2024-08-30 02:16:15 -07:00
import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene" ;
import { BattleType , BattlerIndex } from "#app/battle" ;
import { applyAbAttrs , SyncEncounterNatureAbAttr } from "#app/data/ability" ;
import { getCharVariantFromDialogue } from "#app/data/dialogue" ;
import { TrainerSlot } from "#app/data/trainer-config" ;
import { getRandomWeatherType } from "#app/data/weather" ;
import { BattleSpec } from "#app/enums/battle-spec" ;
import { PlayerGender } from "#app/enums/player-gender" ;
import { Species } from "#app/enums/species" ;
import { EncounterPhaseEvent } from "#app/events/battle-scene" ;
import Pokemon , { FieldPosition } from "#app/field/pokemon" ;
import { getPokemonNameWithAffix } from "#app/messages" ;
import { regenerateModifierPoolThresholds , ModifierPoolType } from "#app/modifier/modifier-type" ;
import { IvScannerModifier , TurnHeldItemTransferModifier } from "#app/modifier/modifier" ;
import { achvs } from "#app/system/achv" ;
import { handleTutorial , Tutorial } from "#app/tutorial" ;
import { Mode } from "#app/ui/ui" ;
2024-08-19 03:23:52 +01:00
import i18next from "i18next" ;
import { BattlePhase } from "./battle-phase" ;
2024-08-30 02:16:15 -07:00
import * as Utils from "#app/utils" ;
2024-08-19 03:23:52 +01:00
import { CheckSwitchPhase } from "./check-switch-phase" ;
import { GameOverPhase } from "./game-over-phase" ;
import { PostSummonPhase } from "./post-summon-phase" ;
import { ReturnPhase } from "./return-phase" ;
import { ScanIvsPhase } from "./scan-ivs-phase" ;
import { ShinySparklePhase } from "./shiny-sparkle-phase" ;
import { SummonPhase } from "./summon-phase" ;
import { ToggleDoublePositionPhase } from "./toggle-double-position-phase" ;
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import Overrides from "#app/overrides" ;
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export class EncounterPhase extends BattlePhase {
private loaded : boolean ;
constructor ( scene : BattleScene , loaded? : boolean ) {
super ( scene ) ;
this . loaded = ! ! loaded ;
start() {
super . start ( ) ;
this . scene . updateGameInfo ( ) ;
this . scene . initSession ( ) ;
this . scene . eventTarget . dispatchEvent ( new EncounterPhaseEvent ( ) ) ;
// Failsafe if players somehow skip floor 200 in classic mode
if ( this . scene . gameMode . isClassic && this . scene . currentBattle . waveIndex > 200 ) {
this . scene . unshiftPhase ( new GameOverPhase ( this . scene ) ) ;
const loadEnemyAssets : Promise < void > [ ] = [ ] ;
const battle = this . scene . currentBattle ;
let totalBst = 0 ;
battle . enemyLevels ? . forEach ( ( level , e ) = > {
if ( ! this . loaded ) {
if ( battle . battleType === BattleType . TRAINER ) {
battle . enemyParty [ e ] = battle . trainer ? . genPartyMember ( e ) ! ; // TODO:: is the bang correct here?
