mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 19:49:46 +00:00
more Mystery Encounter bug fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import Phaser from "phaser";
import UI from "./ui/ui";
import Pokemon, { EnemyPokemon, PlayerPokemon } from "./field/pokemon";
import PokemonSpecies, { allSpecies, getPokemonSpecies, PokemonSpeciesFilter } from "./data/pokemon-species";
import { Constructor, isNullOrUndefined } from "#app/utils";
import { Constructor, isNullOrUndefined, randSeedInt } from "#app/utils";
import * as Utils from "./utils";
import { ConsumableModifier, ConsumablePokemonModifier, DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifier, ExpBalanceModifier, ExpShareModifier, FusePokemonModifier, HealingBoosterModifier, Modifier, ModifierBar, ModifierPredicate, MultipleParticipantExpBonusModifier, overrideHeldItems, overrideModifiers, PersistentModifier, PokemonExpBoosterModifier, PokemonFormChangeItemModifier, PokemonHeldItemModifier, PokemonHpRestoreModifier, PokemonIncrementingStatModifier, TerastallizeModifier, TurnHeldItemTransferModifier } from "./modifier/modifier";
import { PokeballType } from "./data/pokeball";
@ -1201,32 +1201,12 @@ export default class BattleScene extends SceneBase {
// Check for mystery encounter
// Can only occur in place of a standard (non-boss) wild battle, waves 10-180
const [lowestMysteryEncounterWave, highestMysteryEncounterWave] = this.gameMode.getMysteryEncounterLegalWaves();
if (this.gameMode.hasMysteryEncounters && newBattleType === BattleType.WILD && !this.gameMode.isBoss(newWaveIndex) && newWaveIndex < highestMysteryEncounterWave && newWaveIndex > lowestMysteryEncounterWave) {
const roll = Utils.randSeedInt(MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_MAX_WEIGHT);
// Base spawn weight is BASE_MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_WEIGHT/256, and increases by WEIGHT_INCREMENT_ON_SPAWN_MISS/256 for each missed attempt at spawning an encounter on a valid floor
const sessionEncounterRate = this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounterSpawnChance;
const encounteredEvents = this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounteredEvents;
// If total number of encounters is lower than expected for the run, slightly favor a new encounter spawn (reverse as well)
// Reduces occurrence of runs with total encounters significantly different from AVERAGE_ENCOUNTERS_PER_RUN_TARGET
const expectedEncountersByFloor = AVERAGE_ENCOUNTERS_PER_RUN_TARGET / (highestMysteryEncounterWave - lowestMysteryEncounterWave) * (newWaveIndex - lowestMysteryEncounterWave);
const currentRunDiffFromAvg = expectedEncountersByFloor - encounteredEvents.length;
const favoredEncounterRate = sessionEncounterRate + currentRunDiffFromAvg * ANTI_VARIANCE_WEIGHT_MODIFIER;
const successRate = isNullOrUndefined(Overrides.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_RATE_OVERRIDE) ? favoredEncounterRate : Overrides.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_RATE_OVERRIDE!;
// If the most recent ME was 3 or fewer waves ago, can never spawn a ME
const canSpawn = encounteredEvents.length === 0 || (newWaveIndex - encounteredEvents[encounteredEvents.length - 1].waveIndex) > 3 || !isNullOrUndefined(Overrides.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_RATE_OVERRIDE);
if (canSpawn && roll < successRate) {
newBattleType = BattleType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER;
// Reset base spawn weight
this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounterSpawnChance = BASE_MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_WEIGHT;
} else {
this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounterSpawnChance = sessionEncounterRate + WEIGHT_INCREMENT_ON_SPAWN_MISS;
if (this.isWaveMysteryEncounter(newBattleType, newWaveIndex, mysteryEncounterType)) {
