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synced 2025-03-19 16:27:12 +00:00
[Bug] Starter UI challenge form fix (#3373)
* First issue with soft attribute on challenges as well as incorrect sprites appearing on the starter select ui * Updated logic to fix starter party icons, forms and shinies in starter selection area * Fixed issue where some pokemon were being shown in challenges originally if the default form didn't meet the criteria * Updated docs and tests to account for new behaviour * Removed some debugging comments * Fixed rotom form not counting as valid party * Fixed a bug where the cursor's last known position would be used when pokemon forms were being changed when other forms were available when updated from your party directly * Fixed issue with starter party icons' forms updating incorrectly when removing pokemon from party * Fixed docs * Updated code to allow for starter icons to remember their previous state after a reload
This commit is contained in:
@ -273,11 +273,9 @@ export abstract class Challenge {
* @param valid {@link Utils.BooleanHolder} A BooleanHolder, the value gets set to false if the pokemon isn't allowed.
* @param dexAttr {@link DexAttrProps} The dex attributes of the pokemon.
* @param soft {@link boolean} If true, allow it if it could become a valid pokemon.
* @param checkEvolutions {@link boolean} If true, check the pokemon's future evolutions
* @param checkForms {@link boolean} If true, check the pokemon's alternative forms
* @returns {@link boolean} Whether this function did anything.
applyStarterChoice(pokemon: PokemonSpecies, valid: Utils.BooleanHolder, dexAttr: DexAttrProps, soft: boolean = false, checkEvolutions?: boolean, checkForms?: boolean): boolean {
applyStarterChoice(pokemon: PokemonSpecies, valid: Utils.BooleanHolder, dexAttr: DexAttrProps, soft: boolean = false): boolean {
return false;
@ -405,14 +403,13 @@ export class SingleGenerationChallenge extends Challenge {
super(Challenges.SINGLE_GENERATION, 9);
applyStarterChoice(pokemon: PokemonSpecies, valid: Utils.BooleanHolder, dexAttr: DexAttrProps, soft: boolean = false, checkEvolutions?: boolean): boolean {
applyStarterChoice(pokemon: PokemonSpecies, valid: Utils.BooleanHolder, dexAttr: DexAttrProps, soft: boolean = false): boolean {
const generations = [pokemon.generation];
const checkPokemonEvolutions = checkEvolutions ?? true as boolean;
if (soft) {
const speciesToCheck = [pokemon.speciesId];
while (speciesToCheck.length) {
const checking = speciesToCheck.pop();
if (checking && pokemonEvolutions.hasOwnProperty(checking) && checkPokemonEvolutions) {
if (checking && pokemonEvolutions.hasOwnProperty(checking)) {
pokemonEvolutions[checking].forEach(e => {
@ -533,22 +530,20 @@ export class SingleTypeChallenge extends Challenge {
super(Challenges.SINGLE_TYPE, 18);
applyStarterChoice(pokemon: PokemonSpecies, valid: Utils.BooleanHolder, dexAttr: DexAttrProps, soft: boolean = false, checkEvolutions?: boolean, checkForms?: boolean): boolean {
applyStarterChoice(pokemon: PokemonSpecies, valid: Utils.BooleanHolder, dexAttr: DexAttrProps, soft: boolean = false): boolean {
const speciesForm = getPokemonSpeciesForm(pokemon.speciesId, dexAttr.formIndex);
const types = [speciesForm.type1, speciesForm.type2];
const checkPokemonEvolutions = checkEvolutions ?? true as boolean;
const checkPokemonForms = checkForms ?? true as boolean;
if (soft) {
const speciesToCheck = [pokemon.speciesId];
while (speciesToCheck.length) {
const checking = speciesToCheck.pop();
if (checking && pokemonEvolutions.hasOwnProperty(checking) && checkPokemonEvolutions) {
if (checking && pokemonEvolutions.hasOwnProperty(checking)) {
pokemonEvolutions[checking].forEach(e => {
types.push(getPokemonSpecies(e.speciesId).type1, getPokemonSpecies(e.speciesId).type2);
if (checking && pokemonFormChanges.hasOwnProperty(checking) && checkPokemonForms) {
if (checking && pokemonFormChanges.hasOwnProperty(checking)) {
pokemonFormChanges[checking].forEach(f1 => {
getPokemonSpecies(checking).forms.forEach(f2 => {
if (f1.formKey === f2.formKey) {
@ -746,7 +741,7 @@ export class LowerStarterPointsChallenge extends Challenge {
* @param soft {@link boolean} If true, allow it if it could become a valid pokemon.
