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synced 2025-03-13 05:15:17 +00:00
Added german modifier-type.ts localization (#949)
* Added german modifier-type.ts * Fixed Text that was to long and added missing formatting * Fixed a key that was wrong * Changed never_melt_ice again. Now it the same as in other languages
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,406 +4,407 @@ export const modifierType: ModifierTypeTranslationEntries = {
ModifierType: {
"AddPokeballModifierType": {
name: "{{modifierCount}}x {{pokeballName}}",
description: "Receive {{pokeballName}} x{{modifierCount}} (Inventory: {{pokeballAmount}}) \nCatch Rate: {{catchRate}}",
description: "Erhalte {{pokeballName}} x{{modifierCount}} (Inventar: {{pokeballAmount}}) \nFangrate: {{catchRate}}",
"AddVoucherModifierType": {
name: "{{modifierCount}}x {{voucherTypeName}}",
description: "Receive {{voucherTypeName}} x{{modifierCount}}",
description: "Erhalte {{voucherTypeName}} x{{modifierCount}}",
"PokemonHeldItemModifierType": {
extra: {
"inoperable": "{{pokemonName}} can't take\nthis item!",
"tooMany": "{{pokemonName}} has too many\nof this item!",
"inoperable": "{{pokemonName}} kann dieses\nItem nicht nehmen!",
"tooMany": "{{pokemonName}} hat zu viele\nvon diesem Item!",
"PokemonHpRestoreModifierType": {
description: "Restores {{restorePoints}} HP or {{restorePercent}}% HP for one Pokémon, whichever is higher",
description: "Füllt {{restorePoints}} KP oder {{restorePercent}}% der KP für ein Pokémon auf. Je nachdem, welcher Wert höher ist",
extra: {
"fully": "Fully restores HP for one Pokémon",
"fullyWithStatus": "Fully restores HP for one Pokémon and heals any status ailment",
"fully": "Füllt die KP eines Pokémon wieder vollständig auf.",
"fullyWithStatus": "Füllt die KP eines Pokémon wieder vollständig auf und behebt alle Statusprobleme",
"PokemonReviveModifierType": {
description: "Revives one Pokémon and restores {{restorePercent}}% HP",
description: "Belebt ein kampunfähiges Pokémon wieder und stellt {{restorePercent}}% KP wieder her",
"PokemonStatusHealModifierType": {
description: "Heals any status ailment for one Pokémon",
description: "Behebt alle Statusprobleme eines Pokémon",
"PokemonPpRestoreModifierType": {
description: "Restores {{restorePoints}} PP for one Pokémon move",
description: "Füllt {{restorePoints}} AP der ausgewählten Attacke eines Pokémon auf",
extra: {
"fully": "Restores all PP for one Pokémon move",
"fully": "Füllt alle AP der ausgewählten Attacke eines Pokémon auf",
"PokemonAllMovePpRestoreModifierType": {
description: "Restores {{restorePoints}} PP for all of one Pokémon's moves",
description: "Stellt {{restorePoints}} AP für alle Attacken eines Pokémon auf",
extra: {
"fully": "Restores all PP for all of one Pokémon's moves",
"fully": "Füllt alle AP für alle Attacken eines Pokémon auf",
"PokemonPpUpModifierType": {
description: "Permanently increases PP for one Pokémon move by {{upPoints}} for every 5 maximum PP (maximum 3)",
description: "Erhöht die maximale Anzahl der AP der ausgewählten Attacke um {{upPoints}} für jede 5 maximale AP (maximal 3)",
"PokemonNatureChangeModifierType": {
name: "{{natureName}} Mint",
description: "Changes a Pokémon's nature to {{natureName}} and permanently unlocks the nature for the starter.",
name: "{{natureName}} Minze",
description: "Ändert das Wesen zu {{natureName}}. Schaltet dieses Wesen permanent für diesen Starter frei.",
"DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifierType": {
description: "Doubles the chance of an encounter being a double battle for {{battleCount}} battles",
description: "Verdoppelt die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die nächsten {{battleCount}} Begegnungen mit wilden Pokémon ein Doppelkampf sind.",
"TempBattleStatBoosterModifierType": {
