#ifndef RW_PS2 #include #endif #include #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif #ifdef RW_GL3 #define RW_OPENGL #define RWDEVICE gl3 #endif #ifdef RW_D3D9 #define RWDEVICE d3d #define RWHALFPIXEL #endif #ifdef RW_D3D8 #define RWDEVICE d3d #endif #ifdef RW_PS2 #define RWHALFPIXEL #define RWDEVICE ps2 #endif #ifdef RW_WDGL #define RW_OPENGL #endif namespace rw { #ifdef RW_PS2 typedef char int8; typedef short int16; typedef int int32; typedef long long int64; typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef unsigned int uint32; typedef unsigned long long uint64; typedef unsigned int uintptr; #else /* get rid of the stupid _t */ typedef int8_t int8; typedef int16_t int16; typedef int32_t int32; typedef int64_t int64; typedef uint8_t uint8; typedef uint16_t uint16; typedef uint32_t uint32; typedef uint64_t uint64; typedef uintptr_t uintptr; #endif typedef float float32; typedef int32 bool32; typedef uint8 byte; typedef uint32 uint; #define nil NULL #define nelem(A) (sizeof(A) / sizeof A[0]) // Lists struct LLLink { LLLink *next; LLLink *prev; void init(void){ this->next = nil; this->prev = nil; } void remove(void){ this->prev->next = this->next; this->next->prev = this->prev; } }; #define LLLinkGetData(linkvar,type,entry) \ ((type*)(((rw::uint8*)(linkvar))-offsetof(type,entry))) // Have to be careful since the link might be deleted. #define FORLIST(_link, _list) \ for(rw::LLLink *_next = nil, *_link = (_list).link.next; \ _next = (_link)->next, (_link) != (_list).end(); \ (_link) = _next) struct LinkList { LLLink link; void init(void){ this->link.next = &this->link; this->link.prev = &this->link; } bool32 isEmpty(void){ return this->link.next == &this->link; } void add(LLLink *link){ link->next = this->link.next; link->prev = &this->link; this->link.next->prev = link; this->link.next = link; } void append(LLLink *link){ link->next = &this->link; link->prev = this->link.prev; this->link.prev->next = link; this->link.prev = link; } LLLink *end(void){ return &this->link; } int32 count(void){ int32 n = 0; FORLIST(lnk, (*this)) n++; return n; } }; // Mathematical types struct RGBA { uint8 red; uint8 green; uint8 blue; uint8 alpha; }; inline RGBA makeRGBA(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a) { RGBA c = { r, g, b, a }; return c; } inline bool32 equal(const RGBA &c1, const RGBA &c2) { return c1.red == c2.red && c1.green == c2.green && c1.blue == c2.blue && c1.alpha == c2.alpha; } #define RWRGBAINT(r, g, b, a) ((uint32)((((a)&0xff)<<24)|(((b)&0xff)<<16)|(((g)&0xff)<<8)|((r)&0xff))) struct RGBAf { float32 red; float32 green; float32 blue; float32 alpha; }; inline RGBAf makeRGBAf(float32 r, float32 g, float32 b, float32 a) { RGBAf c = { r, g, b, a }; return c; } inline bool32 equal(const RGBAf &c1, const RGBAf &c2) { return c1.red == c2.red && c1.green == c2.green && c1.blue == c2.blue && c1.alpha == c2.alpha; } inline RGBAf add(const RGBAf &a, const RGBAf &b) { return makeRGBAf(a.red+b.red, a.green+b.green, a.blue+b.blue, a.alpha+b.alpha); } inline RGBAf modulate(const RGBAf &a, const RGBAf &b) { return makeRGBAf(a.red*b.red, a.green*b.green, a.blue*b.blue, a.alpha*b.alpha); } inline RGBAf scale(const RGBAf &a, float32 f) { return makeRGBAf(a.red*f, a.green*f, a.blue*f, a.alpha*f); } inline void clamp(RGBAf *a) { if(a->red > 1.0f) a->red = 1.0f; if(a->red < 0.0f) a->red = 0.0f; if(a->green > 1.0f) a->green = 1.0f; if(a->green < 0.0f) a->green = 0.0f; if(a->blue > 1.0f) a->blue = 1.0f; if(a->blue < 0.0f) a->blue = 0.0f; if(a->alpha > 1.0f) a->alpha = 1.0f; if(a->alpha < 0.0f) a->alpha = 0.0f; } inline void convColor(RGBA *i, RGBAf *f){ int32 c; c = (int32)(f->red*255.0f + 0.5f); i->red = (uint8)c; c = (int32)(f->green*255.0f + 0.5f); i->green = (uint8)c; c = (int32)(f->blue*255.0f + 0.5f); i->blue = (uint8)c; c = (int32)(f->alpha*255.0f + 0.5f); i->alpha = (uint8)c; } inline void convColor(RGBAf *f, RGBA *i){ f->red = i->red/255.0f; f->green = i->green/255.0f; f->blue = i->blue/255.0f; f->alpha = i->alpha/255.0f; } struct TexCoords { float32 u, v; }; inline bool32 equal(const TexCoords &t1, const TexCoords &t2) { return t1.u == t2.u && t1.v == t2.v; } struct V2d; struct V3d; struct Quat; struct Matrix; struct V2d { float32 x, y; void set(float32 x, float32 y){ this->x = x; this->y = y; } }; inline V2d makeV2d(float32 x, float32 y) { V2d v = { x, y }; return v; } inline bool32 equal(const V2d &v1, const V2d &v2) { return v1.x == v2.x && v1.y == v2.y; } inline V2d neg(const V2d &a) { return makeV2d(-a.x, -a.y); } inline V2d add(const V2d &a, const V2d &b) { return makeV2d(a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y); } inline V2d sub(const V2d &a, const V2d &b) { return makeV2d(a.x-b.x, a.y-b.y); } inline V2d scale(const V2d &a, float32 r) { return makeV2d(a.x*r, a.y*r); } inline float32 length(const V2d &v) { return sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y); } inline V2d normalize(const V2d &v) { return scale(v, 1.0f/length(v)); } struct V3d { float32 x, y, z; void set(float32 x, float32 y, float32 z){ this->x = x; this->y = y; this->z = z; } static void transformPoints(V3d *out, const V3d *in, int32 n, const Matrix *m); static void transformVectors(V3d *out, const V3d *in, int32 n, const Matrix *m); }; inline V3d makeV3d(float32 x, float32 y, float32 z) { V3d v = { x, y, z }; return v; } inline bool32 equal(const V3d &v1, const V3d &v2) { return v1.x == v2.x && v1.y == v2.y && v1.z == v2.z; } inline V3d neg(const V3d &a) { return makeV3d(-a.x, -a.y, -a.z); } inline V3d add(const V3d &a, const V3d &b) { return makeV3d(a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y, a.z+b.z); } inline V3d sub(const V3d &a, const V3d &b) { return makeV3d(a.x-b.x, a.y-b.y, a.z-b.z); } inline V3d scale(const V3d &a, float32 r) { return makeV3d(a.x*r, a.y*r, a.z*r); } inline float32 length(const V3d &v) { return sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z); } inline V3d normalize(const V3d &v) { return scale(v, 1.0f/length(v)); } inline V3d setlength(const V3d &v, float32 l) { return scale(v, l/length(v)); } V3d cross(const V3d &a, const V3d &b); inline float32 dot(const V3d &a, const V3d &b) { return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y + a.z*b.z; } inline V3d lerp(const V3d &a, const V3d &b, float32 r){ return makeV3d(a.x + r*(b.x - a.x), a.y + r*(b.y - a.y), a.z + r*(b.z - a.z)); }; struct V4d { float32 x, y, z, w; }; inline bool32 equal(const V4d &v1, const V4d &v2) { return v1.x == v2.x && v1.y == v2.y && v1.z == v2.z && v1.w == v2.w; } enum CombineOp { COMBINEREPLACE, COMBINEPRECONCAT, COMBINEPOSTCONCAT }; Quat makeQuat(float32 w, float32 x, float32 y, float32 z); Quat makeQuat(float32 w, const V3d &vec); struct Quat { // order is important for streaming and RW compatibility float32 x, y, z, w; static Quat rotation(float32 angle, const V3d &axis){ return makeQuat(cos(angle/2.0f), scale(normalize(axis), sin(angle/2.0f))); } void set(float32 w, float32 x, float32 y, float32 z){ this->w = w; this->x = x; this->y = y; this->z = z; } V3d vec(void){ return makeV3d(x, y, z); } Quat *rotate(const V3d *axis, float32 angle, CombineOp op); }; inline Quat makeQuat(float32 w, float32 x, float32 y, float32 z) { Quat q = { x, y, z, w }; return q; } inline Quat makeQuat(float32 w, const V3d &vec) { Quat q = { vec.x, vec.y, vec.z, w }; return q; } inline Quat add(const Quat &q, const Quat &p) { return makeQuat(q.w+p.w, q.x+p.x, q.y+p.y, q.z+p.z); } inline Quat sub(const Quat &q, const Quat &p) { return makeQuat(q.w-p.w, q.x-p.x, q.y-p.y, q.z-p.z); } inline Quat negate(const Quat &q) { return makeQuat(-q.w, -q.x, -q.y, -q.z); } inline