2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
import i18next from "i18next" ;
import BattleScene from "../battle-scene" ;
import { Phase } from "../phase" ;
import { Mode } from "../ui/ui" ;
import { transitionMysteryEncounterIntroVisuals , OptionSelectSettings } from "../data/mystery-encounters/utils/encounter-phase-utils" ;
2024-09-19 09:44:10 -04:00
import MysteryEncounterOption , { OptionPhaseCallback } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounter-option" ;
2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
import { getCharVariantFromDialogue } from "../data/dialogue" ;
import { TrainerSlot } from "../data/trainer-config" ;
import { BattleSpec } from "#enums/battle-spec" ;
import { IvScannerModifier } from "../modifier/modifier" ;
import * as Utils from "../utils" ;
import { isNullOrUndefined } from "../utils" ;
import { getEncounterText } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/utils/encounter-dialogue-utils" ;
import { BattlerTagLapseType } from "#app/data/battler-tags" ;
import { MysteryEncounterMode } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-mode" ;
import { PostTurnStatusEffectPhase } from "#app/phases/post-turn-status-effect-phase" ;
import { SummonPhase } from "#app/phases/summon-phase" ;
import { ScanIvsPhase } from "#app/phases/scan-ivs-phase" ;
import { ToggleDoublePositionPhase } from "#app/phases/toggle-double-position-phase" ;
import { ReturnPhase } from "#app/phases/return-phase" ;
import { CheckSwitchPhase } from "#app/phases/check-switch-phase" ;
import { SelectModifierPhase } from "#app/phases/select-modifier-phase" ;
import { NewBattlePhase } from "#app/phases/new-battle-phase" ;
import { GameOverPhase } from "#app/phases/game-over-phase" ;
import { SwitchPhase } from "#app/phases/switch-phase" ;
import { SeenEncounterData } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounter-save-data" ;
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import { SwitchType } from "#enums/switch-type" ;
2024-09-13 22:05:58 -04:00
/ * *
* Will handle ( in order ) :
* - Clearing of phase queues to enter the Mystery Encounter game state
* - Management of session data related to MEs
* - Initialization of ME option select menu and UI
* - Execute { @linkcode MysteryEncounter . onPreOptionPhase } logic if it exists for the selected option
* - Display any ` OptionTextDisplay.selected ` type dialogue that is set in the { @linkcode MysteryEncounterDialogue } dialogue tree for selected option
* - Queuing of the { @linkcode MysteryEncounterOptionSelectedPhase }
* /
export class MysteryEncounterPhase extends Phase {
private readonly FIRST_DIALOGUE_PROMPT_DELAY = 300 ;
optionSelectSettings? : OptionSelectSettings ;
/ * *
* Mostly useful for having repeated queries during a single encounter , where the queries and options may differ each time
* @param scene
* @param optionSelectSettings allows overriding the typical options of an encounter with new ones
* /
constructor ( scene : BattleScene , optionSelectSettings? : OptionSelectSettings ) {
super ( scene ) ;
this . optionSelectSettings = optionSelectSettings ;
/ * *
* Updates seed offset , sets seen encounter session data , sets UI mode
* /
start() {
super . start ( ) ;
// Clears out queued phases that are part of standard battle
this . scene . clearPhaseQueue ( ) ;
this . scene . clearPhaseQueueSplice ( ) ;
const encounter = this . scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ! ;
encounter . updateSeedOffset ( this . scene ) ;
if ( ! this . optionSelectSettings ) {
// Sets flag that ME was encountered, only if this is not a followup option select phase
// Can be used in later MEs to check for requirements to spawn, run history, etc.
