#include #include #include "rwbase.h" #include "rwerror.h" #include "rwplg.h" #include "rwpipeline.h" #include "rwobjects.h" #include "rwengine.h" #define PLUGIN_ID ID_FRAMELIST namespace rw { int32 Frame::numAllocated; PluginList Frame::s_plglist(sizeof(Frame)); static void *frameOpen(void *object, int32 offset, int32 size) { engine->frameDirtyList.init(); return object; } static void *frameClose(void *object, int32 offset, int32 size) { return object; } void Frame::registerModule(void) { Engine::registerPlugin(0, ID_FRAMEMODULE, frameOpen, frameClose); } Frame* Frame::create(void) { Frame *f = (Frame*)rwMalloc(s_plglist.size, MEMDUR_EVENT | ID_FRAMELIST); if(f == nil){ RWERROR((ERR_ALLOC, s_plglist.size)); return nil; } numAllocated++; f->object.init(Frame::ID, 0); f->objectList.init(); f->child = nil; f->next = nil; f->root = f; f->matrix.setIdentity(); f->ltm.setIdentity(); s_plglist.construct(f); return f; } Frame* Frame::cloneHierarchy(void) { Frame *frame = this->cloneAndLink(); this->purgeClone(); return frame; } void Frame::destroy(void) { FORLIST(lnk, this->objectList) ObjectWithFrame::fromFrame(lnk)->setFrame(nil); s_plglist.destruct(this); if(this->getParent()) this->removeChild(); if(this->object.privateFlags & Frame::HIERARCHYSYNC) this->inDirtyList.remove(); for(Frame *f = this->child; f; f = f->next) f->object.parent = nil; rwFree(this); numAllocated--; } void Frame::destroyHierarchy(void) { Frame *next; for(Frame *child = this->child; child; child = next){ next = child->next; child->destroyHierarchy(); } s_plglist.destruct(this); if(this->object.privateFlags & Frame::HIERARCHYSYNC) this->inDirtyList.remove(); rwFree(this); } Frame* Frame::addChild(Frame *child, bool32 append) { Frame *c; if(child->getParent()) child->removeChild(); if(append){ if(this->child == nil) this->child = child; else{ for(c = this->child; c->next; c = c->next); c->next = child; } child->next = nil; }else{ child->next = this->child; this->child = child; } child->object.parent = this; child->root = this->root; for(c = child->child; c; c = c->next) c->setHierarchyRoot(this); // If the child was a root, remove from dirty list if(child->object.privateFlags & Frame::HIERARCHYSYNC){ child->inDirtyList.remove(); child->object.privateFlags &= ~Frame::HIERARCHYSYNC; } this->updateObjects(); return this; } Frame* Frame::removeChild(void) { Frame *parent = this->getParent(); Frame *child = parent->child; if(child == this) parent->child = this->next; else{ while(child->next != this) child = child->next; child->next = this->next; } this->object.parent = this->next = nil; // give the hierarchy a new root this->setHierarchyRoot(this); this->updateObjects(); return this; } Frame* Frame::forAllChildren(Callback cb, void *data) { Frame *next; for(Frame *f = this->child; f; f = next){ next = f->next; if(cb(f, data) == nil) return this; } return this; } static Frame* countCB(Frame *f, void *count) { (*(int32*)count)++; f->forAllChildren(countCB, count); return f; } int32 Frame::count(void) { int32 count = 1; this->forAllChildren(countCB, (void*)&count); return count; } /* * Synching is a bit complicated. If anything in the hierarchy is not synched, * the root of the hierarchy is marked with the HIERARCHYSYNC flags. * Every unsynched frame is marked with the SUBTREESYNC flags. * If the LTM is not synched, the LTM flags are set. * If attached objects need synching, the OBJ flags are set. */ /* Synch just LTM matrices in a hierarchy */ static void syncLTMRecurse(Frame *frame, uint8 