float32 dot(const Quat &q, const Quat &p) { return q.w*p.w + q.x*p.x + q.y*p.y + q.z*p.z; } inline Quat scale(const Quat &q, float32 r) { return makeQuat(q.w*r, q.x*r, q.y*r, q.z*r); } inline float32 length(const Quat &q) { return sqrt(q.w*q.w + q.x*q.x + q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z); } inline Quat normalize(const Quat &q) { return scale(q, 1.0f/length(q)); } inline Quat conj(const Quat &q) { return makeQuat(q.w, -q.x, -q.y, -q.z); } Quat mult(const Quat &q, const Quat &p); inline V3d rotate(const V3d &v, const Quat &q) { return mult(mult(q, makeQuat(0.0f, v)), conj(q)).vec(); } Quat lerp(const Quat &q, const Quat &p, float32 r); Quat slerp(const Quat &q, const Quat &p, float32 a); struct RawMatrix { V3d right; float32 rightw; V3d up; float32 upw; V3d at; float32 atw; V3d pos; float32 posw;; static void mult(RawMatrix *dst, RawMatrix *src1, RawMatrix *src2); static void transpose(RawMatrix *dst, RawMatrix *src); static void setIdentity(RawMatrix *dst); }; struct Matrix { enum Type { TYPENORMAL = 1, TYPEORTHOGONAL = 2, TYPEORTHONORMAL = 3, TYPEMASK = 3 }; enum Flags { IDENTITY = 0x20000 }; struct Tolerance { float32 normal; float32 orthogonal; float32 identity; }; V3d right; uint32 flags; V3d up; uint32 pad1; V3d at; uint32 pad2; V3d pos; uint32 pad3; static Matrix *create(void); void destroy(void); void setIdentity(void); void optimize(Tolerance *tolerance = nil); void update(void) { flags &= ~(IDENTITY|TYPEMASK); } static Matrix *mult(Matrix *dst, const Matrix *src1, const Matrix *src2); static Matrix *invert(Matrix *dst, const Matrix *src); static Matrix *transpose(Matrix *dst, const Matrix *src); Matrix *rotate(const V3d *axis, float32 angle, CombineOp op); Matrix *rotate(const Quat &q, CombineOp op); Matrix *translate(const V3d *translation, CombineOp op); Matrix *scale(const V3d *scl, CombineOp op); Matrix *transform(const Matrix *mat, CombineOp op); Quat getRotation(void); void lookAt(const V3d &dir, const V3d &up); // helper functions. consider private static void mult_(Matrix *dst, const Matrix *src1, const Matrix *src2); static void invertOrthonormal(Matrix *dst, const Matrix *src); static Matrix *invertGeneral(Matrix *dst, const Matrix *src); static void makeRotation(Matrix *dst, const V3d *axis, float32 angle); static void makeRotation(Matrix *dst, const Quat &q); private: float32 normalError(void); float32 orthogonalError(void); float32 identityError(void); }; inline void convMatrix(Matrix *dst, RawMatrix *src){ *dst = *(Matrix*)src; dst->optimize(); } inline void convMatrix(RawMatrix *dst, Matrix *src){ *dst = *(RawMatrix*)src; dst->rightw = 0.0; dst->upw = 0.0; dst->atw = 0.0; dst->posw = 1.0; } struct Line { V3d start; V3d end; }; struct Rect { int32 h, w; int32 x, y; }; struct Sphere { V3d center; float32 radius; }; struct Plane { V3d normal; float32 distance; }; struct BBox { V3d sup; V3d inf; void initialize(V3d *point); void addPoint(V3d *point); void calculate(V3d *points, int32 n); bool containsPoint(V3d *point); }; enum PrimitiveType { PRIMTYPENONE = 0, PRIMTYPELINELIST, PRIMTYPEPOLYLINE, PRIMTYPETRILIST, PRIMTYPETRISTRIP, PRIMTYPETRIFAN, PRIMTYPEPOINTLIST }; /* * Memory */ void memNative32_func(void *data, uint32 size); void memNative16_func(void *data, uint32 size); void memLittle32_func(void *data, uint32 size); void memLittle16_func(void *data, uint32 size); #ifdef BIGENDIAN inline void memNative32(void *data, uint32 size) { memNative32_func(data, size); } inline void memNative16(void *data, uint32 size) { memNative16_func(data, size); } inline void memLittle32(void *data, uint32 size) { memLittle32_func(data, size); } inline void memLittle16(void *data, uint32 size) { memLittle16_func(data, size); } #define ASSERTLITTLE assert(0 && "unsafe code on big-endian") #else inline void