
235 lines
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namespace rw {
// uhhhm..... why are these not actual functions?
enum DeviceReq
// Device initialization before Engine/Driver plugins are opened
// Device de-initialization after Engine/Driver plugins are closed
// Device/Context creation
// Device/Context shutdown
// Device initialization after Engine/Driver plugins are opened
// TODO? counterpart to FINALIZE?
// Video adapters
// Video modes
typedef int DeviceSystem(DeviceReq req, void *arg, int32 n);
struct Camera;
struct Image;
struct Texture;
struct Raster;
class ObjPipeline;
// This is for the render device, we only have one
struct Device
float32 zNear, zFar;
void (*beginUpdate)(Camera*);
void (*endUpdate)(Camera*);
void (*clearCamera)(Camera*, RGBA *col, uint32 mode);
void (*showRaster)(Raster *raster);
bool32 (*rasterRenderFast)(Raster *raster, int32 x, int32 y);
void (*setRenderState)(int32 state, void *value);
void *(*getRenderState)(int32 state);
void (*im2DRenderLine)(void*, int32, int32, int32);
void (*im2DRenderTriangle)(void*, int32, int32, int32, int32);
void (*im2DRenderPrimitive)(PrimitiveType,
void*, int32);
void (*im2DRenderIndexedPrimitive)(PrimitiveType,
void*, int32, void*, int32);
// Not sure if this will stay...
void (*im3DTransform)(void *vertices, int32 numVertices, Matrix *world);
void (*im3DRenderIndexed)(PrimitiveType primType, void *indices, int32 numIndices);
void (*im3DEnd)(void);
DeviceSystem *system;
// This is for platform-dependent but portable things
// so the engine has one for every platform
struct Driver
ObjPipeline *defaultPipeline;
int32 rasterNativeOffset;
Raster* (*rasterCreate)(Raster*);
uint8 *(*rasterLock)(Raster*, int32 level, int32 lockMode);
void (*rasterUnlock)(Raster*, int32 level);
uint8 *(*rasterLockPalette)(Raster*, int32 lockMode);
void (*rasterUnlockPalette)(Raster*);
int32 (*rasterNumLevels)(Raster*);
bool32 (*imageFindRasterFormat)(Image *img, int32 type,
int32 *width, int32 *height, int32 *depth, int32 *format);
bool32 (*rasterFromImage)(Raster*, Image*);
Image *(*rasterToImage)(Raster*);
static PluginList s_plglist[NUM_PLATFORMS];
static int32 registerPlugin(int32 platform, int32 size, uint32 id,
Constructor ctor, Destructor dtor){
return s_plglist[platform].registerPlugin(size, id,
ctor, dtor, nil);
struct EngineOpenParams;
enum MemHint
// used inside function
// used for one frame
MEMDUR_FRAME = 0x20000,
// used for longer time
MEMDUR_EVENT = 0x30000,
// used while the engine is running
struct MemoryFunctions
void *(*rwmalloc)(size_t sz, uint32 hint);
void *(*rwrealloc)(void *p, size_t sz, uint32 hint);
void (*rwfree)(void *p);
// These are temporary until we have better error handling
// TODO: Maybe don't put them here since they shouldn't really be switched out
void *(*rwmustmalloc)(size_t sz, uint32 hint);
void *(*rwmustrealloc)(void *p, size_t sz, uint32 hint);
struct SubSystemInfo
char name[80];
enum VideoModeFlags
struct VideoMode
int32 width;
int32 height;
int32 depth;
uint32 flags;
// This is for platform independent things
// TODO: move more stuff into this
struct Engine
enum State {
Dead = 0,
void *currentCamera;
void *currentWorld;
LinkList frameDirtyList;
// Dynamically allocated because of plugins
Driver *driver[NUM_PLATFORMS];
Device device;
// These must always be available
static MemoryFunctions memfuncs;
static State state;
static bool32 init(void);
static bool32 open(EngineOpenParams*);
static bool32 start(void);
static void term(void);
static void close(void);
static void stop(void);
static int32 getNumSubSystems(void);
static int32 getCurrentSubSystem(void);
static bool32 setSubSystem(int32 subsys);
static SubSystemInfo *getSubSystemInfo(SubSystemInfo *info, int32 subsys);
static int32 getNumVideoModes(void);
static int32 getCurrentVideoMode(void);
static bool32 setVideoMode(int32 mode);
static VideoMode *getVideoModeInfo(VideoMode *info, int32 mode);
static PluginList s_plglist;
static int32 registerPlugin(int32 size, uint32 id,
Constructor ctor, Destructor dtor){
return s_plglist.registerPlugin(size, id, ctor, dtor, nil);
extern Engine *engine;
// These must be macros because we might want to pass __FILE__ and __LINE__ later
#define rwMalloc(s, h) rw::Engine::memfuncs.rwmalloc(s,h)
#define rwMallocT(t, s, h) (t*)rw::Engine::memfuncs.rwmalloc((s)*sizeof(t),h)
#define rwRealloc(p, s, h) rw::Engine::memfuncs.rwrealloc(p,s,h)
#define rwReallocT(t, p, s, h) (t*)rw::Engine::memfuncs.rwrealloc(p,(s)*sizeof(t),h)
#define rwFree(p) rw::Engine::memfuncs.rwfree(p)
#define rwNew(s, h) rw::Engine::memfuncs.rwmustmalloc(s,h)
#define rwNewT(t, s, h) (t*)rw::Engine::memfuncs.rwmustmalloc((s)*sizeof(t),h)
#define rwResize(p, s, h) rw::Engine::memfuncs.rwmustrealloc(p,s,h)
#define rwResizeT(t, p, s, h) (t*)rw::Engine::memfuncs.rwmustrealloc(p,(s)*sizeof(t),h)
namespace null {
void beginUpdate(Camera*);
void endUpdate(Camera*);
void clearCamera(Camera*, RGBA *col, uint32 mode);
void showRaster(Raster*);
void setRenderState(int32 state, void *value);
void *getRenderState(int32 state);
Raster *rasterCreate(Raster*);
uint8 *rasterLock(Raster*, int32 level, int32 lockMode);
void rasterUnlock(Raster*, int32 level);
uint8 *rasterLockPalette(Raster*, int32 lockMode);
void rasterUnlockPalette(Raster*);
int32 rasterNumLevels(Raster*);
bool32 imageFindRasterFormat(Image *img, int32 type,
int32 *width, int32 *height, int32 *depth, int32 *format);
bool32 rasterFromImage(Raster*, Image*);
Image *rasterToImage(Raster*);
void im2DRenderLine(void*, int32, int32, int32);
void im2DRenderTriangle(void*, int32, int32, int32, int32);
void im2DRenderPrimitive(PrimitiveType, void*, int32);
void im2DRenderIndexedPrimitive(PrimitiveType,
void*, int32, void*, int32);
void im3DTransform(void *vertices, int32 numVertices, Matrix *world);
void im3DRenderIndexed(PrimitiveType primType, void *indices, int32 numIndices);
void im3DEnd(void);
int deviceSystem(DeviceReq req, void*);
extern Device renderdevice;