description: "Increases the {{tempBattleStatName}} of all party members by 1 stage for 5 battles",
description: "Erhöht die {{tempBattleStatName}} aller Teammitglieder für 5 Kämpfe um eine Stufe",
"AttackTypeBoosterModifierType": {
description: "Increases the power of a Pokémon's {{moveType}}-type moves by 20%",
description: "Erhöht die Stärke aller {{moveType}}attacken eines Pokémon um 20%",
"PokemonLevelIncrementModifierType": {
description: "Increases a Pokémon's level by 1",
description: "Erhöht das Level eines Pokémon um 1",
"AllPokemonLevelIncrementModifierType": {
description: "Increases all party members' level by 1",
description: "Erhöht das Level aller Teammitglieder um 1",
"PokemonBaseStatBoosterModifierType": {
description: "Increases the holder's base {{statName}} by 10%. The higher your IVs, the higher the stack limit.",
description: "Erhöht den {{statName}} Basiswert des Trägers um 10%. Das Stapellimit erhöht sich, je höher dein IS-Wert ist.",
"AllPokemonFullHpRestoreModifierType": {
description: "Restores 100% HP for all Pokémon",
description: "Stellt 100% der KP aller Pokémon her",
"AllPokemonFullReviveModifierType": {
description: "Revives all fainted Pokémon, fully restoring HP",
description: "Belebt alle kampunfähigen Pokémon wieder und stellt ihre KP vollständig wieder her",
"MoneyRewardModifierType": {
description: "Grants a {{moneyMultiplier}} amount of money (₽{{moneyAmount}})",
description:"Gewährt einen {{moneyMultiplier}} Geldbetrag von (₽{{moneyAmount}})",
extra: {
"small": "small",
"moderate": "moderate",
"large": "large",
"small": "kleinen",
"moderate": "moderaten",
"large": "großen",
"ExpBoosterModifierType": {
description: "Increases gain of EXP. Points by {{boostPercent}}%",
description: "Erhöht die erhaltenen Erfahrungspunkte um {{boostPercent}}%",
"PokemonExpBoosterModifierType": {
description: "Increases the holder's gain of EXP. Points by {{boostPercent}}%",
description: "Erhöht die Menge der erhaltenen Erfahrungspunkte für den Träger um {{boostPercent}}%",
"PokemonFriendshipBoosterModifierType": {
description: "Increases friendship gain per victory by 50%",
description: "Erhöht den Freundschaftszuwachs pro Sieg um 50%.",
"PokemonMoveAccuracyBoosterModifierType": {
description: "Increases move accuracy by {{accuracyAmount}} (maximum 100)",
description: "Erhöht die Genauigkeit der Angriffe um {{accuracyAmount}} (maximal 100)",
"PokemonMultiHitModifierType": {
description: "Attacks hit one additional time at the cost of a 60/75/82.5% power reduction per stack respectively",
description: "Attacken treffen ein weiteres mal mit einer Reduktion von 60/75/82,5% der Stärke",
"TmModifierType": {
name: "TM{{moveId}} - {{moveName}}",
description: "Teach {{moveName}} to a Pokémon",
description: "Bringt einem Pokémon {{moveName}} bei",
"EvolutionItemModifierType": {
description: "Causes certain Pokémon to evolve",
description: "Erlaubt es bestimmten Pokémon sich zu entwickeln",
"FormChangeItemModifierType": {
description: "Causes certain Pokémon to change form",
description: "Erlaubt es bestimmten Pokémon ihre Form zu ändern",
"FusePokemonModifierType": {
description: "Combines two Pokémon (transfers Ability, splits base stats and types, shares move pool)",
description: "Fusioniert zwei Pokémon (überträgt die Fähigkeit, teilt Basiswerte und Typ auf, gemeinsamer Attackenpool)",
"TerastallizeModifierType": {
name: "{{teraType}} Tera Shard",
description: "{{teraType}} Terastallizes the holder for up to 10 battles",
name: "{{teraType}} Terra-Stück",
description: "{{teraType}} Terakristallisiert den Träger für bis zu 10 Kämpfe",
"ContactHeldItemTransferChanceModifierType": {
description: "Upon attacking, there is a {{chancePercent}}% chance the foe's held item will be stolen",
description:"Beim Angriff besteht eine {{chancePercent}}%ige Chance, dass das getragene Item des Gegners gestohlen wird."
