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import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales.js";
export const settings: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"boy": "남자",
"girl": "여자",
"general": "일반",
"display": "디스플레이",
"audio": "오디오",
"gamepad": "게임패드",
"keyboard": "키보드",
"gameSpeed": "게임 속도",
"hpBarSpeed": "HP 바 속도",
"expGainsSpeed": "경험치 획득 속도",
"expPartyDisplay": "파티 경험치 표시",
"skipSeenDialogues": "본 대화 생략",
"battleStyle": "시합 룰",
"enableRetries": "재도전 허용",
"tutorials": "튜토리얼",
"touchControls": "터치 컨트롤",
"vibrations": "진동",
"normal": "보통",
"fast": "빠르게",
"faster": "더 빠르게",
"skip": "스킵",
"levelUpNotifications": "레벨업 알림",
"on": "설정",
"off": "해제",
"switch": "교체",
"set": "토너먼트",
"auto": "자동",
"disabled": "비활성",
"language": "언어",
"change": "변경",
"uiTheme": "UI 테마",
"default": "기본",
"legacy": "레거시",
"windowType": "윈도우 타입",
"moneyFormat": "소지금 표시",
"damageNumbers": "데미지 숫자 표시",
"simple": "심플",
"fancy": "팬시",
"abbreviated": "축약",
"moveAnimations": "배틀 애니메이션",
"showStatsOnLevelUp": "레벨업 능력치 표시",
"candyUpgradeNotification": "사탕 업그레이드 알림",
"passivesOnly": "패시브만",
"candyUpgradeDisplay": "사탕 업그레이드 표시",
"icon": "아이콘",
"animation": "애니메이션",
"moveInfo": "기술 정보",
"showMovesetFlyout": "상대 기술 보기",
"showArenaFlyout": "배틀 효과 보기",
"showTimeOfDayWidget": "시간 위젯",
"timeOfDayAnimation": "시간 애니메이션",
"bounce": "흔들림",
"timeOfDay_back": "고정",
"spriteSet": "스프라이트 표시",
"consistent": "기본",
"mixedAnimated": "믹스",
"fusionPaletteSwaps": "셰이더 적용",
"playerGender": "플레이어 성별",
"typeHints": "상성 힌트",
"masterVolume": "마스터 볼륨",
"bgmVolume": "BGM 볼륨",
"seVolume": "SE 볼륨",
"musicPreference": "음악 설정",
"mixed": "믹스",
"gamepadPleasePlug": "게임패드를 연결하거나 버튼을 입력하세요",
"delete": "삭제",
"keyboardPleasePress": "키보드의 키를 입력하세요",
"reset": "리셋",
"requireReload": "새로고침 필요",
"action": "액션",
"back": "고정",
"pressToBind": "할당을 위해 입력하세요",
"pressButton": "버튼을 입력하세요",
"buttonUp": "위",
"buttonDown": "아래",
"buttonLeft": "왼쪽",
"buttonRight": "오른쪽",
"buttonAction": "액션",
"buttonMenu": "메뉴",
"buttonSubmit": "확인",
"buttonCancel": "취소",
"buttonStats": "스탯",
"buttonCycleForm": "폼 변환",
"buttonCycleShiny": "색이 다른 변환",
"buttonCycleGender": "성별 변환",
"buttonCycleAbility": "특성 변환",
"buttonCycleNature": "성격 변환",
"buttonCycleVariant": "색상 변환",
"buttonSpeedUp": "속도 올리기",
"buttonSlowDown": "속도 내리기",
"alt": " (대체)",
"mute": "음소거",
"controller": "컨트롤러",
[Enhancement] Added a bgmBar to show the name of the track once music is played (#2457) * Added a bgmBar to show the name of the track once music is played * Even more close to ability bar * It now shows. And also shows already for a couple of them a readable name * Now the queue actually works * Create locales for bgmName (bgm-bar ui) + Most of the music has only Japanese and English names But there are a number of tracks with official translations following OST commercialization * Add i18n and use it to retrieve OST names (avoids a giga switch case) + A fallback key is implemented in the case of adding tracks not referenced in the translation files, its value being just the name of the bgm itself * FormatText is now in Utils and not arena-flyout BGM Names for non-localized music will be formatted to have capitalized letters and no _ * It is now a setting. It can be even changed mid fight * Update src/ui/ability-bar.ts * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: Lugiad' <> * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.ts * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: sodam <> * Added the rest of the music names * Changed PMD EoS to PMD ETH in german (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Erkundungsteam Himmel) * Due to feedback it is now "PMD ET-Himmel" * Corrected the encounter theme names (and some missed trainer class names) * Background is now a nicneslice. And it is at the top of the screen and above everything else * The bar now scales with the text. * Revert override * Update src/locales/fr/bgm-name.ts Co-authored-by: Lugiad' <> * It now only appears when V is pressed (in all but starter select) * Cleared the cod eup * Update src/locales/zh_CN/bgm-name.ts Co-authored-by: Yonmaru40 <> * Update src/locales/zh_CN/settings.ts Co-authored-by: Yonmaru40 <> * Update src/locales/ko/bgm-name.ts Co-authored-by: sodam <> * The bgmBar now appears in the pause menu instead. * Should react better on settings change * To be safe this required a reload now * Update src/locales/fr/bgm-name.ts Co-authored-by: Lugiad' <> * Update src/locales/fr/bgm-name.ts Co-authored-by: Lugiad' <> * Write out pokemon mystery dungeon names in german * Update src/locales/es/bgm-name.ts Co-authored-by: GoldTra <> * Update src/locales/zh_CN/bgm-name.ts Co-authored-by: Yonmaru40 <> * Update src/battle-scene.ts --------- Co-authored-by: Dakurei <> Co-authored-by: Lugiad' <> Co-authored-by: sodam <> Co-authored-by: Yonmaru40 <> Co-authored-by: GoldTra <>
2024-06-24 17:31:38 +02:00
"gamepadSupport": "게임패드 지원",
"showBgmBar": "BGM 제목 보여주기",
} as const;