2023-03-29 00:31:25 -04:00
import { SelectModifierPhase } from "./battle-phase";
import BattleScene from "./battle-scene";
import { ModifierTier, ModifierType, PokemonBaseStatBoosterModifierType, PokemonHpRestoreModifierType, PokemonReviveModifierType } from "./modifier";
import Pokemon, { AiType, EnemyPokemon, PlayerPokemon, PokemonMove } from "./pokemon";
import { Species } from "./species";
import { getTypeDamageMultiplier } from "./type";
import BattleMessageUiHandler from "./ui/battle-message-ui-handler";
import CommandUiHandler from "./ui/command-ui-handler";
import FightUiHandler from "./ui/fight-ui-handler";
import MessageUiHandler from "./ui/message-ui-handler";
import ModifierSelectUiHandler from "./ui/modifier-select-ui-handler";
import PartyUiHandler from "./ui/party-ui-handler";
import SwitchCheckUiHandler from "./ui/switch-check-ui-handler";
import { Mode } from "./ui/ui";
export function initAutoPlay(speed: number) {
const thisArg = this as BattleScene;
const originalDelayedCall = this.time.delayedCall;
this.time.delayedCall = function (delay: number, callback: Function, args?: any[], callbackScope?: any) {
delay /= speed;
originalDelayedCall.apply(this, [ delay, callback, args, callbackScope ]);
const originalAddEvent = this.time.addEvent;
this.time.addEvent = function (config: Phaser.Time.TimerEvent | Phaser.Types.Time.TimerEventConfig) {
if (config.delay)
config.delay = Math.ceil(config.delay / speed);
if (config.startAt)
config.startAt = Math.ceil(config.startAt / speed);
return originalAddEvent.apply(this, [ config ]);
const originalTweensAdd = this.tweens.add;
this.tweens.add = function (config: Phaser.Types.Tweens.TweenBuilderConfig | object) {
if (config.duration)
config.duration = Math.ceil(config.duration / speed);
if (config.delay)
config.delay = Math.ceil(config.delay / speed);
return originalTweensAdd.apply(this, [ config ]);
const originalAddCounter = this.tweens.addCounter;
this.tweens.addCounter = function (config: Phaser.Types.Tweens.NumberTweenBuilderConfig) {
if (config.duration)
config.duration = Math.ceil(config.duration / speed);
if (config.delay)
config.delay = Math.ceil(config.delay / speed);
return originalAddCounter.apply(this, [ config ]);
const keyCodes = Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes;
PlayerPokemon.prototype.getNextMove = EnemyPokemon.prototype.getNextMove;
const playerPokemon = this.getParty()[0] as PlayerPokemon;
const messageUiHandler = this.ui.handlers[Mode.MESSAGE] as BattleMessageUiHandler;
const commandUiHandler = this.ui.handlers[Mode.COMMAND] as CommandUiHandler;
const fightUiHandler = this.ui.handlers[Mode.FIGHT] as FightUiHandler;
const partyUiHandler = this.ui.handlers[Mode.PARTY] as PartyUiHandler;
const switchCheckUiHandler = this.ui.handlers[Mode.SWITCH_CHECK] as SwitchCheckUiHandler;
const modifierSelectUiHandler = this.ui.handlers[Mode.MODIFIER_SELECT] as ModifierSelectUiHandler;
const getBestPartyMemberIndex = () => {
const enemyPokemon = thisArg.getEnemyPokemon();
const party = thisArg.getParty();
let bestPartyMemberIndex = -1;
let bestPartyMemberEffectiveness = 0.5;
for (let p = 0; p < party.length; p++) {
const pokemon = party[p];
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if (pokemon.getHpRatio() <= 0.4)
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const effectiveness = getMaxMoveEffectiveness(pokemon, enemyPokemon) / getMaxMoveEffectiveness(enemyPokemon, pokemon);
if (effectiveness > bestPartyMemberEffectiveness) {
bestPartyMemberIndex = p;
bestPartyMemberEffectiveness = effectiveness;
console.log(p, Species[pokemon.species.speciesId], '->', Species[enemyPokemon.species.speciesId], effectiveness);
if (bestPartyMemberIndex === -1) {
let highestHpValue = 0;
for (let p = 0; p < party.length; p++) {
const pokemon = party[p];
if (pokemon.hp > highestHpValue) {
highestHpValue = pokemon.hp;
bestPartyMemberIndex = p;
return bestPartyMemberIndex;
const getMaxMoveEffectiveness = (attacker: Pokemon, defender: Pokemon) => {
let maxEffectiveness = 0.5;
for (let m of attacker.moveset) {
const moveType = m.getMove().type;
let effectiveness = getTypeDamageMultiplier(moveType, defender.species.type1);
if (defender.species.type2 > -1)
effectiveness *= getTypeDamageMultiplier(moveType, defender.species.type2);
if (effectiveness > maxEffectiveness)
maxEffectiveness = effectiveness;
return maxEffectiveness;
let nextPartyMemberIndex = -1;
const originalMessageUiHandlerShowText = MessageUiHandler.prototype.showText;
MessageUiHandler.prototype.showText = function (text: string, delay?: integer, callback?: Function, callbackDelay?: integer, prompt?: boolean) {