} else {
const enemySpecies = this . scene . randomSpecies ( battle . waveIndex , level , true ) ;
battle . enemyParty [ e ] = this . scene . addEnemyPokemon ( enemySpecies , level , TrainerSlot . NONE , ! ! this . scene . getEncounterBossSegments ( battle . waveIndex , level , enemySpecies ) ) ;
if ( this . scene . currentBattle . battleSpec === BattleSpec . FINAL_BOSS ) {
battle . enemyParty [ e ] . ivs = new Array ( 6 ) . fill ( 31 ) ;
this . scene . getParty ( ) . slice ( 0 , ! battle . double ? 1 : 2 ) . reverse ( ) . forEach ( playerPokemon = > {
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applyAbAttrs ( SyncEncounterNatureAbAttr , playerPokemon , null , false , battle . enemyParty [ e ] ) ;
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} ) ;
const enemyPokemon = this . scene . getEnemyParty ( ) [ e ] ;
if ( e < ( battle . double ? 2 : 1 ) ) {
enemyPokemon . setX ( - 66 + enemyPokemon . getFieldPositionOffset ( ) [ 0 ] ) ;
enemyPokemon . resetSummonData ( ) ;
if ( ! this . loaded ) {
this . scene . gameData . setPokemonSeen ( enemyPokemon , true , battle . battleType === BattleType . TRAINER ) ;
if ( enemyPokemon . species . speciesId === Species . ETERNATUS ) {
if ( this . scene . gameMode . isClassic && ( battle . battleSpec === BattleSpec . FINAL_BOSS || this . scene . gameMode . isWaveFinal ( battle . waveIndex ) ) ) {
if ( battle . battleSpec !== BattleSpec . FINAL_BOSS ) {
enemyPokemon . formIndex = 1 ;
enemyPokemon . updateScale ( ) ;
enemyPokemon . setBoss ( ) ;
} else if ( ! ( battle . waveIndex % 1000 ) ) {
enemyPokemon . formIndex = 1 ;
enemyPokemon . updateScale ( ) ;
const bossMBH = this . scene . findModifier ( m = > m instanceof TurnHeldItemTransferModifier && m . pokemonId === enemyPokemon . id , false ) as TurnHeldItemTransferModifier ;
this . scene . removeModifier ( bossMBH ! ) ;
bossMBH ? . setTransferrableFalse ( ) ;
this . scene . addEnemyModifier ( bossMBH ! ) ;
totalBst += enemyPokemon . getSpeciesForm ( ) . baseTotal ;
loadEnemyAssets . push ( enemyPokemon . loadAssets ( ) ) ;
console . log ( getPokemonNameWithAffix ( enemyPokemon ) , enemyPokemon . species . speciesId , enemyPokemon . stats ) ;
} ) ;
if ( this . scene . getParty ( ) . filter ( p = > p . isShiny ( ) ) . length === 6 ) {
this . scene . validateAchv ( achvs . SHINY_PARTY ) ;
if ( battle . battleType === BattleType . TRAINER ) {
loadEnemyAssets . push ( battle . trainer ? . loadAssets ( ) . then ( ( ) = > battle . trainer ? . initSprite ( ) ) ! ) ; // TODO: is this bang correct?
} else {
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const overridedBossSegments = Overrides . OPP_HEALTH_SEGMENTS_OVERRIDE > 1 ;
// for double battles, reduce the health segments for boss Pokemon unless there is an override
if ( ! overridedBossSegments && battle . enemyParty . filter ( p = > p . isBoss ( ) ) . length > 1 ) {
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for ( const enemyPokemon of battle . enemyParty ) {
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// If the enemy pokemon is a boss and wasn't populated from data source, then update the number of segments
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if ( enemyPokemon . isBoss ( ) && ! enemyPokemon . isPopulatedFromDataSource ) {
enemyPokemon . setBoss ( true , Math . ceil ( enemyPokemon . bossSegments * ( enemyPokemon . getSpeciesForm ( ) . baseTotal / totalBst ) ) ) ;
enemyPokemon . initBattleInfo ( ) ;
Promise . all ( loadEnemyAssets ) . then ( ( ) = > {
battle . enemyParty . forEach ( ( enemyPokemon , e ) = > {
if ( e < ( battle . double ? 2 : 1 ) ) {