this . scene . mysteryEncounterSaveData . encounteredEvents . push ( new SeenEncounterData ( encounter . encounterType , encounter . encounterTier , this . scene . currentBattle . waveIndex ) ) ;
// Initiates encounter dialogue window and option select
this . scene . ui . setMode ( Mode . MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER , this . optionSelectSettings ) ;
/ * *
* Triggers after a player selects an option for the encounter
* @param option
* @param index
* /
handleOptionSelect ( option : MysteryEncounterOption , index : number ) : boolean {
// Set option selected flag
this . scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ! . selectedOption = option ;
if ( ! this . optionSelectSettings ) {
// Saves the selected option in the ME save data, only if this is not a followup option select phase
// Can be used for analytics purposes to track what options are popular on certain encounters
const encounterSaveData = this . scene . mysteryEncounterSaveData . encounteredEvents [ this . scene . mysteryEncounterSaveData . encounteredEvents . length - 1 ] ;
if ( encounterSaveData . type === this . scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ? . encounterType ) {
encounterSaveData . selectedOption = index ;
if ( ! option . onOptionPhase ) {
return false ;
// Populate dialogue tokens for option requirements
this . scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ! . populateDialogueTokensFromRequirements ( this . scene ) ;
if ( option . onPreOptionPhase ) {
this . scene . executeWithSeedOffset ( async ( ) = > {
return await option . onPreOptionPhase ! ( this . scene )
. then ( ( result ) = > {
if ( isNullOrUndefined ( result ) || result ) {
this . continueEncounter ( ) ;
} ) ;
} , this . scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ? . getSeedOffset ( ) ) ;
} else {
this . continueEncounter ( ) ;
return true ;
/ * *
* Queues { @linkcode MysteryEncounterOptionSelectedPhase } , displays option . selected dialogue and ends phase
* /
continueEncounter() {
const endDialogueAndContinueEncounter = ( ) = > {
this . scene . pushPhase ( new MysteryEncounterOptionSelectedPhase ( this . scene ) ) ;
this . end ( ) ;
} ;
const optionSelectDialogue = this . scene . currentBattle ? . mysteryEncounter ? . selectedOption ? . dialogue ;
if ( optionSelectDialogue ? . selected && optionSelectDialogue . selected . length > 0 ) {
// Handle intermediate dialogue (between player selection event and the onOptionSelect logic)
this . scene . ui . setMode ( Mode . MESSAGE ) ;
const selectedDialogue = optionSelectDialogue . selected ;
let i = 0 ;
const showNextDialogue = ( ) = > {
const nextAction = i === selectedDialogue . length - 1 ? endDialogueAndContinueEncounter : showNextDialogue ;
const dialogue = selectedDialogue [ i ] ;
let title : string | null = null ;
const text : string | null = getEncounterText ( this . scene , dialogue . text ) ;
if ( dialogue . speaker ) {
title = getEncounterText ( this . scene , dialogue . speaker ) ;
i ++ ;
if ( title ) {
this . scene . ui . showDialogue ( text ? ? "" , title , null , nextAction , 0 , i === 1 ? this . FIRST_DIALOGUE_PROMPT_DELAY : 0 ) ;
} else {
this . scene . ui . showText ( text ? ? "" , null , nextAction , i === 1 ? this . FIRST_DIALOGUE_PROMPT_DELAY : 0 , true ) ;
} ;
showNextDialogue ( ) ;
} else {
endDialogueAndContinueEncounter ( ) ;
/ * *
* Ends phase
* /
end() {
this . scene . ui . setMode ( Mode . MESSAGE ) . then ( ( ) = > super . end ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* Will handle ( in order ) :
* - Execute { @linkcode MysteryEncounter . onOptionSelect } logic if it exists for the selected option
* It is important to point out that no phases are directly queued by any logic within this phase
* Any phase that is meant to follow this one MUST be queued via the onOptionSelect ( ) logic of the selected option
* /
export class MysteryEncounterOptionSelectedPhase extends Phase {
onOptionSelect : OptionPhaseCallback ;
constructor ( scene : BattleScene ) {
super ( scene ) ;
this . onOptionSelect = this . scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ! . selectedOption ! . onOptionPhase ;
/ * *
* Will handle ( in order ) :
* - Execute { @linkcode MysteryEncounter . onOptionSelect } logic if it exists for the selected option
* It is important to point out that no phases are directly queued by any logic within this phase .
* Any phase that is meant to follow this one MUST be queued via the { @linkcode MysteryEncounter . onOptionSelect } logic of the selected option .