delay = 0;
callbackDelay = 0;
originalMessageUiHandlerShowText.apply(this, [ text, delay, callback, callbackDelay, prompt ]);
const originalMessageUiHandlerShowPrompt = MessageUiHandler.prototype.showPrompt;
MessageUiHandler.prototype.showPrompt = function (callback: Function, callbackDelay: integer) {
callbackDelay = 0;
originalMessageUiHandlerShowPrompt.apply(this, [ callback, callbackDelay ]);
thisArg.time.delayedCall(20, () => this.processInput(keyCodes.Z));
const originalMessageUiHandlerPromptLevelUpStats = messageUiHandler.promptLevelUpStats;
messageUiHandler.promptLevelUpStats = function (prevStats: integer[], showTotals: boolean, callback?: Function) {
originalMessageUiHandlerPromptLevelUpStats.apply(this, [ prevStats, showTotals, callback ]);
const originalCommandUiHandlerShow = commandUiHandler.show;
commandUiHandler.show = function (args: any[]) {
originalCommandUiHandlerShow.apply(this, [ args ]);
const bestPartyMemberIndex = getBestPartyMemberIndex();
if (bestPartyMemberIndex) {
console.log(bestPartyMemberIndex, thisArg.getParty())
console.log('Switching to ', Species[thisArg.getParty()[bestPartyMemberIndex].species.speciesId]);
nextPartyMemberIndex = bestPartyMemberIndex;
} else {
const originalFightUiHandlerShow = fightUiHandler.show;
fightUiHandler.show = function (args: any[]) {
originalFightUiHandlerShow.apply(this, [ args ]);
if (!playerPokemon.aiType)
playerPokemon.aiType = AiType.SMART;
thisArg.time.delayedCall(20, () => {
const nextMove = playerPokemon.getNextMove() as PokemonMove;
const originalPartyUiHandlerShow = partyUiHandler.show;
partyUiHandler.show = function (args: any[]) {
originalPartyUiHandlerShow.apply(this, [ args ]);
thisArg.time.delayedCall(20, () => {
if (nextPartyMemberIndex === -1)
nextPartyMemberIndex = getBestPartyMemberIndex();
nextPartyMemberIndex = -1;
const originalSwitchCheckUiHandlerShow = switchCheckUiHandler.show;
switchCheckUiHandler.show = function (args: any[]) {
originalSwitchCheckUiHandlerShow.apply(this, [ args ]);
const bestPartyMemberIndex = getBestPartyMemberIndex();
thisArg.time.delayedCall(20, () => {
if (bestPartyMemberIndex)
nextPartyMemberIndex = bestPartyMemberIndex;
switchCheckUiHandler.setCursor(bestPartyMemberIndex ? 1 : 0);
const tryGetBestModifier = (modifierTypes: Array<ModifierType>, predicate: Function) => {
for (let mt = 0; mt < modifierTypes.length; mt++) {
const modifierType = modifierTypes[mt];
if (predicate(modifierType)) {
return mt;
return -1;
const originalModifierSelectUiHandlerShow = modifierSelectUiHandler.show;
modifierSelectUiHandler.show = function (args: any[]) {
if (modifierSelectUiHandler.active)
originalModifierSelectUiHandlerShow.apply(this, [ args ]);
const party = thisArg.getParty();
const modifierTypes = modifierSelectUiHandler.options.map(o => o.modifierType);
const faintedPartyMemberIndex = party.findIndex(p => !p.hp);
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const lowHpPartyMemberIndex = party.findIndex(p => p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5);
const criticalHpPartyMemberIndex = party.findIndex(p => p.getHpRatio() <= 0.25);
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let optionIndex = tryGetBestModifier(modifierTypes, (modifierType: ModifierType) => {
if (modifierType instanceof PokemonHpRestoreModifierType) {
if (modifierType instanceof PokemonReviveModifierType) {
if (faintedPartyMemberIndex > -1) {
nextPartyMemberIndex = faintedPartyMemberIndex;
return true;
} else if (criticalHpPartyMemberIndex > -1){
nextPartyMemberIndex = faintedPartyMemberIndex;
return true;
if (optionIndex === -1) {
optionIndex = tryGetBestModifier(modifierTypes, (modifierType: ModifierType) => {
if (modifierType.tier >= ModifierTier.ULTRA) {
nextPartyMemberIndex = 0;
return true;
if (optionIndex === -1) {
optionIndex = tryGetBestModifier(modifierTypes, (modifierType: ModifierType) => {
if (modifierType instanceof PokemonBaseStatBoosterModifierType) {
nextPartyMemberIndex = 0;
return true;
if (optionIndex === -1) {
optionIndex = tryGetBestModifier(modifierTypes, (modifierType: ModifierType) => {
if (lowHpPartyMemberIndex && modifierType instanceof PokemonHpRestoreModifierType && !(ModifierType instanceof PokemonReviveModifierType)) {
nextPartyMemberIndex = lowHpPartyMemberIndex;
return true;
if (optionIndex === -1)
optionIndex = 0;
const trySelectModifier = () => {
thisArg.time.delayedCall(20, () => {
thisArg.time.delayedCall(100, () => {
if (thisArg.getCurrentPhase() instanceof SelectModifierPhase) {
if (optionIndex < modifierSelectUiHandler.options.length - 1) {
} else
thisArg.time.delayedCall(4000, () => trySelectModifier());