if ( battle . battleType === BattleType . WILD ) {
this . scene . field . add ( enemyPokemon ) ;
battle . seenEnemyPartyMemberIds . add ( enemyPokemon . id ) ;
const playerPokemon = this . scene . getPlayerPokemon ( ) ;
if ( playerPokemon ? . visible ) {
this . scene . field . moveBelow ( enemyPokemon as Pokemon , playerPokemon ) ;
enemyPokemon . tint ( 0 , 0.5 ) ;
} else if ( battle . battleType === BattleType . TRAINER ) {
enemyPokemon . setVisible ( false ) ;
this . scene . currentBattle . trainer ? . tint ( 0 , 0.5 ) ;
if ( battle . double ) {
enemyPokemon . setFieldPosition ( e ? FieldPosition.RIGHT : FieldPosition.LEFT ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! this . loaded ) {
regenerateModifierPoolThresholds ( this . scene . getEnemyField ( ) , battle . battleType === BattleType . TRAINER ? ModifierPoolType.TRAINER : ModifierPoolType.WILD ) ;
this . scene . generateEnemyModifiers ( ) ;
this . scene . ui . setMode ( Mode . MESSAGE ) . then ( ( ) = > {
if ( ! this . loaded ) {
this . scene . gameData . saveAll ( this . scene , true , battle . waveIndex % 10 === 1 || this . scene . lastSavePlayTime >= 300 ) . then ( success = > { // TODO: get rid of ts-ignore
this . scene . disableMenu = false ;
if ( ! success ) {
return this . scene . reset ( true ) ;
this . doEncounter ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
this . doEncounter ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
doEncounter() {
this . scene . playBgm ( undefined , true ) ;
this . scene . updateModifiers ( false ) ;
this . scene . setFieldScale ( 1 ) ;
/ * i f ( s t a r t i n g W a v e > 1 0 ) {
for ( let m = 0 ; m < Math . min ( Math . floor ( startingWave / 10 ) , 99 ) ; m ++ )
this . scene . addModifier ( getPlayerModifierTypeOptionsForWave ( ( m + 1 ) * 10 , 1 , this . scene . getParty ( ) ) [ 0 ] . type . newModifier ( ) , true ) ;
this . scene . updateModifiers ( true ) ;
} * /
for ( const pokemon of this . scene . getParty ( ) ) {
if ( pokemon ) {
pokemon . resetBattleData ( ) ;
if ( ! this . loaded ) {
this . scene . arena . trySetWeather ( getRandomWeatherType ( this . scene . arena ) , false ) ;
const enemyField = this . scene . getEnemyField ( ) ;
this . scene . tweens . add ( {
targets : [ this . scene . arenaEnemy , this . scene . currentBattle . trainer , enemyField , this . scene . arenaPlayer , this . scene . trainer ] . flat ( ) ,
x : ( _target , _key , value , fieldIndex : integer ) = > fieldIndex < 2 + ( enemyField . length ) ? value + 300 : value - 300 ,
duration : 2000 ,
onComplete : ( ) = > {
if ( ! this . tryOverrideForBattleSpec ( ) ) {
this . doEncounterCommon ( ) ;
} ) ;
getEncounterMessage ( ) : string {
const enemyField = this . scene . getEnemyField ( ) ;
if ( this . scene . currentBattle . battleSpec === BattleSpec . FINAL_BOSS ) {
return i18next . t ( "battle:bossAppeared" , { bossName : getPokemonNameWithAffix ( enemyField [ 0 ] ) } ) ;
if ( this . scene . currentBattle . battleType === BattleType . TRAINER ) {
if ( this . scene . currentBattle . double ) {
return i18next . t ( "battle:trainerAppearedDouble" , { trainerName : this.scene.currentBattle.trainer?.getName ( TrainerSlot . NONE , true ) } ) ;
} else {
return i18next . t ( "battle:trainerAppeared" , { trainerName : this.scene.currentBattle.trainer?.getName ( TrainerSlot . NONE , true ) } ) ;
return enemyField . length === 1
? i18next . t ( "battle:singleWildAppeared" , { pokemonName : enemyField [ 0 ] . getNameToRender ( ) } )
: i18next . t ( "battle:multiWildAppeared" , { pokemonName1 : enemyField [ 0 ] . getNameToRender ( ) , pokemonName2 : enemyField [ 1 ] . getNameToRender ( ) } ) ;
