#include #include #include #include #include #include "rwbase.h" #include "rwplugin.h" #include "rwpipeline.h" #include "rwobjects.h" #include "rwps2.h" using namespace std; namespace rw { namespace ps2 { ObjPipeline *defaultObjPipe; MatPipeline *defaultMatPipe; void* destroyNativeData(void *object, int32, int32) { Geometry *geometry = (Geometry*)object; assert(geometry->instData != NULL); assert(geometry->instData->platform == PLATFORM_PS2); InstanceDataHeader *header = (InstanceDataHeader*)geometry->instData; for(uint32 i = 0; i < header->numMeshes; i++) delete[] header->instanceMeshes[i].data; delete[] header->instanceMeshes; delete header; return object; } void readNativeData(Stream *stream, int32, void *object, int32, int32) { Geometry *geometry = (Geometry*)object; assert(findChunk(stream, ID_STRUCT, NULL, NULL)); assert(stream->readU32() == PLATFORM_PS2); InstanceDataHeader *header = new InstanceDataHeader; geometry->instData = header; header->platform = PLATFORM_PS2; assert(geometry->meshHeader != NULL); header->numMeshes = geometry->meshHeader->numMeshes; header->instanceMeshes = new InstanceData[header->numMeshes]; for(uint32 i = 0; i < header->numMeshes; i++){ InstanceData *instance = &header->instanceMeshes[i]; uint32 buf[2]; stream->read(buf, 8); instance->dataSize = buf[0]; instance->arePointersFixed = buf[1]; // TODO: force alignment instance->data = new uint8[instance->dataSize]; #ifdef RW_PS2 uint32 a = (uint32)instance->data; assert(a % 0x10 == 0); #endif stream->read(instance->data, instance->dataSize); // sizedebug(instance); } } void writeNativeData(Stream *stream, int32 len, void *object, int32, int32) { Geometry *geometry = (Geometry*)object; writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_STRUCT, len-12); assert(geometry->instData != NULL); assert(geometry->instData->platform == PLATFORM_PS2); stream->writeU32(PLATFORM_PS2); InstanceDataHeader *header = (InstanceDataHeader*)geometry->instData; for(uint32 i = 0; i < header->numMeshes; i++){ InstanceData *instance = &header->instanceMeshes[i]; if(instance->arePointersFixed == 2) unfixDmaOffsets(instance); uint32 buf[2]; buf[0] = instance->dataSize; buf[1] = instance->arePointersFixed; stream->write(buf, 8); stream->write(instance->data, instance->dataSize); } } int32 getSizeNativeData(void *object, int32, int32) { Geometry *geometry = (Geometry*)object; int32 size = 16; assert(geometry->instData != NULL); assert(geometry->instData->platform == PLATFORM_PS2); InstanceDataHeader *header = (InstanceDataHeader*)geometry->instData; for(uint32 i = 0; i < header->numMeshes; i++){ InstanceData *instance = &header->instanceMeshes[i]; size += 8; size += instance->dataSize; } return size; } void registerNativeDataPlugin(void) { Geometry::registerPlugin(0, ID_NATIVEDATA, NULL, destroyNativeData, NULL); Geometry::registerPluginStream(ID_NATIVEDATA, readNativeData, writeNativeData, getSizeNativeData); } #ifdef RW_PS2 void fixDmaOffsets(InstanceData *inst) { if(inst->arePointersFixed) return; uint32 base = (uint32)inst->data; uint32 *tag = (uint32*)inst->data; for(;;){ switch(tag[0]&0x70000000){ // DMAcnt case 0x10000000: // no need