* /
start() {
super . start ( ) ;
if ( this . scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ? . autoHideIntroVisuals ) {
transitionMysteryEncounterIntroVisuals ( this . scene ) . then ( ( ) = > {
this . scene . executeWithSeedOffset ( ( ) = > {
this . onOptionSelect ( this . scene ) . finally ( ( ) = > {
this . end ( ) ;
} ) ;
} , this . scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ? . getSeedOffset ( ) * 500 ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
this . scene . executeWithSeedOffset ( ( ) = > {
this . onOptionSelect ( this . scene ) . finally ( ( ) = > {
this . end ( ) ;
} ) ;
} , this . scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ? . getSeedOffset ( ) * 500 ) ;
/ * *
* Runs at the beginning of an Encounter ' s battle
* Will clean up any residual flinches , Endure , etc . that are left over from { @linkcode MysteryEncounter . startOfBattleEffects }
* Will also handle Game Overs , switches , etc . that could happen from { @linkcode handleMysteryEncounterBattleStartEffects }
* See { @linkcode TurnEndPhase } for more details
* /
export class MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase extends Phase {
constructor ( scene : BattleScene ) {
super ( scene ) ;
/ * *
* Cleans up ` TURN_END ` tags , any { @linkcode PostTurnStatusEffectPhase } s , checks for Pokemon switches , then continues
* /
start() {
super . start ( ) ;
const field = this . scene . getField ( true ) . filter ( p = > p . summonData ) ;
field . forEach ( pokemon = > {
pokemon . lapseTags ( BattlerTagLapseType . TURN_END ) ;
} ) ;
// Remove any status tick phases
while ( ! ! this . scene . findPhase ( p = > p instanceof PostTurnStatusEffectPhase ) ) {
this . scene . tryRemovePhase ( p = > p instanceof PostTurnStatusEffectPhase ) ;
// The total number of Pokemon in the player's party that can legally fight
const legalPlayerPokemon = this . scene . getParty ( ) . filter ( p = > p . isAllowedInBattle ( ) ) ;
// The total number of legal player Pokemon that aren't currently on the field
const legalPlayerPartyPokemon = legalPlayerPokemon . filter ( p = > ! p . isActive ( true ) ) ;
if ( ! legalPlayerPokemon . length ) {
this . scene . unshiftPhase ( new GameOverPhase ( this . scene ) ) ;
return this . end ( ) ;
// Check for any KOd player mons and switch
// For each fainted mon on the field, if there is a legal replacement, summon it
const playerField = this . scene . getPlayerField ( ) ;
playerField . forEach ( ( pokemon , i ) = > {
if ( ! pokemon . isAllowedInBattle ( ) && legalPlayerPartyPokemon . length > i ) {
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this . scene . unshiftPhase ( new SwitchPhase ( this . scene , SwitchType . SWITCH , i , true , false ) ) ;
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} ) ;
// THEN, if is a double battle, and player only has 1 summoned pokemon, center pokemon on field
if ( this . scene . currentBattle . double && legalPlayerPokemon . length === 1 && legalPlayerPartyPokemon . length === 0 ) {
this . scene . unshiftPhase ( new ToggleDoublePositionPhase ( this . scene , true ) ) ;
this . end ( ) ;
/ * *
* Will handle ( in order ) :
* - Setting BGM
* - Showing intro dialogue for an enemy trainer or wild Pokemon
* - Sliding in the visuals for enemy trainer or wild Pokemon , as well as handling summoning animations
* - Queue the { @linkcode SummonPhase } s , { @linkcode PostSummonPhase } s , etc . , required to initialize the phase queue for a battle
* /
export class MysteryEncounterBattlePhase extends Phase {
disableSwitch : boolean ;
constructor ( scene : BattleScene , disableSwitch = false ) {
super ( scene ) ;
this . disableSwitch = disableSwitch ;
/ * *
* Sets up a ME battle
* /
start() {
super . start ( ) ;
this . doMysteryEncounterBattle ( this . scene ) ;
/ * *
* Gets intro battle message for new battle
* @param scene
* @private
* /
private getBattleMessage ( scene : BattleScene ) : string {
const enemyField = scene . getEnemyField ( ) ;
const encounterMode = scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ! . encounterMode ;
