#include namespace rw { struct LLLink { LLLink *next; LLLink *prev; void init(void){ this->next = nil; this->prev = nil; } void remove(void){ this->prev->next = this->next; this->next->prev = this->prev; } }; #define LLLinkGetData(linkvar,type,entry) \ ((type*)(((uint8*)(linkvar))-offsetof(type,entry))) // Have to be careful since the link might be deleted. #define FORLIST(_link, _list) \ for(rw::LLLink *_next = nil, *_link = (_list).link.next; \ _next = (_link)->next, (_link) != (_list).end(); \ (_link) = _next) struct LinkList { LLLink link; void init(void){ this->link.next = &this->link; this->link.prev = &this->link; } bool32 isEmpty(void){ return this->link.next == &this->link; } void add(LLLink *link){ link->next = this->link.next; link->prev = &this->link; this->link.next->prev = link; this->link.next = link; } void append(LLLink *link){ link->next = &this->link; link->prev = this->link.prev; this->link.prev->next = link; this->link.prev = link; } LLLink *end(void){ return &this->link; } int32 count(void){ int32 n = 0; FORLIST(lnk, (*this)) n++; return n; } }; struct Object { uint8 type; uint8 subType; uint8 flags; uint8 privateFlags; void *parent; void init(uint8 type, uint8 subType){ this->type = type; this->subType = subType; this->flags = 0; this->privateFlags = 0; this->parent = nil; } void copy(Object *o){ this->type = o->type; this->subType = o->subType; this->flags = o->flags; this->privateFlags = o->privateFlags; this->parent = nil; } }; struct Frame : PluginBase { typedef Frame *(*Callback)(Frame *f, void *data); enum { ID = 0 }; enum { // private flags // The hierarchy has unsynched frames HIERARCHYSYNCLTM = 0x01, // LTM not synched HIERARCHYSYNCOBJ = 0x02, // attached objects not synched HIERARCHYSYNC = HIERARCHYSYNCLTM | HIERARCHYSYNCOBJ, // This frame is not synched SUBTREESYNCLTM = 0x04, SUBTREESYNCOBJ = 0x08, SUBTREESYNC = SUBTREESYNCLTM | SUBTREESYNCOBJ, SYNCLTM = HIERARCHYSYNCLTM | SUBTREESYNCLTM, SYNCOBJ = HIERARCHYSYNCOBJ | SUBTREESYNCOBJ, }; Object object; LLLink inDirtyList; LinkList objectList; Matrix matrix; Matrix ltm; Frame *child; Frame *next; Frame *root; static Frame *create(void); Frame *cloneHierarchy(void); void destroy(void); void destroyHierarchy(void); Frame *addChild(Frame *f, bool32 append = 0); Frame *removeChild(void); Frame *forAllChildren(Callback cb, void *data); Frame *getParent(void){ return (Frame*)this->object.parent; } int32 count(void); bool32 dirty(void) { return !!(this->root->object.privateFlags & HIERARCHYSYNC); } Matrix *getLTM(void); void updateObjects(void); void syncHierarchyLTM(void); void setHierarchyRoot(Frame *root); Frame *cloneAndLink(Frame *clonedroot); void purgeClone(void); static LinkList dirtyList; static void syncDirty(void); }; struct FrameList_ { int32 numFrames; Frame **frames; FrameList_ *streamRead(Stream *stream); void streamWrite(Stream *stream); static uint32 streamGetSize(Frame *f); }; Frame **makeFrameList(Frame *frame, Frame **flist); struct ObjectWithFrame { typedef void (*Sync)(ObjectWithFrame*); Object object; LLLink inFrame; Sync syncCB; void setFrame(Frame *f){ if(this->object.parent) this->inFrame.remove(); this->object.parent = f; if(f) f->objectList.add(&this->inFrame); } void sync(void){ this->syncCB(this); } static ObjectWithFrame *fromFrame(LLLink *lnk){ return LLLinkGetData(lnk, ObjectWithFrame, inFrame); } }; struct Image { int32 flags; int32 width, height; int32 depth; int32 stride; uint8 *pixels; uint8 *palette; static Image *create(int32 width, int32 height, int32 depth); void destroy(void); void allocate(void); void free(void); void setPixels(uint8 *pixels); void setPalette(uint8 *palette); bool32 hasAlpha(void); static void setSearchPath(const char*); static