"TurnHeldItemTransferModifierType": {
description: "Every turn, the holder acquires one held item from the foe",
description: "Jede Runde erhält der Träger ein getragenes Item des Gegners",
"EnemyAttackStatusEffectChanceModifierType": {
description: "Adds a {{chancePercent}}% chance to inflict {{statusEffect}} with attack moves",
description: "Fügt Angriffen eine {{chancePercent}}%ige Chance hinzu, {{statusEffect}} zu verursachen",
"EnemyEndureChanceModifierType": {
description: "Adds a {{chancePercent}}% chance of enduring a hit",
description: "Gibt den Träger eine {{chancePercent}}%ige Chance, einen Angriff zu überleben",
"RARE_CANDY": { name: "Rare Candy" },
"RARER_CANDY": { name: "Rarer Candy" },
"RARE_CANDY": { name: "Sonderbonbon" },
"RARER_CANDY": { name: "Supersondererbonbon" },
"MEGA_BRACELET": { name: "Mega Bracelet", description: "Mega Stones become available" },
"DYNAMAX_BAND": { name: "Dynamax Band", description: "Max Mushrooms become available" },
"TERA_ORB": { name: "Tera Orb", description: "Tera Shards become available" },
"MEGA_BRACELET": { name: "Mega-Armband", description: "Mega-Steine werden verfügbar" },
"DYNAMAX_BAND": { name: "Dynamax-Band", description: "Dyna-Pilze werden verfügbar" },
"TERA_ORB": { name: "Terakristall-Orb", description: "Tera-Stücke werden verfügbar" },
"MAP": { name: "Map", description: "Allows you to choose your destination at a crossroads" },
"MAP": { name: "Karte", description: "Ermöglicht es dir, an einer Kreuzung dein Ziel zu wählen." },
"POTION": { name: "Potion" },
"SUPER_POTION": { name: "Super Potion" },
"HYPER_POTION": { name: "Hyper Potion" },
"MAX_POTION": { name: "Max Potion" },
"FULL_RESTORE": { name: "Full Restore" },
"REVIVE": { name: "Revive" },
"MAX_REVIVE": { name: "Max Revive" },
"FULL_HEAL": { name: "Full Heal" },
"POTION": { name: "Trank" },
"SUPER_POTION": { name: "Supertrank" },
"HYPER_POTION": { name: "Hypertrank" },
"MAX_POTION": { name: "Top-Trank" },
"FULL_RESTORE": { name: "Top-Genesung" },
"SACRED_ASH": { name: "Sacred Ash" },
"REVIVE": { name: "Beleber" },
"MAX_REVIVE": { name: "Top-Beleber" },
"REVIVER_SEED": { name: "Reviver Seed", description: "Revives the holder for 1/2 HP upon fainting" },
"FULL_HEAL": { name: "Hyperheiler" },
"ETHER": { name: "Ether" },
"MAX_ETHER": { name: "Max Ether" },
"SACRED_ASH": { name: "Zauberasche" },
"REVIVER_SEED": { name: "Belebersamen", description: "Belebt den Träger mit der Hälfte seiner KP wieder sollte er kampfunfähig werden" },
"ETHER": { name: "Äther" },
"MAX_ETHER": { name: "Top-Äther" },
"ELIXIR": { name: "Elixir" },
"MAX_ELIXIR": { name: "Max Elixir" },
"MAX_ELIXIR": { name: "Top-Elixir" },
"PP_UP": { name: "PP Up" },
"PP_MAX": { name: "PP Max" },
"PP_UP": { name: "AP-Plus" },
"PP_MAX": { name: "AP-Top" },
"LURE": { name: "Lure" },
"SUPER_LURE": { name: "Super Lure" },
"MAX_LURE": { name: "Max Lure" },
"LURE": { name: "Lockparfüm" },
"SUPER_LURE": { name: "Super-Lockparfüm" },
"MAX_LURE": { name: "Top-Lockparfüm" },
"MEMORY_MUSHROOM": { name: "Memory Mushroom", description: "Recall one Pokémon's forgotten move" },
"MEMORY_MUSHROOM": { name: "Erinnerungspilz", description: "Lässt ein Pokémon eine vergessene Attacke wiedererlernen" },
"EXP_SHARE": { name: "EXP. All", description: "Non-participants receive 20% of a single participant's EXP. Points" },
"EXP_BALANCE": { name: "EXP. Balance", description: "Weighs EXP. Points received from battles towards lower-leveled party members" },