if ( scene . currentBattle . battleSpec === BattleSpec . FINAL_BOSS ) {
return i18next . t ( "battle:bossAppeared" , { bossName : enemyField [ 0 ] . name } ) ;
if ( encounterMode === MysteryEncounterMode . TRAINER_BATTLE ) {
if ( scene . currentBattle . double ) {
return i18next . t ( "battle:trainerAppearedDouble" , { trainerName : scene.currentBattle.trainer?.getName ( TrainerSlot . NONE , true ) } ) ;
} else {
return i18next . t ( "battle:trainerAppeared" , { trainerName : scene.currentBattle.trainer?.getName ( TrainerSlot . NONE , true ) } ) ;
return enemyField . length === 1
? i18next . t ( "battle:singleWildAppeared" , { pokemonName : enemyField [ 0 ] . name } )
: i18next . t ( "battle:multiWildAppeared" , { pokemonName1 : enemyField [ 0 ] . name , pokemonName2 : enemyField [ 1 ] . name } ) ;
/ * *
* Queues { @linkcode SummonPhase } s for the new battle , and handles trainer animations / dialogue if it ' s a Trainer battle
* @param scene
* @private
* /
private doMysteryEncounterBattle ( scene : BattleScene ) {
const encounterMode = scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ! . encounterMode ;
if ( encounterMode === MysteryEncounterMode . WILD_BATTLE || encounterMode === MysteryEncounterMode . BOSS_BATTLE ) {
// Summons the wild/boss Pokemon
if ( encounterMode === MysteryEncounterMode . BOSS_BATTLE ) {
scene . playBgm ( undefined ) ;
const availablePartyMembers = scene . getEnemyParty ( ) . filter ( p = > ! p . isFainted ( ) ) . length ;
scene . unshiftPhase ( new SummonPhase ( scene , 0 , false ) ) ;
if ( scene . currentBattle . double && availablePartyMembers > 1 ) {
scene . unshiftPhase ( new SummonPhase ( scene , 1 , false ) ) ;
if ( ! scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ? . hideBattleIntroMessage ) {
scene . ui . showText ( this . getBattleMessage ( scene ) , null , ( ) = > this . endBattleSetup ( scene ) , 0 ) ;
} else {
this . endBattleSetup ( scene ) ;
} else if ( encounterMode === MysteryEncounterMode . TRAINER_BATTLE ) {
this . showEnemyTrainer ( ) ;
const doSummon = ( ) = > {
scene . currentBattle . started = true ;
scene . playBgm ( undefined ) ;
scene . pbTray . showPbTray ( scene . getParty ( ) ) ;
scene . pbTrayEnemy . showPbTray ( scene . getEnemyParty ( ) ) ;
const doTrainerSummon = ( ) = > {
this . hideEnemyTrainer ( ) ;
const availablePartyMembers = scene . getEnemyParty ( ) . filter ( p = > ! p . isFainted ( ) ) . length ;
scene . unshiftPhase ( new SummonPhase ( scene , 0 , false ) ) ;
if ( scene . currentBattle . double && availablePartyMembers > 1 ) {
scene . unshiftPhase ( new SummonPhase ( scene , 1 , false ) ) ;
this . endBattleSetup ( scene ) ;
} ;
if ( ! scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ? . hideBattleIntroMessage ) {
scene . ui . showText ( this . getBattleMessage ( scene ) , null , doTrainerSummon , 1000 , true ) ;
} else {
doTrainerSummon ( ) ;
} ;
const encounterMessages = scene . currentBattle . trainer ? . getEncounterMessages ( ) ;
if ( ! encounterMessages || ! encounterMessages . length ) {
doSummon ( ) ;
} else {
const trainer = this . scene . currentBattle . trainer ;
let message : string ;
scene . executeWithSeedOffset ( ( ) = > message = Utils . randSeedItem ( encounterMessages ) , this . scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ? . getSeedOffset ( ) ) ;
message = message ! ; // tell TS compiler it's defined now
const showDialogueAndSummon = ( ) = > {
scene . ui . showDialogue ( message , trainer ? . getName ( TrainerSlot . NONE , true ) , null , ( ) = > {
scene . charSprite . hide ( ) . then ( ( ) = > scene . hideFieldOverlay ( 250 ) . then ( ( ) = > doSummon ( ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
if ( this . scene . currentBattle . trainer ? . config . hasCharSprite && ! this . scene . ui . shouldSkipDialogue ( message ) ) {
this . scene . showFieldOverlay ( 500 ) . then ( ( ) = > this . scene . charSprite . showCharacter ( trainer ? . getKey ( ) ! , getCharVariantFromDialogue ( encounterMessages [ 0 ] ) ) . then ( ( ) = > showDialogueAndSummon ( ) ) ) ; // TODO: is this bang correct?
