-- Validity check to prevent some sort of spam local function IsDelayed(ply) local lastTauntTime = ply:GetNWFloat("LastTauntTime") local delayedTauntTime = lastTauntTime + GetConVar("ph_customtaunts_delay"):GetInt() local currentTime = CurTime() return delayedTauntTime > currentTime end net.Receive("CL2SV_PlayThisTaunt", function(len, ply) local snd = net.ReadString() if IsValid(ply) && !IsDelayed(ply) then if file.Exists("sound/"..snd, "GAME") then ply:EmitSound(snd, 100) ply:SetNWFloat("LastTauntTime", CurTime()) else ply:ChatPrint("[PH: Enhanced] - Warning: That taunt you selected does not exists on server!") end else ply:ChatPrint("[PH: Enhanced] - Please wait in few seconds...!") end end)