2024-09-27 21:52:07 +00:00
<!DOCTYPE html> < html class = "default" lang = "en" > < head > < meta charset = "utf-8" / > < meta http-equiv = "x-ua-compatible" content = "IE=edge" / > < title > MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase | pokemon-rogue-battle< / title > < meta name = "description" content = "Documentation for pokemon-rogue-battle" / > < meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" / > < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "../assets/style.css" / > < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "../assets/highlight.css" / > < script defer src = "../assets/main.js" > < / script > < script async src = "../assets/icons.js" id = "tsd-icons-script" > < / script > < script async src = "../assets/search.js" id = "tsd-search-script" > < / script > < script async src = "../assets/navigation.js" id = "tsd-nav-script" > < / script > < / head > < body > < script > document . documentElement . dataset . theme = localStorage . getItem ( "tsd-theme" ) || "os" ; document . body . style . display = "none" ; setTimeout ( ( ) => app ? app . showPage ( ) : document . body . style . removeProperty ( "display" ) , 500 ) < / script > < header class = "tsd-page-toolbar" > < div class = "tsd-toolbar-contents container" > < div class = "table-cell" id = "tsd-search" data-base = ".." > < div class = "field" > < label for = "tsd-search-field" class = "tsd-widget tsd-toolbar-icon search no-caption" > < svg width = "16" height = "16" viewBox = "0 0 16 16" fill = "none" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-search" > < / use > < / svg > < / label > < input type = "text" id = "tsd-search-field" aria-label = "Search" / > < / div > < div class = "field" > < div id = "tsd-toolbar-links" > < / div > < / div > < ul class = "results" > < li class = "state loading" > Preparing search index...< / li > < li class = "state failure" > The search index is not available< / li > < / ul > < a href = "../index.html" class = "title" > pokemon-rogue-battle< / a > < / div > < div class = "table-cell" id = "tsd-widgets" > < a href = "#" class = "tsd-widget tsd-toolbar-icon menu no-caption" data-toggle = "menu" aria-label = "Menu" > < svg width = "16" height = "16" viewBox = "0 0 16 16" fill = "none" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-menu" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / div > < / div > < / header > < div class = "container container-main" > < div class = "col-content" > < div class = "tsd-page-title" > < ul class = "tsd-breadcrumb" > < li > < a href = "../index.html" > pokemon-rogue-battle< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "../modules/phases_mystery_encounter_phases.html" > phases/mystery-encounter-phases< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "phases_mystery_encounter_phases.MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase.html" > MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase< / a > < / li > < / ul > < h1 > Class MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase< / h1 > < / div > < section class = "tsd-panel tsd-comment" > < div class = "tsd-comment tsd-typography" > < p > Runs at the beginning of an Encounter's battle
Will clean up any residual flinches, Endure, etc. that are left over from MysteryEncounter.startOfBattleEffects
Will also handle Game Overs, switches, etc. that could happen from handleMysteryEncounterBattleStartEffects
See TurnEndPhase for more details< / p >
2025-02-28 02:51:03 +00:00
< / div > < div class = "tsd-comment tsd-typography" > < / div > < / section > < section class = "tsd-panel tsd-hierarchy" > < h4 > Hierarchy (< a href = "../hierarchy.html#phases/mystery-encounter-phases.MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase" > view full< / a > )< / h4 > < ul class = "tsd-hierarchy" > < li > < a href = "phase.Phase.html" class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-class" > Phase< / a > < ul class = "tsd-hierarchy" > < li > < span class = "target" > MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase< / span > < / li > < / ul > < / li > < / ul > < / section > < aside class = "tsd-sources" > < ul > < li > Defined in < a href = "https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/blob/5941cfb001aa7f486184368612afd50ed39ae867/src/phases/mystery-encounter-phases.ts#L212" > src/phases/mystery-encounter-phases.ts:212< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / aside > < section class = "tsd-panel-group tsd-index-group" > < section class = "tsd-panel tsd-index-panel" > < details class = "tsd-index-content tsd-accordion" open > < summary class = "tsd-accordion-summary tsd-index-summary" > < h5 class = "tsd-index-heading uppercase" role = "button" aria-expanded = "false" tabIndex = "0" > < svg width = "16" height = "16" viewBox = "0 0 16 16" fill = "none" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-chevronSmall" > < / use > < / svg > Index< / h5 > < / summary > < div class = "tsd-accordion-details" > < section class = "tsd-index-section" > < h3 class = "tsd-index-heading" > Constructors< / h3 > < div class = "tsd-index-list" > < a href = "phases_mystery_encounter_phases.MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase.html#constructor" class = "tsd-index-link" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-512" > < / use > < / svg > < span > constructor< / span > < / a >
