2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
import BattleScene , { startingWave } from "../battle-scene" ;
import { ModifierTypeFunc , modifierTypes } from "../modifier/modifier-type" ;
import { EnemyPokemon } from "../field/pokemon" ;
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import * as Utils from "../utils" ;
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import { PokeballType } from "./pokeball" ;
import { pokemonEvolutions , pokemonPrevolutions } from "./pokemon-evolutions" ;
import PokemonSpecies , { getPokemonSpecies , PokemonSpeciesFilter } from "./pokemon-species" ;
import { tmSpecies } from "./tms" ;
import { Type } from "./type" ;
import { doubleBattleDialogue } from "./dialogue" ;
import { PersistentModifier } from "../modifier/modifier" ;
import { TrainerVariant } from "../field/trainer" ;
import { getIsInitialized , initI18n } from "#app/plugins/i18n" ;
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import i18next from "i18next" ;
import { Moves } from "#enums/moves" ;
import { PartyMemberStrength } from "#enums/party-member-strength" ;
import { Species } from "#enums/species" ;
import { TrainerType } from "#enums/trainer-type" ;
import { Gender } from "./gender" ;
export enum TrainerPoolTier {
export interface TrainerTierPools {
[ key : integer ] : Species [ ]
export enum TrainerSlot {
export class TrainerPartyTemplate {
public size : integer ;
public strength : PartyMemberStrength ;
public sameSpecies : boolean ;
public balanced : boolean ;
constructor ( size : integer , strength : PartyMemberStrength , sameSpecies? : boolean , balanced? : boolean ) {
this . size = size ;
this . strength = strength ;
this . sameSpecies = ! ! sameSpecies ;
this . balanced = ! ! balanced ;
getStrength ( index : integer ) : PartyMemberStrength {
return this . strength ;
isSameSpecies ( index : integer ) : boolean {
return this . sameSpecies ;
isBalanced ( index : integer ) : boolean {
return this . balanced ;
export class TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate extends TrainerPartyTemplate {
public templates : TrainerPartyTemplate [ ] ;
constructor ( . . . templates : TrainerPartyTemplate [ ] ) {
super ( templates . reduce ( ( total : integer , template : TrainerPartyTemplate ) = > {
total += template . size ;
return total ;
} , 0 ) , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) ;
this . templates = templates ;
getStrength ( index : integer ) : PartyMemberStrength {
let t = 0 ;
for ( const template of this . templates ) {
if ( t + template . size > index ) {
return template . getStrength ( index - t ) ;
t += template . size ;
return super . getStrength ( index ) ;
isSameSpecies ( index : integer ) : boolean {
let t = 0 ;
for ( const template of this . templates ) {
if ( t + template . size > index ) {
return template . isSameSpecies ( index - t ) ;
t += template . size ;
return super . isSameSpecies ( index ) ;
isBalanced ( index : integer ) : boolean {
let t = 0 ;
for ( const template of this . templates ) {
if ( t + template . size > index ) {
return template . isBalanced ( index - t ) ;
t += template . size ;
return super . isBalanced ( index ) ;
export const trainerPartyTemplates = {
ONE_WEAK_ONE_STRONG : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) ) ,
ONE_AVG : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) ,
ONE_AVG_ONE_STRONG : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) ) ,
ONE_STRONG : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) ,
ONE_STRONGER : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONGER ) ,
TWO_WEAKER : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAKER ) ,
TWO_WEAK : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK ) ,
TWO_WEAK_ONE_AVG : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) ) ,
TWO_WEAK_SAME_ONE_AVG : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK , true ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) ) ,
TWO_WEAK_SAME_TWO_WEAK_SAME : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK , true ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK , true ) ) ,
TWO_WEAK_ONE_STRONG : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) ) ,
TWO_AVG : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) ,
TWO_AVG_ONE_STRONG : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) ) ,
TWO_AVG_SAME_ONE_AVG : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE , true ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) ) ,
TWO_AVG_SAME_ONE_STRONG : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE , true ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) ) ,
TWO_AVG_SAME_TWO_AVG_SAME : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE , true ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE , true ) ) ,
TWO_STRONG : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) ,
THREE_WEAK : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 3 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK ) ,
THREE_WEAK_SAME : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 3 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK , true ) ,
THREE_AVG : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 3 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) ,
THREE_AVG_SAME : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 3 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE , true ) ,
THREE_WEAK_BALANCED : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 3 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK , false , true ) ,
FOUR_WEAKER : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 4 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAKER ) ,
FOUR_WEAKER_SAME : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 4 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAKER , true ) ,
FOUR_WEAK : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 4 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK ) ,
FOUR_WEAK_SAME : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 4 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK , true ) ,
FOUR_WEAK_BALANCED : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 4 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK , false , true ) ,
FIVE_WEAKER : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 5 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAKER ) ,
FIVE_WEAK : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 5 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK ) ,
FIVE_WEAK_BALANCED : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 5 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK , false , true ) ,
SIX_WEAKER : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 6 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAKER ) ,
SIX_WEAKER_SAME : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 6 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAKER , true ) ,
SIX_WEAK_SAME : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 6 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK , true ) ,
SIX_WEAK_BALANCED : new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 6 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK , false , true ) ,
GYM_LEADER_1 : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) ) ,
GYM_LEADER_2 : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONGER ) ) ,
GYM_LEADER_3 : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONGER ) ) ,
GYM_LEADER_4 : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 3 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONGER ) ) ,
GYM_LEADER_5 : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 3 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONGER ) ) ,
ELITE_FOUR : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 3 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONGER ) ) ,
CHAMPION : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONGER ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 5 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG , false , true ) ) ,
RIVAL : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) ) ,
RIVAL_2 : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK , false , true ) ) ,
RIVAL_3 : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE , false , true ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK , false , true ) ) ,
RIVAL_4 : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE , false , true ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . WEAK , false , true ) ) ,
RIVAL_5 : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 3 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE , false , true ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) ) ,
RIVAL_6 : new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 3 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE , false , true ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 1 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONGER ) )
} ;
type PartyTemplateFunc = ( scene : BattleScene ) = > TrainerPartyTemplate ;
type PartyMemberFunc = ( scene : BattleScene , level : integer , strength : PartyMemberStrength ) = > EnemyPokemon ;
type GenModifiersFunc = ( party : EnemyPokemon [ ] ) = > PersistentModifier [ ] ;
export interface PartyMemberFuncs {
[ key : integer ] : PartyMemberFunc
export class TrainerConfig {
public trainerType : TrainerType ;
public trainerTypeDouble : TrainerType ;
public name : string ;
public nameFemale : string ;
public nameDouble : string ;
public title : string ;
public titleDouble : string ;
public hasGenders : boolean = false ;
public hasDouble : boolean = false ;
public hasCharSprite : boolean = false ;
public doubleOnly : boolean = false ;
public moneyMultiplier : number = 1 ;
public isBoss : boolean = false ;
public hasStaticParty : boolean = false ;
public useSameSeedForAllMembers : boolean = false ;
public mixedBattleBgm : string ;
public battleBgm : string ;
public encounterBgm : string ;
public femaleEncounterBgm : string ;
public doubleEncounterBgm : string ;
public victoryBgm : string ;
public genModifiersFunc : GenModifiersFunc ;
public modifierRewardFuncs : ModifierTypeFunc [ ] = [ ] ;
public partyTemplates : TrainerPartyTemplate [ ] ;
public partyTemplateFunc : PartyTemplateFunc ;
public partyMemberFuncs : PartyMemberFuncs = { } ;
public speciesPools : TrainerTierPools ;
public speciesFilter : PokemonSpeciesFilter ;
public specialtyTypes : Type [ ] = [ ] ;
public hasVoucher : boolean = false ;
public encounterMessages : string [ ] = [ ] ;
public victoryMessages : string [ ] = [ ] ;
public defeatMessages : string [ ] = [ ] ;
public femaleEncounterMessages : string [ ] ;
public femaleVictoryMessages : string [ ] ;
public femaleDefeatMessages : string [ ] ;
public doubleEncounterMessages : string [ ] ;
public doubleVictoryMessages : string [ ] ;
public doubleDefeatMessages : string [ ] ;
constructor ( trainerType : TrainerType , allowLegendaries? : boolean ) {
this . trainerType = trainerType ;
this . name = Utils . toReadableString ( TrainerType [ this . getDerivedType ( ) ] ) ;
this . battleBgm = "battle_trainer" ;
this . mixedBattleBgm = "battle_trainer" ;
this . victoryBgm = "victory_trainer" ;
this . partyTemplates = [ trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG ] ;
this . speciesFilter = species = > ( allowLegendaries || ( ! species . legendary && ! species . subLegendary && ! species . mythical ) ) && ! species . isTrainerForbidden ( ) ;
getKey ( ) : string {
return TrainerType [ this . getDerivedType ( ) ] . toString ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
getSpriteKey ( female? : boolean , isDouble : boolean = false ) : string {
let ret = this . getKey ( ) ;
if ( this . hasGenders ) {
ret += ` _ ${ female ? "f" : "m" } ` ;
// If a special double trainer class was set, set it as the sprite key
if ( this . trainerTypeDouble && female && isDouble ) {
// Get the derived type for the double trainer since the sprite key is based on the derived type
ret = TrainerType [ this . getDerivedType ( this . trainerTypeDouble ) ] . toString ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
return ret ;
setName ( name : string ) : TrainerConfig {
if ( name === "Finn" ) {
// Give the rival a localized name
// First check if i18n is initialized
if ( ! getIsInitialized ( ) ) {
initI18n ( ) ;
// This is only the male name, because the female name is handled in a different function (setHasGenders)
if ( name === "Finn" ) {
name = i18next . t ( "trainerNames:rival" ) ;
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this . name = name ;
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return this ;
/ * *
* Sets if a boss trainer will have a voucher or not .
* @param hasVoucher - If the boss trainer will have a voucher .
* /
setHasVoucher ( hasVoucher : boolean ) : void {
this . hasVoucher = hasVoucher ;
setTitle ( title : string ) : TrainerConfig {
// First check if i18n is initialized
if ( ! getIsInitialized ( ) ) {
initI18n ( ) ;
// Make the title lowercase and replace spaces with underscores
title = title . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /\s/g , "_" ) ;
// Get the title from the i18n file
this . title = i18next . t ( ` titles: ${ title } ` ) ;
return this ;
/ * *
* Returns the derived trainer type for a given trainer type .
* @param trainerTypeToDeriveFrom - The trainer type to derive from . ( If null , the this . trainerType property will be used . )
* @returns { TrainerType } - The derived trainer type .
* /
getDerivedType ( trainerTypeToDeriveFrom : TrainerType | null = null ) : TrainerType {
let trainerType = trainerTypeToDeriveFrom ? trainerTypeToDeriveFrom : this.trainerType ;
switch ( trainerType ) {
case TrainerType . RIVAL_2 :
case TrainerType . RIVAL_3 :
case TrainerType . RIVAL_4 :
case TrainerType . RIVAL_5 :
case TrainerType . RIVAL_6 :
trainerType = TrainerType . RIVAL ;
break ;
case TrainerType . LANCE_CHAMPION :
trainerType = TrainerType . LANCE ;
break ;
case TrainerType . LARRY_ELITE :
trainerType = TrainerType . LARRY ;
break ;
case TrainerType . ROCKET_BOSS_GIOVANNI_1 :
case TrainerType . ROCKET_BOSS_GIOVANNI_2 :
trainerType = TrainerType . GIOVANNI ;
break ;
case TrainerType . MAXIE_2 :
trainerType = TrainerType . MAXIE ;
break ;
case TrainerType . ARCHIE_2 :
trainerType = TrainerType . ARCHIE ;
break ;
case TrainerType . CYRUS_2 :
trainerType = TrainerType . CYRUS ;
break ;
case TrainerType . GHETSIS_2 :
trainerType = TrainerType . GHETSIS ;
break ;
case TrainerType . LYSANDRE_2 :
trainerType = TrainerType . LYSANDRE ;
break ;
case TrainerType . LUSAMINE_2 :
trainerType = TrainerType . LUSAMINE ;
break ;
case TrainerType . GUZMA_2 :
trainerType = TrainerType . GUZMA ;
break ;
case TrainerType . ROSE_2 :
trainerType = TrainerType . ROSE ;
break ;
case TrainerType . MARNIE_ELITE :
trainerType = TrainerType . MARNIE ;
break ;
case TrainerType . NESSA_ELITE :
trainerType = TrainerType . NESSA ;
break ;
case TrainerType . BEA_ELITE :
trainerType = TrainerType . BEA ;
break ;
case TrainerType . ALLISTER_ELITE :
trainerType = TrainerType . ALLISTER ;
break ;
case TrainerType . RAIHAN_ELITE :
trainerType = TrainerType . RAIHAN ;
break ;
return trainerType ;
/ * *
* Sets the configuration for trainers with genders , including the female name and encounter background music ( BGM ) .
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* @param { string } [ nameFemale ] The name of the female trainer . If 'Ivy' , a localized name will be assigned .
* @param { TrainerType | string } [ femaleEncounterBgm ] The encounter BGM for the female trainer , which can be a TrainerType or a string .
* @returns { TrainerConfig } The updated TrainerConfig instance .
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* * /
setHasGenders ( nameFemale? : string , femaleEncounterBgm? : TrainerType | string ) : TrainerConfig {
// If the female name is 'Ivy' (the rival), assign a localized name.
if ( nameFemale === "Ivy" ) {
// Check if the internationalization (i18n) system is initialized.
if ( ! getIsInitialized ( ) ) {
// Initialize the i18n system if it is not already initialized.
initI18n ( ) ;
// Set the localized name for the female rival.
this . nameFemale = i18next . t ( "trainerNames:rival_female" ) ;
} else {
// Otherwise, assign the provided female name.
this . nameFemale = nameFemale ! ; // TODO: is this bang correct?
// Indicate that this trainer configuration includes genders.
this . hasGenders = true ;
// If a female encounter BGM is provided.
if ( femaleEncounterBgm ) {
// If the BGM is a TrainerType (number), convert it to a string, replace underscores with spaces, and convert to lowercase.
// Otherwise, assign the provided string as the BGM.
this . femaleEncounterBgm = typeof femaleEncounterBgm === "number"
? TrainerType [ femaleEncounterBgm ] . toString ( ) . replace ( /_/g , " " ) . toLowerCase ( )
: femaleEncounterBgm ;
// Return the updated TrainerConfig instance.
return this ;
/ * *
* Sets the configuration for trainers with double battles , including the name of the double trainer and the encounter BGM .
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* @param nameDouble The name of the double trainer ( e . g . , "Ace Duo" for Trainer Class Doubles or "red_blue_double" for NAMED trainer doubles ) .
* @param doubleEncounterBgm The encounter BGM for the double trainer , which can be a TrainerType or a string .
* @returns { TrainerConfig } The updated TrainerConfig instance .
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* /
setHasDouble ( nameDouble : string , doubleEncounterBgm? : TrainerType | string ) : TrainerConfig {
this . hasDouble = true ;
this . nameDouble = nameDouble ;
if ( doubleEncounterBgm ) {
this . doubleEncounterBgm = typeof doubleEncounterBgm === "number" ? TrainerType [ doubleEncounterBgm ] . toString ( ) . replace ( /\_/g , " " ) . toLowerCase ( ) : doubleEncounterBgm ;
return this ;
/ * *
* Sets the trainer type for double battles .
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* @param trainerTypeDouble The TrainerType of the partner in a double battle .
* @returns { TrainerConfig } The updated TrainerConfig instance .
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* /
setDoubleTrainerType ( trainerTypeDouble : TrainerType ) : TrainerConfig {
this . trainerTypeDouble = trainerTypeDouble ;
this . setDoubleMessages ( this . nameDouble ) ;
return this ;
/ * *
* Sets the encounter and victory messages for double trainers .
* @param nameDouble - The name of the pair ( e . g . "red_blue_double" ) .
* /
setDoubleMessages ( nameDouble : string ) {
// Check if there is double battle dialogue for this trainer
if ( doubleBattleDialogue [ nameDouble ] ) {
// Set encounter and victory messages for double trainers
this . doubleEncounterMessages = doubleBattleDialogue [ nameDouble ] . encounter ;
this . doubleVictoryMessages = doubleBattleDialogue [ nameDouble ] . victory ;
this . doubleDefeatMessages = doubleBattleDialogue [ nameDouble ] . defeat ;
/ * *
* Sets the title for double trainers
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* @param titleDouble The key for the title in the i18n file . ( e . g . , "champion_double" ) .
* @returns { TrainerConfig } The updated TrainerConfig instance .