"EXP_SHARE": { name: "EP-Teiler", description: "Pokémon, die nicht am Kampf teilgenommen haben, bekommen 20% der Erfahrungspunkte eines Kampfteilnehmers" },
"EXP_BALANCE": { name: "EP-Ausgleicher", description: "Gewichtet die in Kämpfen erhaltenen Erfahrungspunkte auf niedrigstufigere Gruppenmitglieder." },
"OVAL_CHARM": { name: "Oval Charm", description: "When multiple Pokémon participate in a battle, each gets an extra 10% of the total EXP" },
"OVAL_CHARM": { name: "Ovalpin", description: "Wenn mehrere Pokémon am Kampf teilnehmen, erhählt jeder von ihnen 10% extra Erfahrungspunkte" },
"EXP_CHARM": { name: "EXP. Charm" },
"SUPER_EXP_CHARM": { name: "Super EXP. Charm" },
"GOLDEN_EXP_CHARM": { name: "Golden EXP. Charm" },
"EXP_CHARM": { name: "EP-Pin" },
"SUPER_EXP_CHARM": { name: "Super-EP-Pin" },
"GOLDEN_EXP_CHARM": { name: "Goldener EP-Pin" },
"LUCKY_EGG": { name: "Lucky Egg" },
"GOLDEN_EGG": { name: "Golden Egg" },
"LUCKY_EGG": { name: "Glücks-Ei" },
"GOLDEN_EGG": { name: "Goldenes Ei" },
"SOOTHE_BELL": { name: "Soothe Bell" },
"SOOTHE_BELL": { name: "Sanftglocke" },
"SOUL_DEW": { name: "Soul Dew", description: "Increases the influence of a Pokémon's nature on its stats by 10% (additive)" },
"SOUL_DEW": { name: "Seelentau", description: "Erhöht den Einfluss des Wesens eines Pokemon auf seine Werte um 10% (additiv)" },
"NUGGET": { name: "Nugget" },
"BIG_NUGGET": { name: "Big Nugget" },
"RELIC_GOLD": { name: "Relic Gold" },
"BIG_NUGGET": { name: "Riesennugget" },
"RELIC_GOLD": { name: "Alter Dukat" },
"AMULET_COIN": { name: "Amulet Coin", description: "Increases money rewards by 20%" },
"GOLDEN_PUNCH": { name: "Golden Punch", description: "Grants 50% of damage inflicted as money" },
"COIN_CASE": { name: "Coin Case", description: "After every 10th battle, receive 10% of your money in interest" },
"LOCK_CAPSULE": { name: "Lock Capsule", description: "Allows you to lock item rarities when rerolling items" },
"AMULET_COIN": { name: "Münzamulett", description: "Erhöht das Preisgeld um 20%" },
"GOLDEN_PUNCH": { name: "Goldschlag", description: "Gewährt Geld in Höhe von 50% des zugefügten Schadens" },
"COIN_CASE": { name: "Münzkorb", description: "Erhalte nach jedem 10ten Kampf 10% Zinsen auf dein Geld" },
"GRIP_CLAW": { name: "Grip Claw" },
"WIDE_LENS": { name: "Wide Lens" },
"MULTI_LENS": { name: "Multi Lens" },
"LOCK_CAPSULE": { name: "Tresorkapsel", description: "Erlaubt es die Seltenheitsstufe der Items festzusetzen wenn diese neu gerollt werden" },
"HEALING_CHARM": { name: "Healing Charm", description: "Increases the effectiveness of HP restoring moves and items by 10% (excludes Revives)" },
"CANDY_JAR": { name: "Candy Jar", description: "Increases the number of levels added by Rare Candy items by 1" },
"GRIP_CLAW": { name: "Griffklaue" },
"WIDE_LENS": { name: "Großlinse" },
"BERRY_POUCH": { name: "Berry Pouch", description: "Adds a 25% chance that a used berry will not be consumed" },
"MULTI_LENS": { name: "Mehrfachlinse" },
"FOCUS_BAND": { name: "Focus Band", description: "Adds a 10% chance to survive with 1 HP after being damaged enough to faint" },
"HEALING_CHARM": { name: "Heilungspin", description: "Erhöht die Effektivität von Heilungsattacken sowie Heilitems um 10% (Beleber ausgenommen)" },
"CANDY_JAR": { name: "Bonbonglas", description: "Erhöht die Anzahl der Level die ein Sonderbonbon erhöht um 1" },