newBattleType = BattleType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER;
// Reset base spawn weight
this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounterSpawnChance = BASE_MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_WEIGHT;
} else if (newBattleType === BattleType.WILD) {
this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounterSpawnChance += WEIGHT_INCREMENT_ON_SPAWN_MISS;
@ -1267,9 +1247,8 @@ export default class BattleScene extends SceneBase {
if (newBattleType === BattleType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER) {
// Disable double battle on mystery encounters (it may be re-enabled as part of encounter)
this.currentBattle.double = false;
this.executeWithSeedOffset(() => {
this.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter = this.getMysteryEncounter(mysteryEncounterType);
}, this.currentBattle.waveIndex << 4);
// Will generate the actual Mystery Encounter during NextEncounterPhase, to ensure it uses proper biome
this.currentBattle.mysteryEncounterType = mysteryEncounterType;
//this.pushPhase(new TrainerMessageTestPhase(this, TrainerType.RIVAL, TrainerType.RIVAL_2, TrainerType.RIVAL_3, TrainerType.RIVAL_4, TrainerType.RIVAL_5, TrainerType.RIVAL_6));
@ -3097,6 +3076,42 @@ export default class BattleScene extends SceneBase {
isWaveMysteryEncounter(newBattleType: BattleType, waveIndex: number, sessionDataEncounterType?: MysteryEncounterType): boolean {
const [lowestMysteryEncounterWave, highestMysteryEncounterWave] = this.gameMode.getMysteryEncounterLegalWaves();
if (this.gameMode.hasMysteryEncounters && newBattleType === BattleType.WILD && !this.gameMode.isBoss(waveIndex) && waveIndex < highestMysteryEncounterWave && waveIndex > lowestMysteryEncounterWave) {
// If ME type is already defined in session data, no need to roll RNG check
if (!isNullOrUndefined(sessionDataEncounterType)) {
return true;
// Base spawn weight is BASE_MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_WEIGHT/256, and increases by WEIGHT_INCREMENT_ON_SPAWN_MISS/256 for each missed attempt at spawning an encounter on a valid floor
const sessionEncounterRate = this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounterSpawnChance;
const encounteredEvents = this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounteredEvents;
// If total number of encounters is lower than expected for the run, slightly favor a new encounter spawn (reverse as well)
// Reduces occurrence of runs with total encounters significantly different from AVERAGE_ENCOUNTERS_PER_RUN_TARGET
const expectedEncountersByFloor = AVERAGE_ENCOUNTERS_PER_RUN_TARGET / (highestMysteryEncounterWave - lowestMysteryEncounterWave) * (waveIndex - lowestMysteryEncounterWave);
const currentRunDiffFromAvg = expectedEncountersByFloor - encounteredEvents.length;
const favoredEncounterRate = sessionEncounterRate + currentRunDiffFromAvg * ANTI_VARIANCE_WEIGHT_MODIFIER;
const successRate = isNullOrUndefined(Overrides.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_RATE_OVERRIDE) ? favoredEncounterRate : Overrides.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_RATE_OVERRIDE!;
// If the most recent ME was 3 or fewer waves ago, can never spawn a ME
const canSpawn = encounteredEvents.length === 0 || (waveIndex - encounteredEvents[encounteredEvents.length - 1].waveIndex) > 3 || !isNullOrUndefined(Overrides.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_RATE_OVERRIDE);
if (canSpawn) {
// Always rolls the check on the same offset to ensure no RNG changes from reloading session
this.executeWithSeedOffset(() => {
}, waveIndex * 3 * 1000);
return roll < successRate;
return false;
* Loads or generates a mystery encounter
* @param encounterType used to load session encounter when restarting game, etc.