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* /
setDoubleTitle ( titleDouble : string ) : TrainerConfig {
// First check if i18n is initialized
if ( ! getIsInitialized ( ) ) {
initI18n ( ) ;
// Make the title lowercase and replace spaces with underscores
titleDouble = titleDouble . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /\s/g , "_" ) ;
// Get the title from the i18n file
this . titleDouble = i18next . t ( ` titles: ${ titleDouble } ` ) ;
return this ;
setHasCharSprite ( ) : TrainerConfig {
this . hasCharSprite = true ;
return this ;
setDoubleOnly ( ) : TrainerConfig {
this . doubleOnly = true ;
return this ;
setMoneyMultiplier ( moneyMultiplier : number ) : TrainerConfig {
this . moneyMultiplier = moneyMultiplier ;
return this ;
setBoss ( ) : TrainerConfig {
this . isBoss = true ;
return this ;
setStaticParty ( ) : TrainerConfig {
this . hasStaticParty = true ;
return this ;
setUseSameSeedForAllMembers ( ) : TrainerConfig {
this . useSameSeedForAllMembers = true ;
return this ;
setMixedBattleBgm ( mixedBattleBgm : string ) : TrainerConfig {
this . mixedBattleBgm = mixedBattleBgm ;
return this ;
setBattleBgm ( battleBgm : string ) : TrainerConfig {
this . battleBgm = battleBgm ;
return this ;
setEncounterBgm ( encounterBgm : TrainerType | string ) : TrainerConfig {
this . encounterBgm = typeof encounterBgm === "number" ? TrainerType [ encounterBgm ] . toString ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) : encounterBgm ;
return this ;
setVictoryBgm ( victoryBgm : string ) : TrainerConfig {
this . victoryBgm = victoryBgm ;
return this ;
setPartyTemplates ( . . . partyTemplates : TrainerPartyTemplate [ ] ) : TrainerConfig {
this . partyTemplates = partyTemplates ;
return this ;
setPartyTemplateFunc ( partyTemplateFunc : PartyTemplateFunc ) : TrainerConfig {
this . partyTemplateFunc = partyTemplateFunc ;
return this ;
setPartyMemberFunc ( slotIndex : integer , partyMemberFunc : PartyMemberFunc ) : TrainerConfig {
this . partyMemberFuncs [ slotIndex ] = partyMemberFunc ;
return this ;
setSpeciesPools ( speciesPools : TrainerTierPools | Species [ ] ) : TrainerConfig {
this . speciesPools = ( Array . isArray ( speciesPools ) ? { [ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : speciesPools } : speciesPools ) as unknown as TrainerTierPools ;
return this ;
setSpeciesFilter ( speciesFilter : PokemonSpeciesFilter , allowLegendaries? : boolean ) : TrainerConfig {
const baseFilter = this . speciesFilter ;
this . speciesFilter = allowLegendaries ? speciesFilter : species = > speciesFilter ( species ) && baseFilter ( species ) ;
return this ;
setSpecialtyTypes ( . . . specialtyTypes : Type [ ] ) : TrainerConfig {
this . specialtyTypes = specialtyTypes ;
return this ;
setGenModifiersFunc ( genModifiersFunc : GenModifiersFunc ) : TrainerConfig {
this . genModifiersFunc = genModifiersFunc ;
return this ;
setModifierRewardFuncs ( . . . modifierTypeFuncs : ( ( ) = > ModifierTypeFunc ) [ ] ) : TrainerConfig {
this . modifierRewardFuncs = modifierTypeFuncs . map ( func = > ( ) = > {
const modifierTypeFunc = func ( ) ;
const modifierType = modifierTypeFunc ( ) ;
modifierType . withIdFromFunc ( modifierTypeFunc ) ;
return modifierType ;
} ) ;
return this ;
/ * *
* Returns the pool of species for an evil team admin
* @param team - The evil team the admin belongs to .
* @returns { TrainerTierPools }
* /
speciesPoolPerEvilTeamAdmin ( team ) : TrainerTierPools {
team = team . toLowerCase ( ) ;
switch ( team ) {
case "rocket" : {
return {
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[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . RATTATA , Species . KOFFING , Species . EKANS , Species . ZUBAT , Species . MAGIKARP , Species . HOUNDOUR , Species . ONIX , Species . CUBONE , Species . GROWLITHE , Species . MURKROW , Species . GASTLY , Species . EXEGGCUTE , Species . VOLTORB , Species . DROWZEE , Species . VILEPLUME ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . PORYGON , Species . MANKEY , Species . MAGNEMITE , Species . ALOLA_SANDSHREW , Species . ALOLA_MEOWTH , Species . ALOLA_GRIMER , Species . ALOLA_GEODUDE , Species . PALDEA_TAUROS , Species . OMANYTE , Species . KABUTO , Species . MAGBY , Species . ELEKID ] ,
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[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . DRATINI , Species . LARVITAR ]
} ;
case "magma" : {
return {
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[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . GROWLITHE , Species . SLUGMA , Species . SOLROCK , Species . HIPPOPOTAS , Species . BALTOY , Species . ROLYCOLY , Species . GLIGAR , Species . TORKOAL , Species . HOUNDOUR , Species . MAGBY ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . TRAPINCH , Species . SILICOBRA , Species . RHYHORN , Species . ANORITH , Species . LILEEP , Species . HISUI_GROWLITHE , Species . TURTONATOR , Species . ARON , Species . BARBOACH ] ,
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[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . CAPSAKID , Species . CHARCADET ]
} ;
case "aqua" : {
return {
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . CORPHISH , Species . SPHEAL , Species . CLAMPERL , Species . CHINCHOU , Species . WOOPER , Species . WINGULL , Species . TENTACOOL , Species . AZURILL , Species . LOTAD , Species . WAILMER , Species . REMORAID ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . MANTYKE , Species . HISUI_QWILFISH , Species . ARROKUDA , Species . DHELMISE , Species . CLOBBOPUS , Species . FEEBAS , Species . PALDEA_WOOPER , Species . HORSEA , Species . SKRELP ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . DONDOZO , Species . BASCULEGION ]
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ;
case "galactic" : {
return {
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . BRONZOR , Species . SWINUB , Species . YANMA , Species . LICKITUNG , Species . TANGELA , Species . MAGBY , Species . ELEKID , Species . SKORUPI , Species . ZUBAT , Species . MURKROW , Species . MAGIKARP , Species . VOLTORB ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . HISUI_GROWLITHE , Species . HISUI_QWILFISH , Species . SNEASEL , Species . DUSKULL , Species . ROTOM , Species . HISUI_VOLTORB , Species . GLIGAR , Species . ABRA ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . URSALUNA , Species . HISUI_LILLIGANT , Species . SPIRITOMB , Species . HISUI_SNEASEL ]
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ;
case "plasma" : {
return {
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . YAMASK , Species . ROGGENROLA , Species . JOLTIK , Species . TYMPOLE , Species . FRILLISH , Species . FERROSEED , Species . SANDILE , Species . TIMBURR , Species . DARUMAKA , Species . FOONGUS , Species . CUBCHOO , Species . VANILLITE ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . PAWNIARD , Species . VULLABY , Species . ZORUA , Species . DRILBUR , Species . KLINK , Species . TYNAMO , Species . GALAR_DARUMAKA , Species . GOLETT , Species . MIENFOO , Species . DURANT , Species . SIGILYPH ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . HISUI_ZORUA , Species . AXEW , Species . DEINO , Species . HISUI_BRAVIARY ]
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ;
case "flare" : {
return {
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . FLETCHLING , Species . LITLEO , Species . INKAY , Species . HELIOPTILE , Species . ELECTRIKE , Species . SKORUPI , Species . PURRLOIN , Species . CLAWITZER , Species . PANCHAM , Species . ESPURR , Species . BUNNELBY ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . LITWICK , Species . SNEASEL , Species . PUMPKABOO , Species . PHANTUMP , Species . HONEDGE , Species . BINACLE , Species . BERGMITE , Species . HOUNDOUR , Species . SKRELP , Species . SLIGGOO ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . NOIVERN , Species . HISUI_AVALUGG , Species . HISUI_SLIGGOO ]
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ;
case "aether" : {
return {
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . BRUXISH , Species . SLOWPOKE , Species . BALTOY , Species . EXEGGCUTE , Species . ABRA , Species . ALOLA_RAICHU , Species . ELGYEM , Species . NATU , Species . BLIPBUG , Species . GIRAFARIG , Species . ORANGURU ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . GALAR_SLOWPOKE , Species . MEDITITE , Species . BELDUM , Species . HATENNA , Species . INKAY , Species . RALTS , Species . GALAR_MR_MIME ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . ARMAROUGE , Species . HISUI_BRAVIARY , Species . PORYGON ]
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ;
case "skull" : {
return {
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . MAREANIE , Species . ALOLA_GRIMER , Species . GASTLY , Species . ZUBAT , Species . FOMANTIS , Species . VENIPEDE , Species . BUDEW , Species . KOFFING , Species . STUNKY , Species . CROAGUNK , Species . NIDORAN_F ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . GALAR_SLOWPOKE , Species . SKORUPI , Species . PALDEA_WOOPER , Species . VULLABY , Species . HISUI_QWILFISH , Species . GLIMMET ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . SKRELP , Species . HISUI_SNEASEL ]
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ;
case "macro" : {
return {
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . HATENNA , Species . FEEBAS , Species . BOUNSWEET , Species . SALANDIT , Species . GALAR_PONYTA , Species . GOTHITA , Species . FROSLASS , Species . VULPIX , Species . FRILLISH , Species . ODDISH , Species . SINISTEA ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . VULLABY , Species . MAREANIE , Species . ALOLA_VULPIX , Species . TOGEPI , Species . GALAR_CORSOLA , Species . APPLIN ] ,
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . TINKATINK , Species . HISUI_LILLIGANT ]
} ;
console . warn ( ` Evil team admin for ${ team } not found. Returning empty species pools. ` ) ;
return [ ] ;
/ * *
* Initializes the trainer configuration for an evil team admin .
2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
* @param title The title of the evil team admin .
* @param poolName The evil team the admin belongs to .
* @param { Species | Species [ ] } signatureSpecies The signature species for the evil team leader .
* @returns { TrainerConfig } The updated TrainerConfig instance .
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
* * * /
initForEvilTeamAdmin ( title : string , poolName : string , signatureSpecies : ( Species | Species [ ] ) [ ] , ) : TrainerConfig {
if ( ! getIsInitialized ( ) ) {
initI18n ( ) ;
this . setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . RIVAL_5 ) ;
// Set the species pools for the evil team admin.
this . speciesPools = this . speciesPoolPerEvilTeamAdmin ( poolName ) ;
signatureSpecies . forEach ( ( speciesPool , s ) = > {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( speciesPool ) ) {
speciesPool = [ speciesPool ] ;
this . setPartyMemberFunc ( - ( s + 1 ) , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( speciesPool ) ) ;
} ) ;
const nameForCall = this . name . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /\s/g , "_" ) ;
this . name = i18next . t ( ` trainerNames: ${ nameForCall } ` ) ;
this . setHasVoucher ( false ) ;
this . setTitle ( title ) ;
this . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) ;
this . setBoss ( ) ;
this . setStaticParty ( ) ;
this . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_boss" ) ;
this . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) ;
return this ;
2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
/ * *
* Initializes the trainer configuration for a Stat Trainer , as part of the Trainer ' s Test Mystery Encounter .
* @param { Species | Species [ ] } signatureSpecies The signature species for the Elite Four member .
* @param { Type [ ] } specialtyTypes The specialty types for the Stat Trainer .
* @param isMale Whether the Elite Four Member is Male or Female ( for localization of the title ) .
* @returns { TrainerConfig } The updated TrainerConfig instance .
* * /
initForStatTrainer ( signatureSpecies : ( Species | Species [ ] ) [ ] , isMale : boolean , . . . specialtyTypes : Type [ ] ) : TrainerConfig {
if ( ! getIsInitialized ( ) ) {
initI18n ( ) ;
this . setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . ELITE_FOUR ) ;
signatureSpecies . forEach ( ( speciesPool , s ) = > {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( speciesPool ) ) {
speciesPool = [ speciesPool ] ;
this . setPartyMemberFunc ( - ( s + 1 ) , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( speciesPool ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( specialtyTypes . length ) {
this . setSpeciesFilter ( p = > specialtyTypes . find ( t = > p . isOfType ( t ) ) !== undefined ) ;
this . setSpecialtyTypes ( . . . specialtyTypes ) ;
const nameForCall = this . name . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /\s/g , "_" ) ;
this . name = i18next . t ( ` trainerNames: ${ nameForCall } ` ) ;
this . setMoneyMultiplier ( 2 ) ;
this . setBoss ( ) ;
this . setStaticParty ( ) ;
// TODO: replace with more suitable music?
this . setBattleBgm ( "battle_trainer" ) ;
this . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_trainer" ) ;
return this ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
/ * *
* Initializes the trainer configuration for an evil team leader . Temporarily hardcoding evil leader teams though .
2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
* @param { Species | Species [ ] } signatureSpecies The signature species for the evil team leader .
* @param { Type [ ] } specialtyTypes The specialty types for the evil team Leader .
* @param boolean Whether or not this is the rematch fight
* @returns { TrainerConfig } The updated TrainerConfig instance .
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
* * * /
initForEvilTeamLeader ( title : string , signatureSpecies : ( Species | Species [ ] ) [ ] , rematch : boolean = false , . . . specialtyTypes : Type [ ] ) : TrainerConfig {
if ( ! getIsInitialized ( ) ) {
initI18n ( ) ;
if ( rematch ) {
this . setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . ELITE_FOUR ) ;
} else {
this . setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . RIVAL_5 ) ;
signatureSpecies . forEach ( ( speciesPool , s ) = > {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( speciesPool ) ) {
speciesPool = [ speciesPool ] ;
this . setPartyMemberFunc ( - ( s + 1 ) , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( speciesPool ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( specialtyTypes . length ) {
this . setSpeciesFilter ( p = > specialtyTypes . find ( t = > p . isOfType ( t ) ) !== undefined ) ;
this . setSpecialtyTypes ( . . . specialtyTypes ) ;
const nameForCall = this . name . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /\s/g , "_" ) ;
this . name = i18next . t ( ` trainerNames: ${ nameForCall } ` ) ;
this . setTitle ( title ) ;
this . setMoneyMultiplier ( 2.5 ) ;
this . setBoss ( ) ;
this . setStaticParty ( ) ;
this . setHasVoucher ( true ) ;
this . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_boss" ) ;
this . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) ;
return this ;
/ * *
* Initializes the trainer configuration for a Gym Leader .
2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
* @param { Species | Species [ ] } signatureSpecies The signature species for the Gym Leader .
* @param { Type [ ] } specialtyTypes The specialty types for the Gym Leader .
* @param isMale Whether the Gym Leader is Male or Not ( for localization of the title ) .
* @returns { TrainerConfig } The updated TrainerConfig instance .
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
* * * /
initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies : ( Species | Species [ ] ) [ ] , isMale : boolean , . . . specialtyTypes : Type [ ] ) : TrainerConfig {
// Check if the internationalization (i18n) system is initialized.
if ( ! getIsInitialized ( ) ) {
initI18n ( ) ;
// Set the function to generate the Gym Leader's party template.
this . setPartyTemplateFunc ( getGymLeaderPartyTemplate ) ;
// Set up party members with their corresponding species.
signatureSpecies . forEach ( ( speciesPool , s ) = > {
// Ensure speciesPool is an array.
if ( ! Array . isArray ( speciesPool ) ) {
speciesPool = [ speciesPool ] ;
// Set a function to get a random party member from the species pool.
this . setPartyMemberFunc ( - ( s + 1 ) , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( speciesPool ) ) ;
} ) ;
// If specialty types are provided, set species filter and specialty types.
if ( specialtyTypes . length ) {
this . setSpeciesFilter ( p = > specialtyTypes . find ( t = > p . isOfType ( t ) ) !== undefined ) ;
this . setSpecialtyTypes ( . . . specialtyTypes ) ;
// Localize the trainer's name by converting it to lowercase and replacing spaces with underscores.
const nameForCall = this . name . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /\s/g , "_" ) ;
this . name = i18next . t ( ` trainerNames: ${ nameForCall } ` ) ;
// Set the title to "gym_leader". (this is the key in the i18n file)
this . setTitle ( "gym_leader" ) ;
if ( ! isMale ) {
this . setTitle ( "gym_leader_female" ) ;
// Configure various properties for the Gym Leader.
this . setMoneyMultiplier ( 2.5 ) ;
this . setBoss ( ) ;
this . setStaticParty ( ) ;
this . setHasVoucher ( true ) ;
this . setBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_gym" ) ;
this . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_gym" ) ;
this . setGenModifiersFunc ( party = > {
const waveIndex = party [ 0 ] . scene . currentBattle . waveIndex ;
return getRandomTeraModifiers ( party , waveIndex >= 100 ? 1 : 0 , specialtyTypes . length ? specialtyTypes : undefined ) ;
} ) ;
return this ;
/ * *
* Initializes the trainer configuration for an Elite Four member .