to fix tag += (1+(tag[0]&0xFFFF))*4; break; // DMAref case 0x30000000: // fix address and jump to next tag[1] = base + tag[1]<<4; tag += 4; break; // DMAret case 0x60000000: // we're done inst->arePointersFixed = 2; return; default: fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown DMAtag %X\n", tag[0]); return; } } } #endif void unfixDmaOffsets(InstanceData *inst) { (void)inst; #ifdef RW_PS2 if(inst->arePointersFixed != 2) return; uint32 base = (uint32)inst->data; uint32 *tag = (uint32*)inst->data; for(;;){ switch(tag[0]&0x70000000){ // DMAcnt case 0x10000000: // no need to unfix tag += (1+(tag[0]&0xFFFF))*4; break; // DMAref case 0x30000000: // unfix address and jump to next tag[1] = (tag[1] - base)>>4; tag += 4; break; // DMAret case 0x60000000: // we're done inst->arePointersFixed = 0; return; default: fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown DMAtag %X\n", tag[0]); return; } } #endif } // Pipeline enum PS2Attribs { AT_V2_32 = 0x64000000, AT_V2_16 = 0x65000000, AT_V2_8 = 0x66000000, AT_V3_32 = 0x68000000, AT_V3_16 = 0x69000000, AT_V3_8 = 0x6A000000, AT_V4_32 = 0x6C000000, AT_V4_16 = 0x6D000000, AT_V4_8 = 0x6E000000, AT_UNSGN = 0x00004000, AT_RW = 0x6 }; enum PS2AttibTypes { AT_XYZ = 0, AT_UV = 1, AT_RGBA = 2, AT_NORMAL = 3 }; PipeAttribute attribXYZ = { "XYZ", AT_V3_32 }; PipeAttribute attribUV = { "UV", AT_V2_32 }; PipeAttribute attribUV2 = { "UV2", AT_V4_32 }; PipeAttribute attribRGBA = { "RGBA", AT_V4_8 | AT_UNSGN }; PipeAttribute attribNormal = { "Normal", AT_V3_8 // RW has V4_8 but uses V3_8, wtf? }; PipeAttribute attribWeights = { "Weights", AT_V4_32 | AT_RW }; static uint32 attribSize(uint32 unpack) { static uint32 size[] = { 32, 16, 8, 16 }; return ((unpack>>26 & 3)+1)*size[unpack>>24 & 3]/8; } #define QWC(x) (((x)+0xF)>>4) static uint32 getBatchSize(MatPipeline *pipe, uint32 vertCount) { PipeAttribute *a; uint32 size = 1; for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(pipe->attribs); i++) if((a = pipe->attribs[i]) && (a->attrib & AT_RW) == 0){ size++; size += QWC(vertCount*attribSize(a->attrib)); } return size; } uint32* instanceXYZ(uint32 *p, Geometry *g, Mesh *m, uint32 idx, uint32 n) { uint16 j; uint32 *d = (uint32*)g->morphTargets[0].vertices; for(uint32 i = idx; i < idx+n; i++){ j = m->indices[i]; *p++ = d[j*3+0]; *p++ = d[j*3+1]; *p++ = d[j*3+2]; } while((uintptr)p % 0x10) *p++ = 0; return p; } uint32* instanceUV(uint32 *p, Geometry *g, Mesh *m, uint32 idx, uint32 n) { uint16 j; uint32 *d = (uint32*)g->texCoords[0]; if((g->geoflags & Geometry::TEXTURED) || (g->geoflags & Geometry::TEXTURED2)) for(uint32 i = idx; i < idx+n; i++){ j = m->indices[i]; *p++ = d[j*2+0]; *p++ = d[j*2+1]; } else for(uint32 i = idx; i < idx+n; i++){ *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; } while((uintptr)p % 0x10) *p++ = 0; return p; } uint32* instanceRGBA(uint32 *p, Geometry *g, Mesh *m, uint32 idx, uint32 n) { uint16 j; uint32 *d = (uint32*)g->colors; if((g->geoflags & Geometry::PRELIT)) for(uint32 i = idx; i < idx+n; i++){ j = m->indices[i]; *p++ = d[j]; } else for(uint32 i = idx; i < idx+n; i++) *p++ = 0xFF000000; while((uintptr)p % 0x10) *p++ = 