} else {
showDialogueAndSummon ( ) ;
/ * *
* Initiate { @linkcode SummonPhase } s , { @linkcode ScanIvsPhase } , { @linkcode PostSummonPhase } s , etc .
* @param scene
* @private
* /
private endBattleSetup ( scene : BattleScene ) {
const enemyField = scene . getEnemyField ( ) ;
const encounterMode = scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ! . encounterMode ;
// PostSummon and ShinySparkle phases are handled by SummonPhase
if ( encounterMode !== MysteryEncounterMode . TRAINER_BATTLE ) {
const ivScannerModifier = this . scene . findModifier ( m = > m instanceof IvScannerModifier ) ;
if ( ivScannerModifier ) {
enemyField . map ( p = > this . scene . pushPhase ( new ScanIvsPhase ( this . scene , p . getBattlerIndex ( ) , Math . min ( ivScannerModifier . getStackCount ( ) * 2 , 6 ) ) ) ) ;
const availablePartyMembers = scene . getParty ( ) . filter ( p = > ! p . isFainted ( ) ) ;
if ( ! availablePartyMembers [ 0 ] . isOnField ( ) ) {
scene . pushPhase ( new SummonPhase ( scene , 0 ) ) ;
if ( scene . currentBattle . double ) {
if ( availablePartyMembers . length > 1 ) {
scene . pushPhase ( new ToggleDoublePositionPhase ( scene , true ) ) ;
if ( ! availablePartyMembers [ 1 ] . isOnField ( ) ) {
scene . pushPhase ( new SummonPhase ( scene , 1 ) ) ;
} else {
if ( availablePartyMembers . length > 1 && availablePartyMembers [ 1 ] . isOnField ( ) ) {
scene . pushPhase ( new ReturnPhase ( scene , 1 ) ) ;
scene . pushPhase ( new ToggleDoublePositionPhase ( scene , false ) ) ;
if ( encounterMode !== MysteryEncounterMode . TRAINER_BATTLE && ! this . disableSwitch ) {
const minPartySize = scene . currentBattle . double ? 2 : 1 ;
if ( availablePartyMembers . length > minPartySize ) {
scene . pushPhase ( new CheckSwitchPhase ( scene , 0 , scene . currentBattle . double ) ) ;
if ( scene . currentBattle . double ) {
scene . pushPhase ( new CheckSwitchPhase ( scene , 1 , scene . currentBattle . double ) ) ;
this . end ( ) ;
/ * *
* Ease in enemy trainer
* @private
* /
private showEnemyTrainer ( ) : void {
// Show enemy trainer
const trainer = this . scene . currentBattle . trainer ;
if ( ! trainer ) {
return ;
trainer . alpha = 0 ;
trainer . x += 16 ;
trainer . y -= 16 ;
trainer . setVisible ( true ) ;
this . scene . tweens . add ( {
targets : trainer ,
x : "-=16" ,
y : "+=16" ,
alpha : 1 ,
ease : "Sine.easeInOut" ,
duration : 750 ,
onComplete : ( ) = > {
trainer . untint ( 100 , "Sine.easeOut" ) ;
trainer . playAnim ( ) ;
} ) ;
private hideEnemyTrainer ( ) : void {
this . scene . tweens . add ( {
targets : this.scene.currentBattle.trainer ,
x : "+=16" ,
y : "-=16" ,
alpha : 0 ,
ease : "Sine.easeInOut" ,
duration : 750
} ) ;
/ * *
* Will handle ( in order ) :
* - doContinueEncounter ( ) callback for continuous encounters with back - to - back battles ( this should push / shift its own phases as needed )
* OR
* - Any encounter reward logic that is set within { @linkcode MysteryEncounter . doEncounterExp }
* - Any encounter reward logic that is set within { @linkcode MysteryEncounter . doEncounterRewards }
* - Otherwise , can add a no - reward - item shop with only Potions , etc . if addHealPhase is true
* - Queuing of the { @linkcode PostMysteryEncounterPhase }
* /
export class MysteryEncounterRewardsPhase extends Phase {
addHealPhase : boolean ;
constructor ( scene : BattleScene , addHealPhase : boolean = false ) {
super ( scene ) ;
this . addHealPhase = addHealPhase ;
/ * *
* Runs { @linkcode MysteryEncounter . doContinueEncounter } and ends phase , OR { @linkcode MysteryEncounter . onRewards } then continues encounter
* /
start() {
super . start ( ) ;