doEncounterCommon ( showEncounterMessage : boolean = true ) {
const enemyField = this . scene . getEnemyField ( ) ;
if ( this . scene . currentBattle . battleType === BattleType . WILD ) {
enemyField . forEach ( enemyPokemon = > {
enemyPokemon . untint ( 100 , "Sine.easeOut" ) ;
enemyPokemon . cry ( ) ;
enemyPokemon . showInfo ( ) ;
if ( enemyPokemon . isShiny ( ) ) {
this . scene . validateAchv ( achvs . SEE_SHINY ) ;
} ) ;
this . scene . updateFieldScale ( ) ;
if ( showEncounterMessage ) {
this . scene . ui . showText ( this . getEncounterMessage ( ) , null , ( ) = > this . end ( ) , 1500 ) ;
} else {
this . end ( ) ;
} else if ( this . scene . currentBattle . battleType === BattleType . TRAINER ) {
const trainer = this . scene . currentBattle . trainer ;
trainer ? . untint ( 100 , "Sine.easeOut" ) ;
trainer ? . playAnim ( ) ;
const doSummon = ( ) = > {
this . scene . currentBattle . started = true ;
this . scene . playBgm ( undefined ) ;
this . scene . pbTray . showPbTray ( this . scene . getParty ( ) ) ;
this . scene . pbTrayEnemy . showPbTray ( this . scene . getEnemyParty ( ) ) ;
const doTrainerSummon = ( ) = > {
this . hideEnemyTrainer ( ) ;
const availablePartyMembers = this . scene . getEnemyParty ( ) . filter ( p = > ! p . isFainted ( ) ) . length ;
this . scene . unshiftPhase ( new SummonPhase ( this . scene , 0 , false ) ) ;
if ( this . scene . currentBattle . double && availablePartyMembers > 1 ) {
this . scene . unshiftPhase ( new SummonPhase ( this . scene , 1 , false ) ) ;
this . end ( ) ;
} ;
if ( showEncounterMessage ) {
this . scene . ui . showText ( this . getEncounterMessage ( ) , null , doTrainerSummon , 1500 , true ) ;
} else {
doTrainerSummon ( ) ;
} ;
const encounterMessages = this . scene . currentBattle . trainer ? . getEncounterMessages ( ) ;
if ( ! encounterMessages ? . length ) {
doSummon ( ) ;
} else {
let message : string ;
this . scene . executeWithSeedOffset ( ( ) = > message = Utils . randSeedItem ( encounterMessages ) , this . scene . currentBattle . waveIndex ) ;
message = message ! ; // tell TS compiler it's defined now
const showDialogueAndSummon = ( ) = > {
this . scene . ui . showDialogue ( message , trainer ? . getName ( TrainerSlot . NONE , true ) , null , ( ) = > {
this . scene . charSprite . hide ( ) . then ( ( ) = > this . scene . hideFieldOverlay ( 250 ) . then ( ( ) = > doSummon ( ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
if ( this . scene . currentBattle . trainer ? . config . hasCharSprite && ! this . scene . ui . shouldSkipDialogue ( message ) ) {
this . scene . showFieldOverlay ( 500 ) . then ( ( ) = > this . scene . charSprite . showCharacter ( trainer ? . getKey ( ) ! , getCharVariantFromDialogue ( encounterMessages [ 0 ] ) ) . then ( ( ) = > showDialogueAndSummon ( ) ) ) ; // TODO: is this bang correct?
} else {
showDialogueAndSummon ( ) ;
end() {
const enemyField = this . scene . getEnemyField ( ) ;
enemyField . forEach ( ( enemyPokemon , e ) = > {
if ( enemyPokemon . isShiny ( ) ) {
this . scene . unshiftPhase ( new ShinySparklePhase ( this . scene , BattlerIndex . ENEMY + e ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( this . scene . currentBattle . battleType !== BattleType . TRAINER ) {
enemyField . map ( p = > this . scene . pushConditionalPhase ( new PostSummonPhase ( this . scene , p . getBattlerIndex ( ) ) , ( ) = > {
// if there is not a player party, we can't continue
if ( ! this . scene . getParty ( ) ? . length ) {
return false ;
// how many player pokemon are on the field ?
