#include #include #include #include #include "../rwbase.h" #include "../rwerror.h" #include "../rwplg.h" #include "../rwpipeline.h" #include "../rwobjects.h" #include "../rwengine.h" #include "../rwanim.h" #include "../rwplugins.h" #include "rwps2.h" #include "rwps2plg.h" #include "rwps2impl.h" #define PLUGIN_ID 2 namespace rw { namespace ps2 { bool adcHack = false; #define ALIGNPTR(p,a) ((uint8*)(((uintptr)(p)+a-1) & ~(uintptr)(a-1))) static void* driverOpen(void *o, int32, int32) { engine->driver[PLATFORM_PS2]->defaultPipeline = makeDefaultPipeline(); engine->driver[PLATFORM_PS2]->rasterNativeOffset = nativeRasterOffset; engine->driver[PLATFORM_PS2]->rasterCreate = rasterCreate; engine->driver[PLATFORM_PS2]->rasterLock = rasterLock; engine->driver[PLATFORM_PS2]->rasterUnlock = rasterUnlock; engine->driver[PLATFORM_PS2]->rasterLockPalette = rasterLockPalette; engine->driver[PLATFORM_PS2]->rasterUnlockPalette = rasterUnlockPalette; engine->driver[PLATFORM_PS2]->rasterNumLevels = rasterNumLevels; engine->driver[PLATFORM_PS2]->imageFindRasterFormat = imageFindRasterFormat; engine->driver[PLATFORM_PS2]->rasterFromImage = rasterFromImage; engine->driver[PLATFORM_PS2]->rasterToImage = rasterToImage; return o; } static void* driverClose(void *o, int32, int32) { return o; } void registerPlatformPlugins(void) { Driver::registerPlugin(PLATFORM_PS2, 0, PLATFORM_PS2, driverOpen, driverClose); registerNativeRaster(); } ObjPipeline *defaultObjPipe; MatPipeline *defaultMatPipe; void* destroyNativeData(void *object, int32, int32) { Geometry *geometry = (Geometry*)object; if(geometry->instData == nil || geometry->instData->platform != PLATFORM_PS2) return object; InstanceDataHeader *header = (InstanceDataHeader*)geometry->instData; for(uint32 i = 0; i < header->numMeshes; i++) rwFree(header->instanceMeshes[i].dataRaw); rwFree(header->instanceMeshes); rwFree(header); geometry->instData = nil; return object; } Stream* readNativeData(Stream *stream, int32, void *object, int32, int32) { ASSERTLITTLE; Geometry *geometry = (Geometry*)object; uint32 platform; if(!findChunk(stream, ID_STRUCT, nil, nil)){ RWERROR((ERR_CHUNK, "STRUCT")); return nil; } platform = stream->readU32(); if(platform != PLATFORM_PS2){ RWERROR((ERR_PLATFORM, platform)); return nil; } InstanceDataHeader *header = rwNewT(InstanceDataHeader, 1, MEMDUR_EVENT | ID_GEOMETRY); geometry->instData = header; header->platform = PLATFORM_PS2; assert(geometry->meshHeader != nil); header->numMeshes = geometry->meshHeader->numMeshes; header->instanceMeshes = rwNewT(InstanceData, header->numMeshes, MEMDUR_EVENT | ID_GEOMETRY); Mesh *m = geometry->meshHeader->getMeshes(); for(uint32 i = 0; i < header->numMeshes; i++){ InstanceData *instance = &header->instanceMeshes[i]; uint32 buf[2]; stream->read32(buf, 8); instance->dataSize = buf[0]; instance->dataRaw = rwNewT(uint8, instance->dataSize+0x7F, MEMDUR_EVENT | ID_GEOMETRY); instance->data = ALIGNPTR(instance->dataRaw, 0x80); #ifdef RW_PS2 uint32 a = (uint32)instance->data; assert(a % 0x10 == 0); #endif stream->read8(instance->data, instance->dataSize); #ifdef RW_PS2 if(!buf[1]) fixDmaOffsets(instance); #endif instance->material = m->material; // sizedebug(instance); m++; } return stream; } Stream* writeNativeData(Stream *stream, int32 len, void *object, int32, int32) { ASSERTLITTLE; Geometry *geometry = (Geometry*)object; writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_STRUCT, len-12); if(geometry->instData == nil || geometry->instData->platform != PLATFORM_PS2) return stream; stream->writeU32(PLATFORM_PS2); InstanceDataHeader *header = (InstanceDataHeader*)geometry->instData; for(uint32 i = 0; i < header->numMeshes; i++){ InstanceData *instance = &header->instanceMeshes[i]; uint32 buf[2]; buf[0] = instance->dataSize; buf[1] = unfixDmaOffsets(instance); stream->write32(buf, 8); stream->write8(instance->data, instance->dataSize); #ifdef RW_PS2 if(!buf[1]) fixDmaOffsets(instance); #endif } return stream; } int32 getSizeNativeData(void *object, int32, int32) { Geometry *geometry = (Geometry*)object; int32 size = 16; if(geometry->instData == nil || geometry->instData->platform != PLATFORM_PS2) return 0; InstanceDataHeader *header = (InstanceDataHeader*)geometry->instData; for(uint32 i = 0; i < header->numMeshes; i++){ InstanceData *instance = &header->instanceMeshes[i]; size += 8; size += instance->dataSize; } return size; } void