2024-06-04 02:19:18 +00:00
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< / div > < / section > < section class = "tsd-index-section" > < h3 class = "tsd-index-heading" > Properties< / h3 > < div class = "tsd-index-list" > < a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#accuracy" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-1024" > < / use > < / svg > < span > accuracy< / span > < / a >
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< / div > < / section > < section class = "tsd-index-section" > < h3 class = "tsd-index-heading" > Methods< / h3 > < div class = "tsd-index-list" > < a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#addAttr" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > add< wbr / > Attr< / span > < / a >
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< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#attr" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > attr< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#ballBombMove" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > ball< wbr / > Bomb< wbr / > Move< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#bitingMove" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > biting< wbr / > Move< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#checkAllHits" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > check< wbr / > All< wbr / > Hits< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#checkFlag" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > check< wbr / > Flag< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#condition" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > condition< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#danceMove" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > dance< wbr / > Move< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#findAttr" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > find< wbr / > Attr< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#getAttrs" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > get< wbr / > Attrs< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#getFailedText" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > get< wbr / > Failed< wbr / > Text< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#getTargetBenefitScore" class = "tsd-index-link" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > get< wbr / > Target< wbr / > Benefit< wbr / > Score< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#getUserBenefitScore" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > get< wbr / > User< wbr / > Benefit< wbr / > Score< / span > < / a >
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< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#hasAttr" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > has< wbr / > Attr< / span > < / a >
2024-05-31 13:57:14 +00:00
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#hasFlag" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > has< wbr / > Flag< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#hidesTarget" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > hides< wbr / > Target< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#hidesUser" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > hides< wbr / > User< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#ignoresAbilities" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > ignores< wbr / > Abilities< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#ignoresProtect" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > ignores< wbr / > Protect< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#ignoresVirtual" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > ignores< wbr / > Virtual< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#isAllyTarget" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > is< wbr / > Ally< wbr / > Target< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#isMultiTarget" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > is< wbr / > Multi< wbr / > Target< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#isTypeImmune" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > is< wbr / > Type< wbr / > Immune< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#localize" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > localize< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#makesContact" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > makes< wbr / > Contact< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#partial" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > partial< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#powderMove" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > powder< wbr / > Move< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#pulseMove" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > pulse< wbr / > Move< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#punchingMove" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > punching< wbr / > Move< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#recklessMove" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > reckless< wbr / > Move< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#slicingMove" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > slicing< wbr / > Move< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#soundBased" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > sound< wbr / > Based< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#target" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > target< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#triageMove" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > triage< wbr / > Move< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#unimplemented" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > unimplemented< / span > < / a >
< a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#windMove" class = "tsd-index-link tsd-is-inherited" > < svg class = "tsd-kind-icon" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-2048" > < / use > < / svg > < span > wind< wbr / > Move< / span > < / a >
2024-06-04 02:19:18 +00:00