memNative32(void *data, uint32 size) { } inline void memNative16(void *data, uint32 size) { } inline void memLittle32(void *data, uint32 size) { } inline void memLittle16(void *data, uint32 size) { } #define ASSERTLITTLE #endif /* * Streams */ void makePath(char *filename); class Stream { public: virtual ~Stream(void) { close(); } virtual void close(void) {} virtual uint32 write8(const void *data, uint32 length) = 0; virtual uint32 read8(void *data, uint32 length) = 0; virtual void seek(int32 offset, int32 whence = 1) = 0; virtual uint32 tell(void) = 0; virtual bool eof(void) = 0; uint32 write32(const void *data, uint32 length); uint32 write16(const void *data, uint32 length); uint32 read32(void *data, uint32 length); uint32 read16(void *data, uint32 length); int32 writeI8(int8 val); int32 writeU8(uint8 val); int32 writeI16(int16 val); int32 writeU16(uint16 val); int32 writeI32(int32 val); int32 writeU32(uint32 val); int32 writeF32(float32 val); int8 readI8(void); uint8 readU8(void); int16 readI16(void); uint16 readU16(void); int32 readI32(void); uint32 readU32(void); float32 readF32(void); }; class StreamMemory : public Stream { uint8 *data; uint32 length; uint32 capacity; uint32 position; public: void close(void); uint32 write8(const void *data, uint32 length); uint32 read8(void *data, uint32 length); void seek(int32 offset, int32 whence = 1); uint32 tell(void); bool eof(void); StreamMemory *open(uint8 *data, uint32 length, uint32 capacity = 0); uint32 getLength(void); enum { S_EOF = 0xFFFFFFFF }; }; class StreamFile : public Stream { FILE *file; public: StreamFile(void) { file = nil; } void close(void); uint32 write8(const void *data, uint32 length); uint32 read8(void *data, uint32 length); void seek(int32 offset, int32 whence = 1); uint32 tell(void); bool eof(void); StreamFile *open(const char *path, const char *mode); }; enum Platform { PLATFORM_NULL = 0, // D3D7 PLATFORM_GL = 2, // MAC PLATFORM_PS2 = 4, PLATFORM_XBOX = 5, // GAMECUBE // SOFTRAS PLATFORM_D3D8 = 8, PLATFORM_D3D9 = 9, // PSP // non-stock-RW platforms PLATFORM_WDGL = 11, // WarDrum OpenGL PLATFORM_GL3 = 12, // my GL3 implementation NUM_PLATFORMS, FOURCC_PS2 = 0x00325350 // 'PS2\0' }; #define MAKEPLUGINID(v, id) (((v & 0xFFFFFF) << 8) | (id & 0xFF)) #define MAKEPIPEID(v, id) (((v & 0xFFFF) << 16) | (id & 0xFFFF)) enum VendorID { VEND_CORE = 0, VEND_CRITERIONTK = 1, VEND_CRITERIONINT = 4, VEND_CRITERIONWORLD = 5, // Used for rasters (platform-specific) VEND_RASTER = 10, // Used for driver/device allocation tags VEND_DRIVER = 11 }; // TODO: modules (VEND_CRITERIONINT) enum PluginID { // Core ID_NAOBJECT = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x00), ID_STRUCT = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x01), ID_STRING = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x02), ID_EXTENSION = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x03), ID_CAMERA = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x05), ID_TEXTURE = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x06), ID_MATERIAL = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x07), ID_MATLIST = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x08), ID_WORLD = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x0B), ID_MATRIX = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x0D), ID_FRAMELIST = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x0E), ID_GEOMETRY = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x0F), ID_CLUMP = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x10), ID_LIGHT = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x12), ID_ATOMIC = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x14), ID_TEXTURENATIVE = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x15), ID_TEXDICTIONARY = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x16), ID_IMAGE = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x18), ID_GEOMETRYLIST = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x1A), ID_ANIMANIMATION = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x1B), ID_RIGHTTORENDER = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x1F), ID_UVANIMDICT = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CORE, 0x2B), // Toolkit ID_SKYMIPMAP = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CRITERIONTK, 0x10), ID_SKIN = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CRITERIONTK, 0x16), ID_HANIM = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CRITERIONTK, 0x1E), ID_USERDATA = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CRITERIONTK, 0x1F), ID_MATFX = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CRITERIONTK, 0x20), ID_PDS = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CRITERIONTK, 0x31), ID_ADC = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CRITERIONTK, 0x34), ID_UVANIMATION = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CRITERIONTK, 0x35), // World ID_MESH = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CRITERIONWORLD, 0x0E), ID_NATIVEDATA = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CRITERIONWORLD, 0x10), ID_VERTEXFMT = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CRITERIONWORLD, 0x11), // custom native raster ID_RASTERGL = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_RASTER, PLATFORM_GL), ID_RASTERPS2 = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_RASTER, PLATFORM_PS2), ID_RASTERXBOX = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_RASTER, PLATFORM_XBOX), ID_RASTERD3D8 = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_RASTER, PLATFORM_D3D8), ID_RASTERD3D9 = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_RASTER, PLATFORM_D3D9), ID_RASTERWDGL = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_RASTER, PLATFORM_WDGL), ID_RASTERGL3 = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_RASTER, PLATFORM_GL3), // anything driver/device related (only as allocation tag) ID_DRIVER = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_DRIVER, 0) }; enum CoreModuleID { ID_NAMODULE = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CRITERIONINT, 0x00), ID_FRAMEMODULE = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CRITERIONINT, 0x03), ID_RASTERMODULE = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CRITERIONINT, 0x07), ID_TEXTUREMODULE = MAKEPLUGINID(VEND_CRITERIONINT, 0x08) }; #define ECODE(c, s) c enum Errors { ERR_NONE = 0x80000000, #include "base.err" }; #undef ECODE extern int32 version; extern int32 build; extern int32 platform; extern bool32 streamAppendFrames; extern char *debugFile; int strcmp_ci(const char *s1, const char *s2); int strncmp_ci(const char *s1, const char *s2, int n); // 0x04000000 3.1 // 0x08000000 3.2 // 0x0C000000 3.3 // 0x10000000 3.4 // 0x14000000 3.5 // 0x18000000 3.6 // 0x1C000000 3.7 inline uint32 libraryIDPack(int version, int build) { if(version <= 0x31000) return version>>8; return ((version-0x30000) & 0x3FF00) << 14 | (version&0x3F) << 16 | (build & 0xFFFF); } inline int libraryIDUnpackVersion(uint32 libid) { if(libid & 0xFFFF0000) return ((libid>>14 & 0x3FF00) + 0x30000) | (libid>>16 & 0x3F); else return libid<<8; } inline int libraryIDUnpackBuild(uint32 libid) { if(libid & 0xFFFF0000) return libid & 0xFFFF; else return 0; } struct ChunkHeaderInfo { uint32 type; uint32 length; uint32 version, build; }; // TODO?: make these methods of ChunkHeaderInfo? bool writeChunkHeader(Stream *s, int32 type, int32 size); bool readChunkHeaderInfo(Stream *s, ChunkHeaderInfo *header); bool findChunk(Stream *s, uint32 type, uint32 *length, uint32 *version); int32 findPointer(void *p, void **list, int32 num); uint8 *getFileContents(char *name, uint32 *len); }