2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
* @param { Species | Species [ ] } signatureSpecies The signature species for the Elite Four member .
* @param { Type [ ] } specialtyTypes The specialty types for the Elite Four member .
* @param isMale Whether the Elite Four Member is Male or Female ( for localization of the title ) .
* @returns { TrainerConfig } The updated TrainerConfig instance .
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
* * /
initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies : ( Species | Species [ ] ) [ ] , isMale : boolean , . . . specialtyTypes : Type [ ] ) : TrainerConfig {
// Check if the internationalization (i18n) system is initialized.
if ( ! getIsInitialized ( ) ) {
initI18n ( ) ;
// Set the party templates for the Elite Four.
this . setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . ELITE_FOUR ) ;
// Set up party members with their corresponding species.
signatureSpecies . forEach ( ( speciesPool , s ) = > {
// Ensure speciesPool is an array.
if ( ! Array . isArray ( speciesPool ) ) {
speciesPool = [ speciesPool ] ;
// Set a function to get a random party member from the species pool.
this . setPartyMemberFunc ( - ( s + 1 ) , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( speciesPool ) ) ;
} ) ;
// Set species filter and specialty types if provided, otherwise filter by base total.
if ( specialtyTypes . length ) {
this . setSpeciesFilter ( p = > specialtyTypes . some ( t = > p . isOfType ( t ) ) && p . baseTotal >= 450 ) ;
this . setSpecialtyTypes ( . . . specialtyTypes ) ;
} else {
this . setSpeciesFilter ( p = > p . baseTotal >= 450 ) ;
// Localize the trainer's name by converting it to lowercase and replacing spaces with underscores.
const nameForCall = this . name . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /\s/g , "_" ) ;
this . name = i18next . t ( ` trainerNames: ${ nameForCall } ` ) ;
// Set the title to "elite_four". (this is the key in the i18n file)
this . setTitle ( "elite_four" ) ;
if ( ! isMale ) {
this . setTitle ( "elite_four_female" ) ;
// Configure various properties for the Elite Four member.
this . setMoneyMultiplier ( 3.25 ) ;
this . setBoss ( ) ;
this . setStaticParty ( ) ;
this . setHasVoucher ( true ) ;
this . setBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_elite" ) ;
this . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_gym" ) ;
this . setGenModifiersFunc ( party = > getRandomTeraModifiers ( party , 2 , specialtyTypes . length ? specialtyTypes : undefined ) ) ;
return this ;
/ * *
* Initializes the trainer configuration for a Champion .
2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
* @param { Species | Species [ ] } signatureSpecies The signature species for the Champion .
* @param isMale Whether the Champion is Male or Female ( for localization of the title ) .
* @returns { TrainerConfig } The updated TrainerConfig instance .
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
* * /
initForChampion ( signatureSpecies : ( Species | Species [ ] ) [ ] , isMale : boolean ) : TrainerConfig {
// Check if the internationalization (i18n) system is initialized.
if ( ! getIsInitialized ( ) ) {
initI18n ( ) ;
// Set the party templates for the Champion.
this . setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . CHAMPION ) ;
// Set up party members with their corresponding species.
signatureSpecies . forEach ( ( speciesPool , s ) = > {
// Ensure speciesPool is an array.
if ( ! Array . isArray ( speciesPool ) ) {
speciesPool = [ speciesPool ] ;
// Set a function to get a random party member from the species pool.
this . setPartyMemberFunc ( - ( s + 1 ) , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( speciesPool ) ) ;
} ) ;
// Set species filter to only include species with a base total of 470 or higher.
this . setSpeciesFilter ( p = > p . baseTotal >= 470 ) ;
// Localize the trainer's name by converting it to lowercase and replacing spaces with underscores.
const nameForCall = this . name . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /\s/g , "_" ) ;
this . name = i18next . t ( ` trainerNames: ${ nameForCall } ` ) ;
// Set the title to "champion". (this is the key in the i18n file)
this . setTitle ( "champion" ) ;
if ( ! isMale ) {
this . setTitle ( "champion_female" ) ;
// Configure various properties for the Champion.
this . setMoneyMultiplier ( 10 ) ;
this . setBoss ( ) ;
this . setStaticParty ( ) ;
this . setHasVoucher ( true ) ;
this . setBattleBgm ( "battle_champion_alder" ) ;
this . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_champion" ) ;
this . setGenModifiersFunc ( party = > getRandomTeraModifiers ( party , 3 ) ) ;
return this ;
2024-09-15 01:12:55 +02:00
/ * *
* Sets a localized name for the trainer . This should only be used for trainers that dont use a "initFor" function and are considered "named" trainers
* @param name - The name of the trainer .
* @returns { TrainerConfig } The updated TrainerConfig instance .
* /
setLocalizedName ( name : string ) : TrainerConfig {
// Check if the internationalization (i18n) system is initialized.
if ( ! getIsInitialized ( ) ) {
initI18n ( ) ;
this . name = i18next . t ( ` trainerNames: ${ name . toLowerCase ( ) } ` ) ;
return this ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
/ * *
* Retrieves the title for the trainer based on the provided trainer slot and variant .
* @param { TrainerSlot } trainerSlot - The slot to determine which title to use . Defaults to TrainerSlot . NONE .
* @param { TrainerVariant } variant - The variant of the trainer to determine the specific title .
* @returns { string } - The title of the trainer .
* * /
getTitle ( trainerSlot : TrainerSlot = TrainerSlot . NONE , variant : TrainerVariant ) : string {
const ret = this . name ;
// Check if the variant is double and the name for double exists
if ( ! trainerSlot && variant === TrainerVariant . DOUBLE && this . nameDouble ) {
return this . nameDouble ;
// Female variant
if ( this . hasGenders ) {
// If the name is already set
if ( this . nameFemale ) {
// Check if the variant is either female or this is for the partner in a double battle
if ( variant === TrainerVariant . FEMALE || ( variant === TrainerVariant . DOUBLE && trainerSlot === TrainerSlot . TRAINER_PARTNER ) ) {
return this . nameFemale ;
} else
// Check if !variant is true, if so return the name, else return the name with _female appended
if ( variant ) {
if ( ! getIsInitialized ( ) ) {
initI18n ( ) ;
// Check if the female version exists in the i18n file
if ( i18next . exists ( ` trainerClasses: ${ this . name . toLowerCase ( ) } ` ) ) {
// If it does, return
return ret + "_female" ;
} else {
// If it doesn't, we do not do anything and go to the normal return
// This is to prevent the game from displaying an error if a female version of the trainer does not exist in the localization
return ret ;
loadAssets ( scene : BattleScene , variant : TrainerVariant ) : Promise < void > {
return new Promise ( resolve = > {
const isDouble = variant === TrainerVariant . DOUBLE ;
const trainerKey = this . getSpriteKey ( variant === TrainerVariant . FEMALE , false ) ;
const partnerTrainerKey = this . getSpriteKey ( true , true ) ;
scene . loadAtlas ( trainerKey , "trainer" ) ;
if ( isDouble ) {
scene . loadAtlas ( partnerTrainerKey , "trainer" ) ;
scene . load . once ( Phaser . Loader . Events . COMPLETE , ( ) = > {
const originalWarn = console . warn ;
// Ignore warnings for missing frames, because there will be a lot
console . warn = ( ) = > {
} ;
const frameNames = scene . anims . generateFrameNames ( trainerKey , {
zeroPad : 4 ,
suffix : ".png" ,
start : 1 ,
end : 128
} ) ;
const partnerFrameNames = isDouble
? scene . anims . generateFrameNames ( partnerTrainerKey , {
zeroPad : 4 ,
suffix : ".png" ,
start : 1 ,
end : 128
} )
: "" ;
console . warn = originalWarn ;
if ( ! ( scene . anims . exists ( trainerKey ) ) ) {
scene . anims . create ( {
key : trainerKey ,
frames : frameNames ,
frameRate : 24 ,
repeat : - 1
} ) ;
if ( isDouble && ! ( scene . anims . exists ( partnerTrainerKey ) ) ) {
scene . anims . create ( {
key : partnerTrainerKey ,
frames : partnerFrameNames ,
frameRate : 24 ,
repeat : - 1
} ) ;
resolve ( ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! scene . load . isLoading ( ) ) {
scene . load . start ( ) ;
} ) ;
2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
/ * *
* Creates a shallow copy of a trainer config so that it can be modified without affecting the { @link trainerConfigs } source map
* /
clone ( ) : TrainerConfig {
let clone = new TrainerConfig ( this . trainerType ) ;
clone = this . trainerTypeDouble ? clone . setDoubleTrainerType ( this . trainerTypeDouble ) : clone ;
clone = this . name ? clone . setName ( this . name ) : clone ;
clone = this . hasGenders ? clone . setHasGenders ( this . nameFemale , this . femaleEncounterBgm ) : clone ;
clone = this . hasDouble ? clone . setHasDouble ( this . nameDouble , this . doubleEncounterBgm ) : clone ;
clone = this . title ? clone . setTitle ( this . title ) : clone ;
clone = this . titleDouble ? clone . setDoubleTitle ( this . titleDouble ) : clone ;
clone = this . hasCharSprite ? clone . setHasCharSprite ( ) : clone ;
clone = this . doubleOnly ? clone . setDoubleOnly ( ) : clone ;
clone = this . moneyMultiplier ? clone . setMoneyMultiplier ( this . moneyMultiplier ) : clone ;
clone = this . isBoss ? clone . setBoss ( ) : clone ;
clone = this . hasStaticParty ? clone . setStaticParty ( ) : clone ;
clone = this . useSameSeedForAllMembers ? clone . setUseSameSeedForAllMembers ( ) : clone ;
clone = this . battleBgm ? clone . setBattleBgm ( this . battleBgm ) : clone ;
clone = this . encounterBgm ? clone . setEncounterBgm ( this . encounterBgm ) : clone ;
clone = this . victoryBgm ? clone . setVictoryBgm ( this . victoryBgm ) : clone ;
clone = this . genModifiersFunc ? clone . setGenModifiersFunc ( this . genModifiersFunc ) : clone ;
if ( this . modifierRewardFuncs ) {
// Clones array instead of passing ref
clone . modifierRewardFuncs = this . modifierRewardFuncs . slice ( 0 ) ;
if ( this . partyTemplates ) {
clone . partyTemplates = this . partyTemplates . slice ( 0 ) ;
clone = this . partyTemplateFunc ? clone . setPartyTemplateFunc ( this . partyTemplateFunc ) : clone ;
if ( this . partyMemberFuncs ) {
Object . keys ( this . partyMemberFuncs ) . forEach ( ( index ) = > {
clone = clone . setPartyMemberFunc ( parseInt ( index , 10 ) , this . partyMemberFuncs [ index ] ) ;
} ) ;
clone = this . speciesPools ? clone . setSpeciesPools ( this . speciesPools ) : clone ;
clone = this . speciesFilter ? clone . setSpeciesFilter ( this . speciesFilter ) : clone ;
if ( this . specialtyTypes ) {
clone . specialtyTypes = this . specialtyTypes . slice ( 0 ) ;
clone . encounterMessages = this . encounterMessages ? . slice ( 0 ) ;
clone . victoryMessages = this . victoryMessages ? . slice ( 0 ) ;
clone . defeatMessages = this . defeatMessages ? . slice ( 0 ) ;
clone . femaleEncounterMessages = this . femaleEncounterMessages ? . slice ( 0 ) ;
clone . femaleVictoryMessages = this . femaleVictoryMessages ? . slice ( 0 ) ;
clone . femaleDefeatMessages = this . femaleDefeatMessages ? . slice ( 0 ) ;
clone . doubleEncounterMessages = this . doubleEncounterMessages ? . slice ( 0 ) ;
clone . doubleVictoryMessages = this . doubleVictoryMessages ? . slice ( 0 ) ;
clone . doubleDefeatMessages = this . doubleDefeatMessages ? . slice ( 0 ) ;
return clone ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
let t = 0 ;
interface TrainerConfigs {
[ key : integer ] : TrainerConfig
/ * *
* The function to get variable strength grunts
* @param scene the singleton scene being passed in
* @returns the correct TrainerPartyTemplate
* /
function getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene : BattleScene ) : TrainerPartyTemplate {
const waveIndex = scene . currentBattle ? . waveIndex ;
if ( waveIndex < 40 ) {
return trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG ;
} else if ( waveIndex < 63 ) {
return trainerPartyTemplates . THREE_AVG ;
} else if ( waveIndex < 65 ) {
return trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG_ONE_STRONG ;
} else if ( waveIndex < 112 ) {
return trainerPartyTemplates . GYM_LEADER_4 ; // 3avg 1 strong 1 stronger
} else {
return trainerPartyTemplates . GYM_LEADER_5 ; // 3 avg 2 strong 1 stronger
function getWavePartyTemplate ( scene : BattleScene , . . . templates : TrainerPartyTemplate [ ] ) {
return templates [ Math . min ( Math . max ( Math . ceil ( ( scene . gameMode . getWaveForDifficulty ( scene . currentBattle ? . waveIndex || startingWave , true ) - 20 ) / 30 ) , 0 ) , templates . length - 1 ) ] ;
function getGymLeaderPartyTemplate ( scene : BattleScene ) {
return getWavePartyTemplate ( scene , trainerPartyTemplates . GYM_LEADER_1 , trainerPartyTemplates . GYM_LEADER_2 , trainerPartyTemplates . GYM_LEADER_3 , trainerPartyTemplates . GYM_LEADER_4 , trainerPartyTemplates . GYM_LEADER_5 ) ;
function getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( speciesPool : Species [ ] , trainerSlot : TrainerSlot = TrainerSlot . TRAINER , ignoreEvolution : boolean = false , postProcess ? : ( enemyPokemon : EnemyPokemon ) = > void ) : PartyMemberFunc {
return ( scene : BattleScene , level : integer , strength : PartyMemberStrength ) = > {
let species = Utils . randSeedItem ( speciesPool ) ;
if ( ! ignoreEvolution ) {
species = getPokemonSpecies ( species ) . getTrainerSpeciesForLevel ( level , true , strength , scene . currentBattle . waveIndex ) ;
return scene . addEnemyPokemon ( getPokemonSpecies ( species ) , level , trainerSlot , undefined , undefined , postProcess ) ;
} ;
function getSpeciesFilterRandomPartyMemberFunc ( speciesFilter : PokemonSpeciesFilter , trainerSlot : TrainerSlot = TrainerSlot . TRAINER , allowLegendaries? : boolean , postProcess ? : ( EnemyPokemon : EnemyPokemon ) = > void ) : PartyMemberFunc {
const originalSpeciesFilter = speciesFilter ;
speciesFilter = ( species : PokemonSpecies ) = > ( allowLegendaries || ( ! species . legendary && ! species . subLegendary && ! species . mythical ) ) && ! species . isTrainerForbidden ( ) && originalSpeciesFilter ( species ) ;
return ( scene : BattleScene , level : integer , strength : PartyMemberStrength ) = > {
const ret = scene . addEnemyPokemon ( getPokemonSpecies ( scene . randomSpecies ( scene . currentBattle . waveIndex , level , false , speciesFilter ) . getTrainerSpeciesForLevel ( level , true , strength , scene . currentBattle . waveIndex ) ) , level , trainerSlot , undefined , undefined , postProcess ) ;
return ret ;
} ;
function getRandomTeraModifiers ( party : EnemyPokemon [ ] , count : integer , types? : Type [ ] ) : PersistentModifier [ ] {
const ret : PersistentModifier [ ] = [ ] ;
const partyMemberIndexes = new Array ( party . length ) . fill ( null ) . map ( ( _ , i ) = > i ) ;
for ( let t = 0 ; t < Math . min ( count , party . length ) ; t ++ ) {
const randomIndex = Utils . randSeedItem ( partyMemberIndexes ) ;
partyMemberIndexes . splice ( partyMemberIndexes . indexOf ( randomIndex ) , 1 ) ;
ret . push ( modifierTypes . TERA_SHARD ( ) . generateType ( [ ] , [ Utils . randSeedItem ( types ? types : party [ randomIndex ] . getTypes ( ) ) ] ) ! . withIdFromFunc ( modifierTypes . TERA_SHARD ) . newModifier ( party [ randomIndex ] ) as PersistentModifier ) ; // TODO: is the bang correct?
return ret ;
type SignatureSpecies = {
[ key in string ] : ( Species | Species [ ] ) [ ] ;
} ;
/ *
* The signature species for each Gym Leader , Elite Four member , and Champion .