* @returns True if any challenge was successfully applied.
export function applyChallenges(gameMode: GameMode, challengeType: ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE, pokemon: PokemonSpecies, valid: Utils.BooleanHolder, dexAttr: DexAttrProps, soft: boolean, checkEvolutions?: boolean, checkForms?: boolean): boolean;
export function applyChallenges(gameMode: GameMode, challengeType: ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE, pokemon: PokemonSpecies, valid: Utils.BooleanHolder, dexAttr: DexAttrProps, soft: boolean): boolean;
* Apply all challenges that modify available total starter points.
* @param gameMode {@link GameMode} The current gameMode
@ -854,7 +849,7 @@ export function applyChallenges(gameMode: GameMode, challengeType: ChallengeType
if (c.value !== 0) {
switch (challengeType) {
case ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE:
ret ||= c.applyStarterChoice(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]);
ret ||= c.applyStarterChoice(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
case ChallengeType.STARTER_POINTS:
ret ||= c.applyStarterPoints(args[0]);
@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ export interface StarterAttributes {
variant?: integer;
form?: integer;
female?: boolean;
shiny?: boolean;
export interface StarterPreferences {
@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ describe("UI - Starter select", () => {
const handler = game.scene.ui.getHandler() as StarterSelectUiHandler;
@ -112,6 +115,9 @@ describe("UI - Starter select", () => {
@ -176,6 +182,9 @@ describe("UI - Starter select", () => {
@ -238,6 +247,9 @@ describe("UI - Starter select", () => {
@ -298,7 +310,6 @@ describe("UI - Starter select", () => {
const handler = game.scene.ui.getHandler() as StarterSelectUiHandler;
@ -358,7 +369,7 @@ describe("UI - Starter select", () => {
const handler = game.scene.ui.getHandler() as StarterSelectUiHandler;
@ -419,7 +430,7 @@ describe("UI - Starter select", () => {
const handler = game.scene.ui.getHandler() as StarterSelectUiHandler;
@ -1303,11 +1303,8 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
const isPartyValid = this.isPartyValid();
const isValidForChallenge = new Utils.BooleanHolder(true);
if (isPartyValid) {
Challenge.applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, Challenge.ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE, species, isValidForChallenge, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultDexAttr(species, false, true)), this.starterSpecies.length !== 0);
} else {
Challenge.applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, Challenge.ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE, species, isValidForChallenge, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultDexAttr(species, false, true)), this.starterSpecies.length !== 0, false, false);
Challenge.applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, Challenge.ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE, species, isValidForChallenge, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, this.getCurrentDexProps(species.speciesId)), isPartyValid);
const currentPartyValue = this.starterSpecies.map(s => s.generation).reduce((total: number, gen: number, i: number) => total += this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesStarterValue(this.starterSpecies[i].speciesId), 0);
const newCost = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesStarterValue(species.speciesId);
@ -1661,7 +1658,7 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
success = true;
} else {
const props = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(this.lastSpecies, this.dexAttrCursor);
const props = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(this.lastSpecies, this.getCurrentDexProps(this.lastSpecies.speciesId));
// prepare persistent starter data to store changes
let starterAttributes = this.starterPreferences[this.lastSpecies.speciesId];
if (!starterAttributes) {
@ -1671,8 +1668,9 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
case Button.CYCLE_SHINY:
if (this.canCycleShiny) {
const newVariant = props.variant;
starterAttributes.shiny = starterAttributes.shiny ? !starterAttributes.shiny : true;
this.setSpeciesDetails(this.lastSpecies, !props.shiny, undefined, undefined, props.shiny ? 0 : undefined, undefined, undefined);
if (this.dexAttrCursor & DexAttr.SHINY) {
if (starterAttributes.shiny) {
// Set the variant label to the shiny tint
const tint = getVariantTint(newVariant);
@ -1680,6 +1678,10 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
} else {
// starterAttributes.variant = 0;
if (starterAttributes?.variant) {
delete starterAttributes.variant;
success = true;
@ -1948,6 +1950,13 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
updatePartyIcon(species: PokemonSpecies, index: number) {
const props = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, this.getCurrentDexProps(species.speciesId));
this.starterIcons[index].setTexture(species.getIconAtlasKey(props.formIndex, props.shiny, props.variant));
this.starterIcons[index].setFrame(species.getIconId(props.female, props.formIndex, props.shiny, props.variant));
this.checkIconId(this.starterIcons[index], species, props.female, props.formIndex, props.shiny, props.variant);
switchMoveHandler(i: number, newMove: Moves, move: Moves) {
const speciesId = this.lastSpecies.speciesId;
const existingMoveIndex = this.starterMoveset?.indexOf(newMove)!; // TODO: is this bang correct?
