2024-06-06 03:28:12 +02:00
import BattleScene , { InfoToggle } from "../battle-scene" ;
import { TextStyle , addTextObject } from "./text" ;
import { addWindow } from "./ui-theme" ;
import * as Utils from "../utils" ;
import Move , { MoveCategory } from "../data/move" ;
import { Type } from "../data/type" ;
import i18next from "i18next" ;
export interface MoveInfoOverlaySettings {
delayVisibility? : boolean ; // if true, showing the overlay will only set it to active and populate the fields and the handler using this field has to manually call setVisible later.
scale? :number ; // scale the box? A scale of 0.5 is recommended
top? : boolean ; // should the effect box be on top?
right? : boolean ; // should the effect box be on the right?
onSide? : boolean ; // should the effect be on the side? ignores top argument if true
//location and width of the component; unaffected by scaling
x? : number ;
y? : number ;
width? : number ; // default is always half the screen, regardless of scale
const EFF_HEIGHT = 46 ;
const EFF_WIDTH = 82 ;
const DESC_HEIGHT = 46 ;
const BORDER = 8 ;
const GLOBAL_SCALE = 6 ;
export default class MoveInfoOverlay extends Phaser . GameObjects . Container implements InfoToggle {
public active : boolean = false ;
private move : Move ;
private desc : Phaser.GameObjects.Text ;
2024-08-07 09:23:12 -07:00
private descScroll : Phaser.Tweens.Tween | null = null ;
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private val : Phaser.GameObjects.Container ;
private pp : Phaser.GameObjects.Text ;
private pow : Phaser.GameObjects.Text ;
private acc : Phaser.GameObjects.Text ;
private typ : Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite ;
private cat : Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite ;
private options : MoveInfoOverlaySettings ;
constructor ( scene : BattleScene , options? : MoveInfoOverlaySettings ) {
if ( options ? . onSide ) {
options . top = false ;
super ( scene , options ? . x , options ? . y ) ;
const scale = options ? . scale || 1 ; // set up the scale
this . setScale ( scale ) ;
this . options = options || { } ;
// prepare the description box
const width = ( options ? . width || MoveInfoOverlay . getWidth ( scale , scene ) ) / scale ; // divide by scale as we always want this to be half a window wide
const descBg = addWindow ( scene , ( options ? . onSide && ! options ? . right ? EFF_WIDTH : 0 ) , options ? . top ? EFF_HEIGHT : 0 , width - ( options ? . onSide ? EFF_WIDTH : 0 ) , DESC_HEIGHT ) ;
descBg . setOrigin ( 0 , 0 ) ;
this . add ( descBg ) ;
// set up the description; wordWrap uses true pixels, unaffected by any scaling, while other values are affected
this . desc = addTextObject ( scene , ( options ? . onSide && ! options ? . right ? EFF_WIDTH : 0 ) + BORDER , ( options ? . top ? EFF_HEIGHT : 0 ) + BORDER - 2 , "" , TextStyle . BATTLE_INFO , { wordWrap : { width : ( width - ( BORDER - 2 ) * 2 - ( options ? . onSide ? EFF_WIDTH : 0 ) ) * GLOBAL_SCALE } } ) ;
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this . desc . setLineSpacing ( i18next . resolvedLanguage === "ja" ? 25 : 5 ) ;
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// limit the text rendering, required for scrolling later on
const maskPointOrigin = {
x : ( options ? . x || 0 ) ,
y : ( options ? . y || 0 ) ,
} ;
if ( maskPointOrigin . x < 0 ) {
maskPointOrigin . x += this . scene . game . canvas . width / GLOBAL_SCALE ;
if ( maskPointOrigin . y < 0 ) {
maskPointOrigin . y += this . scene . game . canvas . height / GLOBAL_SCALE ;
const moveDescriptionTextMaskRect = this . scene . make . graphics ( ) ;
moveDescriptionTextMaskRect . fillStyle ( 0xFF0000 ) ;
moveDescriptionTextMaskRect . fillRect (
maskPointOrigin . x + ( ( options ? . onSide && ! options ? . right ? EFF_WIDTH : 0 ) + BORDER ) * scale , maskPointOrigin . y + ( ( options ? . top ? EFF_HEIGHT : 0 ) + BORDER - 2 ) * scale ,
width - ( ( options ? . onSide ? EFF_WIDTH : 0 ) - BORDER * 2 ) * scale , ( DESC_HEIGHT - ( BORDER - 2 ) * 2 ) * scale ) ;
moveDescriptionTextMaskRect . setScale ( 6 ) ;
const moveDescriptionTextMask = this . createGeometryMask ( moveDescriptionTextMaskRect ) ;
this . add ( this . desc ) ;
this . desc . setMask ( moveDescriptionTextMask ) ;
// prepare the effect box
this . val = new Phaser . GameObjects . Container ( scene , options ? . right ? width - EFF_WIDTH : 0 , options ? . top || options ? . onSide ? 0 : DESC_HEIGHT ) ;
this . add ( this . val ) ;