"QUICK_CLAW": { name: "Quick Claw", description: "Adds a 10% chance to move first regardless of speed (after priority)" },
"BERRY_POUCH": { name: "Beerentüte", description: "Fügt eine 25% Chance hinzu, dass Beeren nicht verbraucht werden" },
"KINGS_ROCK": { name: "King's Rock", description: "Adds a 10% chance an attack move will cause the opponent to flinch" },
"FOCUS_BAND": { name: "Fokusband", description: "Fügt eine 10% Chance hinzu, dass Angriffe die zur Kampfunfähigkeit führen mit 1 KP überlebt werden" },
"LEFTOVERS": { name: "Leftovers", description: "Heals 1/16 of a Pokémon's maximum HP every turn" },
"SHELL_BELL": { name: "Shell Bell", description: "Heals 1/8 of a Pokémon's dealt damage" },
"QUICK_CLAW": { name: "Quick Claw", description: "Fügt eine 10% Change hinzu als erster anzugreifen. (Nach Prioritätsangriffen)" },
"BATON": { name: "Baton", description: "Allows passing along effects when switching Pokémon, which also bypasses traps" },
"KINGS_ROCK": { name: "King-Stein", description: "Fügt eine 10% Chance hinzu, dass der Gegner nach einem Angriff zurückschreckt" },
"SHINY_CHARM": { name: "Shiny Charm", description: "Dramatically increases the chance of a wild Pokémon being Shiny" },
"ABILITY_CHARM": { name: "Ability Charm", description: "Dramatically increases the chance of a wild Pokémon having a Hidden Ability" },
"LEFTOVERS": { name: "Überreste", description: "Heilt 1/16 der maximalen KP eines Pokémon pro Runde" },
"SHELL_BELL": { name: "Muschelglocke", description: "Heilt den Anwender um 1/8 des von ihm zugefügten Schadens" },
"IV_SCANNER": { name: "IV Scanner", description: "Allows scanning the IVs of wild Pokémon. 2 IVs are revealed per stack. The best IVs are shown first" },
"BATON": { name: "Stab", description: "Ermöglicht das Weitergeben von Effekten beim Wechseln von Pokémon, wodurch auch Fallen umgangen werden." },
"DNA_SPLICERS": { name: "DNA Splicers" },
"SHINY_CHARM": { name: "Schillerpin", description: "Erhöht die Chance deutlich, dass ein wildes Pokémon ein schillernd ist" },
"ABILITY_CHARM": { name: "Ability Charm", description: "Erhöht die Chance deutlich, dass ein wildes Pokémon eine versteckte Fähigkeit hat" },
"MINI_BLACK_HOLE": { name: "Mini Black Hole" },
"IV_SCANNER": { name: "IS-Scanner", description: "Erlaubt es die IS-Werte von wilden Pokémon zu scannen.\n(2 IS-Werte pro Staplung. Die besten IS-Werte zuerst)" },
"GOLDEN_POKEBALL": { name: "Golden Poké Ball", description: "Adds 1 extra item option at the end of every battle" },
"DNA_SPLICERS": { name: "DNS-Keil" },
"MINI_BLACK_HOLE": { name: "Mini schwarzes Loch" },
"GOLDEN_POKEBALL": { name: "Goldener Pokéball", description: "Fügt eine zusätzliche Item-Auswahlmöglichkeit nach jedem Kampf hinzu" },
"ENEMY_DAMAGE_BOOSTER": { name: "Schadensmarke", description: "Erhöht den Schaden um 5%" },
"ENEMY_DAMAGE_REDUCTION": { name: "Schutzmarke", description: "Verringert den erhaltenen Schaden um 2,5%" },
"ENEMY_HEAL": { name: "Wiederherstellungsmarke", description: "Heilt 2% der maximalen KP pro Runde" },
"ENEMY_ATTACK_POISON_CHANCE": { name: "Giftmarke" },
"ENEMY_ATTACK_PARALYZE_CHANCE": { "name": "Lähmungsmarke" },
"ENEMY_ATTACK_SLEEP_CHANCE": { "name": "Schlafmarke" },
"ENEMY_ATTACK_FREEZE_CHANCE": { "name": "Gefriermarke" },
"ENEMY_ATTACK_BURN_CHANCE": { "name": "Brandmarke" },
