, NULL, NULL)); assert(findChunk(stream, ID_STRUCT, NULL, NULL)); numFrames = stream->readI32(); Frame **frameList = new Frame*[numFrames]; for(int32 i = 0; i < numFrames; i++){ Frame *f; frameList[i] = f = Frame::create(); stream->read(&buf, sizeof(buf)); f->matrix[0] = buf.mat[0]; f->matrix[1] = buf.mat[1]; f->matrix[2] = buf.mat[2]; f->matrix[3] = 0.0f; f->matrix[4] = buf.mat[3]; f->matrix[5] = buf.mat[4]; f->matrix[6] = buf.mat[5]; f->matrix[7] = 0.0f; f->matrix[8] = buf.mat[6]; f->matrix[9] = buf.mat[7]; f->matrix[10] = buf.mat[8]; f->matrix[11] = 0.0f; f->matrix[12] = buf.pos[0]; f->matrix[13] = buf.pos[1]; f->matrix[14] = buf.pos[2]; f->matrix[15] = 1.0f; f->matflag = buf.matflag; if(buf.parent >= 0) frameList[buf.parent]->addChild(f); } for(int32 i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) frameList[i]->streamReadPlugins(stream); *nf = numFrames; *flp = frameList; } void Clump::frameListStreamWrite(Stream *stream, Frame **frameList, int32 numFrames) { FrameStreamData buf; int size = 0, structsize = 0; structsize = 4 + numFrames*sizeof(FrameStreamData); size += 12 + structsize; for(int32 i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) size += 12 + frameList[i]->streamGetPluginSize(); writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_FRAMELIST, size); writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_STRUCT, structsize); stream->writeU32(numFrames); for(int32 i = 0; i < numFrames; i++){ Frame *f = frameList[i]; buf.mat[0] = f->matrix[0]; buf.mat[1] = f->matrix[1]; buf.mat[2] = f->matrix[2]; buf.mat[3] = f->matrix[4]; buf.mat[4] = f->matrix[5]; buf.mat[5] = f->matrix[6]; buf.mat[6] = f->matrix[8]; buf.mat[7] = f->matrix[9]; buf.mat[8] = f->matrix[10]; buf.pos[0] = f->matrix[12]; buf.pos[1] = f->matrix[13]; buf.pos[2] = f->matrix[14]; buf.parent = findPointer(f->getParent(), (void**)frameList, numFrames); buf.matflag = f->matflag; stream->write(&buf, sizeof(buf)); } for(int32 i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) frameList[i]->streamWritePlugins(stream); } // // Atomic // Atomic* Atomic::create(void) { Atomic *atomic = (Atomic*)malloc(PluginBase::s_size); assert(atomic != NULL); atomic->object.init(Atomic::ID, 0); atomic->geometry = NULL; atomic->pipeline = NULL; atomic->constructPlugins(); // flags: // rpATOMICCOLLISIONTEST = 0x01, /**object.copy(&this->object); atomic->object.privateFlags |= 1; if(this->geometry){ atomic->geometry = this->geometry; atomic->geometry->refCount++; } atomic->pipeline = this->pipeline; atomic->copyPlugins(this); return atomic; } void Atomic::destroy(void) { this->destructPlugins(); if(this->geometry) this->geometry->destroy(); this->setFrame(NULL); free(this); } static uint32 atomicRights[2]; Atomic* Atomic::streamReadClump(Stream *stream, Frame **frameList, Geometry **geometryList) { int32 buf[4]; uint32 version; assert(findChunk(stream, ID_STRUCT, NULL, &version)); stream->read(buf, version < 0x30400 ? 12 : 16); Atomic *atomic = Atomic::create(); atomic->setFrame(frameList[buf[0]]); if(version < 0x30400){ assert(findChunk(stream, ID_GEOMETRY, NULL, NULL)); atomic->geometry = Geometry::streamRead(stream); }else atomic->geometry = geometryList[buf[1]]; atomicRights[0] = 0; atomic->streamReadPlugins(stream); if(atomicRights[0]) atomic->assertRights(atomicRights[0], atomicRights[1]); return atomic; } bool Atomic::streamWriteClump(Stream *stream, Frame **frameList, int32 numFrames) { int32 buf[4] = { 0, 0, 5, 0 }; Clump *c = this->clump; if(c == NULL) return false; writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_ATOMIC, this->streamGetSize()); writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_STRUCT, rw::version < 0x30400 ? 