< / div > < / section > < / div > < / details > < / section > < / section > < section class = "tsd-panel-group tsd-member-group" > < h2 > Constructors< / h2 > < section class = "tsd-panel tsd-member" > < a id = "constructor" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < h3 class = "tsd-anchor-link" > < span > constructor< / span > < a href = "#constructor" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / h3 > < ul class = "tsd-signatures" > < li class = "tsd-signature tsd-anchor-link" > < a id = "constructor.new_AttackMove" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < span class = "tsd-kind-constructor-signature" > new < wbr / > Attack< wbr / > Move< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > (< / span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > id< / span > , < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > type< / span > , < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > category< / span > , < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > power< / span > , < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > accuracy< / span > , < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > pp< / span > , < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > chance< / span > , < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > priority< / span > , < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > generation< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > )< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > : < / span > < a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html" class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-class" > AttackMove< / a > < a href = "#constructor.new_AttackMove" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / li > < li class = "tsd-description" > < div class = "tsd-parameters" > < h4 class = "tsd-parameters-title" > Parameters< / h4 > < ul class = "tsd-parameter-list" > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > id< / span > : < a href = "../enums/data_enums_moves.Moves.html" class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-enum" > Moves< / a > < / span > < / li > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > type< / span > : < a href = "../enums/data_type.Type.html" class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-enum" > Type< / a > < / span > < / li > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > category< / span > : < a href = "../enums/data_move.MoveCategory.html" class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-enum" > MoveCategory< / a > < / span > < / li > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > power< / span > : < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > number< / span > < / span > < / li > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > accuracy< / span > : < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > number< / span > < / span > < / li > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > pp< / span > : < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > number< / span > < / span > < / li > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > chance< / span > : < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > number< / span > < / span > < / li > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > priority< / span > : < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > number< / span > < / span > < / li > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > generation< / span > : < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > number< / span > < / span > < / li > < / ul > < / div > < h4 class = "tsd-returns-title" > Returns < a href = "data_move.AttackMove.html" class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-class" > AttackMove< / a > < / h4 > < aside class = "tsd-sources" > < p > Overrides < a href = "data_move.default.html" > default< / a > .< a href = "data_move.default.html#constructor" > constructor< / a > < / p > < ul > < li > Defined in < a href = "https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/blob/98cff12fd1f625d826c6d4e6eb4da549978b661f/src/data/move.ts#L438" > src/data/move.ts:438< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / aside > < / li > < / ul > < / section > < / section > < section class = "tsd-panel-group tsd-member-group" > < h2 > Properties< / h2 > < section class = "tsd-panel tsd-member tsd-is-inherited" > < a id = "accuracy" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < h3 class = "tsd-anchor-link" > < span > accuracy< / span > < a href = "#accuracy" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / h3 > < div class = "tsd-signature" > < span class = "tsd-kind-property" > accuracy< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > :< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > number< / span > < / div > < aside class = "tsd-sources" > < p > Inherited from < a href = "data_move.default.html" > default< / a > .< a href = "data_move.default.html#accuracy" > accuracy< / a > < / p > < ul > < li > Defined in < a href = "https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/blob/98cff12fd1f625d826c6d4e6eb4da549978b661f/src/d
2024-06-01 00:51:43 +00:00
< / div > < section class = "tsd-panel" > < h4 > Type Parameters< / h4 > < ul class = "tsd-type-parameter-list" > < li > < span > < a id = "getAttrs.getAttrs-1.T-1" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < span class = "tsd-kind-type-parameter" > T< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-keyword" > extends < / span > < a href = "data_move.MoveAttr.html" class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-class" > MoveAttr< / a > < / span > < / li > < / ul > < / section > < div class = "tsd-parameters" > < h4 class = "tsd-parameters-title" > Parameters< / h4 > < ul class = "tsd-parameter-list" > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > attrType< / span > : < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > (< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-keyword" > new < / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > (< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > ...< / span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > args< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > )< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > => < / span > < a class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-type-parameter" href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#getAttrs.getAttrs-1.T-1" > T< / a > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > )< / span > < / span > < div class = "tsd-comment tsd-typography" > < p > any attribute that extends < a href = "data_move.MoveAttr.html" class = "tsd-kind-class" > < code > MoveAttr< / code > < / a > < / p >