"ENEMY_STATUS_EFFECT_HEAL_CHANCE": { "name": "Vollheilungsmarke", "description": "Fügt eine 10%ige Chance hinzu, jede Runde einen Statuszustand zu heilen" },
"ENEMY_ENDURE_CHANCE": { "name": "Ausdauer-Marke" },
"ENEMY_FUSED_CHANCE": { "name": "Fusionsmarke", "description": "Fügt eine 1%ige Chance hinzu, dass ein wildes Pokémon eine Fusion ist" },
"ENEMY_DAMAGE_BOOSTER": { name: "Damage Token", description: "Increases damage by 5%" },
"ENEMY_DAMAGE_REDUCTION": { name: "Protection Token", description: "Reduces incoming damage by 2.5%" },
"ENEMY_HEAL": { name: "Recovery Token", description: "Heals 2% of max HP every turn" },
"ENEMY_ATTACK_POISON_CHANCE": { name: "Poison Token" },
"ENEMY_ATTACK_PARALYZE_CHANCE": { name: "Paralyze Token" },
"ENEMY_ATTACK_SLEEP_CHANCE": { name: "Sleep Token" },
"ENEMY_ATTACK_FREEZE_CHANCE": { name: "Freeze Token" },
"ENEMY_ATTACK_BURN_CHANCE": { name: "Burn Token" },
"ENEMY_STATUS_EFFECT_HEAL_CHANCE": { name: "Full Heal Token", description: "Adds a 10% chance every turn to heal a status condition" },
"ENEMY_ENDURE_CHANCE": { name: "Endure Token" },
"ENEMY_FUSED_CHANCE": { name: "Fusion Token", description: "Adds a 1% chance that a wild Pokémon will be a fusion" },
TempBattleStatBoosterItem: {
"x_attack": "X Attack",
"x_defense": "X Defense",
"x_sp_atk": "X Sp. Atk",
"x_sp_def": "X Sp. Def",
"x_speed": "X Speed",
"x_accuracy": "X Accuracy",
"dire_hit": "Dire Hit",
"x_attack": "X-Angriff",
"x_defense": "X-Verteidigung",
"x_sp_atk": "X-Sp.-Ang.",
"x_sp_def": "X-Sp.-Vert.",
"x_speed": "X-Tempo",
"x_accuracy": "X-Treffer",
"dire_hit": "X-Volltreffer",
AttackTypeBoosterItem: {
"silk_scarf": "Silk Scarf",
"black_belt": "Black Belt",
"sharp_beak": "Sharp Beak",
"poison_barb": "Poison Barb",
"soft_sand": "Soft Sand",
"hard_stone": "Hard Stone",
"silver_powder": "Silver Powder",
"spell_tag": "Spell Tag",
"metal_coat": "Metal Coat",
"charcoal": "Charcoal",
"mystic_water": "Mystic Water",
"miracle_seed": "Miracle Seed",
"silk_scarf": "Seidenschal",
"black_belt": "Schwarzgurt",
"sharp_beak": "Spitzer Schnabel",
"poison_barb": "Giftstich",
"soft_sand": "Pudersand",
"hard_stone": "Granitstein",
"silver_powder": "Silberstaub",
"spell_tag": "Bannsticker",
"metal_coat": "Metallmantel",
"charcoal": "Holzkohle",
"mystic_water": "Zauberwasser",
"miracle_seed": "Wundersaat",
"magnet": "Magnet",
"twisted_spoon": "Twisted Spoon",
"never_melt_ice": "Never-Melt Ice",
"dragon_fang": "Dragon Fang",
"black_glasses": "Black Glasses",
"fairy_feather": "Fairy Feather",
"twisted_spoon": "Krümmlöffel",
"never_melt_ice": "Ewiges Eis",
"dragon_fang": "Drachenzahn",
"black_glasses": "Schattenbrille",
"fairy_feather": "Feendaune",
BaseStatBoosterItem: {
"hp_up": "HP Up",
"hp_up": "KP-Plus",
"protein": "Protein",
"iron": "Iron",
"calcium": "Calcium",
"zinc": "Zinc",
"carbos": "Carbos",
"iron": "Eisen",
"calcium": "Kalzium",
"zinc": "Zink",
"carbos": "Carbon",
EvolutionItem: {
"NONE": "None",
"NONE": "Keins",
"LINKING_CORD": "Linking Cord",
"SUN_STONE": "Sun Stone",
"MOON_STONE": "Moon Stone",
"LEAF_STONE": "Leaf Stone",
"FIRE_STONE": "Fire Stone",
"WATER_STONE": "Water Stone",
"THUNDER_STONE": "Thunder Stone",
"ICE_STONE": "Ice Stone",
"DUSK_STONE": "Dusk Stone",
"DAWN_STONE": "Dawn Stone",
"SHINY_STONE": "Shiny Stone",
"CRACKED_POT": "Cracked Pot",
"SWEET_APPLE": "Sweet Apple",
"TART_APPLE": "Tart Apple",
"STRAWBERRY_SWEET": "Strawberry Sweet",
"UNREMARKABLE_TEACUP": "Unremarkable Teacup",