hierarchyFlags) { for(; frame; frame = frame->next){ // If frame is dirty or any parent was dirty, update LTM hierarchyFlags |= frame->object.privateFlags; if(hierarchyFlags & Frame::SUBTREESYNCLTM){ Matrix::mult(&frame->ltm, &frame->matrix, &frame->getParent()->ltm); frame->object.privateFlags &= ~Frame::SUBTREESYNCLTM; } // And synch all children syncLTMRecurse(frame->child, hierarchyFlags); } } /* Synch just objects in a hierarchy */ static void syncObjRecurse(Frame *frame) { for(; frame; frame = frame->next){ // Synch attached objects FORLIST(lnk, frame->objectList) ObjectWithFrame::fromFrame(lnk)->sync(); frame->object.privateFlags &= ~Frame::SUBTREESYNCOBJ; // And synch all children syncObjRecurse(frame->child); } } /* Synch LTM and objects */ static void syncRecurse(Frame *frame, uint8 hierarchyFlags) { for(; frame; frame = frame->next){ // If frame is dirty or any parent was dirty, update LTM hierarchyFlags |= frame->object.privateFlags; if(hierarchyFlags & Frame::SUBTREESYNCLTM) Matrix::mult(&frame->ltm, &frame->matrix, &frame->getParent()->ltm); // Synch attached objects FORLIST(lnk, frame->objectList) ObjectWithFrame::fromFrame(lnk)->sync(); frame->object.privateFlags &= ~Frame::SUBTREESYNC; // And synch all children syncRecurse(frame->child, hierarchyFlags); } } /* Sync the LTMs of the hierarchy of which 'this' is the root */ void Frame::syncHierarchyLTM(void) { // Sync root's LTM if(this->object.privateFlags & Frame::SUBTREESYNCLTM) this->ltm = this->matrix; // ...and children syncLTMRecurse(this->child, this->object.privateFlags); // all clean now this->object.privateFlags &= ~Frame::SYNCLTM; } Matrix* Frame::getLTM(void) { if(this->root->object.privateFlags & Frame::HIERARCHYSYNCLTM) this->root->syncHierarchyLTM(); return &this->ltm; } /* Synch all dirty frames; LTMs and objects */ void Frame::syncDirty(void) { Frame *frame; FORLIST(lnk, engine->frameDirtyList){ frame = LLLinkGetData(lnk, Frame, inDirtyList); if(frame->object.privateFlags & Frame::HIERARCHYSYNCLTM){ // Sync root's LTM if(frame->object.privateFlags & Frame::SUBTREESYNCLTM) frame->ltm = frame->matrix; // Synch attached objects FORLIST(lnk, frame->objectList) ObjectWithFrame::fromFrame(lnk)->sync(); // ...and children syncRecurse(frame->child, frame->object.privateFlags); }else{ // LTMs are clean, just synch objects FORLIST(lnk, frame->objectList) ObjectWithFrame::fromFrame(lnk)->sync(); syncObjRecurse(frame->child); } // all clean now frame->object.privateFlags &= ~(Frame::SYNCLTM | Frame::SYNCOBJ); } engine->frameDirtyList.init(); } void Frame::rotate(const V3d *axis, float32 angle, CombineOp op) { this->matrix.rotate(axis, angle, op); updateObjects(); } void Frame::translate(const V3d *trans, CombineOp op) { this->matrix.translate(trans, op); updateObjects(); } void Frame::scale(const V3d *scl, CombineOp op) { this->matrix.scale(scl, op); updateObjects(); } void Frame::transform(const Matrix *mat, CombineOp op) { this->matrix.transform(mat, op); updateObjects(); } void Frame::updateObjects(void) { // Mark root as dirty and insert into dirty list if necessary if((this->root->object.privateFlags & HIERARCHYSYNC) == 0) engine->frameDirtyList.add(&this->root->inDirtyList); this->root->object.privateFlags |= HIERARCHYSYNC; // Mark subtree as dirty as well this->object.privateFlags |= SUBTREESYNC; } void Frame::setHierarchyRoot(Frame *root) { this->root = root; for(Frame *child = this->child; child; child = child->next) child->setHierarchyRoot(root); } static Frame* cloneRecurse(Frame *old, Frame *newroot) { Frame *frame = Frame::create(); if(newroot == nil) newroot = frame; frame->object.copy(&old->object); frame->matrix = old->matrix; frame->root = newroot; old->root = frame; // Remember cloned frame for(Frame *child = old->child; child; child = child->next){ Frame *clonedchild = cloneRecurse(child, newroot); clonedchild->next = frame->child; frame->child = clonedchild; clonedchild->object.parent = frame; } Frame::s_plglist.copy(frame, old); return frame; } // Clone a frame hierarchy. Link cloned frames into Frame::root of the originals. Frame* Frame::cloneAndLink(void) { Frame *newhier = cloneRecurse(this, nil); if(newhier){ // frame is not in dirty list so important to get this flag right newhier->object.privateFlags &= ~HIERARCHYSYNC; newhier->updateObjects(); } return newhier; } // Remove links to cloned frames from hierarchy. void Frame::purgeClone(void) { Frame *parent = this->getParent(); this->setHierarchyRoot(parent ? parent->root : this); } struct FrameStreamData { V3d right, up, at, pos; int32 parent; int32 matflag; }; FrameList_* FrameList_::streamRead(Stream *stream) { FrameStreamData buf; this->numFrames = 0; this->frames = nil; if(!findChunk(stream, ID_STRUCT, nil, nil)){ RWERROR((ERR_CHUNK, "STRUCT")); return nil; } this->numFrames = stream->readI32(); this->frames = (Frame**)rwMalloc(this->numFrames*sizeof(Frame*), MEMDUR_EVENT | ID_FRAMELIST); if(this->frames == nil){ RWERROR((ERR_ALLOC, this->numFrames*sizeof(Frame*))); return nil; } for(int32 i = 0; i < this->numFrames; i++){ Frame *f; stream->read32(&buf, sizeof(buf)); this->frames[i] = f = Frame::create(); if(f == nil){ // TODO: clean up frames? rwFree(this->frames); return nil; } f->matrix.right = buf.right; f->matrix.up = buf.up; f->matrix.at = buf.at; f->matrix.pos = buf.pos; f->matrix.optimize(); // RW always removes identity flag f->matrix.flags &= ~Matrix::IDENTITY; if(buf.parent >= 0) this->frames[buf.parent]->addChild(f, rw::streamAppendFrames); } for(int32 i = 0; i < this->numFrames; i++) Frame::s_plglist.streamRead(stream, this->frames[i]); return this; } void FrameList_::streamWrite(Stream *stream) { FrameStreamData buf; int size = 0, structsize = 0; structsize = 4 + this->numFrames*sizeof(FrameStreamData); size += 12 + structsize; for(int32 i = 0; i < this->numFrames; i++) size += 12 + Frame::s_plglist.streamGetSize(this->frames[i]); writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_FRAMELIST, size); writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_STRUCT, structsize); stream->writeU32(this->numFrames); for(int32 i = 0; i < this->numFrames; i++){ Frame *f = this->frames[i]; buf.right = f->matrix.right; buf.up = f->matrix.up; buf.at = f->matrix.at; buf.pos = f->matrix.pos; buf.parent = findPointer(f->getParent(), (void**)this->frames, this->numFrames); buf.matflag = 0; //f->matflag; stream->write32(&buf, sizeof(buf)); } for(int32 i = 0; i < this->numFrames; i++) Frame::s_plglist.streamWrite(stream, this->frames[i]); } static Frame* sizeCB(Frame *f, void *size) { *(int32*)size += Frame::s_plglist.streamGetSize(f); f->forAllChildren(sizeCB, size); return f; } uint32 FrameList_::streamGetSize(Frame *f) { int32 numFrames = f->count(); uint32 size = 12 + 12 + 4 + numFrames*(sizeof(FrameStreamData)+12); sizeCB(f, (void*)&size); return size; } Frame** makeFrameList(Frame *frame, Frame **flist) { *flist++ = frame; if(frame->next) flist = makeFrameList(frame->next, flist); if(frame->child) flist = makeFrameList(frame->child, flist); return flist; } }