registerNativeDataPlugin(void) { Geometry::registerPlugin(0, ID_NATIVEDATA, nil, destroyNativeData, nil); Geometry::registerPluginStream(ID_NATIVEDATA, readNativeData, writeNativeData, getSizeNativeData); } // Patch DMA ref ADDR fields to point to the actual data. #ifdef RW_PS2 void fixDmaOffsets(InstanceData *inst) { uint32 base = (uint32)inst->data; uint32 *tag = (uint32*)inst->data; for(;;){ switch(tag[0]&0x70000000){ // DMAcnt case 0x10000000: // no need to fix tag += (1+(tag[0]&0xFFFF))*4; break; // DMAref case 0x30000000: // fix address and jump to next tag[1] = base + tag[1]<<4; tag += 4; break; // DMAret case 0x60000000: // we're done return; default: fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown DMAtag %X\n", tag[0]); return; } } } #endif // Patch DMA ref ADDR fields to qword offsets and return whether // no ref tags were found. // Only under RW_PS2 are the addresses actually patched but we need // the return value for streaming out. bool32 unfixDmaOffsets(InstanceData *inst) { bool32 norefs = 1; #ifdef RW_PS2 uint32 base = (uint32)inst->data; #endif uint32 *tag = (uint32*)inst->data; for(;;){ switch(tag[0]&0x70000000){ // DMAcnt case 0x10000000: // no need to unfix tag += (1+(tag[0]&0xFFFF))*4; break; // DMAref case 0x30000000: norefs = 0; // unfix address and jump to next #ifdef RW_PS2 tag[1] = (tag[1] - base)>>4; #endif tag += 4; break; // DMAret case 0x60000000: return norefs; default: fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown DMAtag %X\n", tag[0]); return norefs; } } } // Pipeline PipeAttribute attribXYZ = { "XYZ", AT_V3_32 }; PipeAttribute attribXYZW = { "XYZW", AT_V4_32 }; PipeAttribute attribUV = { "UV", AT_V2_32 }; PipeAttribute attribUV2 = { "UV2", AT_V4_32 }; PipeAttribute attribRGBA = { "RGBA", AT_V4_8 | AT_UNSGN }; PipeAttribute attribNormal = { "Normal", AT_V3_8 // RW has V4_8 but uses V3_8, wtf? }; PipeAttribute attribWeights = { "Weights", AT_V4_32 | AT_RW }; static uint32 attribSize(uint32 unpack) { static uint32 size[] = { 32, 16, 8, 16 }; return ((unpack>>26 & 3)+1)*size[unpack>>24 & 3]/8; } #define QWC(x) (((x)+0xF)>>4) static uint32 getBatchSize(MatPipeline *pipe, uint32 vertCount) { PipeAttribute *a; if(vertCount == 0) return 0; uint32 size = 1; // ITOP &c. at the end for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(pipe->attribs); i++) if((a = pipe->attribs[i]) && (a->attrib & AT_RW) == 0){ size++; // UNPACK &c. size += QWC(vertCount*attribSize(a->attrib)); } return size; } uint32* instanceXYZ(uint32 *p, Geometry *g, Mesh *m, uint32 idx, uint32 n) { uint16 j; uint32 *d = (uint32*)g->morphTargets[0].vertices; for(uint32 i = idx; i < idx+n; i++){ j = m->indices[i]; *p++ = d[j*3+0]; *p++ = d[j*3+1]; *p++ = d[j*3+2]; } while((uintptr)p % 0x10) *p++ = 0; return p; } uint32* instanceXYZW(uint32 *p, Geometry *g, Mesh *m, uint32 idx, uint32 n) { uint16 j; uint32 *d = (uint32*)g->morphTargets[0].vertices; int8 *adcbits = getADCbitsForMesh(g, m); for(uint32 i = idx; i < idx+n; i++){ j = m->indices[i]; *p++ = d[j*3+0]; *p++ = d[j*3+1]; *p++ = d[j*3+2]; *p++ = adcbits && adcbits[i] ? 0x8000 : 0; } // don't need to pad return p; } uint32* instanceUV(uint32 *p, Geometry *g, Mesh *m, uint32 idx, uint32 n) { uint16 j; uint32 *d = (uint32*)g->texCoords[0]; if((g->flags & Geometry::TEXTURED) || (g->flags & Geometry::TEXTURED2)) for(uint32 i = idx; i < idx+n; i++){ j = m->indices[i]; *p++ = d[j*2+0]; *p++ = d[j*2+1]; } else for(uint32 i = idx; i < idx+n; i++){ *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; } while((uintptr)p % 0x10) *p++ = 0; return p; } uint32* instanceUV2(uint32 *p, Geometry *g, Mesh *m, uint32 idx, uint32 n) { uint16 j; uint32 *d0 = (uint32*)g->texCoords[0]; uint32 *d1 = (uint32*)g->texCoords[1]; for(uint32 i = idx; i < idx+n; i++){ j = m->indices[i]; if(g->numTexCoordSets > 0){ *p++ = d0[j*2+0]; *p++ = d0[j*2+1]; }else{ *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; } if(g->numTexCoordSets > 1){ *p++ = d1[j*2+0]; *p++ = d1[j*2+1]; }else{ *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; } } while((uintptr)p % 0x10) *p++ = 0; return p; } uint32* instanceRGBA(uint32 *p, Geometry *g, Mesh *m, uint32 idx, uint32 n) { uint16 j; uint32 *d = (uint32*)g->colors; if((g->flags & Geometry::PRELIT)) for(uint32 i = idx; i < idx+n; i++){ j = m->indices[i]; *p++ = d[j]; } else for(uint32 i = idx; i < idx+n; i++) *p++ = 0xFF000000; while((uintptr)p % 0x10) *p++ = 0; return p; } uint32* instanceNormal(uint32 *wp, Geometry *g, Mesh *m, uint32 idx, uint32 n) { uint16 j; V3d *d = g->morphTargets[0].normals; uint8 *p = (uint8*)wp; if((g->flags & Geometry::NORMALS)) for(uint32 i = idx; i < idx+n; i++){ j = m->indices[i]; *p++ = d[j].x*127.0f; *p++ = d[j].y*127.0f; *p++ = d[j].z*127.0f; } else for(uint32 i = idx; i < idx+n; i++){ *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; } while((uintptr)p % 0x10) *p++ = 0; return (uint32*)p; } void MatPipeline::init(void) { this->rw::Pipeline::init(PLATFORM_PS2); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) this->attribs[i] = nil; this->instanceCB = nil; this->uninstanceCB = nil; this->preUninstCB = nil; this->postUninstCB = nil; } MatPipeline* MatPipeline::create(void) { MatPipeline *pipe = rwNewT(MatPipeline, 1, MEMDUR_GLOBAL); pipe->init(); return pipe; } void MatPipeline::destroy(void) { rwFree(this); } void MatPipeline::dump(void) { if(this->platform != PLATFORM_PS2) return; PipeAttribute *a; printf("%x %x\n", this->pluginID, this->pluginData); for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(this->attribs); i++){ a = this->attribs[i]; if(a) printf("%d %s: %x\n", i, a->name, a->attrib); } printf("stride: %x\n", this->inputStride); printf("vertcount: %x\n", this->vifOffset/this->inputStride); printf("triSCount: %x\n", this->triStripCount); printf("triLCount: %x\n", this->triListCount); printf("vifOffset: %x\n", this->vifOffset); printf("\n"); } void MatPipeline::setTriBufferSizes(uint32 inputStride, uint32 bufferSize) { PipeAttribute *a; this->inputStride = inputStride; uint32 numTLtris = bufferSize/3; this->triListCount = (numTLtris & ~3) * 3; this->triStripCount = bufferSize & ~3; for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(this->attribs); i++){ a = this->attribs[i]; if(a && a->attrib & AT_RW){ // broken out attribs have different requirement // because we have to be able to restart a strip // at an aligned offset this->triStripCount = ((bufferSize-2) & ~3)+2; return; } } } // Instance format: // no broken out clusters // ====================== // DMAret [FLUSH; MSKPATH3 || FLUSH; FLUSH] { // foreach batch { // foreach cluster { // MARK/0; STMOD; STCYCL; UNPACK // unpack-data // } // ITOP; MSCALF/MSCNT; // if first/not-first // 0/FLUSH; 0/MSKPATH3 || 0/FLUSH; 0/FLUSH // if not-last/last // } // } // // broken out clusters // =================== // foreach batch { // foreach broken out cluster { // DMAref [STCYCL; UNPACK] -> pointer into unpack-data // DMAcnt (empty) // } // DMAcnt/ret { // foreach cluster { // MARK/0; STMOD; STCYCL; UNPACK // unpack-data // } // ITOP; MSCALF/MSCNT; // if first/not-first // 0/FLUSH; 0/MSKPATH3 || 0/FLUSH; 0/FLUSH // if not-last/last // } // } // unpack-data for broken out clusters uint32 markcnt = 0; enum { DMAcnt = 0x10000000, DMAref = 0x30000000, DMAret = 0x60000000, VIF_NOP = 0, VIF_STCYCL = 0x01000000, VIF_STCYCL1 = 0x01000100, // WL = 1 VIF_OFFSET = 0x02000000, VIF_BASE = 0x03000000, VIF_ITOP = 0x04000000, VIF_STMOD = 0x05000000, VIF_MSKPATH3 = 0x06000000, VIF_MARK = 0x07000000, VIF_FLUSHE = 0x10000000, VIF_FLUSH = 0x11000000, VIF_FLUSHA = 0x13000000, VIF_MSCAL = 0x14000000, VIF_MSCALF = 0x15000000, VIF_MSCNT = 0x17000000, VIF_STMASK = 0x20000000, VIF_STROW = 0x30000000, VIF_STCOL = 0x31000000, VIF_MPG = 0x4A000000, VIF_DIRECT = 0x50000000, VIF_DIRECTHL = 0x51000000, VIF_UNPACK = 0x60000000 // no mode encoded }; struct InstMeshInfo { uint32 numAttribs, numBrokenAttribs; uint32 batchVertCount, lastBatchVertCount; uint32 numBatches; uint32 batchSize, lastBatchSize; uint32 size; // size of DMA chain without broken out data uint32 size2; // size of broken out data uint32 vertexSize; uint32 attribPos[10]; }; InstMeshInfo getInstMeshInfo(MatPipeline *pipe, Geometry *g, Mesh *m) { PipeAttribute *a; InstMeshInfo im; im.numAttribs = 0; im.numBrokenAttribs = 0; im.vertexSize = 0; for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(pipe->attribs); i++) if((a = pipe->attribs[i])) { if(a->attrib & AT_RW) im.numBrokenAttribs++; else{ im.vertexSize += attribSize(a->attrib); im.numAttribs++; } } if(g->meshHeader->flags == MeshHeader::TRISTRIP){ im.numBatches = (m->numIndices-2) / (pipe->triStripCount-2); im.batchVertCount = pipe->triStripCount; im.lastBatchVertCount = (m->numIndices-2) % (pipe->triStripCount-2); if(im.lastBatchVertCount){ im.numBatches++; im.lastBatchVertCount += 2; } }else{ // TRILIST; nothing else supported yet im.numBatches = (m->numIndices+pipe->triListCount-1) / pipe->triListCount; im.batchVertCount = pipe->triListCount; im.lastBatchVertCount = m->numIndices % pipe->triListCount; } if(im.lastBatchVertCount == 0) im.lastBatchVertCount = im.batchVertCount; im.batchSize = getBatchSize(pipe, im.batchVertCount); im.lastBatchSize = getBatchSize(pipe, im.lastBatchVertCount); if(im.numBrokenAttribs == 0) im.size = 1 + im.batchSize*(im.numBatches-1) + im.lastBatchSize; else im.size = 2*im.numBrokenAttribs*im.numBatches + (1+im.batchSize)*(im.numBatches-1) + 1+im.lastBatchSize; /* figure out size and addresses of broken out sections */ im.size2 = 0; for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(im.attribPos); i++) if((a = pipe->attribs[i]) && a->attrib & AT_RW){ im.attribPos[i] = im.size2 + im.size; im.size2 += QWC(m->numIndices*attribSize(a->attrib)); } return im; } void MatPipeline::instance(Geometry *g, InstanceData *inst, Mesh *m) { PipeAttribute *a; InstMeshInfo im = getInstMeshInfo(this, g, m); inst->dataSize = (im.size+im.size2)<<4; // TODO: do this properly, just a test right now inst->dataSize += 0x7F; inst->dataRaw = rwNewT(uint8, inst->dataSize, MEMDUR_EVENT | ID_GEOMETRY); inst->data = ALIGNPTR(inst->dataRaw, 0x80); /* make array of addresses of broken out sections */ uint8 *datap[nelem(this->attribs)]; uint8 **dp = datap; for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(this->attribs); i++) if((a = this->attribs[i]) && a->attrib & AT_RW) dp[i] = inst->data + im.attribPos[i]*0x10; // TODO: not sure if this is correct uint32 msk_flush = rw::version >= 0x35000 ? VIF_FLUSH : VIF_MSKPATH3; uint32 idx = 0; uint32 *p = (uint32*)inst->data; if(im.numBrokenAttribs == 0){ *p++ = DMAret | im.size-1; *p++ = 0; *p++ = VIF_FLUSH; *p++ = msk_flush; } for(uint32 j = 0; j < im.numBatches; j++){ uint32 nverts, bsize; if(j < im.numBatches-1){ bsize = im.batchSize; nverts = im.batchVertCount; }else{ bsize = im.lastBatchSize; nverts = im.lastBatchVertCount; } for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(this->attribs); i++) if((a = this->attribs[i]) && a->attrib & AT_RW){ uint32 atsz = attribSize(a->attrib); *p++ = DMAref | QWC(nverts*atsz); *p++ = im.attribPos[i]; *p++ = VIF_STCYCL1 | this->inputStride; // Round up nverts so UNPACK will fit exactly into the DMA packet // (can't pad with zeroes in broken out sections). int num = (QWC(nverts*atsz)<<4)/atsz; *p++ = (a->attrib&0xFF004000) | 0x8000 | num << 16 | i; // UNPACK // This probably shouldn't happen. if(num*this->inputStride > this->vifOffset) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: PS2 instance data over vifOffset %08X, %X-> %X %X\n", p[-1], num, num*this->inputStride, this->vifOffset); *p++ = DMAcnt; *p++ = 0x0; *p++ = VIF_NOP; *p++ = VIF_NOP; im.attribPos[i] += g->meshHeader->flags == 1 ? QWC((im.batchVertCount-2)*atsz) : QWC(im.batchVertCount*atsz); } if(im.numBrokenAttribs){ *p++ = (j < im.numBatches-1 ? DMAcnt : DMAret) | bsize; *p++ = 0x0; *p++ = VIF_NOP; *p++ = VIF_NOP; } for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(this->attribs); i++) if((a = this->attribs[i]) && (a->attrib & AT_RW) == 0){ uint32 mask; if(adcHack && a == &attribXYZ){ *p++ = VIF_STMASK; *p++ = 1 << 6; // write w field with VIF1_R3 mask = 0x10000000; }else{ if(rw::version >= 0x35000) *p++ = VIF_NOP; else *p++ = VIF_MARK | markcnt++; *p++ = VIF_STMOD; mask = 0x00000000; } *p++ = VIF_STCYCL1 | this->inputStride; *p++ = (a->attrib&0xFF004000) | mask | 0x8000 | nverts << 16 | i; // UNPACK if(a == &attribXYZ) p = instanceXYZ(p, g, m, idx, nverts); else if(a == &attribXYZW) p = instanceXYZW(p, g, m, idx, nverts); else if(a == &attribUV) p = instanceUV(p, g, m, idx, nverts); else if(a == &attribUV2) p = instanceUV2(p, g, m, idx, nverts); else if(a == &attribRGBA) p = instanceRGBA(p, g, m, idx, nverts); else if(a == &attribNormal) p = instanceNormal(p, g, m, idx, nverts); } idx += g->meshHeader->flags == 1 ? im.batchVertCount-2 : im.batchVertCount; *p++ = VIF_ITOP | nverts; *p++ = j == 0 ? VIF_MSCALF : VIF_MSCNT; if(j < im.numBatches-1){ *p++ = VIF_NOP; *p++ = VIF_NOP; }else{ *p++ = VIF_FLUSH; *p++ = msk_flush; } } if(this->instanceCB) this->instanceCB(this, g, m, datap); #ifdef RW_PS2 if(im.numBrokenAttribs) fixDmaOffsets(inst); #endif } uint8* MatPipeline::collectData(Geometry *g, InstanceData *inst, Mesh *m, uint8 *data[]) { PipeAttribute *a; InstMeshInfo im = getInstMeshInfo(this, g, m); uint8 *raw = rwNewT(uint8, im.vertexSize*m->numIndices, MEMDUR_EVENT | ID_GEOMETRY); uint8 *dp = raw; for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(this->attribs); i++) if((a = this->attribs[i])) { if(a->attrib & AT_RW){ data[i] = inst->data + im.attribPos[i]*0x10; }else{ data[i] = dp; dp += m->numIndices*attribSize(a->attrib); } } uint8 *datap[nelem(this->attribs)]; memcpy(datap, data, sizeof(datap)); uint32 overlap = g->meshHeader->flags == 1 ? 