* The key is the trainer type , and the value is an array of Species or Species arrays .
* This is in a separate const so it can be accessed from other places and not just the trainerConfigs
* /
export const signatureSpecies : SignatureSpecies = {
BROCK : [ Species . GEODUDE , Species . ONIX ] ,
MISTY : [ Species . STARYU , Species . PSYDUCK ] ,
LT_SURGE : [ Species . VOLTORB , Species . PIKACHU , Species . ELECTABUZZ ] ,
ERIKA : [ Species . ODDISH , Species . BELLSPROUT , Species . TANGELA , Species . HOPPIP ] ,
JANINE : [ Species . VENONAT , Species . SPINARAK , Species . ZUBAT ] ,
SABRINA : [ Species . ABRA , Species . MR_MIME , Species . ESPEON ] ,
BLAINE : [ Species . GROWLITHE , Species . PONYTA , Species . MAGMAR ] ,
GIOVANNI : [ Species . SANDILE , Species . MURKROW , Species . NIDORAN_M , Species . NIDORAN_F ] ,
FALKNER : [ Species . PIDGEY , Species . HOOTHOOT , Species . DODUO ] ,
BUGSY : [ Species . SCYTHER , Species . HERACROSS , Species . SHUCKLE , Species . PINSIR ] ,
WHITNEY : [ Species . GIRAFARIG , Species . MILTANK ] ,
MORTY : [ Species . GASTLY , Species . MISDREAVUS , Species . SABLEYE ] ,
CHUCK : [ Species . POLIWRATH , Species . MANKEY ] ,
JASMINE : [ Species . MAGNEMITE , Species . STEELIX ] ,
PRYCE : [ Species . SEEL , Species . SWINUB ] ,
CLAIR : [ Species . DRATINI , Species . HORSEA , Species . GYARADOS ] ,
ROXANNE : [ Species . GEODUDE , Species . NOSEPASS ] ,
BRAWLY : [ Species . MACHOP , Species . MAKUHITA ] ,
WATTSON : [ Species . MAGNEMITE , Species . VOLTORB , Species . ELECTRIKE ] ,
FLANNERY : [ Species . SLUGMA , Species . TORKOAL , Species . NUMEL ] ,
NORMAN : [ Species . SLAKOTH , Species . SPINDA , Species . CHANSEY , Species . KANGASKHAN ] ,
WINONA : [ Species . SWABLU , Species . WINGULL , Species . TROPIUS , Species . SKARMORY ] ,
TATE : [ Species . SOLROCK , Species . NATU , Species . CHIMECHO , Species . GALLADE ] ,
LIZA : [ Species . LUNATONE , Species . SPOINK , Species . BALTOY , Species . GARDEVOIR ] ,
JUAN : [ Species . HORSEA , Species . BARBOACH , Species . SPHEAL , Species . RELICANTH ] ,
ROARK : [ Species . CRANIDOS , Species . LARVITAR , Species . GEODUDE ] ,
GARDENIA : [ Species . ROSELIA , Species . TANGELA , Species . TURTWIG ] ,
MAYLENE : [ Species . LUCARIO , Species . MEDITITE , Species . CHIMCHAR ] ,
CRASHER_WAKE : [ Species . BUIZEL , Species . MAGIKARP , Species . PIPLUP ] ,
FANTINA : [ Species . MISDREAVUS , Species . DRIFLOON , Species . SPIRITOMB ] ,
BYRON : [ Species . SHIELDON , Species . BRONZOR , Species . AGGRON ] ,
CANDICE : [ Species . SNEASEL , Species . SNOVER , Species . SNORUNT ] ,
VOLKNER : [ Species . SHINX , Species . CHINCHOU , Species . ROTOM ] ,
CILAN : [ Species . PANSAGE , Species . COTTONEE , Species . PETILIL ] ,
CHILI : [ Species . PANSEAR , Species . DARUMAKA , Species . HEATMOR ] ,
CRESS : [ Species . PANPOUR , Species . BASCULIN , Species . TYMPOLE ] ,
CHEREN : [ Species . LILLIPUP , Species . MINCCINO , Species . PATRAT ] ,
LENORA : [ Species . KANGASKHAN , Species . DEERLING , Species . AUDINO ] ,
ROXIE : [ Species . VENIPEDE , Species . TRUBBISH , Species . SKORUPI ] ,
BURGH : [ Species . SEWADDLE , Species . SHELMET , Species . KARRABLAST ] ,
ELESA : [ Species . EMOLGA , Species . BLITZLE , Species . JOLTIK ] ,
CLAY : [ Species . DRILBUR , Species . SANDILE , Species . GOLETT ] ,
SKYLA : [ Species . DUCKLETT , Species . WOOBAT , Species . RUFFLET ] ,
BRYCEN : [ Species . CRYOGONAL , Species . VANILLITE , Species . CUBCHOO ] ,
DRAYDEN : [ Species . DRUDDIGON , Species . AXEW , Species . DEINO ] ,
MARLON : [ Species . WAILMER , Species . FRILLISH , Species . TIRTOUGA ] ,
VIOLA : [ Species . SURSKIT , Species . SCATTERBUG ] ,
GRANT : [ Species . AMAURA , Species . TYRUNT ] ,
KORRINA : [ Species . HAWLUCHA , Species . LUCARIO , Species . MIENFOO ] ,
RAMOS : [ Species . SKIDDO , Species . HOPPIP , Species . BELLSPROUT ] ,
CLEMONT : [ Species . HELIOPTILE , Species . MAGNEMITE , Species . EMOLGA ] ,
VALERIE : [ Species . SYLVEON , Species . MAWILE , Species . MR_MIME ] ,
OLYMPIA : [ Species . ESPURR , Species . SIGILYPH , Species . SLOWKING ] ,
WULFRIC : [ Species . BERGMITE , Species . SNOVER , Species . CRYOGONAL ] ,
MILO : [ Species . GOSSIFLEUR , Species . APPLIN , Species . BOUNSWEET ] ,
NESSA : [ Species . CHEWTLE , Species . ARROKUDA , Species . WIMPOD ] ,
KABU : [ Species . SIZZLIPEDE , Species . VULPIX , Species . TORKOAL ] ,
BEA : [ Species . GALAR_FARFETCHD , Species . MACHOP , Species . CLOBBOPUS ] ,
ALLISTER : [ Species . GALAR_YAMASK , Species . GALAR_CORSOLA , Species . GASTLY ] ,
OPAL : [ Species . MILCERY , Species . TOGETIC , Species . GALAR_WEEZING ] ,
BEDE : [ Species . HATENNA , Species . GALAR_PONYTA , Species . GARDEVOIR ] ,
GORDIE : [ Species . ROLYCOLY , Species . STONJOURNER , Species . BINACLE ] ,
MELONY : [ Species . SNOM , Species . GALAR_DARUMAKA , Species . GALAR_MR_MIME ] ,
PIERS : [ Species . GALAR_ZIGZAGOON , Species . SCRAGGY , Species . INKAY ] ,
MARNIE : [ Species . IMPIDIMP , Species . PURRLOIN , Species . MORPEKO ] ,
RAIHAN : [ Species . DURALUDON , Species . TURTONATOR , Species . GOOMY ] ,
KATY : [ Species . NYMBLE , Species . TAROUNTULA , Species . HERACROSS ] ,
BRASSIUS : [ Species . SMOLIV , Species . SHROOMISH , Species . ODDISH ] ,
IONO : [ Species . TADBULB , Species . WATTREL , Species . VOLTORB ] ,
KOFU : [ Species . VELUZA , Species . WIGLETT , Species . WINGULL ] ,
LARRY : [ Species . STARLY , Species . DUNSPARCE , Species . KOMALA ] ,
RYME : [ Species . GREAVARD , Species . SHUPPET , Species . MIMIKYU ] ,
TULIP : [ Species . GIRAFARIG , Species . FLITTLE , Species . RALTS ] ,
GRUSHA : [ Species . CETODDLE , Species . ALOLA_VULPIX , Species . CUBCHOO ] ,
LORELEI : [ Species . JYNX , [ Species . SLOWBRO , Species . GALAR_SLOWBRO ] , Species . LAPRAS , [ Species . ALOLA_SANDSLASH , Species . CLOYSTER ] ] ,
BRUNO : [ Species . MACHAMP , Species . HITMONCHAN , Species . HITMONLEE , [ Species . ALOLA_GOLEM , Species . GOLEM ] ] ,
AGATHA : [ Species . GENGAR , [ Species . ARBOK , Species . WEEZING ] , Species . CROBAT , Species . ALOLA_MAROWAK ] ,
LANCE : [ Species . DRAGONITE , Species . GYARADOS , Species . AERODACTYL , Species . ALOLA_EXEGGUTOR ] ,
WILL : [ Species . XATU , Species . JYNX , [ Species . SLOWBRO , Species . SLOWKING ] , Species . EXEGGUTOR ] ,
KOGA : [ [ Species . WEEZING , Species . MUK ] , [ Species . VENOMOTH , Species . ARIADOS ] , Species . CROBAT , Species . TENTACRUEL ] ,
KAREN : [ Species . UMBREON , Species . HONCHKROW , Species . HOUNDOOM , Species . WEAVILE ] ,
SIDNEY : [ [ Species . SHIFTRY , Species . CACTURNE ] , [ Species . SHARPEDO , Species . CRAWDAUNT ] , Species . ABSOL , Species . MIGHTYENA ] ,
PHOEBE : [ Species . SABLEYE , Species . DUSKNOIR , Species . BANETTE , [ Species . MISMAGIUS , Species . DRIFBLIM ] ] ,
GLACIA : [ Species . GLALIE , Species . WALREIN , Species . FROSLASS , Species . ABOMASNOW ] ,
DRAKE : [ Species . ALTARIA , Species . SALAMENCE , Species . FLYGON , Species . KINGDRA ] ,
AARON : [ [ Species . SCIZOR , Species . KLEAVOR ] , Species . HERACROSS , [ Species . VESPIQUEN , Species . YANMEGA ] , Species . DRAPION ] ,
BERTHA : [ Species . WHISCASH , Species . HIPPOWDON , Species . GLISCOR , Species . RHYPERIOR ] ,
FLINT : [ [ Species . FLAREON , Species . RAPIDASH ] , Species . MAGMORTAR , [ Species . STEELIX , Species . LOPUNNY ] , Species . INFERNAPE ] ,
LUCIAN : [ Species . MR_MIME , Species . GALLADE , Species . BRONZONG , [ Species . ALAKAZAM , Species . ESPEON ] ] ,
SHAUNTAL : [ Species . COFAGRIGUS , Species . CHANDELURE , Species . GOLURK , Species . JELLICENT ] ,
MARSHAL : [ Species . CONKELDURR , Species . MIENSHAO , Species . THROH , Species . SAWK ] ,
GRIMSLEY : [ Species . LIEPARD , Species . KINGAMBIT , Species . SCRAFTY , Species . KROOKODILE ] ,
CAITLIN : [ Species . MUSHARNA , Species . GOTHITELLE , Species . SIGILYPH , Species . REUNICLUS ] ,
MALVA : [ Species . PYROAR , Species . TORKOAL , Species . CHANDELURE , Species . TALONFLAME ] ,
SIEBOLD : [ Species . CLAWITZER , Species . GYARADOS , Species . BARBARACLE , Species . STARMIE ] ,
WIKSTROM : [ Species . KLEFKI , Species . PROBOPASS , Species . SCIZOR , Species . AEGISLASH ] ,
DRASNA : [ Species . DRAGALGE , Species . DRUDDIGON , Species . ALTARIA , Species . NOIVERN ] ,
HALA : [ Species . HARIYAMA , Species . BEWEAR , Species . CRABOMINABLE , [ Species . POLIWRATH , Species . ANNIHILAPE ] ] ,
MOLAYNE : [ Species . KLEFKI , Species . MAGNEZONE , Species . METAGROSS , Species . ALOLA_DUGTRIO ] ,
OLIVIA : [ Species . RELICANTH , Species . CARBINK , Species . ALOLA_GOLEM , Species . LYCANROC ] ,
ACEROLA : [ [ Species . BANETTE , Species . DRIFBLIM ] , Species . MIMIKYU , Species . DHELMISE , Species . PALOSSAND ] ,
KAHILI : [ [ Species . BRAVIARY , Species . MANDIBUZZ ] , Species . HAWLUCHA , Species . ORICORIO , Species . TOUCANNON ] ,
MARNIE_ELITE : [ Species . MORPEKO , Species . LIEPARD , [ Species . TOXICROAK , Species . SCRAFTY ] , Species . GRIMMSNARL ] ,
NESSA_ELITE : [ Species . GOLISOPOD , [ Species . PELIPPER , Species . QUAGSIRE ] , Species . TOXAPEX , Species . DREDNAW ] ,
BEA_ELITE : [ Species . HAWLUCHA , [ Species . GRAPPLOCT , Species . SIRFETCHD ] , Species . FALINKS , Species . MACHAMP ] ,
ALLISTER_ELITE : [ Species . DUSKNOIR , [ Species . POLTEAGEIST , Species . RUNERIGUS ] , Species . CURSOLA , Species . GENGAR ] ,
RAIHAN_ELITE : [ Species . GOODRA , [ Species . TORKOAL , Species . TURTONATOR ] , Species . FLYGON , Species . ARCHALUDON ] ,
RIKA : [ Species . WHISCASH , [ Species . DONPHAN , Species . DUGTRIO ] , Species . CAMERUPT , Species . CLODSIRE ] ,
POPPY : [ Species . COPPERAJAH , Species . BRONZONG , Species . CORVIKNIGHT , Species . TINKATON ] ,
LARRY_ELITE : [ Species . STARAPTOR , Species . FLAMIGO , Species . ALTARIA , Species . TROPIUS ] ,
HASSEL : [ Species . NOIVERN , [ Species . FLAPPLE , Species . APPLETUN ] , Species . DRAGALGE , Species . BAXCALIBUR ] ,
CRISPIN : [ Species . TALONFLAME , Species . CAMERUPT , Species . MAGMORTAR , Species . BLAZIKEN ] ,
AMARYS : [ Species . SKARMORY , Species . EMPOLEON , Species . SCIZOR , Species . METAGROSS ] ,
LACEY : [ Species . EXCADRILL , Species . PRIMARINA , [ Species . ALCREMIE , Species . GRANBULL ] , Species . WHIMSICOTT ] ,
DRAYTON : [ Species . DRAGONITE , Species . ARCHALUDON , Species . HAXORUS , Species . SCEPTILE ] ,
BLUE : [ [ Species . GYARADOS , Species . EXEGGUTOR , Species . ARCANINE ] , Species . HO_OH , [ Species . RHYPERIOR , Species . MAGNEZONE ] ] , // Alakazam lead, Mega Pidgeot
RED : [ Species . LUGIA , Species . SNORLAX , [ Species . ESPEON , Species . UMBREON , Species . SYLVEON ] ] , // GMax Pikachu lead, Mega gen 1 starter
LANCE_CHAMPION : [ Species . DRAGONITE , Species . KINGDRA , Species . ALOLA_EXEGGUTOR ] , // Aerodactyl lead, Mega Latias/Latios
STEVEN : [ Species . AGGRON , [ Species . ARMALDO , Species . CRADILY ] , Species . DIALGA ] , // Skarmory lead, Mega Metagross
WALLACE : [ Species . MILOTIC , Species . PALKIA , Species . LUDICOLO ] , // Pelipper lead, Mega Swampert
CYNTHIA : [ Species . GIRATINA , Species . LUCARIO , Species . TOGEKISS ] , // Spiritomb lead, Mega Garchomp
ALDER : [ Species . VOLCARONA , Species . ZEKROM , [ Species . ACCELGOR , Species . ESCAVALIER ] , Species . KELDEO ] , // Bouffalant/Braviary lead
IRIS : [ Species . HAXORUS , Species . RESHIRAM , Species . ARCHEOPS ] , // Druddigon lead, Gmax Lapras
DIANTHA : [ Species . HAWLUCHA , Species . XERNEAS , Species . GOODRA ] , // Gourgeist lead, Mega Gardevoir
HAU : [ [ Species . SOLGALEO , Species . LUNALA ] , Species . NOIVERN , [ Species . DECIDUEYE , Species . INCINEROAR , Species . PRIMARINA ] , [ Species . TAPU_BULU , Species . TAPU_FINI , Species . TAPU_KOKO , Species . TAPU_LELE ] ] , // Alola Raichu lead
LEON : [ Species . DRAGAPULT , [ Species . ZACIAN , Species . ZAMAZENTA ] , Species . AEGISLASH ] , // Rillaboom/Cinderace/Inteleon lead, GMax Charizard
GEETA : [ Species . MIRAIDON , [ Species . ESPATHRA , Species . VELUZA ] , [ Species . AVALUGG , Species . HISUI_AVALUGG ] , Species . KINGAMBIT ] , // Glimmora lead
NEMONA : [ Species . KORAIDON , Species . PAWMOT , [ Species . DUDUNSPARCE , Species . ORTHWORM ] , [ Species . MEOWSCARADA , Species . SKELEDIRGE , Species . QUAQUAVAL ] ] , // Lycanroc lead
KIERAN : [ [ Species . GRIMMSNARL , Species . INCINEROAR , Species . PORYGON_Z ] , Species . OGERPON , Species . TERAPAGOS , Species . HYDRAPPLE ] , // Poliwrath/Politoed lead
} ;
export const trainerConfigs : TrainerConfigs = {
[ TrainerType . UNKNOWN ] : new TrainerConfig ( 0 ) . setHasGenders ( ) ,
[ TrainerType . ACE_TRAINER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Ace Trainer Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Ace Duo" ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 2.25 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . ACE_TRAINER )
. setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getWavePartyTemplate ( scene , trainerPartyTemplates . THREE_WEAK_BALANCED , trainerPartyTemplates . FOUR_WEAK_BALANCED , trainerPartyTemplates . FIVE_WEAK_BALANCED , trainerPartyTemplates . SIX_WEAK_BALANCED ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . ARTIST ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . RICH ) . setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_STRONG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . THREE_AVG )
. setSpeciesPools ( [ Species . SMEARGLE ] ) ,
[ TrainerType . BACKERS ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Backers" ) . setDoubleOnly ( ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CYCLIST ) ,
[ TrainerType . BACKPACKER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Backpacker Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Backpackers" ) . setSpeciesFilter ( s = > s . isOfType ( Type . FLYING ) || s . isOfType ( Type . ROCK ) ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . BACKPACKER )
. setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_STRONG , trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_WEAK_ONE_STRONG , trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_AVG_ONE_STRONG )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . RHYHORN , Species . AIPOM , Species . MAKUHITA , Species . MAWILE , Species . NUMEL , Species . LILLIPUP , Species . SANDILE , Species . WOOLOO ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . GIRAFARIG , Species . ZANGOOSE , Species . SEVIPER , Species . CUBCHOO , Species . PANCHAM , Species . SKIDDO , Species . MUDBRAY ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . TAUROS , Species . STANTLER , Species . DARUMAKA , Species . BOUFFALANT , Species . DEERLING , Species . IMPIDIMP ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . GALAR_DARUMAKA , Species . TEDDIURSA ]
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . BAKER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CLERK ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.35 ) . setSpeciesFilter ( s = > s . isOfType ( Type . GRASS ) || s . isOfType ( Type . FIRE ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . BEAUTY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.55 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PARASOL_LADY ) ,
[ TrainerType . BIKER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.4 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . ROUGHNECK ) . setSpeciesFilter ( s = > s . isOfType ( Type . POISON ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . BLACK_BELT ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Battle Girl" , TrainerType . PSYCHIC ) . setHasDouble ( "Crush Kin" ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . ROUGHNECK ) . setSpecialtyTypes ( Type . FIGHTING )
. setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_WEAK_ONE_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_WEAK_ONE_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_WEAK_ONE_STRONG , trainerPartyTemplates . THREE_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG_ONE_STRONG )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . NIDORAN_F , Species . NIDORAN_M , Species . MACHOP , Species . MAKUHITA , Species . MEDITITE , Species . CROAGUNK , Species . TIMBURR ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . MANKEY , Species . POLIWRATH , Species . TYROGUE , Species . BRELOOM , Species . SCRAGGY , Species . MIENFOO , Species . PANCHAM , Species . STUFFUL , Species . CRABRAWLER ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . HERACROSS , Species . RIOLU , Species . THROH , Species . SAWK , Species . PASSIMIAN , Species . CLOBBOPUS ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . HITMONTOP , Species . INFERNAPE , Species . GALLADE , Species . HAWLUCHA , Species . HAKAMO_O ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . ULTRA_RARE ] : [ Species . KUBFU ]
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . BREEDER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.325 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . POKEFAN ) . setHasGenders ( "Breeder Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Breeders" )
. setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getWavePartyTemplate ( scene , trainerPartyTemplates . FOUR_WEAKER , trainerPartyTemplates . FIVE_WEAKER , trainerPartyTemplates . SIX_WEAKER ) )
. setSpeciesFilter ( s = > s . baseTotal < 450 ) ,
[ TrainerType . CLERK ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Clerk Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Colleagues" ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CLERK )
. setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_WEAK , trainerPartyTemplates . THREE_WEAK , trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_WEAK_ONE_AVG )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . MEOWTH , Species . PSYDUCK , Species . BUDEW , Species . PIDOVE , Species . CINCCINO , Species . LITLEO ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . JIGGLYPUFF , Species . MAGNEMITE , Species . MARILL , Species . COTTONEE , Species . SKIDDO ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . BUIZEL , Species . SNEASEL , Species . KLEFKI , Species . INDEEDEE ]
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . CYCLIST ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.3 ) . setHasGenders ( "Cyclist Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Cyclists" ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CYCLIST )
. setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_WEAK , trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_AVG )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . PICHU , Species . STARLY , Species . TAILLOW , Species . BOLTUND ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . DODUO , Species . ELECTRIKE , Species . BLITZLE , Species . WATTREL ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . YANMA , Species . NINJASK , Species . WHIRLIPEDE , Species . EMOLGA ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . ACCELGOR , Species . DREEPY ]
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . DANCER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.55 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CYCLIST )
. setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_WEAK , trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_WEAK_SAME_TWO_WEAK_SAME )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . RALTS , Species . SPOINK , Species . LOTAD , Species . BUDEW ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . SPINDA , Species . SWABLU , Species . MARACTUS , ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . BELLOSSOM , Species . HITMONTOP , Species . MIME_JR , Species . ORICORIO ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . POPPLIO ]
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . DEPOT_AGENT ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.45 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CLERK ) ,
[ TrainerType . DOCTOR ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Nurse" , "lass" ) . setHasDouble ( "Medical Team" ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 3 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CLERK )
. setSpeciesFilter ( s = > ! ! s . getLevelMoves ( ) . find ( plm = > plm [ 1 ] === Moves . HEAL_PULSE ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . FIREBREATHER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.4 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . ROUGHNECK )
. setSpeciesFilter ( s = > ! ! s . getLevelMoves ( ) . find ( plm = > plm [ 1 ] === Moves . SMOG ) || s . isOfType ( Type . FIRE ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . FISHERMAN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.25 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . BACKPACKER ) . setSpecialtyTypes ( Type . WATER )
. setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_WEAK_SAME_ONE_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . THREE_WEAK_SAME , trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_STRONG , trainerPartyTemplates . SIX_WEAKER )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . TENTACOOL , Species . MAGIKARP , Species . GOLDEEN , Species . STARYU , Species . REMORAID , Species . SKRELP , Species . CLAUNCHER , Species . ARROKUDA ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . POLIWAG , Species . SHELLDER , Species . KRABBY , Species . HORSEA , Species . CARVANHA , Species . BARBOACH , Species . CORPHISH , Species . FINNEON , Species . TYMPOLE , Species . BASCULIN , Species . FRILLISH , Species . INKAY ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . CHINCHOU , Species . CORSOLA , Species . WAILMER , Species . BARBOACH , Species . CLAMPERL , Species . LUVDISC , Species . MANTYKE , Species . ALOMOMOLA , Species . TATSUGIRI , Species . VELUZA ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . LAPRAS , Species . FEEBAS , Species . RELICANTH , Species . DONDOZO ]