12 : 16); buf[0] = findPointer(this->getFrame(), (void**)frameList, numFrames); if(version < 0x30400){ stream->write(buf, sizeof(int[3])); this->geometry->streamWrite(stream); }else{ buf[1] = 0; FORLIST(lnk, c->atomics){ if(Atomic::fromClump(lnk)->geometry == this->geometry) goto foundgeo; buf[1]++; } return false; foundgeo: stream->write(buf, sizeof(buf)); } this->streamWritePlugins(stream); return true; } uint32 Atomic::streamGetSize(void) { uint32 size = 12 + 12 + 12 + this->streamGetPluginSize(); if(rw::version < 0x30400) size += 12 + this->geometry->streamGetSize(); else size += 4; return size; } ObjPipeline *defaultPipelines[NUM_PLATFORMS]; ObjPipeline* Atomic::getPipeline(void) { return this->pipeline ? this->pipeline : defaultPipelines[platform]; } void Atomic::init(void) { ObjPipeline *defpipe = new ObjPipeline(PLATFORM_NULL); for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(matFXGlobals.pipelines); i++) defaultPipelines[i] = defpipe; defaultPipelines[PLATFORM_PS2] = ps2::makeDefaultPipeline(); defaultPipelines[PLATFORM_OGL] = gl::makeDefaultPipeline(); defaultPipelines[PLATFORM_XBOX] = xbox::makeDefaultPipeline(); defaultPipelines[PLATFORM_D3D8] = d3d8::makeDefaultPipeline(); defaultPipelines[PLATFORM_D3D9] = d3d9::makeDefaultPipeline(); } // Atomic Rights plugin static void readAtomicRights(Stream *stream, int32, void *, int32, int32) { stream->read(atomicRights, 8); } static void writeAtomicRights(Stream *stream, int32, void *object, int32, int32) { Atomic *atomic = (Atomic*)object; uint32 buffer[2]; buffer[0] = atomic->pipeline->pluginID; buffer[1] = atomic->pipeline->pluginData; stream->write(buffer, 8); } static int32 getSizeAtomicRights(void *object, int32, int32) { Atomic *atomic = (Atomic*)object; if(atomic->pipeline == NULL || atomic->pipeline->pluginID == 0) return -1; return 8; } void registerAtomicRightsPlugin(void) { Atomic::registerPlugin(0, ID_RIGHTTORENDER, NULL, NULL, NULL); Atomic::registerPluginStream(ID_RIGHTTORENDER, readAtomicRights, writeAtomicRights, getSizeAtomicRights); } // // Light // Light* Light::create(int32 type) { Light *light = (Light*)malloc(PluginBase::s_size); assert(light != NULL); light->object.init(Light::ID, type); light->radius = 0.0f; light->color.red = 1.0f; light->color.green = 1.0f; light->color.blue = 1.0f; light->color.alpha = 1.0f; light->minusCosAngle = 1.0f; light->object.privateFlags = 1; light->object.flags = LIGHTATOMICS | LIGHTWORLD; light->inClump.init(); light->constructPlugins(); return light; } void Light::destroy(void) { this->destructPlugins(); free(this); } void Light::setAngle(float32 angle) { this->minusCosAngle = -cos(angle); } float32 Light::getAngle(void) { return acos(-this->minusCosAngle); } void Light::setColor(float32 r, float32 g, float32 b) { this->color.red = r; this->color.green = g; this->color.blue = b; this->object.privateFlags = r == g && r == b; } struct LightChunkData { float32 radius; float32 