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import MysteryEncounter from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounter";
import { MysteryEncounterMode } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-mode";
import { CustomModifierSettings } from "#app/modifier/modifier-type";
import { ModifierTier } from "#app/modifier/modifier-tier";
import { MysteryEncounterType } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-type";
export enum ClassicFixedBossWaves {
// TODO: other fixed wave battles should be added here
@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ export default class Battle {
public playerFaintsHistory: FaintLogEntry[] = [];
public enemyFaintsHistory: FaintLogEntry[] = [];
public mysteryEncounterType?: MysteryEncounterType;
/** If the current battle is a Mystery Encounter, this will always be defined */
public mysteryEncounter?: MysteryEncounter;
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ export const BerriesAboundEncounter: MysteryEncounter =
const encounter = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!;
const numBerries = encounter.misc.numBerries;
const doBerryRewards = async () => {
const doBerryRewards = () => {
const berryText = numBerries + " " + i18next.t(`${namespace}.berries`);
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ export const BerriesAboundEncounter: MysteryEncounter =
// Generate a random berry and give it to the first Pokemon with room for it
for (let i = 0; i < numBerries; i++) {
await tryGiveBerry(scene);
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ export const BerriesAboundEncounter: MysteryEncounter =
if (speedDiff < 1) {
// Caught and attacked by boss, gets +1 to all stats at start of fight
const doBerryRewards = async () => {
const doBerryRewards = () => {
const berryText = numBerries + " " + i18next.t(`${namespace}.berries`);
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ export const BerriesAboundEncounter: MysteryEncounter =
// Generate a random berry and give it to the first Pokemon with room for it
for (let i = 0; i < numBerries; i++) {
await tryGiveBerry(scene);
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ export const BerriesAboundEncounter: MysteryEncounter =
// Gains 1 berry for every 10% faster the player's pokemon is than the enemy, up to a max of numBerries, minimum of 2
const numBerriesGrabbed = Math.max(Math.min(Math.round((speedDiff - 1)/0.08), numBerries), 2);
encounter.setDialogueToken("numBerries", String(numBerriesGrabbed));
const doFasterBerryRewards = async () => {
const doFasterBerryRewards = () => {
const berryText = numBerriesGrabbed + " " + i18next.t(`${namespace}.berries`);
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ export const BerriesAboundEncounter: MysteryEncounter =
// Generate a random berry and give it to the first Pokemon with room for it (trying to give to fastest first)
for (let i = 0; i < numBerriesGrabbed; i++) {
await tryGiveBerry(scene, fastestPokemon);
tryGiveBerry(scene, fastestPokemon);
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ export const BerriesAboundEncounter: MysteryEncounter =
async function tryGiveBerry(scene: BattleScene, prioritizedPokemon?: PlayerPokemon) {
function tryGiveBerry(scene: BattleScene, prioritizedPokemon?: PlayerPokemon) {
const berryType = randSeedInt(Object.keys(BerryType).filter(s => !isNaN(Number(s))).length) as BerryType;
const berry = generateModifierType(scene, modifierTypes.BERRY, [berryType]) as BerryModifierType;
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ async function tryGiveBerry(scene: BattleScene, prioritizedPokemon?: PlayerPokem
&& m.pokemonId === prioritizedPokemon.id && (m as BerryModifier).berryType === berryType, true) as BerryModifier;
if (!heldBerriesOfType || heldBerriesOfType.getStackCount() < heldBerriesOfType.getMaxStackCount(scene)) {
await applyModifierTypeToPlayerPokemon(scene, prioritizedPokemon, berry);
applyModifierTypeToPlayerPokemon(scene, prioritizedPokemon, berry);
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ async function tryGiveBerry(scene: BattleScene, prioritizedPokemon?: PlayerPokem
&& m.pokemonId === pokemon.id && (m as BerryModifier).berryType === berryType, true) as BerryModifier;
if (!heldBerriesOfType || heldBerriesOfType.getStackCount() < heldBerriesOfType.getMaxStackCount(scene)) {