@ -2099,9 +2108,24 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
// pre filter for challenges
if (this.scene.gameMode.modeId === GameModes.CHALLENGE) {
this.starterContainers.forEach(container => {
const isValidForChallenge = new Utils.BooleanHolder(true);
Challenge.applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, Challenge.ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE, container.species, isValidForChallenge, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(container.species, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultDexAttr(container.species, false, true)), true);
if (isValidForChallenge.value) {
const species = container.species;
let allFormsValid = false;
if (species.forms?.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < species.forms.length; i++) {
/* Here we are making a fake form index dex props for challenges
* Since some pokemon rely on forms to be valid (i.e. blaze tauros for fire challenges), we make a fake form and dex props to use in the challenge
const tempFormProps = BigInt(Math.pow(2, i)) * DexAttr.DEFAULT_FORM;
const isValidForChallenge = new Utils.BooleanHolder(true);
Challenge.applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, Challenge.ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE, container.species, isValidForChallenge, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, tempFormProps), true);
allFormsValid = allFormsValid || isValidForChallenge.value;
} else {
const isValidForChallenge = new Utils.BooleanHolder(true);
Challenge.applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, Challenge.ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE, container.species, isValidForChallenge, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultDexAttr(container.species, false, true)), true);
allFormsValid = isValidForChallenge.value;
if (allFormsValid) {
} else {
@ -2111,6 +2135,18 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
this.validStarterContainers = this.starterContainers;
// this updates icons for previously saved pokemon
for (let i = 0; i < this.validStarterContainers.length; i++) {
const currentFilteredContainer = this.validStarterContainers[i];
const starterSprite = currentFilteredContainer.icon as Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
const currentDexAttr = this.getCurrentDexProps(currentFilteredContainer.species.speciesId);
const props = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(currentFilteredContainer.species, currentDexAttr);
starterSprite.setTexture(currentFilteredContainer.species.getIconAtlasKey(props.formIndex, props.shiny, props.variant), currentFilteredContainer.species.getIconId(props.female!, props.formIndex, props.shiny, props.variant));
currentFilteredContainer.checkIconId(props.female, props.formIndex, props.shiny, props.variant);
// filter
this.validStarterContainers.forEach(container => {
@ -2336,9 +2372,9 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
const species = this.filteredStarterContainers[cursor]?.species;
if (species) {
const defaultDexAttr = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultDexAttr(species, false, true);
const defaultDexAttr = this.getCurrentDexProps(species.speciesId);
const defaultProps = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, defaultDexAttr);
const variant = defaultProps.variant;
const variant = this.starterPreferences[species.speciesId]?.variant ? this.starterPreferences[species.speciesId].variant as Variant : defaultProps.variant;
const tint = getVariantTint(variant);
@ -2384,7 +2420,7 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
setSpecies(species: PokemonSpecies | null) {
this.speciesStarterDexEntry = species ? this.scene.gameData.dexData[species.speciesId] : null;
this.dexAttrCursor = species ? this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultDexAttr(species, false, true) : 0n;
this.dexAttrCursor = species ? this.getCurrentDexProps(species.speciesId) : 0n;
this.abilityCursor = species ? this.scene.gameData.getStarterSpeciesDefaultAbilityIndex(species) : 0;
this.natureCursor = species ? this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultNature(species) : 0;
@ -2454,7 +2490,7 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
if (this.lastSpecies) {
const dexAttr = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultDexAttr(this.lastSpecies, false, true);
const dexAttr = this.getCurrentDexProps(this.lastSpecies.speciesId);
const props = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(this.lastSpecies, dexAttr);
const speciesIndex = this.allSpecies.indexOf(this.lastSpecies);
const lastSpeciesIcon = this.starterContainers[speciesIndex].icon;
@ -2480,7 +2516,7 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
this.pokemonLuckText.setTint(getVariantTint(Math.min(luck - 1, 2) as Variant));
this.pokemonShinyIcon.setVisible(this.starterPreferences[species.speciesId]?.shiny ?? false);
//Growth translate
let growthReadable = Utils.toReadableString(GrowthRate[species.growthRate]);
@ -2504,7 +2540,7 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
const defaultDexAttr = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultDexAttr(species, false, true);
const defaultDexAttr = this.getCurrentDexProps(species.speciesId);
const defaultProps = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, defaultDexAttr);
const variant = defaultProps.variant;
const tint = getVariantTint(variant);
@ -2578,13 +2614,13 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
props = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, this.starterAttr[starterIndex]);
this.setSpeciesDetails(species, props.shiny, props.formIndex, props.female, props.variant, this.starterAbilityIndexes[starterIndex], this.starterNatures[starterIndex]);
} else {
const defaultDexAttr = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultDexAttr(species, false, true);
const defaultDexAttr = this.getCurrentDexProps(species.speciesId);
const defaultAbilityIndex = starterAttributes?.ability ?? this.scene.gameData.getStarterSpeciesDefaultAbilityIndex(species);
// load default nature from stater save data, if set
const defaultNature = starterAttributes?.nature || this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultNature(species);
props = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, defaultDexAttr);
if (starterAttributes?.variant && !isNaN(starterAttributes.variant)) {
if (props.shiny = (starterAttributes.variant >= 0)) {
if (props.shiny) {
props.variant = starterAttributes.variant as Variant;
@ -2679,6 +2715,10 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
this.dexAttrCursor |= this.scene.gameData.getFormAttr(formIndex !== undefined ? formIndex : (formIndex = oldProps!.formIndex)); // TODO: is this bang correct?