void printSearchPath(void); static char *getFilename(const char*); }; Image *readTGA(const char *filename); void writeTGA(Image *image, const char *filename); // used to emulate d3d and xbox textures struct RasterLevels { int32 numlevels; uint32 format; struct Level { int32 width, height, size; uint8 *data; } levels[1]; // 0 is illegal :/ }; struct Raster : PluginBase { int32 platform; int32 type; // hardly used int32 flags; int32 format; int32 width, height, depth; int32 stride; uint8 *texels; uint8 *palette; static Raster *create(int32 width, int32 height, int32 depth, int32 format, int32 platform = 0); void destroy(void); static Raster *createFromImage(Image *image); uint8 *lock(int32 level); void unlock(int32 level); int32 getNumLevels(void); static int32 calculateNumLevels(int32 width, int32 height); enum Format { DEFAULT = 0, C1555 = 0x0100, C565 = 0x0200, C4444 = 0x0300, LUM8 = 0x0400, C8888 = 0x0500, C888 = 0x0600, D16 = 0x0700, D24 = 0x0800, D32 = 0x0900, C555 = 0x0A00, AUTOMIPMAP = 0x1000, PAL8 = 0x2000, PAL4 = 0x4000, MIPMAP = 0x8000 }; enum Type { NORMAL = 0x00, ZBUFFER = 0x01, CAMERA = 0x02, TEXTURE = 0x04, CAMERATEXTURE = 0x05, DONTALLOCATE = 0x80, }; }; extern bool32 loadTextures; #define IGNORERASTERIMP 0 struct TexDictionary; struct Texture : PluginBase { Raster *raster; TexDictionary *dict; LLLink inDict; char name[32]; char mask[32]; uint32 filterAddressing; // VVVVUUUU FFFFFFFF int32 refCount; static Texture *create(Raster *raster); void destroy(void); static Texture *fromDict(LLLink *lnk){ return LLLinkGetData(lnk, Texture, inDict); } static Texture *streamRead(Stream *stream); bool streamWrite(Stream *stream); uint32 streamGetSize(void); static Texture *read(const char *name, const char *mask); static Texture *streamReadNative(Stream *stream); void streamWriteNative(Stream *stream); uint32 streamGetSizeNative(void); static Texture *(*findCB)(const char *name); static Texture *(*readCB)(const char *name, const char *mask); enum FilterMode { NEAREST = 1, LINEAR, MIPNEAREST, MIPLINEAR, LINEARMIPNEAREST, LINEARMIPLINEAR }; enum Addressing { WRAP = 1, MIRROR, CLAMP, BORDER }; }; struct SurfaceProperties { float32 ambient; float32 specular; float32 diffuse; }; struct Material : PluginBase { Texture *texture; RGBA color; SurfaceProperties surfaceProps; Pipeline *pipeline; int32 refCount; static Material *create(void); Material *clone(void); void destroy(void); void setTexture(Texture *tex); static Material *streamRead(Stream *stream); bool streamWrite(Stream *stream); uint32 streamGetSize(void); }; void registerMaterialRightsPlugin(void); struct Mesh { uint16 *indices; uint32 numIndices; Material *material; }; struct MeshHeader { enum { TRISTRIP = 1 }; uint32 flags; uint16 numMeshes; // RW has uint16 serialNum here uint32 totalIndices; Mesh *mesh; // RW has a byte offset here void allocateIndices(void); ~MeshHeader(void); }; struct MorphTarget { Sphere boundingSphere; float32 *vertices; float32 *normals; }; struct InstanceDataHeader { uint32 platform; }; struct Triangle { uint16 v[3]; uint16 matId; }; struct Geometry : PluginBase { enum { ID = 8 }; Object object; uint32 geoflags; // TODO: rename int32 numTriangles; int32 numVertices; int32 numMorphTargets; int32 numTexCoordSets; Triangle *triangles; uint8 *colors; float32 *texCoords[8]; MorphTarget *morphTargets; // TODO: struct int32 numMaterials; Material **materialList; MeshHeader *meshHeader; InstanceDataHeader *instData; int32 refCount; static Geometry *create(int32 numVerts, int32 numTris, uint32 flags); void destroy(void); static Geometry *streamRead(Stream *stream); bool streamWrite(Stream *stream); uint32 streamGetSize(void); void addMorphTargets(int32 n); void