"CHIPPED_POT": "Chipped Pot",
"BLACK_AUGURITE": "Black Augurite",
"GALARICA_CUFF": "Galarica Cuff",
"GALARICA_WREATH": "Galarica Wreath",
"PEAT_BLOCK": "Peat Block",
"AUSPICIOUS_ARMOR": "Auspicious Armor",
"MALICIOUS_ARMOR": "Malicious Armor",
"MASTERPIECE_TEACUP": "Masterpiece Teacup",
"METAL_ALLOY": "Metal Alloy",
"SCROLL_OF_DARKNESS": "Scroll Of Darkness",
"SCROLL_OF_WATERS": "Scroll Of Waters",
"SYRUPY_APPLE": "Syrupy Apple",
"LINKING_CORD": "Linkkabel",
"SUN_STONE": "Sonnenstein",
"MOON_STONE": "Mondstein",
"LEAF_STONE": "Blattstein",
"FIRE_STONE": "Feuerstein",
"WATER_STONE": "Wasserstein",
"THUNDER_STONE": "Donnerstein",
"ICE_STONE": "Eisstein",
"DUSK_STONE": "Finsterstein",
"DAWN_STONE": "Funkelstein",
"SHINY_STONE": "Leuchtstein",
"CRACKED_POT": "Rissige Kanne",
"SWEET_APPLE": "Süßer Apfel",
"TART_APPLE": "Saurer Apfel",
"STRAWBERRY_SWEET": "Zucker-Erdbeere",
"UNREMARKABLE_TEACUP": "Simple Teeschale",
"CHIPPED_POT": "Löchrige Kanne",
"BLACK_AUGURITE": "Schwarzaugit",
"GALARICA_CUFF": "Galarnuss-Reif",
"GALARICA_WREATH": "Galarnuss-Kranz",
"PEAT_BLOCK": "Torfblock",
"AUSPICIOUS_ARMOR": "Glorienrüstung",
"MALICIOUS_ARMOR": "Fluchrüstung",
"MASTERPIECE_TEACUP": "Edle Teeschale",
"METAL_ALLOY": "Legierungsmetall",
"SCROLL_OF_DARKNESS": "Unlicht-Schriftrolle",
"SCROLL_OF_WATERS": "Wasser-Schriftrolle",
"SYRUPY_APPLE": "Saftiger Apfel",
FormChangeItem: {
"NONE": "None",
"NONE": "Keins",
"ABOMASITE": "Abomasite",
"ABSOLITE": "Absolite",
"AERODACTYLITE": "Aerodactylite",
"AGGRONITE": "Aggronite",
"ALAKAZITE": "Alakazite",
"ALTARIANITE": "Altarianite",
"AMPHAROSITE": "Ampharosite",
"AUDINITE": "Audinite",
"BANETTITE": "Banettite",
"BEEDRILLITE": "Beedrillite",
"BLASTOISINITE": "Blastoisinite",
"BLAZIKENITE": "Blazikenite",
"CAMERUPTITE": "Cameruptite",
"CHARIZARDITE_X": "Charizardite X",
"CHARIZARDITE_Y": "Charizardite Y",
"DIANCITE": "Diancite",
"GALLADITE": "Galladite",
"GARCHOMPITE": "Garchompite",
"GARDEVOIRITE": "Gardevoirite",
"GENGARITE": "Gengarite",
"GLALITITE": "Glalitite",
"GYARADOSITE": "Gyaradosite",
"HERACRONITE": "Heracronite",
"HOUNDOOMINITE": "Houndoominite",
"KANGASKHANITE": "Kangaskhanite",
"LATIASITE": "Latiasite",
"LATIOSITE": "Latiosite",
"LOPUNNITE": "Lopunnite",
"LUCARIONITE": "Lucarionite",
"MANECTITE": "Manectite",
"MAWILITE": "Mawilite",
"MEDICHAMITE": "Medichamite",
"METAGROSSITE": "Metagrossite",
"MEWTWONITE_X": "Mewtwonite X",
"MEWTWONITE_Y": "Mewtwonite Y",
"PIDGEOTITE": "Pidgeotite",
"PINSIRITE": "Pinsirite",
"RAYQUAZITE": "Rayquazite",
"SABLENITE": "Sablenite",
"SALAMENCITE": "Salamencite",
"SCEPTILITE": "Sceptilite",
"SCIZORITE": "Scizorite",
"SHARPEDONITE": "Sharpedonite",
"SLOWBRONITE": "Slowbronite",
"STEELIXITE": "Steelixite",
"SWAMPERTITE": "Swampertite",
"TYRANITARITE": "Tyranitarite",
"VENUSAURITE": "Venusaurite",
"ABOMASITE": "Rexblisarnit",
"ABSOLITE": "Absolnit",
"AERODACTYLITE": "Aerodactylonit",
"AGGRONITE": "Stollossnit",
"ALAKAZITE": "Simsalanit",
"ALTARIANITE": "Altarianit",
"AMPHAROSITE": "Ampharosnit",
"AUDINITE": "Ohrdochnit",
"BANETTITE": "Banetteonit",
"BEEDRILLITE": "Bibornit",
"BLASTOISINITE": "Turtoknit",
"BLAZIKENITE": "Lohgocknit",
"CAMERUPTITE": "Cameruptnit",
"CHARIZARDITE_X": "Gluraknit X",
"CHARIZARDITE_Y": "Gluraknit Y",
"DIANCITE": "Diancienit",
"GALLADITE": "Galagladinit",
"GARCHOMPITE": "Knakracknit",
"GARDEVOIRITE": "Guardevoirnit",
"GENGARITE": "Gengarnit ",