0; return p; } uint32* instanceNormal(uint32 *wp, Geometry *g, Mesh *m, uint32 idx, uint32 n) { uint16 j; float *d = g->morphTargets[0].normals; uint8 *p = (uint8*)wp; if((g->geoflags & Geometry::NORMALS)) for(uint32 i = idx; i < idx+n; i++){ j = m->indices[i]; *p++ = d[j*3+0]*127.0f; *p++ = d[j*3+1]*127.0f; *p++ = d[j*3+2]*127.0f; } else for(uint32 i = idx; i < idx+n; i++){ *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; } while((uintptr)p % 0x10) *p++ = 0; return (uint32*)p; } MatPipeline::MatPipeline(uint32 platform) : rw::Pipeline(platform), instanceCB(NULL) { for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) this->attribs[i] = NULL; } void MatPipeline::dump(void) { if(this->platform != PLATFORM_PS2) return; PipeAttribute *a; for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(this->attribs); i++){ a = this->attribs[i]; if(a) printf("%d %s: %x\n", i, a->name, a->attrib); } printf("stride: %x\n", this->inputStride); printf("triSCount: %x\n", this->triStripCount); printf("triLCount: %x\n", this->triListCount); printf("vifOffset: %x\n", this->vifOffset); } void MatPipeline::setTriBufferSizes(uint32 inputStride, uint32 stripCount) { this->inputStride = inputStride; this->triListCount = stripCount/12*12; PipeAttribute *a; for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(this->attribs); i++){ a = this->attribs[i]; if(a && a->attrib & AT_RW) goto brokenout; } this->triStripCount = stripCount/4*4; return; brokenout: this->triStripCount = (stripCount-2)/4*4+2; } uint32 markcnt = 0xf790; void MatPipeline::instance(Geometry *g, InstanceData *inst, Mesh *m) { PipeAttribute *a; uint32 numAttribs = 0; uint32 numBrokenAttribs = 0; for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(this->attribs); i++) if(a = this->attribs[i]) if(a->attrib & AT_RW) numBrokenAttribs++; else numAttribs++; uint32 numBatches = 0; uint32 totalVerts = 0; uint32 batchVertCount, lastBatchVertCount; if(g->meshHeader->flags == 1){ // tristrip for(uint i = 0; i < m->numIndices; i += this->triStripCount-2){ numBatches++; totalVerts += m->numIndices-i < this->triStripCount ? m->numIndices-i : this->triStripCount; } batchVertCount = this->triStripCount; lastBatchVertCount = totalVerts%this->triStripCount; }else{ // trilist numBatches = (m->numIndices+this->triListCount-1) / this->triListCount; totalVerts = m->numIndices; batchVertCount = this->triListCount; lastBatchVertCount = totalVerts%this->triListCount; } uint32 batchSize = getBatchSize(this, batchVertCount); uint32 lastBatchSize = getBatchSize(this, lastBatchVertCount); uint32 size = 0; if(numBrokenAttribs == 0) size = 1 + batchSize*(numBatches-1) + lastBatchSize; else size = 2*numBatches + (1+batchSize)*(numBatches-1) + 1+lastBatchSize; /* figure out size and addresses of broken out sections */ uint32 attribPos[nelem(this->attribs)]; uint32 size2 = 0; for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(this->attribs); i++) if((a = this->attribs[i]) && a->attrib & AT_RW){ attribPos[i] = size2 + size; size2 += QWC(m->numIndices*attribSize(a->attrib)); } inst->dataSize = (size+size2)<<4; inst->arePointersFixed = numBrokenAttribs == 0; // TODO: force