calculateBoundingSphere(void); bool32 hasColoredMaterial(void); void allocateData(void); void generateTriangles(int8 *adc = nil); void buildMeshes(void); void removeUnusedMaterials(void); enum Flags { TRISTRIP = 0x01, POSITIONS = 0x02, TEXTURED = 0x04, PRELIT = 0x08, NORMALS = 0x10, LIGHT = 0x20, MODULATE = 0x40, TEXTURED2 = 0x80, NATIVE = 0x01000000, // Just for documentation: RW sets this flag // to prevent rendering when executing a pipeline, // so only instancing will occur. // librw's pipelines are different so it's unused here. NATIVEINSTANCE = 0x02000000 }; }; void registerMeshPlugin(void); void registerNativeDataPlugin(void); struct Clump; struct World; struct Atomic : PluginBase { typedef void (*RenderCB)(Atomic *atomic); enum { ID = 1 }; enum { COLLISIONTEST = 0x01, // unused here RENDER = 0x04, // private WORLDBOUNDDIRTY = 0x01 }; ObjectWithFrame object; Geometry *geometry; Sphere worldBoundingSphere; Clump *clump; LLLink inClump; ObjPipeline *pipeline; RenderCB renderCB; World *world; ObjectWithFrame::Sync originalSync; static Atomic *create(void); Atomic *clone(void); void destroy(void); void setFrame(Frame *f) { this->object.setFrame(f); this->object.object.privateFlags |= WORLDBOUNDDIRTY; } Frame *getFrame(void) { return (Frame*)this->object.object.parent; } static Atomic *fromClump(LLLink *lnk){ return LLLinkGetData(lnk, Atomic, inClump); } void removeFromClump(void); void setGeometry(Geometry *geo); Sphere *getWorldBoundingSphere(void); ObjPipeline *getPipeline(void); void render(void) { this->renderCB(this); } static Atomic *streamReadClump(Stream *stream, FrameList_ *frameList, Geometry **geometryList); bool streamWriteClump(Stream *stream, FrameList_ *frmlst); uint32 streamGetSize(void); static void defaultRenderCB(Atomic *atomic); }; void registerAtomicRightsPlugin(void); struct Light : PluginBase { enum { ID = 3 }; ObjectWithFrame object; float32 radius; RGBAf color; float32 minusCosAngle; LLLink inWorld; // clump extension Clump *clump; LLLink inClump; // world extension World *world; ObjectWithFrame::Sync originalSync; static Light *create(int32 type); void destroy(void); void setFrame(Frame *f) { this->object.setFrame(f); } Frame *getFrame(void){ return (Frame*)this->object.object.parent; } static Light *fromClump(LLLink *lnk){ return LLLinkGetData(lnk, Light, inClump); } static Light *fromWorld(LLLink *lnk){ return LLLinkGetData(lnk, Light, inWorld); } void setAngle(float32 angle); float32 getAngle(void); void setColor(float32 r, float32 g, float32 b); int32 getType(void){ return this->object.object.subType; } static Light *streamRead(Stream *stream); bool streamWrite(Stream *stream); uint32 streamGetSize(void); enum Type { DIRECTIONAL = 1, AMBIENT, POINT = 0x80, // positioned SPOT, SOFTSPOT, }; enum Flags { LIGHTATOMICS = 1, LIGHTWORLD = 2 }; }; struct Camera : PluginBase { enum { ID = 4 }; enum { PERSPECTIVE = 1, PARALLEL }; ObjectWithFrame object; void (*beginUpdateCB)(Camera*); void (*endUpdateCB)(Camera*); V2d viewWindow; V2d viewOffset; float32 nearPlane, farPlane; float32 fogPlane; int32 projection; // TODO: remove this? float32 projMat[16]; // clump link handled by plugin in RW Clump *clump; LLLink inClump; // world extension /* 3 unknowns */ World *world; ObjectWithFrame::Sync originalSync; void (*originalBeginUpdate)(Camera*); void (*originalEndUpdate)(Camera*); static Camera *create(void); Camera *clone(void); void destroy(void); void setFrame(Frame *f) { this->object.setFrame(f); } Frame *getFrame(void){ return (Frame*)this->object.object.parent; } static Camera *fromClump(LLLink *lnk){ return LLLinkGetData(lnk, Camera, inClump); } void beginUpdate(void) { this->beginUpdateCB(this); } void endUpdate(void) { this->endUpdateCB(this); } static