diff --git a/src/locales/ja/arena-tag.ts b/src/locales/ja/arena-tag.ts index 22612795308..54df26fa44f 100644 --- a/src/locales/ja/arena-tag.ts +++ b/src/locales/ja/arena-tag.ts @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; export const arenaTag: SimpleTranslationEntries = { - "yourTeam": "your team", - "opposingTeam": "the opposing team", - "arenaOnRemove": "{{moveName}}'s effect wore off.", - "arenaOnRemovePlayer": "{{moveName}}'s effect wore off\non your side.", - "arenaOnRemoveEnemy": "{{moveName}}'s effect wore off\non the foe's side.", - "mistOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s team became\nshrouded in mist!", - "mistApply": "The mist prevented\nthe lowering of stats!", - "reflectOnAdd": "Reflect reduced the damage of physical moves.", - "reflectOnAddPlayer": "Reflect reduced the damage of physical moves on your side.", - "reflectOnAddEnemy": "Reflect reduced the damage of physical moves on the foe's side.", - "lightScreenOnAdd": "Light Screen reduced the damage of special moves.", - "lightScreenOnAddPlayer": "Light Screen reduced the damage of special moves on your side.", - "lightScreenOnAddEnemy": "Light Screen reduced the damage of special moves on the foe's side.", - "auroraVeilOnAdd": "Aurora Veil reduced the damage of moves.", - "auroraVeilOnAddPlayer": "Aurora Veil reduced the damage of moves on your side.", - "auroraVeilOnAddEnemy": "Aurora Veil reduced the damage of moves on the foe's side.", - "conditionalProtectOnAdd": "{{moveName}} protected team!", - "conditionalProtectOnAddPlayer": "{{moveName}} protected your team!", - "conditionalProtectOnAddEnemy": "{{moveName}} protected the\nopposing team!", - "conditionalProtectApply": "{{moveName}} protected {{pokemonNameWithAffix}}!", - "matBlockOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} intends to flip up a mat\nand block incoming attacks!", - "noCritOnAddPlayer": "The {{moveName}} shielded your\nteam from critical hits!", - "noCritOnAddEnemy": "The {{moveName}} shielded the opposing\nteam from critical hits!", - "noCritOnRemove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s {{moveName}}\nwore off!", - "wishTagOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s wish\ncame true!", - "mudSportOnAdd": "Electricity's power was weakened!", - "mudSportOnRemove": "The effects of Mud Sport\nhave faded.", - "waterSportOnAdd": "Fire's power was weakened!", - "waterSportOnRemove": "The effects of Water Sport\nhave faded.", - "spikesOnAdd": "{{moveName}} were scattered\nall around {{opponentDesc}}'s feet!", - "spikesActivateTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} is hurt\nby the spikes!", - "toxicSpikesOnAdd": "{{moveName}} were scattered\nall around {{opponentDesc}}'s feet!", - "toxicSpikesActivateTrapPoison": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} absorbed the {{moveName}}!", - "stealthRockOnAdd": "Pointed stones float in the air\naround {{opponentDesc}}!", - "stealthRockActivateTrap": "Pointed stones dug into\n{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}!", - "stickyWebOnAdd": "A {{moveName}} has been laid out on the ground around the opposing team!", - "stickyWebActivateTrap": "The opposing {{pokemonName}} was caught in a sticky web!", - "trickRoomOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} twisted\nthe dimensions!", - "trickRoomOnRemove": "The twisted dimensions\nreturned to normal!", - "gravityOnAdd": "Gravity intensified!", - "gravityOnRemove": "Gravity returned to normal!", - "tailwindOnAdd": "The Tailwind blew from behind team!", - "tailwindOnAddPlayer": "The Tailwind blew from behind\nyour team!", - "tailwindOnAddEnemy": "The Tailwind blew from behind\nthe opposing team!", - "tailwindOnRemove": "Team's Tailwind petered out!", - "tailwindOnRemovePlayer": "Your team's Tailwind petered out!", - "tailwindOnRemoveEnemy": "The opposing team's Tailwind petered out!", - "happyHourOnAdd": "Everyone is caught up in the happy atmosphere!", - "happyHourOnRemove": "The atmosphere returned to normal.", + "yourTeam": "味方", + "opposingTeam": "相手", + "arenaOnRemove": "{{moveName}}の 効果が 切れた", + "arenaOnRemovePlayer": "{{moveName}}の 効果が\n味方から 切れた", + "arenaOnRemoveEnemy": "{{moveName}}の 効果が\n相手から 切れた", + "mistOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}の 味方は\n白い霧に 包まれた!", + "mistApply": "白い霧が\n能力変化の 削減から 守った!", + "reflectOnAdd": "リフレクターで 物理ダメージを さげた", + "reflectOnAddPlayer": "味方の リフレクターで\n物理ダメージを さげた", + "reflectOnAddEnemy": "相手の リフレクターで\n物理ダメージを さげた", + "lightScreenOnAdd": "ひかりのかべで\n物理ダメージを さげた", + "lightScreenOnAddPlayer": "味方の ひかりのかべで\n物理ダメージを さげた", + "lightScreenOnAddEnemy": "相手の ひかりのかべで\n物理ダメージを さげた", + "auroraVeilOnAdd": "オーロラベールで\n攻撃の