2024-09-27 21:52:07 +00:00
< / div > < / section > < section class = "tsd-index-section" > < h3 class = "tsd-index-heading" > Methods< / h3 > < div class = "tsd-index-list" > < a href = "phases_mystery_encounter_phases.MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase.html#end" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > end< / span > < / a >
< a href = "phases_mystery_encounter_phases.MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase.html#start" class = "tsd-index-link" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > start< / span > < / a >
2025-02-28 02:51:03 +00:00
< / div > < / section > < / div > < / details > < / section > < / section > < details class = "tsd-panel-group tsd-member-group tsd-accordion" open > < summary class = "tsd-accordion-summary" data-key = "section-Constructors" > < h2 > < svg width = "20" height = "20" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" fill = "none" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-chevronDown" > < / use > < / svg > Constructors< / h2 > < / summary > < section > < section class = "tsd-panel tsd-member" > < a id = "constructor" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < h3 class = "tsd-anchor-link" > < span > constructor< / span > < a href = "#constructor" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / h3 > < ul class = "tsd-signatures" > < li class = "tsd-signature tsd-anchor-link" > < a id = "constructor.new_MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < span class = "tsd-kind-constructor-signature" > new < wbr / > Mystery< wbr / > Encounter< wbr / > Battle< wbr / > Start< wbr / > Cleanup< wbr / > Phase< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > (< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > )< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > : < / span > < a href = "phases_mystery_encounter_phases.MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase.html" class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-class" > MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase< / a > < a href = "#constructor.new_MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / li > < li class = "tsd-description" > < h4 class = "tsd-returns-title" > Returns < a href = "phases_mystery_encounter_phases.MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase.html" class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-class" > MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase< / a > < / h4 > < aside class = "tsd-sources" > < p > Overrides < a href = "phase.Phase.html" > Phase< / a > .< a href = "phase.Phase.html#constructor" > constructor< / a > < / p > < ul > < li > Defined in < a href = "https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/blob/5941cfb001aa7f486184368612afd50ed39ae867/src/phases/mystery-encounter-phases.ts#L213" > src/phases/mystery-encounter-phases.ts:213< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / aside > < / li > < / ul > < / section > < / section > < / details > < details class = "tsd-panel-group tsd-member-group tsd-accordion" open > < summary class = "tsd-accordion-summary" data-key = "section-Methods" > < h2 > < svg width = "20" height = "20" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" fill = "none" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-chevronDown" > < / use > < / svg > Methods< / h2 > < / summary > < section > < section class = "tsd-panel tsd-member tsd-is-inherited" > < a id = "end" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < h3 class = "tsd-anchor-link" > < span > end< / span > < a href = "#end" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / h3 > < ul class = "tsd-signatures tsd-is-inherited" > < li class = "tsd-signature tsd-anchor-link" > < a id = "end.end-1" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < span class = "tsd-kind-call-signature" > end< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > (< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > )< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > : < / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > void< / span > < a href = "#end.end-1" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / li > < li class = "tsd-description" > < h4 class = "tsd-returns-title" > Returns < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > void< / span > < / h4 > < aside class = "tsd-sources" > < p > Inherited from < a href = "phase.Phase.html" > Phase< / a > .< a href = "phase.Phase.html#end" > end< / a > < / p > < ul > < li > Defined in < a href = "https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/blob/5941cfb001aa7f486184368612afd50ed39ae867/src/phase.ts#L10" > src/phase.ts:10< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / aside > < / li > < / ul > < / section > < section class = "tsd-panel tsd-member" > < a id = "start" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < h3 class = "tsd-anchor-link" > < span > start< / span > < a href = "#start" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / h3 > < ul class = "tsd-signatures" > < li class = "tsd-signature tsd-anchor-link" > < a id = "start.start-1" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < span class = "tsd-kind-call-signature" > start< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > (< / span > < span class