Camera *streamRead(Stream *stream); bool streamWrite(Stream *stream); uint32 streamGetSize(void); // fov in degrees void setFOV(float32 fov, float32 ratio); }; struct Clump : PluginBase { enum { ID = 2 }; Object object; LinkList atomics; LinkList lights; LinkList cameras; World *world; static Clump *create(void); Clump *clone(void); void destroy(void); int32 countAtomics(void) { return this->atomics.count(); } void addAtomic(Atomic *a){ a->clump = this; this->atomics.append(&a->inClump); } int32 countLights(void) { return this->lights.count(); } void addLight(Light *l){ l->clump = this; this->lights.append(&l->inClump); } int32 countCameras(void) { return this->cameras.count(); } void addCamera(Camera *c){ c->clump = this; this->cameras.append(&c->inClump); } void setFrame(Frame *f){ this->object.parent = f; } Frame *getFrame(void){ return (Frame*)this->object.parent; } static Clump *streamRead(Stream *stream); bool streamWrite(Stream *stream); uint32 streamGetSize(void); void render(void); }; // A bit of a stub right now struct World : PluginBase { enum { ID = 7 }; Object object; LinkList lights; // these have positions (type >= 0x80) LinkList directionalLights; // these do not (type < 0x80) static World *create(void); void addLight(Light *light); void addCamera(Camera *cam); }; struct TexDictionary : PluginBase { enum { ID = 6 }; Object object; LinkList textures; static TexDictionary *create(void); void destroy(void); int32 count(void) { return this->textures.count(); } void add(Texture *t){ t->dict = this; this->textures.append(&t->inDict); } Texture *find(const char *name); static TexDictionary *streamRead(Stream *stream); void streamWrite(Stream *stream); uint32 streamGetSize(void); }; extern TexDictionary *currentTexDictionary; struct Animation; struct AnimInterpolatorInfo { int32 id; int32 keyFrameSize; int32 customDataSize; void (*streamRead)(Stream *stream, Animation *anim); void (*streamWrite)(Stream *stream, Animation *anim); uint32 (*streamGetSize)(Animation *anim); }; void registerAnimInterpolatorInfo(AnimInterpolatorInfo *interpInfo); AnimInterpolatorInfo *findAnimInterpolatorInfo(int32 id); struct Animation { AnimInterpolatorInfo *interpInfo; int32 numFrames; int32 flags; float duration; void *keyframes; void *customData; static Animation *create(AnimInterpolatorInfo*, int32 numFrames, int32 flags, float duration); void destroy(void); static Animation *streamRead(Stream *stream); static Animation *streamReadLegacy(Stream *stream); bool streamWrite(Stream *stream); bool streamWriteLegacy(Stream *stream); uint32 streamGetSize(void); }; struct AnimInterpolator { // only a stub right now Animation *anim; AnimInterpolator(Animation *anim); }; struct UVAnimKeyFrame { UVAnimKeyFrame *prev; float time; float uv[6]; }; struct UVAnimDictionary; // RW does it differently...maybe we should implement RtDict // and make it more general? struct UVAnimCustomData { char name[32]; int32 nodeToUVChannel[8]; int32 refCount; void destroy(Animation *anim); }; // This should be more general probably struct UVAnimDictEntry { Animation *anim; LLLink inDict; static UVAnimDictEntry *fromDict(LLLink *lnk){ return LLLinkGetData(lnk, UVAnimDictEntry, inDict); } }; // This too struct UVAnimDictionary { LinkList animations; static UVAnimDictionary *create(void); void destroy(void); int32 count(void) { return this->animations.count(); } void add(Animation *anim); Animation *find(const char *name); static UVAnimDictionary *streamRead(Stream *stream); bool streamWrite(Stream *stream); uint32 streamGetSize(void); }; extern UVAnimDictionary *currentUVAnimDictionary; struct UVAnim { AnimInterpolator *interp[8]; }; extern int32 uvAnimOffset; void registerUVAnimPlugin(void); }