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Raw Normal View History

import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/plugins/i18n";
* The menu namespace holds most miscellaneous text that isn't directly part of the game's
* contents or directly related to Pokemon data. This includes menu navigation, settings,
* account interactions, descriptive text, etc.
export const starterSelectUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"gen1": "I",
"gen2": "II",
"gen3": "III",
"gen4": "IV",
"gen5": "V",
"gen6": "VI",
"gen7": "VII",
"gen8": "VIII",
"gen9": "IX",
"growthRate": "成长速度:",
"ability": "特性:",
"passive": "被动:",
"nature": "性格:",
"eggMoves": '蛋招式',
"start": "开始",
"addToParty": "加入队伍",
"toggleIVs": '切换个体值',
"manageMoves": '管理招式',
"useCandies": '使用糖果',
"selectMoveSwapOut": "选择要替换的招式。",
"selectMoveSwapWith": "选择要替换成的招式",
"unlockPassive": "解锁被动",
"reduceCost": "降低花费",
"cycleShiny": "R: 切换闪光",
"cycleForm": 'F: 切换形态',
"cycleGender": 'G: 切换性别',
"cycleAbility": 'E: 切换特性',
"cycleNature": 'N: 切换性格',
"cycleVariant": 'V: 切换变种',
"enablePassive": "启用被动",
"disablePassive": "禁用被动",
"locked": "未解锁",
"disabled": "已禁用",
"uncaught": "未捕获"