alignment inst->data = new uint8[inst->dataSize]; /* make array of addresses of broken out sections */ uint8 *datap[nelem(this->attribs)]; uint8 **dp = datap; for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(this->attribs); i++) if((a = this->attribs[i]) && a->attrib & AT_RW) *dp++ = inst->data + attribPos[i]*0x10; uint32 idx = 0; uint32 *p = (uint32*)inst->data; if(numBrokenAttribs == 0){ *p++ = 0x60000000 | size-1; *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0x11000000; // FLUSH *p++ = 0x06000000; // MSKPATH3; SA: FLUSH } for(uint32 j = 0; j < numBatches; j++){ uint32 nverts, bsize; if(j < numBatches-1){ bsize = batchSize; nverts = batchVertCount; }else{ bsize = lastBatchSize; nverts = lastBatchVertCount; } for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(this->attribs); i++) if((a = this->attribs[i]) && a->attrib & AT_RW){ uint32 atsz = attribSize(a->attrib); *p++ = 0x30000000 | QWC(nverts*atsz); *p++ = attribPos[i]; *p++ = 0x01000100 | this->inputStride; // STCYCL *p++ = (a->attrib&0xFF004000) | 0x8000 | nverts << 16 | i; // UNPACK *p++ = 0x10000000; *p++ = 0x0; *p++ = 0x0; *p++ = 0x0; attribPos[i] += g->meshHeader->flags == 1 ? QWC((batchVertCount-2)*atsz) : QWC(batchVertCount*atsz); } if(numBrokenAttribs){ *p++ = (j < numBatches-1 ? 0x10000000 : 0x60000000) | bsize; *p++ = 0x0; *p++ = 0x0; *p++ = 0x0; } for(uint i = 0; i < nelem(this->attribs); i++) if((a = this->attribs[i]) && (a->attrib & AT_RW) == 0){ *p++ = 0x07000000 | markcnt++; // MARK (SA: NOP) *p++ = 0x05000000; // STMOD *p++ = 0x01000100 | this->inputStride; // STCYCL *p++ = (a->attrib&0xFF004000) | 0x8000 | nverts << 16 | i; // UNPACK switch(i){ case 0: p = instanceXYZ(p, g, m, idx, nverts); break; case 1: p = instanceUV(p, g, m, idx, nverts); break; case 2: p = instanceRGBA(p, g, m, idx, nverts); break; case 3: p = instanceNormal(p,g, m, idx, nverts); break; } } idx += g->meshHeader->flags == 1 ? batchVertCount-2 : batchVertCount; *p++ = 0x04000000 | nverts; // ITOP *p++ = j == 0 ? 0x15000000 : 0x17000000; if(j < numBatches-1){ *p++ = 0x0; *p++ = 0x0; }else{ *p++ = 0x11000000; // FLUSH *p++ = 0x06000000; // MSKPATH3; SA: FLUSH } } if(instanceCB) instanceCB(this, g, m, datap, numBrokenAttribs); } ObjPipeline::ObjPipeline(uint32 platform) : rw::ObjPipeline(platform), groupPipeline(NULL) { } void ObjPipeline::instance(Atomic *atomic) { Geometry *geometry = atomic->geometry; if(geometry->geoflags & Geometry::NATIVE) return; InstanceDataHeader *header = new InstanceDataHeader; geometry->instData = header; header->platform = PLATFORM_PS2; assert(geometry->meshHeader != NULL); header->numMeshes = geometry->meshHeader->numMeshes; header->instanceMeshes = new InstanceData[header->numMeshes]; for(uint32 i = 0; i < header->numMeshes; i++){ Mesh *mesh = &geometry->meshHeader->mesh[i]; InstanceData *instance = &header->instanceMeshes[i]; MatPipeline *m; m = this->groupPipeline ? this->groupPipeline : (MatPipeline*)mesh->material->pipeline; if(m == NULL) m = defaultMatPipe; m->instance(geometry, instance, mesh); } geometry->geoflags |= Geometry::NATIVE; } void printVertCounts(InstanceData *inst, int flag) { uint32 *d = (uint32*)inst->data; int stride; if(inst->arePointersFixed){ d += 4; while(d[3]&0x60000000){ // skip UNPACKs stride = d[2]&0xFF; d += 4 + 4*QWC(attribSize(d[3])*((d[3]>>16)&0xFF)); } if(d[2] == 0) printf("ITOP %x %d (%d)\n", *d, stride, flag); }else{ while((*d&0x70000000) == 0x30000000){ stride = d[2]&0xFF; d += 8; } if((*d&0x70000000) == 0x10000000){ d += (*d&0xFFFF)*4; printf("ITOP %x %d (%d)\n", *d, stride, flag); } } } // Only a dummy right now void ObjPipeline::uninstance(Atomic *atomic) { Geometry *geometry = atomic->geometry; assert(geometry->instData != NULL); assert(geometry->instData->platform == PLATFORM_PS2); InstanceDataHeader *header = (InstanceDataHeader*)geometry->instData; for(uint32 i = 0; i < header->numMeshes; i++){ Mesh *mesh = &geometry->meshHeader->mesh[i]; InstanceData *instance = &header->instanceMeshes[i]; // printf("numIndices: %d\n", mesh->numIndices); // printDMA(instance); printVertCounts(instance, geometry->meshHeader->flags); } } #undef QWC ObjPipeline* makeDefaultPipeline(void) { if(defaultMatPipe == NULL){ MatPipeline *pipe = new MatPipeline(PLATFORM_PS2); pipe->attribs[AT_XYZ] = &attribXYZ; pipe->attribs[AT_UV] = &attribUV; pipe->attribs[AT_RGBA] = &attribRGBA; pipe->attribs[AT_NORMAL] = &attribNormal; uint32 vertCount = MatPipeline::getVertCount(VU_Lights,4,3,2); pipe->setTriBufferSizes(4, vertCount); pipe->vifOffset = pipe->inputStride*vertCount; defaultMatPipe = pipe; } if(defaultObjPipe == NULL){ ObjPipeline *opipe = new ObjPipeline(PLATFORM_PS2); defaultObjPipe = opipe; } return defaultObjPipe; } static void skinInstanceCB(MatPipeline*, Geometry*, Mesh*, uint8**, int32); ObjPipeline* makeSkinPipeline(void) { MatPipeline *pipe = new MatPipeline(PLATFORM_PS2); pipe->pluginID = ID_SKIN; pipe->pluginData = 1; pipe->attribs[AT_XYZ] = &attribXYZ; pipe->attribs[AT_UV] = &attribUV; pipe->attribs[AT_RGBA] = &attribRGBA; pipe->attribs[AT_NORMAL] = &attribNormal; pipe->attribs[AT_NORMAL+1] = &attribWeights; uint32 vertCount = MatPipeline::getVertCount(VU_Lights-0x100, 5, 3, 2); pipe->setTriBufferSizes(5, vertCount); pipe->vifOffset = pipe->inputStride*vertCount; pipe->instanceCB = skinInstanceCB; ObjPipeline *opipe = new ObjPipeline(PLATFORM_PS2); opipe->pluginID = ID_SKIN; opipe->pluginData = 1; opipe->groupPipeline = pipe; return opipe; } ObjPipeline* makeMatFXPipeline(void) { MatPipeline *pipe = new MatPipeline(PLATFORM_PS2); pipe->pluginID = ID_MATFX; pipe->pluginData = 0; pipe->attribs[AT_XYZ] = &attribXYZ; pipe->attribs[AT_UV] = &attribUV; pipe->attribs[AT_RGBA] = &attribRGBA; pipe->attribs[AT_NORMAL] = &attribNormal; uint32 vertCount = MatPipeline::getVertCount(0x3C5, 4, 3, 3); pipe->setTriBufferSizes(4, vertCount); pipe->vifOffset = pipe->inputStride*vertCount; ObjPipeline *opipe = new ObjPipeline(PLATFORM_PS2); opipe->pluginID = ID_MATFX; opipe->pluginData = 0; opipe->groupPipeline = pipe; return opipe; } // Skin void readNativeSkin(Stream *stream, int32, void *object, int32 offset) { uint8 header[4]; uint32 vers; Geometry *geometry = (Geometry*)object; assert(findChunk(stream, ID_STRUCT, NULL, &vers)); assert(stream->readU32() == PLATFORM_PS2); stream->read(header, 