#include #include using namespace rw; // // This is a test to implement T&L in software and render with Im2D // #define MAX_LIGHTS 8 struct Directional { V3d at; RGBAf color; }; static Directional directionals[MAX_LIGHTS]; static int32 numDirectionals; static RGBAf ambLight; static void enumLights(Matrix *lightmat) { int32 n; World *world; world = (World*)engine->currentWorld; ambLight.red = 0.0; ambLight.green = 0.0; ambLight.blue = 0.0; ambLight.alpha = 0.0; numDirectionals = 0; // only unpositioned lights right now FORLIST(lnk, world->directionalLights){ Light *l = Light::fromWorld(lnk); if(l->getType() == Light::DIRECTIONAL){ if(numDirectionals >= MAX_LIGHTS) continue; n = numDirectionals++; V3d::transformVectors(&directionals[n].at, &l->getFrame()->getLTM()->at, 1, lightmat); directionals[n].color = l->color; directionals[n].color.alpha = 0.0f; }else if(l->getType() == Light::AMBIENT){ ambLight.red += l->color.red; ambLight.green += l->color.green; ambLight.blue += l->color.blue; } } } static void drawAtomic(Atomic *a) { using namespace RWDEVICE; Im2DVertex *im2dverts; V3d *xvert; Matrix xform; Matrix lightmat; Camera *cam = (Camera*)engine->currentCamera; Geometry *g = a->geometry; MeshHeader *mh = g->meshHeader; Mesh *m = mh->getMeshes(); int32 width = cam->frameBuffer->width; int32 height = cam->frameBuffer->height; RGBA *prelight; V3d *normals; TexCoords *texcoords; Matrix::mult(&xform, a->getFrame()->getLTM(), &cam->viewMatrix); Matrix::invert(&lightmat, a->getFrame()->getLTM()); enumLights(&lightmat); xvert = rwNewT(V3d, g->numVertices, MEMDUR_FUNCTION); im2dverts = rwNewT(Im2DVertex, g->numVertices, MEMDUR_FUNCTION); prelight = g->colors; normals = g->morphTargets[0].normals; texcoords = g->texCoords[0]; V3d::transformPoints(xvert, g->morphTargets[0].vertices, g->numVertices, &xform); for(int32 i = 0; i < g->numVertices; i++){ float32 recipZ = 1.0f/xvert[i].z; im2dverts[i].setScreenX(xvert[i].x * recipZ * width); im2dverts[i].setScreenY((xvert[i].y * recipZ * height)); im2dverts[i].setScreenZ(recipZ * cam->zScale + cam->zShift); im2dverts[i].setCameraZ(xvert[i].z); im2dverts[i].setRecipCameraZ(recipZ); im2dverts[i].setColor(255, 0, 0, 255); im2dverts[i].setU(texcoords[i].u, recipZ); im2dverts[i].setV(texcoords[i].v, recipZ); } for(int32 i = 0; i < mh->numMeshes; i++){ for(uint32 j = 0; j < m[i].numIndices; j++){ int32 idx = m[i].indices[j]; RGBA col; RGBAf colf, color; if(prelight) convColor(&color, &prelight[idx]); else{ color.red = color.green = color.blue = 0.0f; color.alpha = 1.0f; } color = add(color, ambLight); if(normals) for(int32 k = 0; k < numDirectionals; k++){ float32 f = dot(normals[idx], neg(directionals[k].at)); if(f <= 0.0f) continue; colf = scale(directionals[k].color, f); color = add(color, colf); } convColor(&colf, &m[i].material->color); color = modulate(color, colf); clamp(&color); convColor(&col, &color); im2dverts[idx].setColor(col.red, col.green, col.blue, col.alpha); } engine->imtexture = m[i].material->texture; im2d::RenderIndexedPrimitive(rw::PRIMTYPETRILIST, im2dverts, g->numVertices, m[i].indices, m[i].numIndices); } rwFree(xvert); rwFree(im2dverts); } void tlTest(Clump *clump) { FORLIST(lnk, clump->atomics){ Atomic *a = Atomic::fromClump(lnk); drawAtomic(a); } } static RWDEVICE::Im2DVertex *clipverts; static int32 numClipverts; void genIm3DTransform(void *vertices, int32 numVertices, Matrix *world) { using namespace RWDEVICE; Im3DVertex *objverts; V3d pos; Matrix xform; Camera *cam; int32 i; objverts = (Im3DVertex*)vertices; cam = (Camera*)engine->currentCamera; int32 width = cam->frameBuffer->width; int32 height = cam->frameBuffer->height; xform = cam->viewMatrix; if(world) xform.transform(world, COMBINEPRECONCAT); clipverts = rwNewT(Im2DVertex, numVertices, MEMDUR_EVENT); numClipverts = numVertices; for(i = 0; i < numVertices; i++){ V3d::transformPoints(&pos, &objverts[i].position, 1, &xform); float32 recipZ = 1.0f/pos.z; RGBA c = objverts[i].getColor(); clipverts[i].setScreenX(pos.x * recipZ * width); clipverts[i].setScreenY((pos.y * recipZ * height)); clipverts[i].setScreenZ(recipZ * cam->zScale + cam->zShift); clipverts[i].setCameraZ(pos.z); clipverts[i].setRecipCameraZ(recipZ); clipverts[i].setColor(c.red, c.green, c.blue, c.alpha); clipverts[i].setU(objverts[i].u, recipZ); clipverts[i].setV(objverts[i].v, recipZ); } } void genIm3DRenderIndexed(PrimitiveType prim, void *indices, int32 numIndices) { im2d::RenderIndexedPrimitive(prim, clipverts, numClipverts, indices, numIndices); } void genIm3DEnd(void) { rwFree(clipverts); clipverts = nil; numClipverts = 0; }