2 : 0; uint32 *p = (uint32*)inst->data; if(im.numBrokenAttribs == 0) p += 4; for(uint32 j = 0; j < im.numBatches; j++){ uint32 nverts = j < im.numBatches-1 ? im.batchVertCount : im.lastBatchVertCount; for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(this->attribs); i++) if((a = this->attribs[i]) && a->attrib & AT_RW) p += 8; if(im.numBrokenAttribs) p += 4; for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(this->attribs); i++) if((a = this->attribs[i]) && (a->attrib & AT_RW) == 0){ uint32 asz = attribSize(a->attrib); p += 4; if((p[-1] & 0xff004000) != a->attrib){ fprintf(stderr, "unexpected unpack: %08x %08x\n", p[-1], a->attrib); assert(0 && "unexpected unpack\n"); } memcpy(datap[i], p, asz*nverts); datap[i] += asz*(nverts-overlap); p += QWC(asz*nverts)*4; } p += 4; } return raw; } static void objInstance(rw::ObjPipeline *rwpipe, Atomic *atomic) { ObjPipeline *pipe = (ObjPipeline*)rwpipe; Geometry *geo = atomic->geometry; // TODO: allow for REINSTANCE if(geo->instData) return; InstanceDataHeader *header = rwNewT(InstanceDataHeader, 1, MEMDUR_EVENT | ID_GEOMETRY); geo->instData = header; header->platform = PLATFORM_PS2; assert(geo->meshHeader != nil); header->numMeshes = geo->meshHeader->numMeshes; header->instanceMeshes = rwNewT(InstanceData, header->numMeshes, MEMDUR_EVENT | ID_GEOMETRY); for(uint32 i = 0; i < header->numMeshes; i++){ Mesh *mesh = &geo->meshHeader->getMeshes()[i]; InstanceData *instance = &header->instanceMeshes[i]; MatPipeline *m; m = pipe->groupPipeline ? pipe->groupPipeline : (MatPipeline*)mesh->material->pipeline; if(m == nil) m = defaultMatPipe; m->instance(geo, instance, mesh); instance->material = mesh->material; } } /* static void printVertCounts(InstanceData *inst, int flag) { uint32 *d = (uint32*)inst->data; uint32 id = 0; if(inst->material->pipeline) id = inst->material->pipeline->pluginData; int stride; if(inst->arePointersFixed){ d += 4; while(d[3]&0x60000000){ // skip UNPACKs stride = d[2]&0xFF; d += 4 + 4*QWC(attribSize(d[3])*((d[3]>>16)&0xFF)); } if(d[2] == 0) printf("ITOP %x %d (%d) %x\n", *d, stride, flag, id); }else{ while((*d&0x70000000) == 0x30000000){ stride = d[2]&0xFF; printf("UNPACK %x %d (%d) %x\n", d[3], stride, flag, id); d += 8; } if((*d&0x70000000) == 0x10000000){ d += (*d&0xFFFF)*4; printf("ITOP %x %d (%d) %x\n", *d, stride, flag, id); } } } */ static void objUninstance(rw::ObjPipeline *rwpipe, Atomic *atomic) { ObjPipeline *pipe = (ObjPipeline*)rwpipe; Geometry *geo = atomic->geometry; if((geo->flags & Geometry::NATIVE) == 0) return; assert(geo->instData != nil); assert(geo->instData->platform == PLATFORM_PS2); InstanceDataHeader *header = (InstanceDataHeader*)geo->instData; // highest possible number of vertices geo->numVertices = geo->meshHeader->totalIndices; geo->numTriangles = geo->meshHeader->guessNumTriangles(); geo->allocateData(); geo->allocateMeshes(geo->meshHeader->numMeshes, geo->meshHeader->totalIndices, 0); uint32 *flags = rwNewT(uint32, geo->numVertices, MEMDUR_FUNCTION | ID_GEOMETRY); memset(flags, 0, 4*geo->numVertices); memset(geo->meshHeader->getMeshes()->indices, 0, 2*geo->meshHeader->totalIndices); for(uint32 i = 0; i < header->numMeshes; i++){ Mesh *mesh = &geo->meshHeader->getMeshes()[i]; MatPipeline *m; m = pipe->groupPipeline ? pipe->groupPipeline : (MatPipeline*)mesh->material->pipeline; if(m == nil) m = defaultMatPipe; if(m->preUninstCB) m->preUninstCB(m, geo); } geo->numVertices = 0; for(uint32 i = 0; i < header->numMeshes; i++){ Mesh *mesh = &geo->meshHeader->getMeshes()[i]; InstanceData *instance = &header->instanceMeshes[i]; MatPipeline *m; m = pipe->groupPipeline ? pipe->groupPipeline : (MatPipeline*)mesh->material->pipeline; if(m == nil) m = defaultMatPipe; //printDMAVIF(instance); uint8 *data[nelem(m->attribs)] = { nil }; uint8 *raw = m->collectData(geo, instance, mesh, data); assert(m->uninstanceCB); m->uninstanceCB(m, geo, flags, mesh, data); rwFree(raw); } for(uint32 i = 0; i < header->numMeshes; i++){ Mesh *mesh = &geo->meshHeader->getMeshes()[i]; MatPipeline *m; m = pipe->groupPipeline ? pipe->groupPipeline : (MatPipeline*)mesh->material->pipeline; if(m == nil) m = defaultMatPipe; if(m->postUninstCB) m->postUninstCB(m, geo); } int8 *bits = getADCbits(geo); geo->generateTriangles(bits); rwFree(flags); geo->flags &= ~Geometry::NATIVE; destroyNativeData(geo, 0, 0); /* for(uint32 i = 0; i < header->numMeshes; i++){ Mesh *mesh = &geo->meshHeader->mesh[i]; InstanceData *instance = &header->instanceMeshes[i]; // printf("numIndices: %d\n", mesh->numIndices); // printDMA(instance); printVertCounts(instance, geo->meshHeader->flags); } */ } void ObjPipeline::init(void) { this->rw::ObjPipeline::init(PLATFORM_PS2); this->groupPipeline = nil; this->impl.instance = objInstance; this->impl.uninstance = objUninstance; } ObjPipeline* ObjPipeline::create(void) { ObjPipeline *pipe = rwNewT(ObjPipeline, 1, MEMDUR_GLOBAL); pipe->init(); return pipe; } void insertVertex(Geometry *geo, int32 i, uint32 mask, Vertex *v) { if(mask & 0x1) geo->morphTargets[0].vertices[i] = v->p; if(mask & 0x10) geo->morphTargets[0].normals[i] = v->n; if(mask & 0x100) geo->colors[i] = v->c; if(mask & 0x1000) geo->texCoords[0][i] = v->t; if(mask & 0x2000) geo->texCoords[1][i] = v->t1; } void genericPreCB(MatPipeline *pipe, Geometry *geo) { PipeAttribute *a; for(int32 i = 0; i < (int)nelem(pipe->attribs); i++) if((a = pipe->attribs[i])) if(a == &attribXYZW){ allocateADC(geo); break; } skinPreCB(pipe, geo); } void genericUninstanceCB(MatPipeline *pipe, Geometry *geo, uint32 flags[], Mesh *mesh, uint8 *data[]) { float32 *xyz = nil, *xyzw = nil; float32 *uv = nil, *uv2 = nil; uint8 *rgba = nil; int8 *normals = nil; uint32 *weights = nil; int8 *adc = nil; Skin *skin = nil; if(skinGlobals.geoOffset) skin = Skin::get(geo); PipeAttribute *a; for(int32 i = 0; i < (int)nelem(pipe->attribs); i++) if((a = pipe->attribs[i])){ if(a == &attribXYZ) xyz = (float32*)data[i]; else if(a == &attribXYZW) xyzw = (float32*)data[i]; else if(a == &attribUV) uv = (float32*)data[i]; else if(a == &attribUV2) uv2 = (float32*)data[i]; else if(a == &attribRGBA) rgba = data[i]; else if(a == &attribNormal) normals = (int8*)data[i]; else if(a == &attribWeights) weights = (uint32*)data[i]; } uint32 mask = 0x1; // vertices if(normals && geo->flags & Geometry::NORMALS) mask |= 0x10; if(rgba && geo->flags & Geometry::PRELIT) mask |= 0x100; if((uv || uv2) && geo->numTexCoordSets > 0) mask |= 0x1000; if(uv2 && geo->numTexCoordSets > 1) mask |= 0x2000; if(weights && skin) mask |= 0x10000; if(xyzw) adc = getADCbitsForMesh(geo, mesh); Vertex v; for(uint32 i = 0; i < mesh->numIndices; i++){ if(mask & 0x1) memcpy(&v.p, xyz ? xyz : xyzw, 12); if(mask & 0x10){ // TODO: figure out scaling :/ v.n.x = normals[0]/128.0f; v.n.y = normals[1]/128.0f; v.n.z = normals[2]/128.0f; } if(mask & 0x100) memcpy(&v.c, rgba, 4); if(mask & 0x1000) memcpy(&v.t, uv ? uv : uv2, 8); if(mask & 0x2000) memcpy(&v.t1, uv2 + 2, 8); if(mask & 0x10000) for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++){ ((uint32*)v.w)[j] = weights[j] & ~0x3FF; v.i[j] = (weights[j] & 0x3FF) >> 2; if(v.i[j]) v.i[j]--; if(v.w[j] == 0.0f) v.i[j] = 0; } int32 idx = findVertexSkin(geo, flags, mask, &v); if(idx < 0) idx = geo->numVertices++; mesh->indices[i] = idx; if(adc) adc[i] = xyzw[3] != 0.0f; flags[idx] = mask; insertVertexSkin(geo, idx, mask, &v); if(xyz) xyz += 3; if(xyzw) xyzw += 4; if(uv) uv += 2; if(uv2) uv2 += 4; rgba += 4; normals += 3; weights += 4; } } /* void defaultUninstanceCB(MatPipeline *pipe, Geometry *geo, uint32 flags[], Mesh *mesh, uint8 *data[]) { float32 *verts = (float32*)data[AT_XYZ]; float32 *texcoords = (float32*)data[AT_UV]; uint8 *colors = (uint8*)data[AT_RGBA]; int8 *norms = (int8*)data[AT_NORMAL]; uint32 mask = 0x1; // vertices if(geo->flags & Geometry::NORMALS) mask |= 0x10; if(geo->flags & Geometry::PRELIT) mask |= 0x100; for(int32 i = 0; i < geo->numTexCoordSets; i++) mask |= 0x1000 << i; int numUV = pipe->attribs[AT_UV] == &attribUV2 ? 