const pokemonsOnFieldCount = this . scene . getParty ( ) . filter ( p = > p . isOnField ( ) ) . length ;
// if it's a 2vs1, there will never be a 2nd pokemon on our field even
const requiredPokemonsOnField = Math . min ( this . scene . getParty ( ) . filter ( ( p ) = > ! p . isFainted ( ) ) . length , 2 ) ;
// if it's a double, there should be 2, otherwise 1
if ( this . scene . currentBattle . double ) {
return pokemonsOnFieldCount === requiredPokemonsOnField ;
return pokemonsOnFieldCount === 1 ;
} ) ) ;
const ivScannerModifier = this . scene . findModifier ( m = > m instanceof IvScannerModifier ) ;
if ( ivScannerModifier ) {
enemyField . map ( p = > this . scene . pushPhase ( new ScanIvsPhase ( this . scene , p . getBattlerIndex ( ) , Math . min ( ivScannerModifier . getStackCount ( ) * 2 , 6 ) ) ) ) ;
if ( ! this . loaded ) {
const availablePartyMembers = this . scene . getParty ( ) . filter ( p = > p . isAllowedInBattle ( ) ) ;
if ( ! availablePartyMembers [ 0 ] . isOnField ( ) ) {
this . scene . pushPhase ( new SummonPhase ( this . scene , 0 ) ) ;
if ( this . scene . currentBattle . double ) {
if ( availablePartyMembers . length > 1 ) {
this . scene . pushPhase ( new ToggleDoublePositionPhase ( this . scene , true ) ) ;
if ( ! availablePartyMembers [ 1 ] . isOnField ( ) ) {
this . scene . pushPhase ( new SummonPhase ( this . scene , 1 ) ) ;
} else {
if ( availablePartyMembers . length > 1 && availablePartyMembers [ 1 ] . isOnField ( ) ) {
this . scene . pushPhase ( new ReturnPhase ( this . scene , 1 ) ) ;
this . scene . pushPhase ( new ToggleDoublePositionPhase ( this . scene , false ) ) ;
if ( this . scene . currentBattle . battleType !== BattleType . TRAINER && ( this . scene . currentBattle . waveIndex > 1 || ! this . scene . gameMode . isDaily ) ) {
const minPartySize = this . scene . currentBattle . double ? 2 : 1 ;
if ( availablePartyMembers . length > minPartySize ) {
this . scene . pushPhase ( new CheckSwitchPhase ( this . scene , 0 , this . scene . currentBattle . double ) ) ;
if ( this . scene . currentBattle . double ) {
this . scene . pushPhase ( new CheckSwitchPhase ( this . scene , 1 , this . scene . currentBattle . double ) ) ;
handleTutorial ( this . scene , Tutorial . Access_Menu ) . then ( ( ) = > super . end ( ) ) ;
tryOverrideForBattleSpec ( ) : boolean {
switch ( this . scene . currentBattle . battleSpec ) {
case BattleSpec . FINAL_BOSS :
const enemy = this . scene . getEnemyPokemon ( ) ;
this . scene . ui . showText ( this . getEncounterMessage ( ) , null , ( ) = > {
2024-08-30 02:16:15 -07:00
const localizationKey = "battleSpecDialogue:encounter" ;
if ( this . scene . ui . shouldSkipDialogue ( localizationKey ) ) {
// Logging mirrors logging found in dialogue-ui-handler
console . log ( ` Dialogue ${ localizationKey } skipped ` ) ;
2024-08-19 03:23:52 +01:00
this . doEncounterCommon ( false ) ;
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} else {
const count = 5643853 + this . scene . gameData . gameStats . classicSessionsPlayed ;
// The line below checks if an English ordinal is necessary or not based on whether an entry for encounterLocalizationKey exists in the language or not.
const ordinalUsed = ! i18next . exists ( localizationKey , { fallbackLng : [ ] } ) || i18next . resolvedLanguage === "en" ? i18next . t ( "battleSpecDialogue:key" , { count : count , ordinal : true } ) : "" ;
const cycleCount = count . toLocaleString ( ) + ordinalUsed ;
const genderIndex = this . scene . gameData . gender ? ? PlayerGender . UNSET ;
const genderStr = PlayerGender [ genderIndex ] . toLowerCase ( ) ;
const encounterDialogue = i18next . t ( localizationKey , { context : genderStr , cycleCount : cycleCount } ) ;
if ( ! this . scene . gameData . getSeenDialogues ( ) [ localizationKey ] ) {
this . scene . gameData . saveSeenDialogue ( localizationKey ) ;
this . scene . ui . showDialogue ( encounterDialogue , enemy ? . species . name , null , ( ) = > {
this . doEncounterCommon ( false ) ;
} ) ;
2024-08-19 03:23:52 +01:00
} , 1500 , true ) ;
return true ;
return false ;