2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
import { AchievementTranslationEntries } from "#app/plugins/i18n.js";
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
// Achievement translations for the when the player character is male
export const PGMachv: AchievementTranslationEntries = {
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"Achievements": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "成就",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"Locked": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "锁定",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"MoneyAchv": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
description: "累计获得 ₽{{moneyAmount}}",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"10K_MONEY": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "小有积蓄",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"100K_MONEY": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "富裕",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"1M_MONEY": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "百万富翁",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"10M_MONEY": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "百分之一",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"DamageAchv": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
description: "在单次攻击中造成 {{damageAmount}} 点伤害",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"250_DMG": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "强力攻击者",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"1000_DMG": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "更强力攻击者",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"2500_DMG": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "伤害真高!",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"10000_DMG": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "一拳超人",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"HealAchv": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
description: "通过技能、能力或携带的道具一次性治疗 {{healAmount}} {{HP}}点",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"250_HEAL": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "新手治疗师",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"1000_HEAL": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "高阶治疗师",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"2500_HEAL": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "牧师",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"10000_HEAL": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "恢复大师",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"LevelAchv": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
description: "将一只宝可梦提升到 Lv{{level}}",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"LV_100": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "不止于此, 还有更多!",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"LV_250": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "精英",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"LV_1000": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "超越极限",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"RibbonAchv": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
description: "累计获得 {{ribbonAmount}} 个勋章",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"10_RIBBONS": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "宝可梦联赛冠军",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"25_RIBBONS": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "超级联赛冠军",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"50_RIBBONS": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "至尊联赛冠军",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"75_RIBBONS": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "肉鸽联赛冠军",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
"100_RIBBONS": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "大师联赛冠军",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "团队协作",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
description: "Baton pass to another party member with at least one stat maxed out",
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "亲密度最大化",
description: "使一只宝可梦的亲密度达到最大值",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "Mega进化",
description: "Mega进化一只宝可梦",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "极巨化",
description: "极巨化一只宝可梦",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "太晶狂热者",
description: "太晶化一只宝可梦",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "隐藏属性",
description: "星晶化一只宝可梦",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "无限融合",
description: "使用基因之楔将两只宝可梦融合在一起",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "巨量道具",
description: "获得一个迷你黑洞",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "幻之宝可梦",
description: "捕捉一只幻之宝可梦",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "准-传说宝可梦",
description: "捕捉一只准传说宝可梦",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "传说宝可梦",
description: "捕捉一只传说宝可梦",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "异色宝可梦",
description: "在野外找到一只异色宝可梦",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "全队异色",
description: "拥有一支由异色宝可梦组成的满员队伍",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "幻之蛋",
description: "从蛋中孵化出一只幻之宝可梦",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "准-传说蛋",
description: "从蛋中孵化出一只准传说宝可梦",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "传说蛋",
description: "从蛋中孵化出一只准-传说宝可梦",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "异色蛋",
description: "从蛋中孵化出一只异色宝可梦",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "隐藏潜力",
description: "捕捉一只拥有隐藏特性的宝可梦",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "完美个体",
description: "获得一只拥有完美个体值的宝可梦",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "经典无敌",
description: "在经典模式中通关游戏",
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "初代劲敌",
description: "完成仅限第一世代的挑战.",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "1.5世代",
description: "完成仅限第二世代的挑战.",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "水太多了?",
description: "完成仅限第三世代的挑战.",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "她真的是最难的吗?",
description: "完成仅限第四世代的挑战.",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "全为原创",
description: "完成仅限第五世代的挑战.",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "近乎贵族",
description: "完成仅限第六世代的挑战.",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "仅技术上(可行)",
description: "完成仅限第七世代的挑战.",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "冠军时刻!",
description: "完成仅限第八世代的挑战.",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "她对你手下留情了",
description: "完成仅限第九世代的挑战.",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
"MonoType": {
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
description: "完成 {{type}} 单属性挑战.",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "Mono 一般",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "功夫高手",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "Mono 飞行",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "关东的最爱",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "Mono 地面",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "坚如磐石",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "如大针蜂般刺痛",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "你将要召唤谁?",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "Mono 钢",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "Mono 火",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "当雨来临,倾盆而下",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "Mono 草",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "Mono 电",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "Mono 超能力",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "Mono 冰",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "Mono 龙",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "这只是一个阶段",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-11 12:49:55 +08:00
name: "Mono 妖精",
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
2024-06-01 20:53:13 -03:00
} as const;
2024-06-09 18:40:23 +02:00
// Achievement translations for the when the player character is female (it for now uses the same translations as the male version)
export const PGFachv: AchievementTranslationEntries = PGMachv;