newoption { trigger = "glewdir", value = "PATH", description = "Directory of GLEW", default = "../glew-2.1.0", } newoption { trigger = "gfxlib", value = "LIBRARY", description = "Choose a particular development library", default = "glfw", allowed = { { "glfw", "GLFW" }, { "sdl2", "SDL2" }, }, } newoption { trigger = "glfwdir", value = "PATH", description = "Directory of glfw", default = "../glfw-3.3.2.bin.WIN64", } newoption { trigger = "glfwdir32", value = "PATH", description = "Directory of glfw", default = "../glfw-3.3.2.bin.WIN32", } newoption { trigger = "sdl2dir", value = "PATH", description = "Directory of sdl2", default = "../SDL2-2.0.8", } workspace "librw" location "build" language "C++" configurations { "Release", "Debug" } filter { "system:windows" } configurations { "ReleaseStatic" } platforms { "win-x86-null", "win-x86-gl3", "win-x86-d3d9", "win-amd64-null", "win-amd64-gl3", "win-amd64-d3d9" } filter { "system:linux" } platforms { "linux-x86-null", "linux-x86-gl3", "linux-amd64-null", "linux-amd64-gl3", "ps2" } if _OPTIONS["gfxlib"] == "sdl2" then includedirs { "/usr/include/SDL2" } end filter {} filter "configurations:Debug" defines { "DEBUG" } symbols "On" filter "configurations:Release*" defines { "NDEBUG" } optimize "On" filter "configurations:ReleaseStatic" flags { "StaticRuntime" } filter { "platforms:*null" } defines { "RW_NULL" } filter { "platforms:*gl3" } defines { "RW_GL3" } if _OPTIONS["gfxlib"] == "sdl2" then defines { "LIBRW_SDL2" } end filter { "platforms:*d3d9" } defines { "RW_D3D9" } filter { "platforms:ps2" } defines { "RW_PS2" } toolset "gcc" gccprefix 'ee-' buildoptions { "-nostdlib", "-fno-common" } includedirs { "$(PS2SDK)/ee/include", "$(PS2SDK)/common/include" } optimize "Off" filter { "platforms:*amd64*" } architecture "x86_64" filter { "platforms:*x86*" } architecture "x86" filter { "platforms:win*" } system "windows" filter { "platforms:linux*" } system "linux" filter { "platforms:win*gl3" } defines { "GLEW_STATIC" } includedirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glewdir"], "include") } includedirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glfwdir"], "include") } includedirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["sdl2dir"], "include") } filter "action:vs*" buildoptions { "/wd4996", "/wd4244" } filter { "platforms:win*gl3", "action:not vs*" } if _OPTIONS["gfxlib"] == "sdl2" then includedirs { "/mingw/include/SDL2" } -- TODO: Detect this properly end filter {} Libdir = "lib/%{cfg.platform}/%{cfg.buildcfg}" Bindir = "bin/%{cfg.platform}/%{cfg.buildcfg}" project "librw" kind "StaticLib" targetname "rw" targetdir (Libdir) files { "src/*.*" } files { "src/*/*.*" } project "dumprwtree" kind "ConsoleApp" targetdir (Bindir) removeplatforms { "*gl3", "*d3d9", "ps2" } files { "tools/dumprwtree/*" } includedirs { "." } libdirs { Libdir } links { "librw" } function findlibs() filter { "platforms:linux*gl3" } links { "GL", "GLEW" } if _OPTIONS["gfxlib"] == "glfw" then links { "glfw" } else links { "SDL2" } end filter { "platforms:win*gl3", "action:vs*" } defines { "GLEW_STATIC" } links { "glew32s" } filter { "platforms:win*gl3", "action:not vs*" } links { "glew32" } filter { "platforms:win-amd64-gl3" } libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glewdir"], "lib/Release/x64") } libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glfwdir"], "lib-vc2015") } libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["sdl2dir"], "lib/x64") } filter { "platforms:win-x86-gl3" } libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glewdir"], "lib/Release/Win32") } libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glfwdir32"], "lib-vc2015") } libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["sdl2dir"], "lib/x86") } filter { "platforms:win*gl3" } links { "opengl32" } if _OPTIONS["gfxlib"] == "glfw" then links { "glfw3" } else links { "SDL2" } end filter { "platforms:*d3d9" } links { "gdi32", "d3d9" } filter { "platforms:*d3d9", "action:vs*" } links { "Xinput9_1_0" } filter {} end function skeleton() files { "skeleton/*.cpp", "skeleton/*.h" } files { "skeleton/imgui/*.cpp", "skeleton/imgui/*.h" } includedirs { "skeleton" } end function skeltool(dir) targetdir (Bindir) files { path.join("tools", dir, "*.cpp"), path.join("tools", dir, "*.h") } vpaths { {["src"] = { path.join("tools", dir, "*") }}, {["skeleton"] = { "skeleton/*" }}, } skeleton() debugdir ( path.join("tools", dir) ) includedirs { "." } libdirs { Libdir } links { "librw" } findlibs() end function vucode() filter "files:**.dsm" buildcommands { 'cpp "%{file.relpath}" | dvp-as -o "%{cfg.objdir}/%{file.basename}.o"' } buildoutputs { '%{cfg.objdir}/%{file.basename}.o' } filter {} end project "clumpview" kind "WindowedApp" characterset ("MBCS") skeltool("clumpview") flags { "WinMain" } removeplatforms { "*null" } removeplatforms { "ps2" } -- for now project "imguitest" kind "WindowedApp" characterset ("MBCS") skeltool("imguitest") files { "tools/imguitest/imgui/*.cpp" } flags { "WinMain" } removeplatforms { "*null" } removeplatforms { "ps2" } project "ps2test" kind "ConsoleApp" targetdir (Bindir) vucode() removeplatforms { "*gl3", "*d3d9", "*null" } targetextension '.elf' includedirs { "." } files { "tools/ps2test/*.cpp", "tools/ps2test/vu/*.dsm", "tools/ps2test/*.h" } linkoptions '$(PS2SDK)/ee/startup/crt0.o' linkoptions { '-mno-crt0', "-T$(PS2SDK)/ee/startup/linkfile" } libdirs { "$(PS2SDK)/ee/lib" } links { "librw" } -- "c -lc" is a hack because we need -lc twice for some reason links { "c", "kernel", "mf" } --project "ps2rastertest" -- kind "ConsoleApp" -- targetdir (Bindir) -- removeplatforms { "*gl3", "*d3d9" } -- files { "tools/ps2rastertest/*.cpp" } -- includedirs { "." } -- libdirs { Libdir } -- links { "librw" }