await applyModifierTypeToPlayerPokemon(scene, pokemon, berry);
applyModifierTypeToPlayerPokemon(scene, pokemon, berry);
@ -153,7 +153,8 @@ export const GlobalTradeSystemEncounter: MysteryEncounter =
return true;
onHover: () => {
const formName = tradePokemon.species.forms?.[pokemon.formIndex]?.formName;
const formName = tradePokemon.species.forms && tradePokemon.species.forms.length > tradePokemon.formIndex ? tradePokemon.species.forms[pokemon.formIndex].formName : null;
// const formName = tradePokemon.species.forms?.[pokemon.formIndex]?.formName;
const line1 = i18next.t("pokemonInfoContainer:ability") + " " + tradePokemon.getAbility().name + (tradePokemon.getGender() !== Gender.GENDERLESS ? " | " + i18next.t("pokemonInfoContainer:gender") + " " + getGenderSymbol(tradePokemon.getGender()) : "");
const line2 = i18next.t("pokemonInfoContainer:nature") + " " + getNatureName(tradePokemon.getNature()) + (formName ? " | " + i18next.t("pokemonInfoContainer:form") + " " + formName : "");
showEncounterText(scene, `${line1}\n${line2}`, 0, 0, false);
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import { getLevelTotalExp } from "#app/data/exp";
import { Stat } from "#enums/stat";
import { CLASSIC_MODE_MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_WAVES } from "#app/game-mode";
import { Challenges } from "#enums/challenges";
import { Moves } from "#enums/moves";
/** i18n namespace for encounter */
const namespace = "mysteryEncounter:weirdDream";
@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ const STANDARD_BST_TRANSFORM_BASE_VALUES: [number, number] = [40, 50];
export const WeirdDreamEncounter: MysteryEncounter =
.withDisallowedChallenges(Challenges.SINGLE_TYPE, Challenges.SINGLE_GENERATION)
@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ export const WeirdDreamEncounter: MysteryEncounter =
pokemon.levelExp = 0;
await pokemon.updateInfo();
leaveEncounterWithoutBattle(scene, true);
@ -346,6 +347,9 @@ async function doNewTeamPostProcess(scene: BattleScene, transformations: Pokemon
// If the previous pokemon had pokerus, transfer to new pokemon
newPokemon.pokerus = previousPokemon.pokerus;
// Transfer previous Pokemon's luck value
newPokemon.luck = previousPokemon.getLuck();
// If the previous pokemon had higher IVs, override to those (after updating dex IVs > prevents perfect 31s on a new unlock)
newPokemon.ivs = newPokemon.ivs.map((iv, index) => {
return previousPokemon.ivs[index] > iv ? previousPokemon.ivs[index] : iv;
@ -358,44 +362,15 @@ async function doNewTeamPostProcess(scene: BattleScene, transformations: Pokemon
// Set the moveset of the new pokemon to be the same as previous, but with 1 egg move and 1 (attempted) STAB move of the new species
// Try to find a favored STAB move
let favoredMove;
for (const move of newPokemon.moveset) {
// Needs to match first type, second type will be replaced
if (move?.getMove().type === newPokemon.getTypes()[0]) {
favoredMove = move;
// If was unable to find a move, uses first move in moveset (typically a high power STAB move)
favoredMove = favoredMove ?? newPokemon.moveset[0];
// Store a copy of a "standard" generated moveset for the new pokemon, will be used later for finding a favored move
const newPokemonGeneratedMoveset = newPokemon.moveset;
newPokemon.moveset = previousPokemon.moveset;
let eggMoveIndex: null | number = null;
if (speciesEggMoves.hasOwnProperty(speciesRootForm)) {
const eggMoves = speciesEggMoves[speciesRootForm];
const randomEggMoveIndex = randSeedInt(4);
const randomEggMove = eggMoves[randomEggMoveIndex];
if (newPokemon.moveset.length < 4) {
newPokemon.moveset.push(new PokemonMove(randomEggMove));
} else {
eggMoveIndex = randSeedInt(4);
newPokemon.moveset[eggMoveIndex] = new PokemonMove(randomEggMove);
// For pokemon that the player owns (including ones just caught), unlock the egg move
if (!!scene.gameData.dexData[speciesRootForm].caughtAttr) {
await scene.gameData.setEggMoveUnlocked(getPokemonSpecies(speciesRootForm), randomEggMoveIndex, true);
if (favoredMove) {
let favoredMoveIndex = randSeedInt(4);
while (favoredMoveIndex === eggMoveIndex) {
favoredMoveIndex = randSeedInt(4);
newPokemon.moveset[favoredMoveIndex] = favoredMove;
const newEggMoveIndex = await addEggMoveToNewPokemonMoveset(scene, newPokemon, speciesRootForm);
// Try to add a favored STAB move (might fail if Pokemon already knows a bunch of moves from newPokemonGeneratedMoveset)