ダメージを さげた", + "auroraVeilOnAddPlayer": "味方の オーロラベールで\n攻撃ダメージを さげた", + "auroraVeilOnAddEnemy": "相手の オーロラベールで\n攻撃ダメージを さげた", + "conditionalProtectOnAdd": "{{moveName}}に 守られた!", + "conditionalProtectOnAddPlayer": "見方が {{moveName}}に 守られた!", + "conditionalProtectOnAddEnemy": "相手が {{moveName}}に 守られた!", + "conditionalProtectApply": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}が\n{{moveName}}に 守られた!", + "matBlockOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}は\nたたみがえしを ねらっている!", + "noCritOnAddPlayer": "{{moveName}}の 力で 味方の急所が 隠れた!", + "noCritOnAddEnemy": "{{moveName}}の 力で 相手の急所が 隠れた!", + "noCritOnRemove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}の {{moveName}}の\n効果が なくなった!", + "wishTagOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}の\nねがいごとが かなった!", + "mudSportOnAdd": "電気の威力が 弱まった!", + "mudSportOnRemove": "どろあそびの 効果が なくなった!", + "waterSportOnAdd": "炎の威力が 弱まった!", + "waterSportOnRemove": "みずあそびの 効果が なくなった!", + "spikesOnAdd": "{{opponentDesc}}の 足下に\n{{moveName}}が 散らばった!", + "spikesActivateTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}は\nまきびしの ダメージを 受けた!", + "toxicSpikesOnAdd": "{{opponentDesc}}の 足下に\n{{moveName}}が 散らばった!", + "toxicSpikesActivateTrapPoison": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}は {{moveName}}を 吸収した!", + "stealthRockOnAdd": "{{opponentDesc}}の 周りに\nとがった岩が ただよい始めた!", + "stealthRockActivateTrap": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}に\nとがった岩が 食い込んだ!", + "stickyWebOnAdd": "相手の 足下に\n{{moveName}}が 広がった!", + "stickyWebActivateTrap": "相手の {{pokemonName}}は\nねばねばネットに ひっかかった!", + "trickRoomOnAdd": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}は\n時空を ゆがめた!", + "trickRoomOnRemove": "ゆがんだ 時空が 元に戻った!", + "gravityOnAdd": "じゅうりょくが 強くなった!", + "gravityOnRemove": "じゅうりょくが 元に戻った!", + "tailwindOnAdd": "追い風が 吹き始めた!", + "tailwindOnAddPlayer": "味方に\n追い風が 吹き始めた!", + "tailwindOnAddEnemy": "相手に\n追い風が 吹き始めた!", + "tailwindOnRemove": "追い風が 止んだ!", + "tailwindOnRemovePlayer": "味方の 追い風が 止んだ!", + "tailwindOnRemoveEnemy": "相手の 追い風が 止んだ!", + "happyHourOnAdd": "みんなが ハッピーな気分に\n包まれた!", + "happyHourOnRemove": "みんなの 気分が 元に戻った", } as const; diff --git a/src/locales/ja/modifier.ts b/src/locales/ja/modifier.ts index 26a6a9c18ae..00fc9845770 100644 --- a/src/locales/ja/modifier.ts +++ b/src/locales/ja/modifier.ts @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales"; export const modifier: SimpleTranslationEntries = { - "surviveDamageApply": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} hung on\nusing its {{typeName}}!", - "turnHealApply": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} restored a little HP using\nits {{typeName}}!", - "hitHealApply": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} restored a little HP using\nits {{typeName}}!", - "pokemonInstantReviveApply": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}} was revived\nby its {{typeName}}!", - "pokemonResetNegativeStatStageApply": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s lowered stats were restored\nby its {{typeName}}!", - "moneyInterestApply": "You received interest of ₽{{moneyAmount}}\nfrom the {{typeName}}!", - "turnHeldItemTransferApply": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s {{itemName}} was absorbed\nby {{pokemonName}}'s {{typeName}}!", - "contactHeldItemTransferApply": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}'s {{itemName}} was snatched\nby {{pokemonName}}'s {{typeName}}!", - "enemyTurnHealApply": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}\nrestored some HP!", - "bypassSpeedChanceApply": "{{pokemonName}} can act faster than normal, thanks to its {{itemName}}!", + "surviveDamageApply": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}は\n{{typeName}}で もちこたえた!", + "turnHealApply": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}は\n{{typeName}}で 少し 回復!", + "hitHealApply": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}は\n{{typeName}}で 少し 回復!", + "pokemonInstantReviveApply": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}は\n{{typeName}}で 復活した!", + "pokemonResetNegativeStatStageApply": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}は {{typeName}}で\n下がった能力が 元に戻った!", + "moneyInterestApply": "{{typeName}}から {{moneyAmount}}円 取得した!", + "turnHeldItemTransferApply": "{{pokemonName}}の {{typeName}}が\n{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}の {{itemName}}を 吸い取った!", + "contactHeldItemTransferApply": "{{pokemonName}}の {{typeName}}が\n{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}の {{itemName}}を うばい取った!", + "enemyTurnHealApply": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}は\n体力を 回復!", + "bypassSpeedChanceApply": "{{pokemonName}}は {{itemName}}で\n行動が はやくなった!", } as const;