net.Receive("CheckAdminFirst", function(len, ply) if ply:IsAdmin() or table.HasValue(PHE.SVAdmins, ply:GetUserGroup()) then net.Start("CheckAdminResult") net.Send(ply) end end) net.Receive("SvCommandReq", function(len, ply) local cmd = net.ReadString() local valbool = net.ReadInt(2) if ply:IsAdmin() or table.HasValue(PHE.SVAdmins, ply:GetUserGroup()) then RunConsoleCommand(cmd, math.Round(valbool)) printVerbose("[ADMIN CVAR NOTIFY] Commands: "..cmd.." has been changed (Player: "..ply:Nick().." ("..ply:SteamID()..")") else game.KickID(ply:SteamID(), "Illegal command access found by: "..ply:Nick()) printVerbose("[ADMIN CVAR NOTIFY] An user "..ply:Nick().."(".. ply:SteamID() ..") is attempting to access "..cmd..", kicked!") end end) net.Receive("SvCommandSliderReq", function(len, ply) local cmd = net.ReadString() local bool = net.ReadBool() local val if bool then val = net.ReadFloat() else val = net.ReadInt(16) end if ply:IsAdmin() or table.HasValue(PHE.SVAdmins, ply:GetUserGroup()) then RunConsoleCommand(cmd, val) printVerbose("[ADMIN CVAR SLIDER NOTIFY] Commands: "..cmd.." has been changed (Player: "..ply:Nick().." ("..ply:SteamID()..")") else game.KickID(ply:SteamID(), "Illegal command access found by: "..ply:Nick()) printVerbose("[ADMIN CVAR NOTIFY] An user "..ply:Nick().."(".. ply:SteamID() ..") is attempting to access "..cmd..", kicked!") end end) net.Receive("SendTauntStateCmd", function(len, ply) local cmdval = net.ReadString() if ply:IsAdmin() or table.HasValue(PHE.SVAdmins, ply:GetUserGroup()) then RunConsoleCommand("ph_enable_custom_taunts", cmdval) printVerbose("[ADMIN CVAR TAUNT NOTIFY] Commands: "..cmdval.." has been changed (Player: "..ply:Nick().." ("..ply:SteamID()..")") else game.KickID(ply:SteamID(), "Illegal command access found by: "..ply:Nick()) printVerbose("[ADMIN CVAR NOTIFY] An user "..ply:Nick().."(".. ply:SteamID() ..") is attempting to access "..cmdval..", kicked!") end end)