addFavoredMoveToNewPokemonMoveset(scene, newPokemon, newPokemonGeneratedMoveset, newEggMoveIndex);
// Randomize the second type of the pokemon
// If the pokemon does not normally have a second type, it will gain 1
@ -412,7 +387,7 @@ async function doNewTeamPostProcess(scene: BattleScene, transformations: Pokemon
for (const item of transformation.heldItems) {
item.pokemonId = newPokemon.id;
scene.addModifier(item, false, false, false, true);
await scene.addModifier(item, false, false, false, true);
// Any pokemon that is at or below 450 BST gets +20 permanent BST to 3 stats: HP (halved, +10), lowest of Atk/SpAtk, and lowest of Def/SpDef
@ -423,11 +398,12 @@ async function doNewTeamPostProcess(scene: BattleScene, transformations: Pokemon
stats.push(baseStats[Stat.ATK] < baseStats[Stat.SPATK] ? Stat.ATK : Stat.SPATK);
// Def or SpDef
stats.push(baseStats[Stat.DEF] < baseStats[Stat.SPDEF] ? Stat.DEF : Stat.SPDEF);
// const mod = modifierTypes.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_OLD_GATEAU().newModifier(newPokemon, 20, stats);
const modType = modifierTypes.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_OLD_GATEAU().generateType(scene.getParty(), [20, stats]);
const modType = modifierTypes.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_OLD_GATEAU()
.generateType(scene.getParty(), [20, stats])
const modifier = modType?.newModifier(newPokemon);
if (modifier) {
await scene.addModifier(modifier, false, false, false, true);
@ -435,13 +411,15 @@ async function doNewTeamPostProcess(scene: BattleScene, transformations: Pokemon
newPokemon.passive = previousPokemon.passive;
await newPokemon.updateInfo();
// One random pokemon will get its passive unlocked
const passiveDisabledPokemon = scene.getParty().filter(p => !p.passive);
if (passiveDisabledPokemon?.length > 0) {
passiveDisabledPokemon[randSeedInt(passiveDisabledPokemon.length)].passive = true;
const enablePassiveMon = passiveDisabledPokemon[randSeedInt(passiveDisabledPokemon.length)];
enablePassiveMon.passive = true;
await enablePassiveMon.updateInfo(true);
// If at least one new starter was unlocked, play 1 fanfare
@ -451,7 +429,7 @@ async function doNewTeamPostProcess(scene: BattleScene, transformations: Pokemon
function getTransformedSpecies(originalBst: number, bstSearchRange: [number, number], hasPokemonBstHigherThan600: boolean, hasPokemonBstBetween570And600: boolean, alreadyUsedSpecies: PokemonSpecies[]): PokemonSpecies {
let newSpecies: PokemonSpecies | undefined;
let newSpecies: PokemonSpecies | undefined = undefined;
while (isNullOrUndefined(newSpecies)) {
const bstCap = originalBst + bstSearchRange[1];
const bstMin = Math.max(originalBst + bstSearchRange[0], 0);
@ -566,3 +544,83 @@ function doSideBySideTransformations(scene: BattleScene, transformations: Pokemo
* Returns index of the new egg move within the Pokemon's moveset (not the index of the move in `speciesEggMoves`)
* @param scene
* @param newPokemon
* @param speciesRootForm
async function addEggMoveToNewPokemonMoveset(scene: BattleScene, newPokemon: PlayerPokemon, speciesRootForm: Species): Promise<number | null> {
let eggMoveIndex: null | number = null;
if (speciesEggMoves.hasOwnProperty(speciesRootForm)) {
const eggMoves: Moves[] = speciesEggMoves[speciesRootForm].slice(0);
const eggMoveIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3];
let randomEggMoveIndex = eggMoveIndices.pop();
let randomEggMove = !isNullOrUndefined(randomEggMoveIndex) ? eggMoves[randomEggMoveIndex!] : null;
let retries = 0;
while (retries < 3 && (!randomEggMove || newPokemon.moveset.some(m => m?.moveId === randomEggMove))) {
// If Pokemon already knows this move, roll for another egg move
randomEggMoveIndex = eggMoveIndices.pop();
randomEggMove = !isNullOrUndefined(randomEggMoveIndex) ? eggMoves[randomEggMoveIndex!] : null;
if (randomEggMove) {
if (!newPokemon.moveset.some(m => m?.moveId === randomEggMove)) {
if (newPokemon.moveset.length < 4) {
newPokemon.moveset.push(new PokemonMove(randomEggMove));
} else {
eggMoveIndex = randSeedInt(4);
newPokemon.moveset[eggMoveIndex] = new PokemonMove(randomEggMove);
// For pokemon that the player owns (including ones just caught), unlock the egg move
if (!isNullOrUndefined(randomEggMoveIndex) && !!scene.gameData.dexData[speciesRootForm].caughtAttr) {