const encounter = this . scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ! ;
if ( encounter . doContinueEncounter ) {
encounter . doContinueEncounter ( this . scene ) . then ( ( ) = > {
this . end ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
this . scene . executeWithSeedOffset ( ( ) = > {
if ( encounter . onRewards ) {
encounter . onRewards ( this . scene ) . then ( ( ) = > {
this . doEncounterRewardsAndContinue ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
this . doEncounterRewardsAndContinue ( ) ;
// Do not use ME's seedOffset for rewards, these should always be consistent with waveIndex (once per wave)
} , this . scene . currentBattle . waveIndex * 1000 ) ;
/ * *
* Queues encounter EXP and rewards phases , { @linkcode PostMysteryEncounterPhase } , and ends phase
* /
doEncounterRewardsAndContinue() {
const encounter = this . scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ! ;
if ( encounter . doEncounterExp ) {
encounter . doEncounterExp ( this . scene ) ;
if ( encounter . doEncounterRewards ) {
encounter . doEncounterRewards ( this . scene ) ;
} else if ( this . addHealPhase ) {
this . scene . tryRemovePhase ( p = > p instanceof SelectModifierPhase ) ;
this . scene . unshiftPhase ( new SelectModifierPhase ( this . scene , 0 , undefined , { fillRemaining : false , rerollMultiplier : - 1 } ) ) ;
this . scene . pushPhase ( new PostMysteryEncounterPhase ( this . scene ) ) ;
this . end ( ) ;
/ * *
* Will handle ( in order ) :
* - { @linkcode MysteryEncounter . onPostOptionSelect } logic ( based on an option that was selected )
* - Showing any outro dialogue messages
* - Cleanup of any leftover intro visuals
* - Queuing of the next wave
* /
export class PostMysteryEncounterPhase extends Phase {
private readonly FIRST_DIALOGUE_PROMPT_DELAY = 750 ;
onPostOptionSelect? : OptionPhaseCallback ;
constructor ( scene : BattleScene ) {
super ( scene ) ;
this . onPostOptionSelect = this . scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ? . selectedOption ? . onPostOptionPhase ;
/ * *
* Runs { @linkcode MysteryEncounter . onPostOptionSelect } then continues encounter
* /
start() {
super . start ( ) ;
if ( this . onPostOptionSelect ) {
this . scene . executeWithSeedOffset ( async ( ) = > {
return await this . onPostOptionSelect ! ( this . scene )
. then ( ( result ) = > {
if ( isNullOrUndefined ( result ) || result ) {
this . continueEncounter ( ) ;
} ) ;
} , this . scene . currentBattle . mysteryEncounter ? . getSeedOffset ( ) * 2000 ) ;
} else {
this . continueEncounter ( ) ;
/ * *
* Queues { @linkcode NewBattlePhase } , plays outro dialogue and ends phase
* /
continueEncounter() {
const endPhase = ( ) = > {
this . scene . pushPhase ( new NewBattlePhase ( this . scene ) ) ;
this . end ( ) ;
} ;
const outroDialogue = this . scene . currentBattle ? . mysteryEncounter ? . dialogue ? . outro ;
if ( outroDialogue && outroDialogue . length > 0 ) {
let i = 0 ;
const showNextDialogue = ( ) = > {
const nextAction = i === outroDialogue . length - 1 ? endPhase : showNextDialogue ;
const dialogue = outroDialogue [ i ] ;
let title : string | null = null ;
const text : string | null = getEncounterText ( this . scene , dialogue . text ) ;
if ( dialogue . speaker ) {
title = getEncounterText ( this . scene , dialogue . speaker ) ;
i ++ ;
this . scene . ui . setMode ( Mode . MESSAGE ) ;
if ( title ) {
this . scene . ui . showDialogue ( text ? ? "" , title , null , nextAction , 0 , i === 1 ? this . FIRST_DIALOGUE_PROMPT_DELAY : 0 ) ;
} else {
this . scene . ui . showText ( text ? ? "" , null , nextAction , i === 1 ? this . FIRST_DIALOGUE_PROMPT_DELAY : 0 , true ) ;
} ;
showNextDialogue ( ) ;
} else {
endPhase ( ) ;