< / div > < div class = "tsd-comment tsd-typography" > < / div > < ul class = "tsd-parameters" > < li class = "tsd-parameter-signature" > < ul class = "tsd-signatures" > < li class = "tsd-signature" > < span class = "tsd-signature-keyword" > new < / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > (< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > ...< / span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > args< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > )< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > : < / span > < a class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-type-parameter" href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#getAttrs.getAttrs-1.T-1" > T< / a > < / li > < li class = "tsd-description" > < div class = "tsd-parameters" > < h4 class = "tsd-parameters-title" > Parameters< / h4 > < ul class = "tsd-parameter-list" > < li > < span > < code class = "tsd-tag ts-flagRest" > Rest< / code > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > ...< / span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > args< / span > : < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > any< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > []< / span > < / span > < / li > < / ul > < / div > < h4 class = "tsd-returns-title" > Returns < a class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-type-parameter" href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#getAttrs.getAttrs-1.T-1" > T< / a > < / h4 > < / li > < / ul > < / li > < / ul > < / li > < / ul > < / div > < h4 class = "tsd-returns-title" > Returns < a class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-type-parameter" href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#getAttrs.getAttrs-1.T-1" > T< / a > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > []< / span > < / h4 > < p > Array of attributes that match < code > attrType< / code > , Empty Array if none match.< / p >
2024-06-04 02:19:18 +00:00
< div class = "tsd-comment tsd-typography" > < / div > < aside class = "tsd-sources" > < p > Inherited from < a href = "data_move.default.html" > default< / a > .< a href = "data_move.default.html#getAttrs" > getAttrs< / a > < / p > < ul > < li > Defined in < a href = "https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/blob/98cff12fd1f625d826c6d4e6eb4da549978b661f/src/data/move.ts#L156" > src/data/move.ts:156< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / aside > < / li > < / ul > < / section > < section class = "tsd-panel tsd-member tsd-is-inherited" > < a id = "getFailedText" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < h3 class = "tsd-anchor-link" > < span > get< wbr / > Failed< wbr / > Text< / span > < a href = "#getFailedText" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / h3 > < ul class = "tsd-signatures tsd-is-inherited" > < li class = "tsd-signature tsd-anchor-link" > < a id = "getFailedText.getFailedText-1" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < span class = "tsd-kind-call-signature" > get< wbr / > Failed< wbr / > Text< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > (< / span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > user< / span > , < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > target< / span > , < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > move< / span > , < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > cancelled< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > )< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > : < / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > string< / span > < a href = "#getFailedText.getFailedText-1" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / li > < li class = "tsd-description" > < div class = "tsd-parameters" > < h4 class = "tsd-parameters-title" > Parameters< / h4 > < ul class = "tsd-parameter-list" > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > user< / span > : < a href = "field_pokemon.default.html" class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-class" > default< / a > < / span > < / li > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > target< / span > : < a href = "field_pokemon.default.html" class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-class" > default< / a > < / span > < / li > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > move< / span > : < a href = "data_move.default.html" class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-class" > default< / a > < / span > < / li > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > cancelled< / span > : < a href = "utils.BooleanHolder.html" class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-class" > BooleanHolder< / a > < / span > < / li > < / ul > < / div > < h4 class = "tsd-returns-title" > Returns < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > string< / span > < / h4 > < aside class = "tsd-sources" > < p > Inherited from < a href = "data_move.default.html" > default< / a > .< a href = "data_move.default.html#getFailedText" > getFailedText< / a > < / p > < ul > < li > Defined in < a href = "https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/blob/98cff12fd1f625d826c6d4e6eb4da549978b661f/src/data/move.ts#L402" > src/data/move.ts:402< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / aside > < / li > < / ul > < / section > < section class = "tsd-panel tsd-member" > < a id = "getTargetBenefitScore" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < h3 class = "tsd-anchor-link" > < span > get< wbr / > Target< wbr / > Benefit< wbr / > Score< / span > < a href = "#getTargetBenefitScore" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / h3 > < ul class = "tsd-signatures" > < li class = "tsd-signature tsd-anchor-link" > < a id = "getTargetBenefitScore.getTargetBenefitScore-1" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < span class = "tsd-kind-call-signature" > get< wbr / > Target< wbr / > Benefit< wbr / > Score< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > (< / span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > user< / span > , < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > target< / span > , < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > move< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > )< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > : < / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > number< / span > < a href = "#getTargetBenefitScore.getTargetBenefitScore-1" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / li > < li class = "tsd-description" > < div class = "tsd-parameters" > < h4 class = "tsd-parameters-title" > Parameters< / h4 > < ul class = "tsd-parameter-list" > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > user< / span > : < a href = "field_pokemon.default.html" class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-class" > default< / a > < / span > < / li > < li
2024-06-01 00:51:43 +00:00