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . GUITARIST ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.2 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . ROUGHNECK ) . setSpecialtyTypes ( Type . ELECTRIC ) . setSpeciesFilter ( s = > s . isOfType ( Type . ELECTRIC ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . HARLEQUIN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PSYCHIC ) . setSpeciesFilter ( s = > tmSpecies [ Moves . TRICK_ROOM ] . indexOf ( s . speciesId ) > - 1 ) ,
[ TrainerType . HIKER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . BACKPACKER )
. setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG_SAME_ONE_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG_SAME_ONE_STRONG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . FOUR_WEAK , trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_STRONG )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . SANDSHREW , Species . DIGLETT , Species . GEODUDE , Species . MACHOP , Species . ARON , Species . ROGGENROLA , Species . DRILBUR , Species . NACLI ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . ZUBAT , Species . RHYHORN , Species . ONIX , Species . CUBONE , Species . WOOBAT , Species . SWINUB , Species . NOSEPASS , Species . HIPPOPOTAS , Species . DWEBBLE , Species . KLAWF , Species . TOEDSCOOL ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . TORKOAL , Species . TRAPINCH , Species . BARBOACH , Species . GOLETT , Species . ALOLA_DIGLETT , Species . ALOLA_GEODUDE , Species . GALAR_STUNFISK , Species . PALDEA_WOOPER ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . MAGBY , Species . LARVITAR ]
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . HOOLIGANS ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setDoubleOnly ( ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . ROUGHNECK ) . setSpeciesFilter ( s = > s . isOfType ( Type . POISON ) || s . isOfType ( Type . DARK ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . HOOPSTER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.2 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CYCLIST ) ,
[ TrainerType . INFIELDER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.2 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CYCLIST ) ,
[ TrainerType . JANITOR ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.1 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CLERK ) ,
[ TrainerType . LINEBACKER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.2 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CYCLIST ) ,
[ TrainerType . MAID ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.6 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . RICH ) ,
[ TrainerType . MUSICIAN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . ROUGHNECK ) . setSpeciesFilter ( s = > ! ! s . getLevelMoves ( ) . find ( plm = > plm [ 1 ] === Moves . SING ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . HEX_MANIAC ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PSYCHIC )
. setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_AVG_ONE_STRONG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG_SAME_ONE_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . THREE_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_STRONG )
. setSpeciesFilter ( s = > s . isOfType ( Type . GHOST ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . NURSERY_AIDE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.3 ) . setEncounterBgm ( "lass" ) ,
[ TrainerType . OFFICER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.55 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CLERK )
. setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_STRONG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_WEAK_SAME_ONE_AVG )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . VULPIX , Species . GROWLITHE , Species . SNUBBULL , Species . POOCHYENA , Species . ELECTRIKE , Species . LILLIPUP , Species . YAMPER , Species . FIDOUGH ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . HOUNDOUR , Species . ROCKRUFF , Species . MASCHIFF ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . JOLTEON , Species . RIOLU ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . ULTRA_RARE ] : [ Species . ENTEI , Species . SUICUNE , Species . RAIKOU ]
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . PARASOL_LADY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.55 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PARASOL_LADY ) . setSpeciesFilter ( s = > s . isOfType ( Type . WATER ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . PILOT ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CLERK ) . setSpeciesFilter ( s = > tmSpecies [ Moves . FLY ] . indexOf ( s . speciesId ) > - 1 ) ,
[ TrainerType . POKEFAN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.4 ) . setName ( "PokéFan" ) . setHasGenders ( "PokéFan Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "PokéFan Family" ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . POKEFAN )
. setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . SIX_WEAKER , trainerPartyTemplates . FOUR_WEAK , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_STRONG , trainerPartyTemplates . FOUR_WEAK_SAME , trainerPartyTemplates . FIVE_WEAK , trainerPartyTemplates . SIX_WEAKER_SAME ) ,
[ TrainerType . PRESCHOOLER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 0.2 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . YOUNGSTER ) . setHasGenders ( "Preschooler Female" , "lass" ) . setHasDouble ( "Preschoolers" )
. setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . THREE_WEAK , trainerPartyTemplates . FOUR_WEAKER , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_WEAK_SAME_ONE_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . FIVE_WEAKER )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . CATERPIE , Species . PICHU , Species . SANDSHREW , Species . LEDYBA , Species . BUDEW , Species . BURMY , Species . WOOLOO , Species . PAWMI , Species . SMOLIV ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . EEVEE , Species . CLEFFA , Species . IGGLYBUFF , Species . SWINUB , Species . WOOPER , Species . DRIFLOON , Species . DEDENNE , Species . STUFFUL ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . RALTS , Species . RIOLU , Species . JOLTIK , Species . TANDEMAUS ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . DARUMAKA , Species . TINKATINK ] ,
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . PSYCHIC ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Psychic Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Psychics" ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.4 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PSYCHIC )
. setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_WEAK , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_WEAK_SAME_ONE_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_WEAK_SAME_TWO_WEAK_SAME , trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_STRONGER )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . ABRA , Species . DROWZEE , Species . RALTS , Species . SPOINK , Species . GOTHITA , Species . SOLOSIS , Species . BLIPBUG , Species . ESPURR , Species . HATENNA ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . MIME_JR , Species . EXEGGCUTE , Species . MEDITITE , Species . NATU , Species . EXEGGCUTE , Species . WOOBAT , Species . INKAY , Species . ORANGURU ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . ELGYEM , Species . SIGILYPH , Species . BALTOY , Species . GIRAFARIG , Species . MEOWSTIC ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . BELDUM , Species . ESPEON , Species . STANTLER ] ,
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . RANGER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.4 ) . setName ( "Pokémon Ranger" ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . BACKPACKER ) . setHasGenders ( "Pokémon Ranger Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Pokémon Rangers" )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . PICHU , Species . GROWLITHE , Species . PONYTA , Species . ZIGZAGOON , Species . SEEDOT , Species . BIDOOF , Species . RIOLU , Species . SEWADDLE , Species . SKIDDO , Species . SALANDIT , Species . YAMPER ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . AZURILL , Species . TAUROS , Species . MAREEP , Species . FARFETCHD , Species . TEDDIURSA , Species . SHROOMISH , Species . ELECTRIKE , Species . BUDEW , Species . BUIZEL , Species . MUDBRAY , Species . STUFFUL ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . EEVEE , Species . SCYTHER , Species . KANGASKHAN , Species . RALTS , Species . MUNCHLAX , Species . ZORUA , Species . PALDEA_TAUROS , Species . TINKATINK , Species . CYCLIZAR , Species . FLAMIGO ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . LARVESTA ] ,
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . RICH ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 5 ) . setName ( "Gentleman" ) . setHasGenders ( "Madame" ) . setHasDouble ( "Rich Couple" ) ,
[ TrainerType . RICH_KID ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 3.75 ) . setName ( "Rich Boy" ) . setHasGenders ( "Lady" ) . setHasDouble ( "Rich Kids" ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . RICH ) ,
[ TrainerType . ROUGHNECK ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.4 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . ROUGHNECK ) . setSpeciesFilter ( s = > s . isOfType ( Type . DARK ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . SAILOR ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.4 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . BACKPACKER ) . setSpeciesFilter ( s = > s . isOfType ( Type . WATER ) || s . isOfType ( Type . FIGHTING ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . SCIENTIST ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Scientist Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Scientists" ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.7 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . SCIENTIST )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . MAGNEMITE , Species . GRIMER , Species . DROWZEE , Species . VOLTORB , Species . KOFFING ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . BALTOY , Species . BRONZOR , Species . FERROSEED , Species . KLINK , Species . CHARJABUG , Species . BLIPBUG , Species . HELIOPTILE ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . ABRA , Species . DITTO , Species . PORYGON , Species . ELEKID , Species . SOLOSIS , Species . GALAR_WEEZING ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . OMANYTE , Species . KABUTO , Species . AERODACTYL , Species . LILEEP , Species . ANORITH , Species . CRANIDOS , Species . SHIELDON , Species . TIRTOUGA , Species . ARCHEN , Species . ARCTOVISH , Species . ARCTOZOLT , Species . DRACOVISH , Species . DRACOZOLT ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . ULTRA_RARE ] : [ Species . ROTOM , Species . MELTAN ]
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . SMASHER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.2 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CYCLIST ) ,
[ TrainerType . SNOW_WORKER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Worker" ) . setHasGenders ( "Worker Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Workers" ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.7 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CLERK ) . setSpeciesFilter ( s = > s . isOfType ( Type . ICE ) || s . isOfType ( Type . STEEL ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . STRIKER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.2 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CYCLIST ) ,
[ TrainerType . SCHOOL_KID ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 0.75 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . YOUNGSTER ) . setHasGenders ( "School Kid Female" , "lass" ) . setHasDouble ( "School Kids" )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . ODDISH , Species . EXEGGCUTE , Species . TEDDIURSA , Species . WURMPLE , Species . RALTS , Species . SHROOMISH , Species . FLETCHLING ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . VOLTORB , Species . WHISMUR , Species . MEDITITE , Species . MIME_JR , Species . NYMBLE ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . TANGELA , Species . EEVEE , Species . YANMA ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . TADBULB ]
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . SWIMMER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.3 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PARASOL_LADY ) . setHasGenders ( "Swimmer Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Swimmers" ) . setSpecialtyTypes ( Type . WATER ) . setSpeciesFilter ( s = > s . isOfType ( Type . WATER ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . TWINS ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setDoubleOnly ( ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 0.65 ) . setUseSameSeedForAllMembers ( )
. setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getWavePartyTemplate ( scene , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_WEAK , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG , trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_STRONG ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PLUSLE , Species . VOLBEAT , Species . PACHIRISU , Species . SILCOON , Species . METAPOD , Species . IGGLYBUFF , Species . PETILIL , Species . EEVEE ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . MINUN , Species . ILLUMISE , Species . EMOLGA , Species . CASCOON , Species . KAKUNA , Species . CLEFFA , Species . COTTONEE , Species . EEVEE ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER_PARTNER ) )
. setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . TWINS ) ,
[ TrainerType . VETERAN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Veteran Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Veteran Duo" ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 2.5 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . ACE_TRAINER ) . setSpeciesFilter ( s = > s . isOfType ( Type . DRAGON ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . WAITER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Waitress" ) . setHasDouble ( "Restaurant Staff" ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CLERK )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . CLEFFA , Species . CHATOT , Species . PANSAGE , Species . PANSEAR , Species . PANPOUR , Species . MINCCINO ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . TROPIUS , Species . PETILIL , Species . BOUNSWEET , Species . INDEEDEE ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . APPLIN , Species . SINISTEA , Species . POLTCHAGEIST ]
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . WORKER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Worker Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Workers" ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . CLERK ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.7 ) . setSpeciesFilter ( s = > s . isOfType ( Type . ROCK ) || s . isOfType ( Type . STEEL ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . YOUNGSTER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 0.5 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . YOUNGSTER ) . setHasGenders ( "Lass" , "lass" ) . setHasDouble ( "Beginners" ) . setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_WEAKER )
. setSpeciesPools (
[ Species . CATERPIE , Species . WEEDLE , Species . RATTATA , Species . SENTRET , Species . POOCHYENA , Species . ZIGZAGOON , Species . WURMPLE , Species . BIDOOF , Species . PATRAT , Species . LILLIPUP ]
) ,
[ TrainerType . ROCKET_GRUNT ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Rocket Grunt Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Rocket Grunts" ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.0 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_rocket_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . WEEDLE , Species . RATTATA , Species . EKANS , Species . SANDSHREW , Species . ZUBAT , Species . GEODUDE , Species . KOFFING , Species . GRIMER , Species . ODDISH , Species . SLOWPOKE ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . GYARADOS , Species . LICKITUNG , Species . TAUROS , Species . MANKEY , Species . SCYTHER , Species . ELEKID , Species . MAGBY , Species . CUBONE , Species . GROWLITHE , Species . MURKROW , Species . GASTLY , Species . EXEGGCUTE , Species . VOLTORB , Species . MAGNEMITE ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . PORYGON , Species . ALOLA_RATTATA , Species . ALOLA_SANDSHREW , Species . ALOLA_MEOWTH , Species . ALOLA_GRIMER , Species . ALOLA_GEODUDE , Species . PALDEA_TAUROS , Species . OMANYTE , Species . KABUTO ] ,
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . DRATINI , Species . LARVITAR ]
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . ARCHER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "rocket_admin" , "rocket" , [ Species . HOUNDOOM ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_rocket_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . ARIANA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "rocket_admin_female" , "rocket" , [ Species . ARBOK ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_rocket_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . PROTON ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "rocket_admin" , "rocket" , [ Species . CROBAT ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_rocket_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . PETREL ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "rocket_admin" , "rocket" , [ Species . WEEZING ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_rocket_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . MAGMA_GRUNT ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Magma Grunt Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Magma Grunts" ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.0 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_aqua_magma_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . SLUGMA , Species . POOCHYENA , Species . NUMEL , Species . ZIGZAGOON , Species . DIGLETT , Species . MAGBY , Species . TORKOAL , Species . GROWLITHE , Species . BALTOY ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . SOLROCK , Species . HIPPOPOTAS , Species . SANDACONDA , Species . PHANPY , Species . ROLYCOLY , Species . GLIGAR , Species . RHYHORN , Species . HEATMOR ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . TRAPINCH , Species . LILEEP , Species . ANORITH , Species . HISUI_GROWLITHE , Species . TURTONATOR , Species . ARON ] ,
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . CAPSAKID , Species . CHARCADET ]
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . TABITHA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "magma_admin" , "magma" , [ Species . CAMERUPT ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_aqua_magma_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . COURTNEY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "magma_admin_female" , "magma" , [ Species . CAMERUPT ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_aqua_magma_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . AQUA_GRUNT ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Aqua Grunt Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Aqua Grunts" ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.0 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_aqua_magma_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . CARVANHA , Species . WAILMER , Species . ZIGZAGOON , Species . LOTAD , Species . CORPHISH , Species . SPHEAL , Species . REMORAID , Species . QWILFISH , Species . BARBOACH ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . CLAMPERL , Species . CHINCHOU , Species . WOOPER , Species . WINGULL , Species . TENTACOOL , Species . AZURILL , Species . CLOBBOPUS , Species . HORSEA ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . MANTINE , Species . DHELMISE , Species . HISUI_QWILFISH , Species . ARROKUDA , Species . PALDEA_WOOPER , Species . SKRELP ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . DONDOZO , Species . BASCULEGION ]
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . MATT ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "aqua_admin" , "aqua" , [ Species . SHARPEDO ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_aqua_magma_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . SHELLY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "aqua_admin_female" , "aqua" , [ Species . SHARPEDO ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_aqua_magma_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . GALACTIC_GRUNT ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Galactic Grunt Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Galactic Grunts" ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.0 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galactic_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . GLAMEOW , Species . STUNKY , Species . CROAGUNK , Species . SHINX , Species . WURMPLE , Species . BRONZOR , Species . DRIFLOON , Species . BURMY , Species . CARNIVINE ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . LICKITUNG , Species . RHYHORN , Species . TANGELA , Species . ZUBAT , Species . YANMA , Species . SKORUPI , Species . GLIGAR , Species . SWINUB ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . HISUI_GROWLITHE , Species . HISUI_QWILFISH , Species . SNEASEL , Species . ELEKID , Species . MAGBY , Species . DUSKULL ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . ROTOM , Species . SPIRITOMB , Species . HISUI_SNEASEL ]