const valuesBg = addWindow ( scene , 0 , 0 , EFF_WIDTH , EFF_HEIGHT ) ;
valuesBg . setOrigin ( 0 , 0 ) ;
this . val . add ( valuesBg ) ;
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this . typ = this . scene . add . sprite ( 25 , EFF_HEIGHT - 35 , ` types ${ Utils . verifyLang ( i18next . language ) ? ` _ ${ i18next . language } ` : "" } ` , "unknown" ) ;
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this . typ . setScale ( 0.8 ) ;
this . val . add ( this . typ ) ;
this . cat = this . scene . add . sprite ( 57 , EFF_HEIGHT - 35 , "categories" , "physical" ) ;
this . val . add ( this . cat ) ;
const ppTxt = addTextObject ( scene , 12 , EFF_HEIGHT - 25 , "PP" , TextStyle . MOVE_INFO_CONTENT ) ;
ppTxt . setOrigin ( 0.0 , 0.5 ) ;
ppTxt . setText ( i18next . t ( "fightUiHandler:pp" ) ) ;
this . val . add ( ppTxt ) ;
this . pp = addTextObject ( scene , 70 , EFF_HEIGHT - 25 , "--" , TextStyle . MOVE_INFO_CONTENT ) ;
this . pp . setOrigin ( 1 , 0.5 ) ;
this . val . add ( this . pp ) ;
const powTxt = addTextObject ( scene , 12 , EFF_HEIGHT - 17 , "POWER" , TextStyle . MOVE_INFO_CONTENT ) ;
powTxt . setOrigin ( 0.0 , 0.5 ) ;
powTxt . setText ( i18next . t ( "fightUiHandler:power" ) ) ;
this . val . add ( powTxt ) ;
this . pow = addTextObject ( scene , 70 , EFF_HEIGHT - 17 , "---" , TextStyle . MOVE_INFO_CONTENT ) ;
this . pow . setOrigin ( 1 , 0.5 ) ;
this . val . add ( this . pow ) ;
const accTxt = addTextObject ( scene , 12 , EFF_HEIGHT - 9 , "ACC" , TextStyle . MOVE_INFO_CONTENT ) ;
accTxt . setOrigin ( 0.0 , 0.5 ) ;
accTxt . setText ( i18next . t ( "fightUiHandler:accuracy" ) ) ;
this . val . add ( accTxt ) ;
this . acc = addTextObject ( scene , 70 , EFF_HEIGHT - 9 , "---" , TextStyle . MOVE_INFO_CONTENT ) ;
this . acc . setOrigin ( 1 , 0.5 ) ;
this . val . add ( this . acc ) ;
// hide this component for now
this . setVisible ( false ) ;
// show this component with infos for the specific move
show ( move : Move ) : boolean {
if ( ! ( this . scene as BattleScene ) . enableMoveInfo ) {
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return false ; // move infos have been disabled // TODO:: is `false` correct? i used to be `undeefined`
2024-06-06 03:28:12 +02:00
this . move = move ;
this . pow . setText ( move . power >= 0 ? move . power . toString ( ) : "---" ) ;
this . acc . setText ( move . accuracy >= 0 ? move . accuracy . toString ( ) : "---" ) ;
this . pp . setText ( move . pp >= 0 ? move . pp . toString ( ) : "---" ) ;
this . typ . setTexture ( ` types ${ Utils . verifyLang ( i18next . language ) ? ` _ ${ i18next . language } ` : "" } ` , Type [ move . type ] . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
this . cat . setFrame ( MoveCategory [ move . category ] . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
this . desc . setText ( move ? . effect || "" ) ;
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// stop previous scrolling effects and reset y position
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if ( this . descScroll ) {
this . descScroll . remove ( ) ;
this . descScroll = null ;
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this . desc . y = ( this . options ? . top ? EFF_HEIGHT : 0 ) + BORDER - 2 ;
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// determine if we need to add new scrolling effects
const moveDescriptionLineCount = Math . floor ( this . desc . displayHeight * ( 96 / 72 ) / 14.83 ) ;
if ( moveDescriptionLineCount > 3 ) {
// generate scrolling effects
this . descScroll = this . scene . tweens . add ( {
targets : this.desc ,
delay : Utils.fixedInt ( 2000 ) ,
loop : - 1 ,
hold : Utils.fixedInt ( 2000 ) ,
duration : Utils.fixedInt ( ( moveDescriptionLineCount - 3 ) * 2000 ) ,
y : ` -= ${ 14.83 * ( 72 / 96 ) * ( moveDescriptionLineCount - 3 ) } `
} ) ;
if ( ! this . options . delayVisibility ) {
this . setVisible ( true ) ;
this . active = true ;
return true ;
clear() {
this . setVisible ( false ) ;
this . active = false ;
toggleInfo ( force? : boolean ) : void {
this . setVisible ( force ? ? ! this . visible ) ;
isActive ( ) : boolean {
return this . active ;
// width of this element
static getWidth ( scale :number , scene : BattleScene ) : number {
return scene . game . canvas . width / GLOBAL_SCALE / 2 ;
// height of this element
static getHeight ( scale :number , onSide? : boolean ) : number {
return ( onSide ? Math . max ( EFF_HEIGHT , DESC_HEIGHT ) : ( EFF_HEIGHT + DESC_HEIGHT ) ) * scale ;