2024-09-07 21:37:37 -07:00
import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene" ;
import { BattlerIndex } from "#app/battle" ;
import { CommonBattleAnim , CommonAnim } from "#app/data/battle-anims" ;
import { Stat } from "#app/enums/stat" ;
import { getPokemonNameWithAffix } from "#app/messages" ;
import { getTextColor , TextStyle } from "#app/ui/text" ;
import { Mode } from "#app/ui/ui" ;
2024-08-19 03:23:52 +01:00
import i18next from "i18next" ;
import { PokemonPhase } from "./pokemon-phase" ;
export class ScanIvsPhase extends PokemonPhase {
private shownIvs : integer ;
constructor ( scene : BattleScene , battlerIndex : BattlerIndex , shownIvs : integer ) {
super ( scene , battlerIndex ) ;
this . shownIvs = shownIvs ;
start() {
super . start ( ) ;
if ( ! this . shownIvs ) {
return this . end ( ) ;
const pokemon = this . getPokemon ( ) ;
let enemyIvs : number [ ] = [ ] ;
let statsContainer : Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite [ ] = [ ] ;
let statsContainerLabels : Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite [ ] = [ ] ;
const enemyField = this . scene . getEnemyField ( ) ;
const uiTheme = ( this . scene as BattleScene ) . uiTheme ; // Assuming uiTheme is accessible
for ( let e = 0 ; e < enemyField . length ; e ++ ) {
enemyIvs = enemyField [ e ] . ivs ;
const currentIvs = this . scene . gameData . dexData [ enemyField [ e ] . species . getRootSpeciesId ( ) ] . ivs ; // we are using getRootSpeciesId() here because we want to check against the baby form, not the mid form if it exists
const ivsToShow = this . scene . ui . getMessageHandler ( ) . getTopIvs ( enemyIvs , this . shownIvs ) ;
statsContainer = enemyField [ e ] . getBattleInfo ( ) . getStatsValueContainer ( ) . list as Phaser . GameObjects . Sprite [ ] ;
statsContainerLabels = statsContainer . filter ( m = > m . name . indexOf ( "icon_stat_label" ) >= 0 ) ;
for ( let s = 0 ; s < statsContainerLabels . length ; s ++ ) {
const ivStat = Stat [ statsContainerLabels [ s ] . frame . name ] ;
if ( enemyIvs [ ivStat ] > currentIvs [ ivStat ] && ivsToShow . indexOf ( Number ( ivStat ) ) >= 0 ) {
const hexColour = enemyIvs [ ivStat ] === 31 ? getTextColor ( TextStyle . PERFECT_IV , false , uiTheme ) : getTextColor ( TextStyle . SUMMARY_GREEN , false , uiTheme ) ;
const hexTextColour = Phaser . Display . Color . HexStringToColor ( hexColour ) . color ;
statsContainerLabels [ s ] . setTint ( hexTextColour ) ;
statsContainerLabels [ s ] . setVisible ( true ) ;
if ( ! this . scene . hideIvs ) {
this . scene . ui . showText ( i18next . t ( "battle:ivScannerUseQuestion" , { pokemonName : getPokemonNameWithAffix ( pokemon ) } ) , null , ( ) = > {
this . scene . ui . setMode ( Mode . CONFIRM , ( ) = > {
this . scene . ui . setMode ( Mode . MESSAGE ) ;
this . scene . ui . clearText ( ) ;
2024-09-13 09:46:22 -07:00
new CommonBattleAnim ( CommonAnim . LOCK_ON , pokemon , pokemon ) . play ( this . scene , false , ( ) = > {
2024-08-19 03:23:52 +01:00
this . scene . ui . getMessageHandler ( ) . promptIvs ( pokemon . id , pokemon . ivs , this . shownIvs ) . then ( ( ) = > this . end ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} , ( ) = > {
this . scene . ui . setMode ( Mode . MESSAGE ) ;
this . scene . ui . clearText ( ) ;
this . end ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
this . end ( ) ;