local PANEL = {} surface.CreateLegacyFont( "Roboto", 32, 800, true, false, "FHUDElement" ) AccessorFunc( PANEL, "m_bPartOfBar", "PartOfBar" ) function PANEL:Init() self:SetText( "-" ) self:SetTextColor( self:GetDefaultTextColor() ) self:SetFont( "FHUDElement" ) self:ChooseParent() end // This makes it so that it's behind chat & hides when you're in the menu // But it also removes the ability to click on it. So override it if you want to. function PANEL:ChooseParent() self:ParentToHUD() end function PANEL:GetPadding() return 16 end function PANEL:GetDefaultTextColor() return Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) end function PANEL:GetTextLabelColor() return Color( 255, 255, 0 ) end function PANEL:GetTextLabelFont() return "HudSelectionText" end function PANEL:Paint() if ( !self.m_bPartOfBar ) then draw.RoundedBox( 4, 0, 0, self:GetWide(), self:GetTall(), Color( 0, 0, 0, 100 ) ) end end derma.DefineControl( "HudBase", "A HUD Base Element (override to change the style)", PANEL, "DLabel" )