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . JUPITER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "galactic_commander_female" , "galactic" , [ Species . SKUNTANK ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galactic_admin" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . MARS ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "galactic_commander_female" , "galactic" , [ Species . PURUGLY ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galactic_admin" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . SATURN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "galactic_commander" , "galactic" , [ Species . TOXICROAK ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galactic_admin" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Plasma Grunt Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Plasma Grunts" ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.0 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . PATRAT , Species . LILLIPUP , Species . PURRLOIN , Species . SCRAFTY , Species . WOOBAT , Species . VANILLITE , Species . SANDILE , Species . TRUBBISH , Species . TYMPOLE ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . FRILLISH , Species . VENIPEDE , Species . GOLETT , Species . TIMBURR , Species . DARUMAKA , Species . FOONGUS , Species . JOLTIK ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . PAWNIARD , Species . RUFFLET , Species . VULLABY , Species . ZORUA , Species . DRILBUR , Species . KLINK , Species . CUBCHOO , Species . MIENFOO , Species . DURANT , Species . BOUFFALANT ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . DRUDDIGON , Species . HISUI_ZORUA , Species . AXEW , Species . DEINO ]
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . ZINZOLIN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "plasma_sage" , "plasma" , [ Species . CRYOGONAL ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . ROOD ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "plasma_sage" , "plasma" , [ Species . SWOOBAT ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . FLARE_GRUNT ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Flare Grunt Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Flare Grunts" ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.0 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_flare_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . FLETCHLING , Species . LITLEO , Species . PONYTA , Species . INKAY , Species . HOUNDOUR , Species . SKORUPI , Species . SCRAFTY , Species . CROAGUNK , Species . SCATTERBUG , Species . ESPURR ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . HELIOPTILE , Species . ELECTRIKE , Species . SKRELP , Species . PANCHAM , Species . PURRLOIN , Species . POOCHYENA , Species . BINACLE , Species . CLAUNCHER , Species . PUMPKABOO , Species . PHANTUMP ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . LITWICK , Species . SNEASEL , Species . PAWNIARD , Species . BERGMITE , Species . SLIGGOO ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . NOIVERN , Species . HISUI_SLIGGOO , Species . HISUI_AVALUGG ]
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . BRYONY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "flare_admin_female" , "flare" , [ Species . LIEPARD ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_flare_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . XEROSIC ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "flare_admin" , "flare" , [ Species . MALAMAR ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_flare_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . AETHER_GRUNT ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Aether Grunt Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Aether Grunts" ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.0 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_aether_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . PIKIPEK , Species . ROCKRUFF , Species . ALOLA_DIGLETT , Species . ALOLA_EXEGGUTOR , Species . YUNGOOS , Species . CORSOLA , Species . ALOLA_GEODUDE , Species . ALOLA_RAICHU , Species . BOUNSWEET , Species . LILLIPUP , Species . KOMALA , Species . MORELULL , Species . COMFEY , Species . TOGEDEMARU ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . POLIWAG , Species . STUFFUL , Species . ORANGURU , Species . PASSIMIAN , Species . BRUXISH , Species . MINIOR , Species . WISHIWASHI , Species . CRABRAWLER , Species . CUTIEFLY , Species . ORICORIO , Species . MUDBRAY , Species . PYUKUMUKU , Species . ALOLA_MAROWAK ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . GALAR_CORSOLA , Species . ALOLA_SANDSHREW , Species . ALOLA_VULPIX , Species . TURTONATOR , Species . DRAMPA ] ,
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . JANGMO_O , Species . PORYGON ]
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . FABA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "aether_admin" , "aether" , [ Species . HYPNO ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_aether_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . SKULL_GRUNT ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Skull Grunt Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Skull Grunts" ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.0 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_skull_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . SALANDIT , Species . ALOLA_RATTATA , Species . EKANS , Species . ALOLA_MEOWTH , Species . SCRAGGY , Species . KOFFING , Species . ALOLA_GRIMER , Species . MAREANIE , Species . SPINARAK , Species . TRUBBISH ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . FOMANTIS , Species . SABLEYE , Species . SANDILE , Species . HOUNDOUR , Species . ALOLA_MAROWAK , Species . GASTLY , Species . PANCHAM , Species . DROWZEE , Species . ZUBAT , Species . VENIPEDE , Species . VULLABY ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . SANDYGAST , Species . PAWNIARD , Species . MIMIKYU , Species . DHELMISE , Species . WISHIWASHI , Species . NYMBLE ] ,
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . GRUBBIN , Species . DEWPIDER ]
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . PLUMERIA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "skull_admin" , "skull" , [ Species . SALAZZLE ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_skull_admin" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . MACRO_GRUNT ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setHasGenders ( "Macro Grunt Female" ) . setHasDouble ( "Macro Grunts" ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.0 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_macro_grunt" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) )
. setSpeciesPools ( {
[ TrainerPoolTier . COMMON ] : [ Species . CUFANT , Species . GALAR_MEOWTH , Species . KLINK , Species . ROOKIDEE , Species . CRAMORANT , Species . GALAR_ZIGZAGOON , Species . SKWOVET , Species . STEELIX , Species . MAWILE , Species . FERROSEED ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . UNCOMMON ] : [ Species . DRILBUR , Species . MAGNEMITE , Species . HATENNA , Species . ARROKUDA , Species . APPLIN , Species . GALAR_PONYTA , Species . GALAR_YAMASK , Species . SINISTEA , Species . RIOLU ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . RARE ] : [ Species . FALINKS , Species . BELDUM , Species . GALAR_FARFETCHD , Species . GALAR_MR_MIME , Species . HONEDGE , Species . SCIZOR , Species . GALAR_DARUMAKA ] ,
[ TrainerPoolTier . SUPER_RARE ] : [ Species . DURALUDON , Species . DREEPY ]
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . OLEANA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . initForEvilTeamAdmin ( "macro_admin" , "macro" , [ Species . GARBODOR ] ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . PLASMA_GRUNT ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_grunt" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_oleana" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" ) . setPartyTemplateFunc ( scene = > getEvilGruntPartyTemplate ( scene ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . BROCK ] : new TrainerConfig ( ( t = TrainerType . BROCK ) ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "BROCK" ] , true , Type . ROCK ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . MISTY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "MISTY" ] , false , Type . WATER ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . LT_SURGE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "LT_SURGE" ] , true , Type . ELECTRIC ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . ERIKA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "ERIKA" ] , false , Type . GRASS ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . JANINE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "JANINE" ] , false , Type . POISON ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . SABRINA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "SABRINA" ] , false , Type . PSYCHIC ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . BLAINE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "BLAINE" ] , true , Type . FIRE ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . GIOVANNI ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "GIOVANNI" ] , true , Type . DARK ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . FALKNER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "FALKNER" ] , true , Type . FLYING ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . BUGSY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "BUGSY" ] , true , Type . BUG ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . WHITNEY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "WHITNEY" ] , false , Type . NORMAL ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . MORTY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "MORTY" ] , true , Type . GHOST ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . CHUCK ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "CHUCK" ] , true , Type . FIGHTING ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . JASMINE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "JASMINE" ] , false , Type . STEEL ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . PRYCE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "PRYCE" ] , true , Type . ICE ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . CLAIR ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "CLAIR" ] , false , Type . DRAGON ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . ROXANNE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "ROXANNE" ] , false , Type . ROCK ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . BRAWLY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "BRAWLY" ] , true , Type . FIGHTING ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . WATTSON ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "WATTSON" ] , true , Type . ELECTRIC ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . FLANNERY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "FLANNERY" ] , false , Type . FIRE ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . NORMAN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "NORMAN" ] , true , Type . NORMAL ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . WINONA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "WINONA" ] , false , Type . FLYING ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . TATE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "TATE" ] , true , Type . PSYCHIC ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) . setHasDouble ( "tate_liza_double" ) . setDoubleTrainerType ( TrainerType . LIZA ) . setDoubleTitle ( "gym_leader_double" ) ,
[ TrainerType . LIZA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "LIZA" ] , false , Type . PSYCHIC ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) . setHasDouble ( "liza_tate_double" ) . setDoubleTrainerType ( TrainerType . TATE ) . setDoubleTitle ( "gym_leader_double" ) ,
[ TrainerType . JUAN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "JUAN" ] , true , Type . WATER ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . ROARK ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "ROARK" ] , true , Type . ROCK ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . GARDENIA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "GARDENIA" ] , false , Type . GRASS ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . MAYLENE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "MAYLENE" ] , false , Type . FIGHTING ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . CRASHER_WAKE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "CRASHER_WAKE" ] , true , Type . WATER ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . FANTINA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "FANTINA" ] , false , Type . GHOST ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . BYRON ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "BYRON" ] , true , Type . STEEL ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . CANDICE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "CANDICE" ] , false , Type . ICE ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . VOLKNER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "VOLKNER" ] , true , Type . ELECTRIC ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . CILAN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "CILAN" ] , true , Type . GRASS ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . CHILI ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "CHILI" ] , true , Type . FIRE ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . CRESS ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "CRESS" ] , true , Type . WATER ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . CHEREN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "CHEREN" ] , true , Type . NORMAL ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . LENORA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "LENORA" ] , false , Type . NORMAL ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . ROXIE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "ROXIE" ] , false , Type . POISON ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . BURGH ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "BURGH" ] , true , Type . BUG ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . ELESA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "ELESA" ] , false , Type . ELECTRIC ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . CLAY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "CLAY" ] , true , Type . GROUND ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . SKYLA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "SKYLA" ] , false , Type . FLYING ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . BRYCEN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "BRYCEN" ] , true , Type . ICE ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . DRAYDEN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "DRAYDEN" ] , true , Type . DRAGON ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . MARLON ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "MARLON" ] , true , Type . WATER ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . VIOLA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "VIOLA" ] , false , Type . BUG ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kalos_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . GRANT ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "GRANT" ] , true , Type . ROCK ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kalos_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . KORRINA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "KORRINA" ] , false , Type . FIGHTING ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kalos_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . RAMOS ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "RAMOS" ] , true , Type . GRASS ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kalos_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . CLEMONT ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "CLEMONT" ] , true , Type . ELECTRIC ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kalos_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . VALERIE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "VALERIE" ] , false , Type . FAIRY ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kalos_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . OLYMPIA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "OLYMPIA" ] , false , Type . PSYCHIC ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kalos_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . WULFRIC ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "WULFRIC" ] , true , Type . ICE ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kalos_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . MILO ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "MILO" ] , true , Type . GRASS ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . NESSA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Nessa" ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "NESSA" ] , false , Type . WATER ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . KABU ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "KABU" ] , true , Type . FIRE ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . BEA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Bea" ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "BEA" ] , false , Type . FIGHTING ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . ALLISTER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Allister" ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "ALLISTER" ] , true , Type . GHOST ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . OPAL ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "OPAL" ] , false , Type . FAIRY ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . BEDE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "BEDE" ] , true , Type . FAIRY ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . GORDIE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "GORDIE" ] , true , Type . ROCK ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . MELONY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "MELONY" ] , false , Type . ICE ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . PIERS ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "PIERS" ] , true , Type . DARK ) . setHasDouble ( "piers_marnie_double" ) . setDoubleTrainerType ( TrainerType . MARNIE ) . setDoubleTitle ( "gym_leader_double" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . MARNIE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Marnie" ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "MARNIE" ] , false , Type . DARK ) . setHasDouble ( "marnie_piers_double" ) . setDoubleTrainerType ( TrainerType . PIERS ) . setDoubleTitle ( "gym_leader_double" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . RAIHAN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Raihan" ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "RAIHAN" ] , true , Type . DRAGON ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . KATY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "KATY" ] , false , Type . BUG ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_paldea_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . BRASSIUS ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "BRASSIUS" ] , true , Type . GRASS ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_paldea_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . IONO ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "IONO" ] , false , Type . ELECTRIC ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_paldea_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . KOFU ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "KOFU" ] , true , Type . WATER ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_paldea_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . LARRY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Larry" ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "LARRY" ] , true , Type . NORMAL ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_paldea_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . RYME ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "RYME" ] , false , Type . GHOST ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_paldea_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . TULIP ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "TULIP" ] , false , Type . PSYCHIC ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_paldea_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . GRUSHA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForGymLeader ( signatureSpecies [ "GRUSHA" ] , true , Type . ICE ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_paldea_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . LORELEI ] : new TrainerConfig ( ( t = TrainerType . LORELEI ) ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "LORELEI" ] , false , Type . ICE ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . BRUNO ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "BRUNO" ] , true , Type . FIGHTING ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . AGATHA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "AGATHA" ] , false , Type . GHOST ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . LANCE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Lance" ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "LANCE" ] , true , Type . DRAGON ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . WILL ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "WILL" ] , true , Type . PSYCHIC ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . KOGA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "KOGA" ] , true , Type . POISON ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . KAREN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "KAREN" ] , false , Type . DARK ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . SIDNEY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "SIDNEY" ] , true , Type . DARK ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . PHOEBE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "PHOEBE" ] , false , Type . GHOST ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . GLACIA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "GLACIA" ] , false , Type . ICE ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . DRAKE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "DRAKE" ] , true , Type . DRAGON ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . AARON ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "AARON" ] , true , Type . BUG ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . BERTHA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "BERTHA" ] , false , Type . GROUND ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . FLINT ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "FLINT" ] , true , Type . FIRE ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . LUCIAN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "LUCIAN" ] , true , Type . PSYCHIC ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_gym" ) ,