red, green, blue; float32 minusCosAngle; uint16 flags; uint16 type; }; Light* Light::streamRead(Stream *stream) { uint32 version; LightChunkData buf; assert(findChunk(stream, ID_STRUCT, NULL, &version)); stream->read(&buf, sizeof(LightChunkData)); Light *light = Light::create(buf.type); light->radius = buf.radius; light->setColor(buf.red, buf.green, buf.blue); float32 a = buf.minusCosAngle; if(version >= 0x30300) light->minusCosAngle = a; else // tan -> -cos light->minusCosAngle = -1.0f/sqrt(a*a+1.0f); light->object.flags = (uint8)buf.flags; light->streamReadPlugins(stream); return light; } bool Light::streamWrite(Stream *stream) { LightChunkData buf; writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_LIGHT, this->streamGetSize()); writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_STRUCT, sizeof(LightChunkData)); buf.radius = this->radius; buf.red = this->color.red; buf.green = this->color.green; buf.blue = this->color.blue; if(version >= 0x30300) buf.minusCosAngle = this->minusCosAngle; else buf.minusCosAngle = tan(acos(-this->minusCosAngle)); buf.flags = this->object.flags; buf.type = this->object.subType; stream->write(&buf, sizeof(LightChunkData)); this->streamWritePlugins(stream); return true; } uint32 Light::streamGetSize(void) { return 12 + sizeof(LightChunkData) + 12 + this->streamGetPluginSize(); } // // Camera // Camera* Camera::create(void) { Camera *cam = (Camera*)malloc(PluginBase::s_size); cam->object.init(Camera::ID, 0); cam->viewWindow.set(1.0f, 1.0f); cam->viewOffset.set(0.0f, 0.0f); cam->nearPlane = 0.05f; cam->farPlane = 10.0f; cam->fogPlane = 5.0f; cam->projection = 1; cam->constructPlugins(); return cam; } Camera* Camera::clone(void) { Camera *cam = Camera::create(); cam->object.copy(&this->object); cam->setFrame(this->getFrame()); cam->viewWindow = this->viewWindow; cam->viewOffset = this->viewOffset; cam->nearPlane = this->nearPlane; cam->farPlane = this->farPlane; cam->fogPlane = this->fogPlane; cam->projection = this->projection; cam->copyPlugins(this); return cam; } void Camera::destroy(void) { this->destructPlugins(); free(this); } struct CameraChunkData { V2d viewWindow; V2d viewOffset; float32 nearPlane, farPlane; float32 fogPlane; int32 projection; }; Camera* Camera::streamRead(Stream *stream) { CameraChunkData buf; assert(findChunk(stream, ID_STRUCT, NULL, NULL)); stream->read(&buf, sizeof(CameraChunkData)); Camera *cam = Camera::create(); cam->viewWindow = buf.viewWindow; cam->viewOffset = buf.viewOffset; cam->nearPlane = buf.nearPlane; cam->farPlane = buf.farPlane; cam->fogPlane = buf.fogPlane; cam->projection = buf.projection; cam->streamReadPlugins(stream); return cam; } bool Camera::streamWrite(Stream *stream) { CameraChunkData buf; writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_CAMERA, this->streamGetSize()); writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_STRUCT, sizeof(CameraChunkData)); buf.viewWindow = this->viewWindow; buf.viewOffset = this->viewOffset; buf.nearPlane = this->nearPlane; buf.farPlane = this->farPlane; buf.fogPlane = this->fogPlane; buf.projection = this->projection; stream->write(&buf, sizeof(CameraChunkData)); this->streamWritePlugins(stream); return true; } uint32 Camera::streamGetSize(void) { return 12 + sizeof(CameraChunkData) + 12 + this->streamGetPluginSize(); } }