< / div > < section class = "tsd-panel" > < h4 > Type Parameters< / h4 > < ul class = "tsd-type-parameter-list" > < li > < span > < a id = "hasAttr.hasAttr-1.T-2" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < span class = "tsd-kind-type-parameter" > T< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-keyword" > extends < / span > < a href = "data_move.MoveAttr.html" class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-class" > MoveAttr< / a > < / span > < / li > < / ul > < / section > < div class = "tsd-parameters" > < h4 class = "tsd-parameters-title" > Parameters< / h4 > < ul class = "tsd-parameter-list" > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > attrType< / span > : < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > (< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-keyword" > new < / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > (< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > ...< / span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > args< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > )< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > => < / span > < a class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-type-parameter" href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#hasAttr.hasAttr-1.T-2" > T< / a > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > )< / span > < / span > < div class = "tsd-comment tsd-typography" > < p > any attribute that extends < a href = "data_move.MoveAttr.html" class = "tsd-kind-class" > < code > MoveAttr< / code > < / a > < / p >
< / div > < div class = "tsd-comment tsd-typography" > < / div > < ul class = "tsd-parameters" > < li class = "tsd-parameter-signature" > < ul class = "tsd-signatures" > < li class = "tsd-signature" > < span class = "tsd-signature-keyword" > new < / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > (< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > ...< / span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > args< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > )< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > : < / span > < a class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-type-parameter" href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#hasAttr.hasAttr-1.T-2" > T< / a > < / li > < li class = "tsd-description" > < div class = "tsd-parameters" > < h4 class = "tsd-parameters-title" > Parameters< / h4 > < ul class = "tsd-parameter-list" > < li > < span > < code class = "tsd-tag ts-flagRest" > Rest< / code > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > ...< / span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > args< / span > : < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > any< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > []< / span > < / span > < / li > < / ul > < / div > < h4 class = "tsd-returns-title" > Returns < a class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-type-parameter" href = "data_move.AttackMove.html#hasAttr.hasAttr-1.T-2" > T< / a > < / h4 > < / li > < / ul > < / li > < / ul > < / li > < / ul > < / div > < h4 class = "tsd-returns-title" > Returns < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > boolean< / span > < / h4 > < p > true if the move has attribute < code > attrType< / code > < / p >
2024-06-04 02:19:18 +00:00
< div class = "tsd-comment tsd-typography" > < / div > < aside class = "tsd-sources" > < p > Inherited from < a href = "data_move.default.html" > default< / a > .< a href = "data_move.default.html#hasAttr" > hasAttr< / a > < / p > < ul > < li > Defined in < a href = "https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/blob/98cff12fd1f625d826c6d4e6eb4da549978b661f/src/data/move.ts#L165" > src/data/move.ts:165< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / aside > < / li > < / ul > < / section > < section class = "tsd-panel tsd-member tsd-is-inherited" > < a id = "hasFlag" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < h3 class = "tsd-anchor-link" > < span > has< wbr / > Flag< / span > < a href = "#hasFlag" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / h3 > < ul class = "tsd-signatures tsd-is-inherited" > < li class = "tsd-signature tsd-anchor-link" > < a id = "hasFlag.hasFlag-1" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < span class = "tsd-kind-call-signature" > has< wbr / > Flag< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > (< / span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > flag< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > )< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > : < / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > boolean< / span > < a href = "#hasFlag.hasFlag-1" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / li > < li class = "tsd-description" > < div class = "tsd-parameters" > < h4 class = "tsd-parameters-title" > Parameters< / h4 > < ul class = "tsd-parameter-list" > < li > < span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > flag< / span > : < a href = "../enums/data_move.MoveFlags.html" class = "tsd-signature-type tsd-kind-enum" > MoveFlags< / a > < / span > < / li > < / ul > < / div > < h4 class = "tsd-returns-title" > Returns < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > boolean< / span > < / h4 > < aside class = "tsd-sources" > < p > Inherited from < a href = "data_move.default.html" > default< / a > .< a href = "data_move.default.html#hasFlag" > hasFlag< / a > < / p > < ul > < li > Defined in < a href = "https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/blob/98cff12fd1f625d826c6d4e6eb4da549978b661f/src/data/move.ts#L205" > src/data/move.ts:205< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / aside > < / li > < / ul > < / section > < section class = "tsd-panel tsd-member tsd-is-inherited" > < a id = "hidesTarget" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < h3 class = "tsd-anchor-link" > < span > hides< wbr / > Target< / span > < a href = "#hidesTarget" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / h3 > < ul class = "tsd-signatures tsd-is-inherited" > < li class = "tsd-signature tsd-anchor-link" > < a id = "hidesTarget.hidesTarget-1" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < span class = "tsd-kind-call-signature" > hides< wbr / > Target< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > (< / span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > hidesTarget< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > ?< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > )< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > : < / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > this< / span > < a href = "#hidesTarget.hidesTarget-1" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / li > < li class = "tsd-description" > < div class = "tsd-parameters" > < h4 class = "tsd-parameters-title" > Parameters< / h4 > < ul class = "tsd-parameter-list" > < li > < span > < code class = "tsd-tag ts-flagOptional" > Optional< / code > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > hidesTarget< / span > : < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > boolean< / span > < / span > < / li > < / ul > < / div > < h4 class = "tsd-returns-title" > Returns < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > this< / span > < / h4 > < aside class = "tsd-sources" > < p > Inherited from < a href = "data_move.default.html" > default< / a > .< a href = "data_move.default.html#hidesTarget" > hidesTarget< / a > < / p > < ul > < li > Defined in < a href = "https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/blob/98cff12fd1f625d826c6d4e6eb4da549978b661f/src/data/move.ts#L301" > src/data/move.ts:301< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / aside > < / li > < / ul > < / section > < section class = "tsd-panel tsd-member tsd-is-inherited" > < a id = "hidesUser" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < h3 class = "tsd-anchor-link" > < span > hides< wbr / > User< / span > < a href = "#hidesUser" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / h3 > < ul class = "tsd-signatures
