"eqeqeq":["error","always"],// Enforces the use of `===` and `!==` instead of `==` and `!=`
"indent":["error",2,{"SwitchCase":1}],// Enforces a 2-space indentation, enforces indentation of `case ...:` statements
"quotes":["error","double"],// Enforces the use of double quotes for strings
"no-var":"error",// Disallows the use of `var`, enforcing `let` or `const` instead
"prefer-const":"error",// Enforces the use of `const` for variables that are never reassigned
"no-undef":"off",// Disables the rule that disallows the use of undeclared variables (TypeScript handles this)
"args":"none",// Allows unused function parameters. Useful for functions with specific signatures where not all parameters are always used.
"ignoreRestSiblings":true// Allows unused variables that are part of a rest property in object destructuring. Useful for excluding certain properties from an object while using the others.
"eol-last":["error","always"],// Enforces at least one newline at the end of files
"@stylistic/ts/semi":["error","always"],// Requires semicolons for TypeScript-specific syntax
"semi":"off",// Disables the general semi rule for TypeScript files
"no-extra-semi":["error"],// Disallows unnecessary semicolons for TypeScript-specific syntax
"brace-style":"off",// Note: you must disable the base rule as it can report incorrect errors
"curly":["error","all"],// Enforces the use of curly braces for all control statements
"@stylistic/ts/brace-style":["error","1tbs"],// Enforces the following brace style: https://eslint.style/rules/js/brace-style#_1tbs
"no-trailing-spaces":["error",{// Disallows trailing whitespace at the end of lines
"skipBlankLines":false,// Enforces the rule even on blank lines
"ignoreComments":false// Enforces the rule on lines containing comments
"space-before-blocks":["error","always"],// Enforces a space before blocks
"keyword-spacing":["error",{"before":true,"after":true}],// Enforces spacing before and after keywords
"comma-spacing":["error",{"before":false,"after":true}],// Enforces spacing after commas
"import-x/extensions":["error","never",{"json":"always"}],// Enforces no extension for imports unless json