[ TrainerType . SHAUNTAL ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "SHAUNTAL" ] , false , Type . GHOST ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . MARSHAL ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "MARSHAL" ] , true , Type . FIGHTING ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . GRIMSLEY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "GRIMSLEY" ] , true , Type . DARK ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . CAITLIN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "CAITLIN" ] , false , Type . PSYCHIC ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_unova_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . MALVA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "MALVA" ] , false , Type . FIRE ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kalos_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . SIEBOLD ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "SIEBOLD" ] , true , Type . WATER ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kalos_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . WIKSTROM ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "WIKSTROM" ] , true , Type . STEEL ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kalos_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . DRASNA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "DRASNA" ] , false , Type . DRAGON ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kalos_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . HALA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "HALA" ] , true , Type . FIGHTING ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_alola_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . MOLAYNE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "MOLAYNE" ] , true , Type . STEEL ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_alola_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . OLIVIA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "OLIVIA" ] , false , Type . ROCK ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_alola_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . ACEROLA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "ACEROLA" ] , false , Type . GHOST ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_alola_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . KAHILI ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "KAHILI" ] , false , Type . FLYING ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_alola_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . MARNIE_ELITE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Marnie" ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "MARNIE_ELITE" ] , false , Type . DARK ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . NESSA_ELITE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Nessa" ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "NESSA_ELITE" ] , false , Type . WATER ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . BEA_ELITE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Bea" ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "BEA_ELITE" ] , false , Type . FIGHTING ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . ALLISTER_ELITE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Allister" ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "ALLISTER_ELITE" ] , true , Type . GHOST ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . RAIHAN_ELITE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Raihan" ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "RAIHAN_ELITE" ] , true , Type . DRAGON ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . RIKA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "RIKA" ] , false , Type . GROUND ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_paldea_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . POPPY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "POPPY" ] , false , Type . STEEL ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_paldea_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . LARRY_ELITE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Larry" ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "LARRY_ELITE" ] , true , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_paldea_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . HASSEL ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "HASSEL" ] , true , Type . DRAGON ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_paldea_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . CRISPIN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "CRISPIN" ] , true , Type . FIRE ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_bb_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . AMARYS ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "AMARYS" ] , false , Type . STEEL ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_bb_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . LACEY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "LACEY" ] , false , Type . FAIRY ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_bb_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . DRAYTON ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForEliteFour ( signatureSpecies [ "DRAYTON" ] , true , Type . DRAGON ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_bb_elite" ) ,
[ TrainerType . BLUE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ( t = TrainerType . BLUE ) ) . initForChampion ( signatureSpecies [ "BLUE" ] , true ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_champion" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kanto_champion" ) . setHasDouble ( "blue_red_double" ) . setDoubleTrainerType ( TrainerType . RED ) . setDoubleTitle ( "champion_double" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . ALAKAZAM ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PIDGEOT ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Pidgeot
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . RED ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForChampion ( signatureSpecies [ "RED" ] , true ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_champion" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_champion" ) . setHasDouble ( "red_blue_double" ) . setDoubleTrainerType ( TrainerType . BLUE ) . setDoubleTitle ( "champion_double" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PIKACHU ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 8 ; // G-Max Pikachu
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . VENUSAUR , Species . CHARIZARD , Species . BLASTOISE ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Venusaur, Mega Charizard X, or Mega Blastoise
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . LANCE_CHAMPION ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Lance" ) . initForChampion ( signatureSpecies [ "LANCE_CHAMPION" ] , true ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_champion" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_johto_champion" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . AERODACTYL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . LATIAS , Species . LATIOS ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Latias or Mega Latios
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . STEVEN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForChampion ( signatureSpecies [ "STEVEN" ] , true ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_champion_g5" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_champion_g6" ) . setHasDouble ( "steven_wallace_double" ) . setDoubleTrainerType ( TrainerType . WALLACE ) . setDoubleTitle ( "champion_double" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . SKARMORY ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . METAGROSS ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Metagross
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . WALLACE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForChampion ( signatureSpecies [ "WALLACE" ] , true ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_champion_g5" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_hoenn_champion_g6" ) . setHasDouble ( "wallace_steven_double" ) . setDoubleTrainerType ( TrainerType . STEVEN ) . setDoubleTitle ( "champion_double" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PELIPPER ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . abilityIndex = 1 ; // Drizzle
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . SWAMPERT ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Swampert
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . generateName ( ) ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . CYNTHIA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForChampion ( signatureSpecies [ "CYNTHIA" ] , false ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_champion" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_sinnoh_champion" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . SPIRITOMB ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GARCHOMP ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Garchomp
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . ALDER ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForChampion ( signatureSpecies [ "ALDER" ] , true ) . setHasDouble ( "alder_iris_double" ) . setDoubleTrainerType ( TrainerType . IRIS ) . setDoubleTitle ( "champion_double" ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_champion_alder" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_champion_alder" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . BOUFFALANT , Species . BRAVIARY ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . IRIS ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForChampion ( signatureSpecies [ "IRIS" ] , false ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_champion_iris" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_champion_iris" ) . setHasDouble ( "iris_alder_double" ) . setDoubleTrainerType ( TrainerType . ALDER ) . setDoubleTitle ( "champion_double" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . DRUDDIGON ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . LAPRAS ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // G-Max Lapras
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . DIANTHA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForChampion ( signatureSpecies [ "DIANTHA" ] , false ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_kalos_champion" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GOURGEIST ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GARDEVOIR ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Gardevoir
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . HAU ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForChampion ( signatureSpecies [ "HAU" ] , true ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_alola_champion" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . ALOLA_RAICHU ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . LEON ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForChampion ( signatureSpecies [ "LEON" ] , true ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galar_champion" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . RILLABOOM , Species . CINDERACE , Species . INTELEON ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . CHARIZARD ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 3 ; // G-Max Charizard
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . GEETA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForChampion ( signatureSpecies [ "GEETA" ] , false ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_champion_geeta" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GLIMMORA ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . NEMONA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForChampion ( signatureSpecies [ "NEMONA" ] , false ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_champion_nemona" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . LYCANROC ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . formIndex = 0 ; // Midday form
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . KIERAN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . initForChampion ( signatureSpecies [ "KIERAN" ] , true ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_champion_kieran" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . POLIWRATH , Species . POLITOED ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . RIVAL ] : new TrainerConfig ( ( t = TrainerType . RIVAL ) ) . setName ( "Finn" ) . setHasGenders ( "Ivy" ) . setHasCharSprite ( ) . setTitle ( "Rival" ) . setStaticParty ( ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . RIVAL ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_rival" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_rival" ) . setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . RIVAL )
. setModifierRewardFuncs ( ( ) = > modifierTypes . SUPER_EXP_CHARM , ( ) = > modifierTypes . EXP_SHARE )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . BULBASAUR , Species . CHARMANDER , Species . SQUIRTLE , Species . CHIKORITA , Species . CYNDAQUIL , Species . TOTODILE , Species . TREECKO , Species . TORCHIC , Species . MUDKIP , Species . TURTWIG , Species . CHIMCHAR , Species . PIPLUP , Species . SNIVY , Species . TEPIG , Species . OSHAWOTT , Species . CHESPIN , Species . FENNEKIN , Species . FROAKIE , Species . ROWLET , Species . LITTEN , Species . POPPLIO , Species . GROOKEY , Species . SCORBUNNY , Species . SOBBLE , Species . SPRIGATITO , Species . FUECOCO , Species . QUAXLY ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PIDGEY , Species . HOOTHOOT , Species . TAILLOW , Species . STARLY , Species . PIDOVE , Species . FLETCHLING , Species . PIKIPEK , Species . ROOKIDEE , Species . WATTREL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . RIVAL_2 ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Finn" ) . setHasGenders ( "Ivy" ) . setHasCharSprite ( ) . setTitle ( "Rival" ) . setStaticParty ( ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.25 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . RIVAL ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_rival" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_rival" ) . setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . RIVAL_2 )
. setModifierRewardFuncs ( ( ) = > modifierTypes . EXP_SHARE )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . IVYSAUR , Species . CHARMELEON , Species . WARTORTLE , Species . BAYLEEF , Species . QUILAVA , Species . CROCONAW , Species . GROVYLE , Species . COMBUSKEN , Species . MARSHTOMP , Species . GROTLE , Species . MONFERNO , Species . PRINPLUP , Species . SERVINE , Species . PIGNITE , Species . DEWOTT , Species . QUILLADIN , Species . BRAIXEN , Species . FROGADIER , Species . DARTRIX , Species . TORRACAT , Species . BRIONNE , Species . THWACKEY , Species . RABOOT , Species . DRIZZILE , Species . FLORAGATO , Species . CROCALOR , Species . QUAXWELL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PIDGEOTTO , Species . HOOTHOOT , Species . TAILLOW , Species . STARAVIA , Species . TRANQUILL , Species . FLETCHINDER , Species . TRUMBEAK , Species . CORVISQUIRE , Species . WATTREL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getSpeciesFilterRandomPartyMemberFunc ( ( species : PokemonSpecies ) = > ! pokemonEvolutions . hasOwnProperty ( species . speciesId ) && ! pokemonPrevolutions . hasOwnProperty ( species . speciesId ) && species . baseTotal >= 450 ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . RIVAL_3 ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Finn" ) . setHasGenders ( "Ivy" ) . setHasCharSprite ( ) . setTitle ( "Rival" ) . setStaticParty ( ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.5 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . RIVAL ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_rival" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_rival" ) . setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . RIVAL_3 )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . VENUSAUR , Species . CHARIZARD , Species . BLASTOISE , Species . MEGANIUM , Species . TYPHLOSION , Species . FERALIGATR , Species . SCEPTILE , Species . BLAZIKEN , Species . SWAMPERT , Species . TORTERRA , Species . INFERNAPE , Species . EMPOLEON , Species . SERPERIOR , Species . EMBOAR , Species . SAMUROTT , Species . CHESNAUGHT , Species . DELPHOX , Species . GRENINJA , Species . DECIDUEYE , Species . INCINEROAR , Species . PRIMARINA , Species . RILLABOOM , Species . CINDERACE , Species . INTELEON , Species . MEOWSCARADA , Species . SKELEDIRGE , Species . QUAQUAVAL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PIDGEOT , Species . NOCTOWL , Species . SWELLOW , Species . STARAPTOR , Species . UNFEZANT , Species . TALONFLAME , Species . TOUCANNON , Species . CORVIKNIGHT , Species . KILOWATTREL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getSpeciesFilterRandomPartyMemberFunc ( ( species : PokemonSpecies ) = > ! pokemonEvolutions . hasOwnProperty ( species . speciesId ) && ! pokemonPrevolutions . hasOwnProperty ( species . speciesId ) && species . baseTotal >= 450 ) )
. setSpeciesFilter ( species = > species . baseTotal >= 540 ) ,
[ TrainerType . RIVAL_4 ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Finn" ) . setHasGenders ( "Ivy" ) . setHasCharSprite ( ) . setTitle ( "Rival" ) . setBoss ( ) . setStaticParty ( ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 1.75 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . RIVAL ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_rival_2" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_rival_2" ) . setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . RIVAL_4 )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . VENUSAUR , Species . CHARIZARD , Species . BLASTOISE , Species . MEGANIUM , Species . TYPHLOSION , Species . FERALIGATR , Species . SCEPTILE , Species . BLAZIKEN , Species . SWAMPERT , Species . TORTERRA , Species . INFERNAPE , Species . EMPOLEON , Species . SERPERIOR , Species . EMBOAR , Species . SAMUROTT , Species . CHESNAUGHT , Species . DELPHOX , Species . GRENINJA , Species . DECIDUEYE , Species . INCINEROAR , Species . PRIMARINA , Species . RILLABOOM , Species . CINDERACE , Species . INTELEON , Species . MEOWSCARADA , Species . SKELEDIRGE , Species . QUAQUAVAL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PIDGEOT , Species . NOCTOWL , Species . SWELLOW , Species . STARAPTOR , Species . UNFEZANT , Species . TALONFLAME , Species . TOUCANNON , Species . CORVIKNIGHT , Species . KILOWATTREL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getSpeciesFilterRandomPartyMemberFunc ( ( species : PokemonSpecies ) = > ! pokemonEvolutions . hasOwnProperty ( species . speciesId ) && ! pokemonPrevolutions . hasOwnProperty ( species . speciesId ) && species . baseTotal >= 450 ) )
. setSpeciesFilter ( species = > species . baseTotal >= 540 )
. setGenModifiersFunc ( party = > {
const starter = party [ 0 ] ;
return [ modifierTypes . TERA_SHARD ( ) . generateType ( [ ] , [ starter . species . type1 ] ) ! . withIdFromFunc ( modifierTypes . TERA_SHARD ) . newModifier ( starter ) as PersistentModifier ] ; // TODO: is the bang correct?