2024-05-31 13:57:14 +00:00
< / div > < div class = "tsd-parameters" > < h4 class = "tsd-parameters-title" > Parameters< / h4 > < ul class = "tsd-parameter-list" > < li > < span > < code class = "tsd-tag ts-flagOptional" > Optional< / code > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > recklessMove< / span > : < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > boolean< / span > < / span > < div class = "tsd-comment tsd-typography" > < p > The value to set the flag to< / p >
< / div > < div class = "tsd-comment tsd-typography" > < / div > < / li > < / ul > < / div > < h4 class = "tsd-returns-title" > Returns < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > this< / span > < / h4 > < p > The < a href = "data_move.default.html" class = "tsd-kind-class" > < code > Move< / code > < / a > that called this function< / p >
< div class = "tsd-comment tsd-typography" > < h4 > See< / h4 > < p > < a href = "../enums/data_enums_abilities.Abilities.html#RECKLESS" class = "tsd-kind-enum-member" > < code > Abilities.RECKLESS< / code > < / a > < / p >
2024-06-04 02:19:18 +00:00
< / div > < aside class = "tsd-sources" > < p > Inherited from < a href = "data_move.default.html" > default< / a > .< a href = "data_move.default.html#recklessMove" > recklessMove< / a > < / p > < ul > < li > Defined in < a href = "https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/blob/98cff12fd1f625d826c6d4e6eb4da549978b661f/src/data/move.ts#L332" > src/data/move.ts:332< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / aside > < / li > < / ul > < / section > < section class = "tsd-panel tsd-member tsd-is-inherited" > < a id = "slicingMove" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < h3 class = "tsd-anchor-link" > < span > slicing< wbr / > Move< / span > < a href = "#slicingMove" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / h3 > < ul class = "tsd-signatures tsd-is-inherited" > < li class = "tsd-signature tsd-anchor-link" > < a id = "slicingMove.slicingMove-1" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < span class = "tsd-kind-call-signature" > slicing< wbr / > Move< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > (< / span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > slicingMove< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > ?< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > )< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > : < / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > this< / span > < a href = "#slicingMove.slicingMove-1" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / li > < li class = "tsd-description" > < div class = "tsd-parameters" > < h4 class = "tsd-parameters-title" > Parameters< / h4 > < ul class = "tsd-parameter-list" > < li > < span > < code class = "tsd-tag ts-flagOptional" > Optional< / code > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > slicingMove< / span > : < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > boolean< / span > < / span > < / li > < / ul > < / div > < h4 class = "tsd-returns-title" > Returns < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > this< / span > < / h4 > < aside class = "tsd-sources" > < p > Inherited from < a href = "data_move.default.html" > default< / a > .< a href = "data_move.default.html#slicingMove" > slicingMove< / a > < / p > < ul > < li > Defined in < a href = "https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/blob/98cff12fd1f625d826c6d4e6eb4da549978b661f/src/data/move.ts#L321" > src/data/move.ts:321< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / aside > < / li > < / ul > < / section > < section class = "tsd-panel tsd-member tsd-is-inherited" > < a id = "soundBased" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < h3 class = "tsd-anchor-link" > < span > sound< wbr / > Based< / span > < a href = "#soundBased" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / h3 > < ul class = "tsd-signatures tsd-is-inherited" > < li class = "tsd-signature tsd-anchor-link" > < a id = "soundBased.soundBased-1" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < span class = "tsd-kind-call-signature" > sound< wbr / > Based< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > (< / span > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > soundBased< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > ?< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > )< / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-symbol" > : < / span > < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > this< / span > < a href = "#soundBased.soundBased-1" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < / svg > < / a > < / li > < li class = "tsd-description" > < div class = "tsd-parameters" > < h4 class = "tsd-parameters-title" > Parameters< / h4 > < ul class = "tsd-parameter-list" > < li > < span > < code class = "tsd-tag ts-flagOptional" > Optional< / code > < span class = "tsd-kind-parameter" > soundBased< / span > : < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > boolean< / span > < / span > < / li > < / ul > < / div > < h4 class = "tsd-returns-title" > Returns < span class = "tsd-signature-type" > this< / span > < / h4 > < aside class = "tsd-sources" > < p > Inherited from < a href = "data_move.default.html" > default< / a > .< a href = "data_move.default.html#soundBased" > soundBased< / a > < / p > < ul > < li > Defined in < a href = "https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/blob/98cff12fd1f625d826c6d4e6eb4da549978b661f/src/data/move.ts#L291" > src/data/move.ts:291< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / aside > < / li > < / ul > < / section > < section class = "tsd-panel tsd-member tsd-is-inherited" > < a id = "target" class = "tsd-anchor" > < / a > < h3 class = "tsd-anchor-link" > < span > target< / span > < a href = "#target" aria-label = "Permalink" class = "tsd-anchor-icon" > < svg viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < use href = "../assets/icons.svg#icon-anchor" > < / use > < /sv