"GLALITITE": "Firnontornit",
"GYARADOSITE": "Garadosnit",
"HERACRONITE": "Skarabornit",
"HOUNDOOMINITE": "Hundemonit ",
"KANGASKHANITE": "Kangamanit",
"LATIASITE": "Latiasnit",
"LATIOSITE": "Latiosnit",
"LOPUNNITE": "Schlapornit",
"LUCARIONITE": "Lucarionit",
"MANECTITE": "Voltensonit",
"MAWILITE": "Flunkifernit",
"MEDICHAMITE": "Meditalisnit",
"METAGROSSITE": "Metagrossnit",
"MEWTWONITE_X": "Mewtunit X",
"MEWTWONITE_Y": "Mewtunit Y",
"PIDGEOTITE": "Taubossnit",
"PINSIRITE": "Pinsirnit",
"RAYQUAZITE": "Rayquazanit",
"SABLENITE": "Zobirisnit",
"SALAMENCITE": "Brutalandanit",
"SCEPTILITE": "Gewaldronit",
"SCIZORITE": "Scheroxnit",
"SHARPEDONITE": "Tohaidonit",
"SLOWBRONITE": "Lahmusnit",
"STEELIXITE": "Stahlosnit",
"SWAMPERTITE": "Sumpexnit",
"TYRANITARITE": "Despotarnit",
"VENUSAURITE": "Bisaflornit",
"BLUE_ORB": "Blue Orb",
"RED_ORB": "Red Orb",
"SHARP_METEORITE": "Sharp Meteorite",
"HARD_METEORITE": "Hard Meteorite",
"SMOOTH_METEORITE": "Smooth Meteorite",
"ADAMANT_CRYSTAL": "Adamant Crystal",
"LUSTROUS_ORB": "Lustrous Orb",
"GRISEOUS_CORE": "Griseous Core",
"REVEAL_GLASS": "Reveal Glass",
"BLUE_ORB": "Blauer Edelstein",
"RED_ORB": "Roter Edelstein",
"SHARP_METEORITE": "Scharfer Meteorit",
"HARD_METEORITE": "Harter Meteorit",
"SMOOTH_METEORITE": "Glatter Meteorit",
"ADAMANT_CRYSTAL": "Adamantkristall",
"LUSTROUS_ORB": "Weiß-Orb",
"GRISEOUS_CORE": "Platinumkristall",
"REVEAL_GLASS": "Wahrspiegel",
"GRACIDEA": "Gracidea",
"MAX_MUSHROOMS": "Max Mushrooms",
"DARK_STONE": "Dark Stone",
"LIGHT_STONE": "Light Stone",
"PRISON_BOTTLE": "Prison Bottle",
"N_LUNARIZER": "N Lunarizer",
"N_SOLARIZER": "N Solarizer",
"RUSTED_SWORD": "Rusted Sword",
"RUSTED_SHIELD": "Rusted Shield",
"ICY_REINS_OF_UNITY": "Icy Reins Of Unity",
"SHADOW_REINS_OF_UNITY": "Shadow Reins Of Unity",
"WELLSPRING_MASK": "Wellspring Mask",
"HEARTHFLAME_MASK": "Hearthflame Mask",
"CORNERSTONE_MASK": "Cornerstone Mask",
"SHOCK_DRIVE": "Shock Drive",
"BURN_DRIVE": "Burn Drive",
"CHILL_DRIVE": "Chill Drive",
"DOUSE_DRIVE": "Douse Drive",
"MAX_MUSHROOMS": "Dyna-Pilz",
"DARK_STONE": "Dunkelstein",
"LIGHT_STONE": "Lichtstein",
"PRISON_BOTTLE": "Banngefäß",
"N_LUNARIZER": "Necrolun",
"N_SOLARIZER": "Necrosol",
"RUSTED_SWORD": "Rostiges Schwert",
"RUSTED_SHIELD": "Rostiges Schild",
"ICY_REINS_OF_UNITY": "eisige Zügel des Bundes",
"SHADOW_REINS_OF_UNITY": "schattige Zügel des Bundes",
"WELLSPRING_MASK": "Brunnenmaske",
"HEARTHFLAME_MASK": "Ofenmaske",
"CORNERSTONE_MASK": "Fundamentmaske",
"SHOCK_DRIVE": "Blitzmodul",
"BURN_DRIVE": "Flammenmodul",
"CHILL_DRIVE": "Gefriermodul",
"DOUSE_DRIVE": "Aquamodul",
TeraType: {
"UNKNOWN": "Unknown",
"UNKNOWN": "Unbekannt",
"NORMAL": "Normal",
"FIGHTING": "Fighting",
"FLYING": "Flying",
"POISON": "Poison",
"GROUND": "Ground",
"ROCK": "Rock",
"BUG": "Bug",
"GHOST": "Ghost",
"STEEL": "Steel",
"FIRE": "Fire",
"WATER": "Water",
"GRASS": "Grass",
"ELECTRIC": "Electric",
"PSYCHIC": "Psychic",
"ICE": "Ice",
"DRAGON": "Dragon",
"DARK": "Dark",
"FAIRY": "Fairy",
"FIGHTING": "Kampf",
"FLYING": "Flug",
"POISON": "Gift",
"GROUND": "Boden",
"ROCK": "Gestein",
"BUG": "Käfer",
"GHOST": "Geist",
"STEEL": "Stahl",
"FIRE": "Feuer",
"WATER": "Wasser",
"GRASS": "Pflanze",
"ELECTRIC": "Elektro",
"PSYCHIC": "Psycho",
"ICE": "Eis",
"DRAGON": "Drache",
"DARK": "Unlicht",
"FAIRY": "Fee",
"STELLAR": "Stellar",
} as const;
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