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . RIVAL_5 ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Finn" ) . setHasGenders ( "Ivy" ) . setHasCharSprite ( ) . setTitle ( "Rival" ) . setBoss ( ) . setStaticParty ( ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 2.25 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . RIVAL ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_rival_3" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_rival_3" ) . setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . RIVAL_5 )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . VENUSAUR , Species . CHARIZARD , Species . BLASTOISE , Species . MEGANIUM , Species . TYPHLOSION , Species . FERALIGATR , Species . SCEPTILE , Species . BLAZIKEN , Species . SWAMPERT , Species . TORTERRA , Species . INFERNAPE , Species . EMPOLEON , Species . SERPERIOR , Species . EMBOAR , Species . SAMUROTT , Species . CHESNAUGHT , Species . DELPHOX , Species . GRENINJA , Species . DECIDUEYE , Species . INCINEROAR , Species . PRIMARINA , Species . RILLABOOM , Species . CINDERACE , Species . INTELEON , Species . MEOWSCARADA , Species . SKELEDIRGE , Species . QUAQUAVAL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ,
p = > p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PIDGEOT , Species . NOCTOWL , Species . SWELLOW , Species . STARAPTOR , Species . UNFEZANT , Species . TALONFLAME , Species . TOUCANNON , Species . CORVIKNIGHT , Species . KILOWATTREL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getSpeciesFilterRandomPartyMemberFunc ( ( species : PokemonSpecies ) = > ! pokemonEvolutions . hasOwnProperty ( species . speciesId ) && ! pokemonPrevolutions . hasOwnProperty ( species . speciesId ) && species . baseTotal >= 450 ) )
. setSpeciesFilter ( species = > species . baseTotal >= 540 )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . RAYQUAZA ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 3 ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . MASTER_BALL ;
p . shiny = true ;
p . variant = 1 ;
} ) )
. setGenModifiersFunc ( party = > {
const starter = party [ 0 ] ;
return [ modifierTypes . TERA_SHARD ( ) . generateType ( [ ] , [ starter . species . type1 ] ) ! . withIdFromFunc ( modifierTypes . TERA_SHARD ) . newModifier ( starter ) as PersistentModifier ] ; //TODO: is the bang correct?
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . RIVAL_6 ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Finn" ) . setHasGenders ( "Ivy" ) . setHasCharSprite ( ) . setTitle ( "Rival" ) . setBoss ( ) . setStaticParty ( ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 3 ) . setEncounterBgm ( "final" ) . setBattleBgm ( "battle_rival_3" ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_rival_3" ) . setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . RIVAL_6 )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . VENUSAUR , Species . CHARIZARD , Species . BLASTOISE , Species . MEGANIUM , Species . TYPHLOSION , Species . FERALIGATR , Species . SCEPTILE , Species . BLAZIKEN , Species . SWAMPERT , Species . TORTERRA , Species . INFERNAPE , Species . EMPOLEON , Species . SERPERIOR , Species . EMBOAR , Species . SAMUROTT , Species . CHESNAUGHT , Species . DELPHOX , Species . GRENINJA , Species . DECIDUEYE , Species . INCINEROAR , Species . PRIMARINA , Species . RILLABOOM , Species . CINDERACE , Species . INTELEON , Species . MEOWSCARADA , Species . SKELEDIRGE , Species . QUAQUAVAL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ,
p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 3 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PIDGEOT , Species . NOCTOWL , Species . SWELLOW , Species . STARAPTOR , Species . UNFEZANT , Species . TALONFLAME , Species . TOUCANNON , Species . CORVIKNIGHT , Species . KILOWATTREL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ,
p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getSpeciesFilterRandomPartyMemberFunc ( ( species : PokemonSpecies ) = > ! pokemonEvolutions . hasOwnProperty ( species . speciesId ) && ! pokemonPrevolutions . hasOwnProperty ( species . speciesId ) && species . baseTotal >= 450 ) )
. setSpeciesFilter ( species = > species . baseTotal >= 540 )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . RAYQUAZA ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . MASTER_BALL ;
p . shiny = true ;
p . variant = 1 ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Rayquaza
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setGenModifiersFunc ( party = > {
const starter = party [ 0 ] ;
return [ modifierTypes . TERA_SHARD ( ) . generateType ( [ ] , [ starter . species . type1 ] ) ! . withIdFromFunc ( modifierTypes . TERA_SHARD ) . newModifier ( starter ) as PersistentModifier ] ; // TODO: is the bang correct?
} ) ,
[ TrainerType . ROCKET_BOSS_GIOVANNI_1 ] : new TrainerConfig ( t = TrainerType . ROCKET_BOSS_GIOVANNI_1 ) . setName ( "Giovanni" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Rocket Boss" , [ ] ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_rocket_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PERSIAN , Species . ALOLA_PERSIAN ] ) )
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . DUGTRIO , Species . ALOLA_DUGTRIO ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . HONCHKROW ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . NIDOKING , Species . NIDOQUEEN ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . RHYPERIOR ] ) )
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . KANGASKHAN ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Kangaskhan
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . ROCKET_BOSS_GIOVANNI_2 ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Giovanni" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Rocket Boss" , [ ] , true ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_rocket_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . TYRANITAR , Species . IRON_THORNS ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . HIPPOWDON ] ) )
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . EXCADRILL , Species . GARCHOMP ] ) )
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . KANGASKHAN ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Kangaskhan
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GASTRODON , Species . SEISMITOAD ] ) )
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . MEWTWO ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . MASTER_BALL ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . MAXIE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Maxie" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Magma Boss" , [ ] ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_aqua_magma_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . MIGHTYENA ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . CROBAT , Species . GLISCOR ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . WEEZING , Species . GALAR_WEEZING ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . MAGMORTAR , Species . TORKOAL ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . FLYGON ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . CAMERUPT ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Camerupt
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . MAXIE_2 ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Maxie" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Magma Boss" , [ ] , true ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_aqua_magma_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . SOLROCK , Species . TYPHLOSION ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . TORKOAL , Species . NINETALES ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . abilityIndex = 2 ; // Drought
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . SHIFTRY , Species . SCOVILLAIN ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . abilityIndex = 0 ; // Chlorophyll
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GREAT_TUSK ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . CAMERUPT ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Camerupt
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GROUDON ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . MASTER_BALL ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . ARCHIE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Archie" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Aqua Boss" , [ ] ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_aqua_magma_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . LINOONE ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . CROBAT , Species . PELIPPER ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . MUK , Species . ALOLA_MUK ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . TENTACRUEL ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . RELICANTH , Species . WAILORD ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . SHARPEDO ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Sharpedo
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . ARCHIE_2 ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Archie" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Aqua Boss" , [ ] , true ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_aqua_magma_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . EMPOLEON , Species . LUDICOLO ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . POLITOED , Species . PELIPPER ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . abilityIndex = 2 ; // Drizzle
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . BEARTIC , Species . ARMALDO ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . abilityIndex = 2 ; // Swift Swim
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . OVERQWIL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . abilityIndex = 1 ; // Swift Swim
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . SHARPEDO ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Sharpedo
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . KYOGRE ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . MASTER_BALL ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . CYRUS ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Cyrus" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Galactic Boss" , [ ] ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galactic_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GYARADOS ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . HONCHKROW , Species . HISUI_BRAVIARY ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . CROBAT , Species . GLISCOR ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . AZELF , Species . UXIE , Species . MESPRIT ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . HOUNDOOM ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Houndoom
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . WEAVILE ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . CYRUS_2 ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Cyrus" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Galactic Boss" , [ ] , true ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_galactic_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . AZELF , Species . UXIE , Species . MESPRIT ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . ELECTRODE , Species . HISUI_ELECTRODE ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . SALAMENCE , Species . ROARING_MOON ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . HOUNDOOM ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Houndoom
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . WEAVILE , Species . SNEASLER ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . DARKRAI ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . MASTER_BALL ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . GHETSIS ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Ghetsis" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Plasma Boss" , [ ] ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . COFAGRIGUS , Species . RUNERIGUS ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . BOUFFALANT ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . SEISMITOAD , Species . CARRACOSTA ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . EELEKTROSS , Species . GALVANTULA ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . VOLCARONA ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . HYDREIGON ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . GHETSIS_2 ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Ghetsis" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Plasma Boss" , [ ] , true ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_plasma_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GENESECT ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
p . formIndex = Utils . randSeedInt ( 5 , 1 ) ; // Shock, Burn, Chill, or Douse Drive
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . BASCULEGION , Species . JELLICENT ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . gender = Gender . MALE ;
2024-09-12 11:01:32 -05:00
p . formIndex = 0 ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . KINGAMBIT ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . VOLCARONA , Species . SLITHER_WING ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . HYDREIGON , Species . IRON_JUGULIS ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . KYUREM ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . MASTER_BALL ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . LYSANDRE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Lysandre" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Flare Boss" , [ ] ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_flare_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . MIENSHAO ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . HONCHKROW , Species . TALONFLAME ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PYROAR ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . gender = Gender . MALE ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . CLAWITZER , Species . DRAGALGE ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . HELIOLISK , Species . MALAMAR ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GYARADOS ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Gyarados
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . LYSANDRE_2 ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Lysandre" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Flare Boss" , [ ] , true ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_flare_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . SCREAM_TAIL , Species . FLUTTER_MANE ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PYROAR ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . gender = Gender . MALE ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . IRON_MOTH ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GOODRA , Species . HISUI_GOODRA ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GYARADOS ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Gyardos
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . YVELTAL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . MASTER_BALL ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . LUSAMINE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Lusamine" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Aether Boss" , [ ] ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_aether_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . CLEFABLE ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . LILLIGANT , Species . HISUI_LILLIGANT ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . MILOTIC , Species . PRIMARINA ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GALAR_SLOWBRO , Species . GALAR_SLOWKING ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . BEWEAR ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . NIHILEGO ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ROGUE_BALL ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . LUSAMINE_2 ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Lusamine" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Aether Boss" , [ ] , true ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_aether_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . NIHILEGO ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ROGUE_BALL ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . MILOTIC , Species . PRIMARINA ] ) )
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . CLEFABLE ] ) )
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . STAKATAKA , Species . CELESTEELA , Species . GUZZLORD ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ROGUE_BALL ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) )
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PHEROMOSA ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ROGUE_BALL ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . NECROZMA ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . MASTER_BALL ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . GUZMA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Guzma" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Skull Boss" , [ ] ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_skull_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . LOKIX , Species . YANMEGA ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . HERACROSS ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . SCIZOR , Species . KLEAVOR ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GALVANTULA , Species . VIKAVOLT ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PINSIR ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega Pinsir
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GOLISOPOD ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . GUZMA_2 ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Guzma" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Skull Boss" , [ ] , true ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_skull_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GOLISOPOD ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . abilityIndex = 2 ; //Anticipation
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . HISUI_SAMUROTT , Species . CRAWDAUNT ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . abilityIndex = 2 ; //Sharpness Hisui Samurott, Adaptability Crawdaunt
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . SCIZOR , Species . KLEAVOR ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PINSIR ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . formIndex = 1 ;
p . generateName ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . BUZZWOLE ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ROGUE_BALL ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . XURKITREE ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ROGUE_BALL ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . ROSE ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Rose" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Macro Boss" , [ ] ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_macro_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . ARCHALUDON ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . FERROTHORN , Species . ESCAVALIER ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . SIRFETCHD , Species . MR_RIME ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . CORVIKNIGHT ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . PERRSERKER , Species . KLINKLANG ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . COPPERAJAH ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // G-Max Copperajah
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateName ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . ROSE_2 ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Rose" ) . initForEvilTeamLeader ( "Macro Boss" , [ ] , true ) . setMixedBattleBgm ( "battle_macro_boss" ) . setVictoryBgm ( "victory_team_plasma" )
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . MELMETAL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . AEGISLASH , Species . GHOLDENGO ] ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . DRACOVISH , Species . DRACOZOLT ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . abilityIndex = 1 ; //Strong Jaw Dracovish, Hustle Dracozolt
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) )
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . ARCHALUDON ] ) )
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GALAR_ARTICUNO , Species . GALAR_ZAPDOS , Species . GALAR_MOLTRES ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . COPPERAJAH ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . formIndex = 1 ; // G-Max Copperajah
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
p . generateName ( ) ;
2024-09-13 12:44:42 -04:00
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ) ) ,
2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
[ TrainerType . BUCK ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Buck" ) . initForStatTrainer ( [ ] , true )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . CLAYDOL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 3 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . VENUSAUR , Species . COALOSSAL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . GREAT_BALL ;
if ( p . species . speciesId === Species . VENUSAUR ) {
p . formIndex = 2 ; // Gmax
p . abilityIndex = 2 ; // Venusaur gets Chlorophyll
} else {
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Gmax
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . AGGRON ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . TORKOAL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . abilityIndex = 1 ; // Drought
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GREAT_TUSK ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . HEATRAN ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . MASTER_BALL ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . CHERYL ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Cheryl" ) . initForStatTrainer ( [ ] , false )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . BLISSEY ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 3 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . SNORLAX , Species . LAPRAS ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . GREAT_BALL ;
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Gmax
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . AUDINO ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GOODRA ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . IRON_HANDS ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . CRESSELIA , Species . ENAMORUS ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
if ( p . species . speciesId === Species . ENAMORUS ) {
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Therian
p . generateName ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . MASTER_BALL ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . MARLEY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Marley" ) . initForStatTrainer ( [ ] , false )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . ARCANINE ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 3 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . CINDERACE , Species . INTELEON ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . GREAT_BALL ;
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Gmax
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . AERODACTYL ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Mega
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . DRAGAPULT ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . IRON_BUNDLE ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . REGIELEKI ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . MASTER_BALL ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . MIRA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Mira" ) . initForStatTrainer ( [ ] , false )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . ALAKAZAM ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . formIndex = 1 ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . GENGAR , Species . HATTERENE ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . GREAT_BALL ;
p . formIndex = p . species . speciesId === Species . GENGAR ? 2 : 1 ; // Gmax
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . FLUTTER_MANE ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . HYDREIGON ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . MAGNEZONE ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . LATIOS , Species . LATIAS ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . MASTER_BALL ;
} ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . RILEY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setName ( "Riley" ) . initForStatTrainer ( [ ] , true )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 0 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . LUCARIO ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . formIndex = 1 ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . ULTRA_BALL ;
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 1 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . RILLABOOM , Species . CENTISKORCH ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . GREAT_BALL ;
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Gmax
p . generateName ( ) ;
} ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 2 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . TYRANITAR ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 3 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . ROARING_MOON ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 4 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . URSALUNA ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true ) )
. setPartyMemberFunc ( 5 , getRandomPartyMemberFunc ( [ Species . REGIGIGAS , Species . LANDORUS ] , TrainerSlot . TRAINER , true , p = > {
p . setBoss ( true , 2 ) ;
p . generateAndPopulateMoveset ( ) ;
if ( p . species . speciesId === Species . LANDORUS ) {
p . formIndex = 1 ; // Therian
p . generateName ( ) ;
p . pokeball = PokeballType . MASTER_BALL ;
} ) ) ,
2024-09-15 01:12:55 +02:00
[ TrainerType . VICTOR ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setTitle ( "The Winstrates" ) . setLocalizedName ( "Victor" )
2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
. setMoneyMultiplier ( 1 ) // The Winstrate trainers have total money multiplier of 6
. setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_AVG_ONE_STRONG ) ,
2024-09-15 01:12:55 +02:00
[ TrainerType . VICTORIA ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setTitle ( "The Winstrates" ) . setLocalizedName ( "Victoria" )
2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
. setMoneyMultiplier ( 1 )
. setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_AVG_ONE_STRONG ) ,
2024-09-15 01:12:55 +02:00
[ TrainerType . VIVI ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setTitle ( "The Winstrates" ) . setLocalizedName ( "Vivi" )
2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
. setMoneyMultiplier ( 1 )
. setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . TWO_AVG_ONE_STRONG ) ,
2024-09-15 01:12:55 +02:00
[ TrainerType . VICKY ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setTitle ( "The Winstrates" ) . setLocalizedName ( "Vicky" )
2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
. setMoneyMultiplier ( 1 )
. setPartyTemplates ( trainerPartyTemplates . ONE_AVG ) ,
2024-09-15 01:12:55 +02:00
[ TrainerType . VITO ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setTitle ( "The Winstrates" ) . setLocalizedName ( "Vito" )
2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
. setMoneyMultiplier ( 2 )
. setPartyTemplates ( new TrainerPartyCompoundTemplate ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 3 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) , new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . STRONG ) ) ) ,
[ TrainerType . BUG_TYPE_SUPERFAN ] : new TrainerConfig ( ++ t ) . setMoneyMultiplier ( 2.25 ) . setEncounterBgm ( TrainerType . ACE_TRAINER )
. setPartyTemplates ( new TrainerPartyTemplate ( 2 , PartyMemberStrength . AVERAGE ) )
2024-08-29 19:05:09 -04:00
} ;
2024-09-15 01:12:55 +02:00