this.abilityCursor = abilityIndex !== undefined ? abilityIndex : (abilityIndex = oldAbilityIndex);
this.natureCursor = natureIndex !== undefined ? natureIndex : (natureIndex = oldNatureIndex);
const [isInParty, partyIndex]: [boolean, number] = this.isInParty(species); // we use this to firstly check if the pokemon is in the party, and if so, to get the party index in order to update the icon image
if (isInParty) {
this.updatePartyIcon(species, partyIndex);
@ -2695,7 +2735,7 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
const dexEntry = this.scene.gameData.dexData[species.speciesId];
const abilityAttr = this.scene.gameData.starterData[species.speciesId].abilityAttr;
if (!dexEntry.caughtAttr) {
const props = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultDexAttr(species, forSeen, !forSeen));
const props = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, this.getCurrentDexProps(species.speciesId));
const defaultAbilityIndex = this.scene.gameData.getStarterSpeciesDefaultAbilityIndex(species);
const defaultNature = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultNature(species);
if (shiny === undefined || shiny !== props.shiny) {
@ -2750,9 +2790,10 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
const isValidForChallenge = new Utils.BooleanHolder(true);
Challenge.applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, Challenge.ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE, species, isValidForChallenge, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, this.dexAttrCursor), !!this.starterSpecies.length);
const starterSprite = this.filteredStarterContainers[this.cursor].icon as Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
starterSprite.setTexture(species.getIconAtlasKey(formIndex, shiny, variant), species.getIconId(female!, formIndex, shiny, variant)); // TODO: is this bang correct?
this.filteredStarterContainers[this.cursor].checkIconId(female, formIndex, shiny, variant);
const currentFilteredContainer = this.filteredStarterContainers.find(p => p.species.speciesId === species.speciesId)!;
const starterSprite = currentFilteredContainer.icon as Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
starterSprite.setTexture(species.getIconAtlasKey(formIndex, shiny, variant), species.getIconId(female!, formIndex, shiny, variant));
currentFilteredContainer.checkIconId(female, formIndex, shiny, variant);
this.canCycleShiny = !!(dexEntry.caughtAttr & DexAttr.NON_SHINY && dexEntry.caughtAttr & DexAttr.SHINY);
this.canCycleGender = !!(dexEntry.caughtAttr & DexAttr.MALE && dexEntry.caughtAttr & DexAttr.FEMALE);
this.canCycleAbility = [ abilityAttr & AbilityAttr.ABILITY_1, (abilityAttr & AbilityAttr.ABILITY_2) && species.ability2, abilityAttr & AbilityAttr.ABILITY_HIDDEN ].filter(a => a).length > 1;
@ -2876,6 +2917,8 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
this.pokemonAdditionalMoveCountLabel.setText(`(+${Math.max(this.speciesStarterMoves.length - 4, 0)})`);
this.pokemonAdditionalMoveCountLabel.setVisible(this.speciesStarterMoves.length > 4);
@ -2903,7 +2946,7 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
for (let s = 0; s < this.starterSpecies.length; s++) {
const species = this.starterSpecies[s];
const currentDexAttr = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultDexAttr(species, false, true);
const currentDexAttr = this.getCurrentDexProps(species.speciesId);
const props = this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, currentDexAttr);
this.starterIcons[s].setTexture(species.getIconAtlasKey(props.formIndex, props.shiny, props.variant));
this.starterIcons[s].setFrame(species.getIconId(props.female, props.formIndex, props.shiny, props.variant));
@ -2984,7 +3027,7 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
if (addingToParty) { // this does a check to see if the pokemon being added is valid; if so, it will update the isPartyValid boolean
const isNewPokemonValid = new Utils.BooleanHolder(true);
const species = this.filteredStarterContainers[this.cursor].species;
Challenge.applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, Challenge.ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE, species, isNewPokemonValid, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultDexAttr(species, false, true)), !!(this.starterSpecies.length), false, false);
Challenge.applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, Challenge.ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE, species, isNewPokemonValid, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, this.getCurrentDexProps(species.speciesId)), false);
isPartyValid = isPartyValid || isNewPokemonValid.value;
@ -3013,11 +3056,7 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
* we change to can AddParty value to true since the user has enough cost to choose this pokemon and this pokemon registered too.