< / div > < h4 class = "tsd-returns-title" > Returns < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > void< / span > < / h4 > < div class = "tsd-comment tsd-typography" > < / div > < aside class = "tsd-sources" > < p > Overrides < a href = "phase.Phase.html" > Phase< / a > .< a href = "phase.Phase.html#start" > start< / a > < / p > < ul > < li > Defined in < a href = "https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/blob/5941cfb001aa7f486184368612afd50ed39ae867/src/phases/mystery-encounter-phases.ts#L220" > src/phases/mystery-encounter-phases.ts:220< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / aside > < / li > < / ul > < / section > < / section > < / details > < / div > < div class = "col-sidebar" > < div class = "page-menu" > < div class = "tsd-navigation settings" > < details class = "tsd-accordion" > < summary class = "tsd-accordion-summary" > < h3 > < svg width = "20" height = "20" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" fill = "none" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-chevronDown" > < / use > < / svg > Settings< / h3 > < / summary > < div class = "tsd-accordion-details" > < div class = "tsd-filter-visibility" > < span class = "settings-label" > Member Visibility< / span > < ul id = "tsd-filter-options" > < li class = "tsd-filter-item" > < label class = "tsd-filter-input" > < input type = "checkbox" id = "tsd-filter-protected" name = "protected" / > < svg width = "32" height = "32" viewBox = "0 0 32 32" aria-hidden = "true" > < rect class = "tsd-checkbox-background" width = "30" height = "30" x = "1" y = "1" rx = "6" fill = "none" > < / rect > < path class = "tsd-checkbox-checkmark" d = "M8.35422 16.8214L13.2143 21.75L24.6458 10.25" stroke = "none" stroke-width = "3.5" stroke-linejoin = "round" fill = "none" > < / path > < / svg > < span > Protected< / span > < / label > < / li > < li class = "tsd-filter-item" > < label class = "tsd-filter-input" > < input type = "checkbox" id = "tsd-filter-inherited" name = "inherited" checked / > < svg width = "32" height = "32" viewBox = "0 0 32 32" aria-hidden = "true" > < rect class = "tsd-checkbox-background" width = "30" height = "30" x = "1" y = "1" rx = "6" fill = "none" > < / rect > < path class = "tsd-checkbox-checkmark" d = "M8.35422 16.8214L13.2143 21.75L24.6458 10.25" stroke = "none" stroke-width = "3.5" stroke-linejoin = "round" fill = "none" > < / path > < / svg > < span > Inherited< / span > < / label > < / li > < li class = "tsd-filter-item" > < label class = "tsd-filter-input" > < input type = "checkbox" id = "tsd-filter-external" name = "external" / > < svg width = "32" height = "32" viewBox = "0 0 32 32" aria-hidden = "true" > < rect class = "tsd-checkbox-background" width = "30" height = "30" x = "1" y = "1" rx = "6" fill = "none" > < / rect > < path class = "tsd-checkbox-checkmark" d = "M8.35422 16.8214L13.2143 21.75L24.6458 10.25" stroke = "none" stroke-width = "3.5" stroke-linejoin = "round" fill = "none" > < / path > < / svg > < span > External< / span > < / label > < / li > < / ul > < / div > < div class = "tsd-theme-toggle" > < label class = "settings-label" for = "tsd-theme" > Theme< / label > < select id = "tsd-theme" > < option value = "os" > OS< / option > < option value = "light" > Light< / option > < option value = "dark" > Dark< / option > < / select > < / div > < / div > < / details > < / div > < details open class = "tsd-accordion tsd-page-navigation" > < summary class = "tsd-accordion-summary" > < h3 > < svg width = "20" height = "20" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" fill = "none" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-chevronDown" > < / use > < / svg > On This Page< / h3 > < / summary > < div class = "tsd-accordion-details" > < details open class = "tsd-accordion tsd-page-navigation-section" > < summary class = "tsd-accordion-summary" data-key = "tsd-otp-Constructors" > < svg width = "20" height = "20" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" fill = "none" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-chevronDown" > < / use > < / svg > Constructors< / summary > < div > < a href = "#constructor" class = "" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-512" > < / use > < / svg > < span > constructor< / span > < / a > < / div > < / details > < details open class = "tsd-accordion tsd-page-navigation-section" > < summary class = "tsd-accordion-summary" data-key = "tsd-otp-Methods" > < svg width = "20" height = "20" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" fill = "none" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-chevronDown" > < / use > < / svg > Methods< / summary > < div > < a href = "#end" class = "tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > end< / span > < / a > < a href = "#start" class = "" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > start< / span > < / a > < / div > < / details > < / div > < /detai