2 : 1; Vertex v; for(uint32 i = 0; i < mesh->numIndices; i++){ if(mask & 0x1) memcpy(&v.p, verts, 12); if(mask & 0x10){ v.n[0] = norms[0]/127.0f; v.n[1] = norms[1]/127.0f; v.n[2] = norms[2]/127.0f; } if(mask & 0x100){ memcpy(&v.c, colors, 4); //v.c[3] = 0xFF; } if(mask & 0x1000) memcpy(&v.t, texcoords, 8); if(mask & 0x2000) memcpy(&v.t1, texcoords+2, 8); int32 idx = findVertex(geo, flags, mask, &v); if(idx < 0) idx = geo->numVertices++; mesh->indices[i] = idx; flags[idx] = mask; insertVertex(geo, idx, mask, &v); verts += 3; texcoords += 2*numUV; colors += 4; norms += 3; } } */ #undef QWC ObjPipeline* makeDefaultPipeline(void) { if(defaultMatPipe == nil){ MatPipeline *pipe = MatPipeline::create(); pipe->attribs[AT_XYZ] = &attribXYZ; pipe->attribs[AT_UV] = &attribUV; pipe->attribs[AT_RGBA] = &attribRGBA; pipe->attribs[AT_NORMAL] = &attribNormal; uint32 vertCount = MatPipeline::getVertCount(VU_Lights,4,3,2); pipe->setTriBufferSizes(4, vertCount); pipe->vifOffset = pipe->inputStride*vertCount; pipe->uninstanceCB = genericUninstanceCB; defaultMatPipe = pipe; } if(defaultObjPipe == nil){ ObjPipeline *opipe = ObjPipeline::create(); defaultObjPipe = opipe; } return defaultObjPipe; } // ADC int32 adcOffset; int8* getADCbits(Geometry *geo) { int8 *bits = nil; if(adcOffset){ ADCData *adc = PLUGINOFFSET(ADCData, geo, adcOffset); if(adc->adcFormatted) bits = adc->adcBits; } return bits; } int8* getADCbitsForMesh(Geometry *geo, Mesh *mesh) { int8 *bits = getADCbits(geo); if(bits == nil) return nil; int32 n = mesh - geo->meshHeader->getMeshes(); for(int32 i = 0; i < n; i++) bits += geo->meshHeader->getMeshes()[i].numIndices; return bits; } // TODO void convertADC(Geometry*) { } // Not optimal but works void unconvertADC(Geometry *g) { ADCData *adc = PLUGINOFFSET(ADCData, g, adcOffset); if(!adc->adcFormatted) return; int8 *b = adc->adcBits; MeshHeader *oldmh = g->meshHeader; g->meshHeader = nil; // Don't allocate indices for now MeshHeader *newmh = g->allocateMeshes(oldmh->numMeshes, 0, 1); newmh->flags = oldmh->flags; // should be tristrip Mesh *oldm = oldmh->getMeshes(); Mesh *newm = newmh->getMeshes(); for(int32 i = 0; i < newmh->numMeshes; i++){ newm->material = oldm->material; newm->numIndices = oldm->numIndices; for(uint32 j = 0; j < oldm->numIndices; j++) if(*b++) newm->numIndices += 2; newmh->totalIndices += newm->numIndices; newm++; oldm++; } // Now re-allocate with indices newmh = g->allocateMeshes(newmh->numMeshes, newmh->totalIndices, 0); b = adc->adcBits; oldm = oldmh->getMeshes(); newm = newmh->getMeshes(); for(int32 i = 0; i < newmh->numMeshes; i++){ int32 n = 0; for(uint32 j = 0; j < oldm->numIndices; j++){ if(*b++){ newm->indices[n++] = oldm->indices[j-1]; newm->indices[n++] = oldm->indices[j-1]; } newm->indices[n++] = oldm->indices[j]; } newm++; oldm++; } rwFree(oldmh); adc->adcFormatted = 0; rwFree(adc->adcBits); adc->adcBits = nil; adc->numBits = 0; } void allocateADC(Geometry *geo) { ADCData *adc = PLUGINOFFSET(ADCData, geo, adcOffset); adc->adcFormatted = 1; adc->numBits = geo->meshHeader->totalIndices; int32 size = adc->numBits+3 & ~3; adc->adcBits = rwNewT(int8, size, MEMDUR_EVENT | ID_ADC); memset(adc->adcBits, 0, size); } static void* createADC(void *object, int32 offset, int32) { ADCData *adc = PLUGINOFFSET(ADCData, object, offset); adc->adcFormatted = 0; return object; } static void* copyADC(void *dst, void *src, int32 offset, int32) { ADCData *dstadc = PLUGINOFFSET(ADCData, dst, offset); ADCData *srcadc = PLUGINOFFSET(ADCData, src, offset); dstadc->adcFormatted = srcadc->adcFormatted; if(!dstadc->adcFormatted) return dst; dstadc->numBits = srcadc->numBits; int32 size = dstadc->numBits+3 & ~3; dstadc->adcBits = rwNewT(int8, size, MEMDUR_EVENT | ID_ADC); memcpy(dstadc->adcBits, srcadc->adcBits, size); return dst; } static void* destroyADC(void *object, int32 offset, int32) { ADCData *adc = PLUGINOFFSET(ADCData, object, offset); if(adc->adcFormatted) rwFree(adc->adcBits); return object; } static Stream* readADC(Stream *stream, int32, void *object, int32 offset, int32) { ADCData *adc = PLUGINOFFSET(ADCData, object, offset); if(!findChunk(stream, ID_ADC, nil, nil)){ RWERROR((ERR_CHUNK, "ADC")); return nil; } adc->numBits = stream->readI32(); adc->adcFormatted = 1; if(adc->numBits == 0){ adc->adcBits = nil; adc->numBits = 0; return stream; } int32 size = adc->numBits+3 & ~3; adc->adcBits = rwNewT(int8, size, MEMDUR_EVENT | ID_ADC); stream->read8(adc->adcBits, size); return stream; } static Stream* writeADC(Stream *stream, int32 len, void *object, int32 offset, int32) { ADCData *adc = PLUGINOFFSET(ADCData, object, offset); Geometry *geometry = (Geometry*)object; writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_ADC, len-12); if(geometry->flags & Geometry::NATIVE){ stream->writeI32(0); return stream; } stream->writeI32(adc->numBits); int32 size = adc->numBits+3 & ~3; stream->write8(adc->adcBits, size); return stream; } static int32 getSizeADC(void *object, int32 offset, int32) { Geometry *geometry = (Geometry*)object; ADCData *adc = PLUGINOFFSET(ADCData, object, offset); if(!adc->adcFormatted) return 0; if(geometry->flags & Geometry::NATIVE) return 16; return 16 + (adc->numBits+3 & ~3); } void registerADCPlugin(void) { adcOffset = Geometry::registerPlugin(sizeof(ADCData), ID_ADC, createADC, destroyADC, copyADC); Geometry::registerPluginStream(ID_ADC, readADC, writeADC, getSizeADC); } // misc stuff static uint32 unpackSize(uint32 unpack) { static uint32 size[] = { 32, 16, 8, 4 }; return ((unpack>>26 & 3)+1)*size[unpack>>24 & 3]/8; } /* A little dumb VIF interpreter */ static void sendVIF(uint32 w) { enum VIFstate { VST_cmd, VST_stmask, VST_strow, VST_stcol, VST_mpg, VST_direct, VST_unpack }; // static uint32 buf[256 * 16]; // maximum unpack size static VIFstate state = VST_cmd; static uint32 n; static uint32 code; uint32 imm, num; imm = w & 0xFFFF; num = (w>>16) & 0xFF; switch(state){ case VST_cmd: code = w; if((code & 0x60000000) == VIF_UNPACK){ printf("\t%08X VIF_UNPACK\n", code); printf("\t...skipping...\n"); state = VST_unpack; n = (unpackSize(code)*num + 3) >> 2; }else switch(code & 0x7F000000){ case VIF_NOP: printf("\t%08X VIF_NOP\n", code); break; case VIF_STCYCL: printf("\t%08X VIF_STCYCL\n", code); break; case VIF_OFFSET: printf("\t%08X VIF_OFFSET\n", code); break; case VIF_BASE: printf("\t%08X VIF_BASE\n", code); break; case VIF_ITOP: printf("\t%08X VIF_ITOP\n", code); break; case VIF_STMOD: printf("\t%08X VIF_STMOD\n", code); break; case VIF_MSKPATH3: printf("\t%08X VIF_MSKPATH3\n", code); break; case VIF_MARK: printf("\t%08X VIF_MARK\n", code); break; case VIF_FLUSHE: printf("\t%08X VIF_FLUSHE\n", code); break; case VIF_FLUSH: printf("\t%08X VIF_FLUSH\n", code); break; case VIF_FLUSHA: printf("\t%08X VIF_FLUSHA\n", code); break; case VIF_MSCAL: printf("\t%08X VIF_MSCAL\n", code); break; case VIF_MSCALF: printf("\t%08X VIF_MSCALF\n", code); break; case VIF_MSCNT: printf("\t%08X VIF_MSCNT\n", code); break; case VIF_STMASK: printf("\t%08X VIF_STMASK\n", code); printf("\t...skipping...\n"); state = VST_stmask; n = 1; break; case VIF_STROW: printf("\t%08X VIF_STROW\n", code); printf("\t...skipping...\n"); state = VST_strow; n = 4; break; case VIF_STCOL: printf("\t%08X VIF_STCOL\n", code); printf("\t...skipping...\n"); state = VST_stcol; n = 4; break; case VIF_MPG: printf("\t%08X VIF_MPG\n", code); state = VST_mpg; n = num*2; break; case VIF_DIRECT: printf("\t%08X VIF_DIRECT\n", code); printf("\t...skipping...\n"); state = VST_direct; n = imm*4; break; case VIF_DIRECTHL: printf("\t%08X VIF_DIRECTHL\n", code); printf("\t...skipping...\n"); state = VST_direct; n = imm*4; break; default: printf("\tUnknown VIFcode %08X\n", code); } break; /* TODO: actually do something here */ case VST_stmask: n--; break; case VST_strow: n--; break; case VST_stcol: n--; break; case VST_mpg: n--; break; case VST_direct: n--; break; case VST_unpack: n--; break; } if(n == 0) state = VST_cmd; } static void dmaVIF(int32 qwc, uint32 *data) { qwc *= 4; while(qwc--) sendVIF(*data++); } void printDMAVIF(InstanceData *inst) { uint32 *tag = (uint32*)inst->data; uint32 *base = (uint32*)inst->data; uint32 qwc; for(;;){ qwc = tag[0]&0xFFFF; switch(tag[0]&0x70000000){ case DMAcnt: printf("DMAcnt %04x %08x\n", qwc, tag[1]); sendVIF(tag[2]); sendVIF(tag[3]); dmaVIF(qwc, tag+4); tag += (1+qwc)*4; break; case DMAref: printf("DMAref %04x %08x\n", qwc, tag[1]); sendVIF(tag[2]); sendVIF(tag[3]); dmaVIF(qwc, base + tag[1]*4); tag += 4; break; case DMAret: printf("DMAret %04x %08x\n", qwc, tag[1]); sendVIF(tag[2]); sendVIF(tag[3]); dmaVIF(qwc, tag+4); printf("\n"); return; } } } void printDMA(InstanceData *inst) { uint32 *tag = (uint32*)inst->data; uint32 qwc; for(;;){ qwc = tag[0]&0xFFFF; switch(tag[0]&0x70000000){ case DMAcnt: printf("CNT %04x %08x\n", qwc, tag[1]); tag += (1+qwc)*4; break; case DMAref: printf("REF %04x %08x\n", qwc, tag[1]); tag += 4; break; case DMAret: printf("RET %04x %08x\n\n", qwc, tag[1]); return; } } } /* void sizedebug(InstanceData *inst) { if(inst->arePointersFixed == 2) return; uint32 *base = (uint32*)inst->data; uint32 *tag = (uint32*)inst->data; uint32 *last = nil; for(;;){ switch(tag[0]&0x70000000){ case DMAcnt: tag += (1+(tag[0]&0xFFFF))*4; break; case DMAref: last = base + tag[1]*4 + (tag[0]&0xFFFF)*4; tag += 4; break; case DMAret: tag += (1+(tag[0]&0xFFFF))*4; uint32 diff; if(!last) diff = (uint8*)tag - (uint8*)base; else diff = (uint8*)last - (uint8*)base; printf("%x %x %x\n", inst->dataSize-diff, diff, inst->dataSize); return; default: printf("unkown DMAtag: %X %X\n", tag[0], tag[1]); break; } } } */ } }