const isValidForChallenge = new Utils.BooleanHolder(true);
if (isPartyValid) { // we have two checks here - one for the party being valid and one for not. This comes from mono type challenges - if the party is valid it will check pokemon's evolutions and forms, and if it's not valid it won't check their evolutions and forms
Challenge.applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, Challenge.ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE, this.allSpecies[s], isValidForChallenge, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(this.allSpecies[s], this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultDexAttr(this.allSpecies[s], false, true)), !!(this.starterSpecies.length + (add ? 1 : 0)));
} else {
Challenge.applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, Challenge.ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE, this.allSpecies[s], isValidForChallenge, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(this.allSpecies[s], this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDefaultDexAttr(this.allSpecies[s], false, true)), !!(this.starterSpecies.length + (add ? 1 : 0)), false, false);
Challenge.applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, Challenge.ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE, this.allSpecies[s], isValidForChallenge, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(this.allSpecies[s], this.getCurrentDexProps(this.allSpecies[s].speciesId)), isPartyValid);
const canBeChosen = remainValue >= speciesStarterValue && isValidForChallenge.value;
@ -3132,12 +3171,50 @@ export default class StarterSelectUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
for (let s = 0; s < this.starterSpecies.length; s++) {
const isValidForChallenge = new Utils.BooleanHolder(true);
const species = this.starterSpecies[s];
Challenge.applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, Challenge.ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE, species, isValidForChallenge, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, this.dexAttrCursor), this.starterSpecies.length !== 0, false, false);
Challenge.applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, Challenge.ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE, species, isValidForChallenge, this.scene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, this.getCurrentDexProps(species.speciesId)), false);
canStart = canStart || isValidForChallenge.value;
return canStart;
/* this creates a temporary dex attr props that we use to check whether a pokemon is valid for a challenge.
* when checking for certain challenges (i.e. mono type), we need to check for form changes AND evolutions
* However, since some pokemon can evolve based on their intial gender/form, we need a way to look for that
* This temporary dex attr will therefore ONLY look at gender and form, since there's no cases of shinies/variants
* having different evolutions to their non shiny/variant part, and so those can be ignored
* Since the current form and gender is stored in the starter preferences, this is where we get the values from
getCurrentDexProps(speciesId: number): bigint {
let props = 0n;
if (this.starterPreferences[speciesId]?.female) { // this checks the gender of the pokemon
props += DexAttr.FEMALE;
} else {
props += DexAttr.MALE;
if (this.starterPreferences[speciesId]?.shiny) {
props += DexAttr.SHINY;
if (this.starterPreferences[speciesId]?.variant) {
props += BigInt(Math.pow(2, this.starterPreferences[speciesId]?.variant)) * DexAttr.DEFAULT_VARIANT;
} else {
props += DexAttr.DEFAULT_VARIANT;
} else {
props += DexAttr.NON_SHINY;
if (this.starterPreferences[speciesId]?.variant) {
delete this.starterPreferences[speciesId].variant;
props += DexAttr.DEFAULT_VARIANT; // we add the default variant here because non shiny versions are listed as default variant
if (this.starterPreferences[speciesId]?.form) { // this checks for the form of the pokemon
props += BigInt(Math.pow(2, this.starterPreferences[speciesId]?.form)) * DexAttr.DEFAULT_FORM;
} else {
props += DexAttr.DEFAULT_FORM;
return props;
toggleStatsMode(on?: boolean): void {
if (on === undefined) {
on = !this.statsMode;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user