4); Skin *skin = new Skin; *PLUGINOFFSET(Skin*, geometry, offset) = skin; skin->numBones = header[0]; // both values unused in/before 33002, used in/after 34003 skin->numUsedBones = header[1]; skin->maxIndex = header[2]; bool oldFormat = skin->numUsedBones == 0; int32 size = skin->numUsedBones + skin->numBones*64 + 15; uint8 *data = new uint8[size]; skin->data = data; skin->indices = NULL; skin->weights = NULL; skin->usedBones = NULL; if(skin->numUsedBones){ skin->usedBones = data; data += skin->numUsedBones; stream->read(skin->data, skin->numUsedBones); } uintptr ptr = (uintptr)data + 15; ptr &= ~0xF; data = (uint8*)ptr; skin->inverseMatrices = NULL; if(skin->numBones){ skin->inverseMatrices = (float*)data; stream->read(skin->inverseMatrices, skin->numBones*64); } if(!oldFormat) // last 3 ints are probably the same as in generic format // TODO: what are the other 4? stream->seek(7*4); } void writeNativeSkin(Stream *stream, int32 len, void *object, int32 offset) { uint8 header[4]; writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_STRUCT, len-12); stream->writeU32(PLATFORM_PS2); Skin *skin = *PLUGINOFFSET(Skin*, object, offset); bool oldFormat = version < 0x34003; header[0] = skin->numBones; header[1] = skin->numUsedBones; header[2] = skin->maxIndex; header[3] = 0; if(oldFormat){ header[1] = 0; header[2] = 0; } stream->write(header, 4); if(!oldFormat) stream->write(skin->usedBones, skin->numUsedBones); stream->write(skin->inverseMatrices, skin->numBones*64); if(!oldFormat){ uint32 buffer[7] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; stream->write(buffer, 7*4); } } int32 getSizeNativeSkin(void *object, int32 offset) { Skin *skin = *PLUGINOFFSET(Skin*, object, offset); if(skin == NULL) return -1; int32 size = 12 + 4 + 4 + skin->numBones*64; // not sure which version introduced the new format if(version >= 0x34003) size += skin->numUsedBones + 16 + 12; return size; } static void skinInstanceCB(MatPipeline *pipe, Geometry *g, Mesh *m, uint8 **data, int32 n) { Skin *skin = *PLUGINOFFSET(Skin*, g, skinGlobals.offset); if(skin == NULL || n < 1) return; float *weights = (float*)data[0]; uint32 *indices = (uint32*)data[0]; uint16 j; for(uint32 i = 0; i < m->numIndices; i++){ j = m->indices[i]; *weights++ = skin->weights[j*4+0]; *indices &= ~0x3FF; *indices++ |= skin->indices[j*4+0] && skin->weights[j*4+0] ? (skin->indices[j*4+0]+1) << 2 : 0; *weights++ = skin->weights[j*4+1]; *indices &= ~0x3FF; *indices++ |= skin->indices[j*4+1] && skin->weights[j*4+1] ? (skin->indices[j*4+1]+1) << 2 : 0; *weights++ = skin->weights[j*4+2]; *indices &= ~0x3FF; *indices++ |= skin->indices[j*4+2] && skin->weights[j*4+2] ? (skin->indices[j*4+2]+1) << 2 : 0; *weights++ = skin->weights[j*4+3]; *indices &= ~0x3FF; *indices++ |= skin->indices[j*4+3] && skin->weights[j*4+3] ? (skin->indices[j*4+3]+1) << 2 : 0; } } // ADC static void* createADC(void *object, int32 offset, int32) { ADCData *adc = PLUGINOFFSET(ADCData, object, offset); adc->adcFormatted = 0; return object; } static void* copyADC(void *dst, void *src, int32 offset, int32) { ADCData *dstadc = PLUGINOFFSET(ADCData, dst, offset); ADCData *srcadc = PLUGINOFFSET(ADCData, src, offset); dstadc->adcFormatted = srcadc->adcFormatted; return dst; } // TODO: look at PC SA rccam.dff bloodrb.dff static void readADC(Stream *stream, int32, void *object, int32 offset, int32) { ADCData *adc = PLUGINOFFSET(ADCData, object, offset); stream->seek(12); uint32 x = stream->readU32(); assert(x == 0); adc->adcFormatted = 1; } static void writeADC(Stream *stream, int32, void *, int32, int32) { writeChunkHeader(stream, ID_ADC, 4); stream->writeI32(0); } static int32 getSizeADC(void *object, int32 offset, int32) { ADCData *adc = PLUGINOFFSET(ADCData, object, offset); return adc->adcFormatted ? 16 : -1; } void registerADCPlugin(void) { Geometry::registerPlugin(sizeof(ADCData), ID_ADC, createADC, NULL, copyADC); Geometry::registerPluginStream(ID_ADC, readADC, writeADC, getSizeADC); } // PDS plugin static void atomicPDSRights(void *object, int32, int32, uint32 data) { Atomic *a = (Atomic*)object; // TODO: lookup pipeline by data a->pipeline = new ObjPipeline(PLATFORM_PS2); a->pipeline->pluginID = ID_PDS; a->pipeline->pluginData = data; } static void materialPDSRights(void *object, int32, int32, uint32 data) { Material *m = (Material*)object; // TODO: lookup pipeline by data m->pipeline = new Pipeline(PLATFORM_PS2); m->pipeline->pluginID = ID_PDS; m->pipeline->pluginData = data; } void registerPDSPlugin(void) { Atomic::registerPlugin(0, ID_PDS, NULL, NULL, NULL); Atomic::setStreamRightsCallback(ID_PDS, atomicPDSRights); Material::registerPlugin(0, ID_PDS, NULL, NULL, NULL); Material::setStreamRightsCallback(ID_PDS, materialPDSRights); } // misc stuff void printDMA(InstanceData *inst) { uint32 *tag = (uint32*)inst->data; for(;;){ switch(tag[0]&0x70000000){ // DMAcnt case 0x10000000: printf("%08x %08x\n", tag[0], tag[1]); tag += (1+(tag[0]&0xFFFF))*4; break; // DMAref case 0x30000000: printf("%08x %08x\n", tag[0], tag[1]); tag += 4; break; // DMAret case 0x60000000: printf("%08x %08x\n", tag[0], tag[1]); return; } } } /* Function to specifically walk geometry chains */ void walkDMA(InstanceData *inst, void (*f)(uint32 *data, int32 size)) { if(inst->arePointersFixed == 2) return; uint32 *base = (uint32*)inst->data; uint32 *tag = (uint32*)inst->data; for(;;){ switch(tag[0]&0x70000000){ // DMAcnt case 0x10000000: f(tag+2, 2+(tag[0]&0xFFFF)*4); tag += (1+(tag[0]&0xFFFF))*4; break; // DMAref case 0x30000000: f(base + tag[1]*4, (tag[0]&0xFFFF)*4); tag += 4; break; // DMAret case 0x60000000: f(tag+2, 2+(tag[0]&0xFFFF)*4); return; } } } void sizedebug(InstanceData *inst) { if(inst->arePointersFixed == 2) return; uint32 *base = (uint32*)inst->data; uint32 *tag = (uint32*)inst->data; uint32 *last = NULL; for(;;){ switch(tag[0]&0x70000000){ // DMAcnt case 0x10000000: tag += (1+(tag[0]&0xFFFF))*4; break; // DMAref case 0x30000000: last = base + tag[1]*4 + (tag[0]&0xFFFF)*4; tag += 4; break; // DMAret case 0x60000000: tag += (1+(tag[0]&0xFFFF))*4; uint32 diff; if(!last) diff = (uint8*)tag - (uint8*)base; else diff = (uint8*)last - (uint8*)base; printf("%x %x %x\n", inst->dataSize-diff, diff, inst->dataSize); return; default: printf("unkown DMAtag: %X %X\n", tag[0], tag[1]); break; } } } } }