await scene.gameData.setEggMoveUnlocked(getPokemonSpecies(speciesRootForm), randomEggMoveIndex!, true);
return eggMoveIndex;
* Returns index of the new egg move within the Pokemon's moveset (not the index of the move in `speciesEggMoves`)
* @param scene
* @param newPokemon
* @param newPokemonGeneratedMoveset
* @param newEggMoveIndex
function addFavoredMoveToNewPokemonMoveset(scene: BattleScene, newPokemon: PlayerPokemon, newPokemonGeneratedMoveset: (PokemonMove | null)[], newEggMoveIndex: number | null) {
let favoredMove: PokemonMove | null = null;
for (const move of newPokemonGeneratedMoveset) {
// Needs to match first type, second type will be replaced
if (move?.getMove().type === newPokemon.getTypes()[0] && !newPokemon.moveset.some(m => m?.moveId === move?.moveId)) {
favoredMove = move;
// If was unable to find a favored move, uses first move in moveset that isn't already known (typically a high power STAB move)
// Otherwise, it gains no favored move
if (!favoredMove) {
for (const move of newPokemonGeneratedMoveset) {
// Needs to match first type, second type will be replaced
if (!newPokemon.moveset.some(m => m?.moveId === move?.moveId)) {
favoredMove = move;
// Finally, assign favored move to random index that isn't the new egg move index
if (favoredMove) {
let favoredMoveIndex = randSeedInt(4);
while (newEggMoveIndex !== null && favoredMoveIndex === newEggMoveIndex) {
favoredMoveIndex = randSeedInt(4);
newPokemon.moveset[favoredMoveIndex] = favoredMove;
@ -311,7 +311,9 @@ export function applyHealToPokemon(scene: BattleScene, pokemon: PlayerPokemon, h
* @param value
export async function modifyPlayerPokemonBST(pokemon: PlayerPokemon, value: number) {
const modType = modifierTypes.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_SHUCKLE_JUICE().generateType(pokemon.scene.getParty(), [value]);
const modType = modifierTypes.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_SHUCKLE_JUICE()
.generateType(pokemon.scene.getParty(), [value])
const modifier = modType?.newModifier(pokemon);
if (modifier) {
await pokemon.scene.addModifier(modifier, false, false, false, true);
@ -780,8 +782,7 @@ export function getGoldenBugNetSpecies(): PokemonSpecies {
export function getEncounterPokemonLevelForWave(scene: BattleScene, levelAdditiveModifier: number = 0) {
const currentBattle = scene.currentBattle;
// Default to use the first generated level from enemyLevels, or generate a new one if it DNE
const baseLevel = currentBattle.enemyLevels && currentBattle.enemyLevels?.length > 0 ? currentBattle.enemyLevels[0] : currentBattle.getLevelForWave();
const baseLevel = currentBattle.getLevelForWave();
// Add a level scaling modifier that is (+1 level per 10 waves) * levelAdditiveModifier
return baseLevel + Math.max(Math.round((currentBattle.waveIndex / 10) * levelAdditiveModifier), 0);
@ -62,7 +62,13 @@ export class EncounterPhase extends BattlePhase {
const battle = this.scene.currentBattle;
// Init Mystery Encounter if there is one
// Generate and Init Mystery Encounter
if (battle.battleType === BattleType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER && !battle.mysteryEncounter) {
this.scene.executeWithSeedOffset(() => {
const currentSessionEncounterType = battle.mysteryEncounterType;
battle.mysteryEncounter = this.scene.getMysteryEncounter(currentSessionEncounterType);
}, battle.waveIndex << 4);
const mysteryEncounter = battle.mysteryEncounter;
if (mysteryEncounter) {
// If ME has an onInit() function, call it
@ -152,13 +158,10 @@ export class EncounterPhase extends BattlePhase {
if (battle.battleType === BattleType.TRAINER) {
loadEnemyAssets.push(battle.trainer?.loadAssets().then(() => battle.trainer?.initSprite())!); // TODO: is this bang correct?
} else if (battle.battleType === BattleType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER) {
if (!battle.mysteryEncounter) {
battle.mysteryEncounter = this.scene.getMysteryEncounter(mysteryEncounter?.encounterType);
if (battle.mysteryEncounter.introVisuals) {
if (battle.mysteryEncounter?.introVisuals) {
loadEnemyAssets.push(battle.mysteryEncounter.introVisuals.loadAssets().then(() => battle.mysteryEncounter!.introVisuals!.initSprite()));
if (battle.mysteryEncounter.loadAssets.length > 0) {
if (battle.mysteryEncounter?.loadAssets && battle.mysteryEncounter.loadAssets.length > 0) {
// Load Mystery Encounter Exclamation bubble and sfx
Reference in New Issue
Block a user