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synced 2025-02-01 21:57:11 +00:00
[Move][Ability] Implement Commander and Order Up (#4670)
* Implement Order Up (mostly untested) * Commander unit tests + bug fixes * Implement Order Up (misnamed the other commit...) * Order Up unit tests * applying Temp's suggestions + other bugfixes * add TODO comment * Reviver Seed reapplies Commander * ESLint woes * Some animation fixes * Update locales * Order Up now uses attr option * Prevent semi-invulnerability lapsing out while Commanding * semi-invulnerability test * Add `edgeCase`
This commit is contained in:
@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ import { ExpPhase } from "#app/phases/exp-phase";
import { ShowPartyExpBarPhase } from "#app/phases/show-party-exp-bar-phase";
import { MysteryEncounterMode } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-mode";
import { ExpGainsSpeed } from "#enums/exp-gains-speed";
import { BattlerTagType } from "#enums/battler-tag-type";
import { FRIENDSHIP_GAIN_FROM_BATTLE } from "#app/data/balance/starters";
export const bypassLogin = import.meta.env.VITE_BYPASS_LOGIN === "1";
@ -1278,6 +1279,8 @@ export default class BattleScene extends SceneBase {
if (resetArenaState) {
playerField.forEach((pokemon) => pokemon.lapseTag(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED));
playerField.forEach((pokemon, p) => {
if (pokemon.isOnField()) {
this.pushPhase(new ReturnPhase(this, p));
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { Constructor } from "#app/utils";
import * as Utils from "../utils";
import { getPokemonNameWithAffix } from "../messages";
import { Weather, WeatherType } from "./weather";
import { BattlerTag, GroundedTag } from "./battler-tags";
import { BattlerTag, BattlerTagLapseType, GroundedTag } from "./battler-tags";
import { StatusEffect, getNonVolatileStatusEffects, getStatusEffectDescriptor, getStatusEffectHealText } from "./status-effect";
import { Gender } from "./gender";
import Move, { AttackMove, MoveCategory, MoveFlags, MoveTarget, FlinchAttr, OneHitKOAttr, HitHealAttr, allMoves, StatusMove, SelfStatusMove, VariablePowerAttr, applyMoveAttrs, IncrementMovePriorityAttr, VariableMoveTypeAttr, RandomMovesetMoveAttr, RandomMoveAttr, NaturePowerAttr, CopyMoveAttr, MoveAttr, MultiHitAttr, SacrificialAttr, SacrificialAttrOnHit, NeutralDamageAgainstFlyingTypeMultiplierAttr, FixedDamageAttr } from "./move";
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import { SwitchSummonPhase } from "#app/phases/switch-summon-phase";
import { BattleEndPhase } from "#app/phases/battle-end-phase";
import { NewBattlePhase } from "#app/phases/new-battle-phase";
import { MoveEndPhase } from "#app/phases/move-end-phase";
import { PokemonAnimType } from "#enums/pokemon-anim-type";
export class Ability implements Localizable {
public id: Abilities;
@ -2591,6 +2592,42 @@ export class PostSummonFormChangeByWeatherAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr {
* Attribute implementing the effects of {@link https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Commander_(Ability) | Commander}.
* When the source of an ability with this attribute detects a Dondozo as their active ally, the source "jumps
* into the Dondozo's mouth," sharply boosting the Dondozo's stats, cancelling the source's moves, and
* causing attacks that target the source to always miss.
export class CommanderAbAttr extends AbAttr {
constructor() {
override apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, simulated: boolean, cancelled: null, args: any[]): boolean {
// TODO: Should this work with X + Dondozo fusions?
if (pokemon.scene.currentBattle?.double && pokemon.getAlly()?.species.speciesId === Species.DONDOZO) {
// If the ally Dondozo is fainted or was previously "commanded" by
// another Pokemon, this effect cannot apply.
if (pokemon.getAlly().isFainted() || pokemon.getAlly().getTag(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED)) {
return false;
if (!simulated) {
// Lapse the source's semi-invulnerable tags (to avoid visual inconsistencies)
// Play an animation of the source jumping into the ally Dondozo's mouth
pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonBattleAnim(pokemon, PokemonAnimType.COMMANDER_APPLY);
// Apply boosts from this effect to the ally Dondozo
pokemon.getAlly().addTag(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED, 0, Moves.NONE, pokemon.id);
// Cancel the source Pokemon's next move (if a move is queued)
pokemon.scene.tryRemovePhase((phase) => phase instanceof MovePhase && phase.pokemon === pokemon);
return true;
return false;
export class PreSwitchOutAbAttr extends AbAttr {
constructor() {
@ -6243,9 +6280,10 @@ export function initAbilities() {
.attr(PreSwitchOutFormChangeAbAttr, (pokemon) => !pokemon.isFainted() ? 1 : pokemon.formIndex)
new Ability(Abilities.COMMANDER, 9)
.edgeCase(), // Encore, Frenzy, and other non-`TURN_END` tags don't lapse correctly on the commanding Pokemon.
new Ability(Abilities.ELECTROMORPHOSIS, 9)
.attr(PostDefendApplyBattlerTagAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, BattlerTagType.CHARGED),
new Ability(Abilities.PROTOSYNTHESIS, 9)
@ -2091,6 +2091,37 @@ export class IceFaceBlockDamageTag extends FormBlockDamageTag {
* Battler tag indicating a Tatsugiri with {@link https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Commander_(Ability) | Commander}
* has entered the tagged Pokemon's mouth.
export class CommandedTag extends BattlerTag {
private _tatsugiriFormKey: string;
constructor(sourceId: number) {
super(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED, BattlerTagLapseType.CUSTOM, 0, Moves.NONE, sourceId);
public get tatsugiriFormKey(): string {
return this._tatsugiriFormKey;
/** Caches the Tatsugiri's form key and sharply boosts the tagged Pokemon's stats */
override onAdd(pokemon: Pokemon): void {
this._tatsugiriFormKey = this.getSourcePokemon(pokemon.scene)?.getFormKey() ?? "curly";
pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(
pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [ Stat.ATK, Stat.DEF, Stat.SPATK, Stat.SPDEF, Stat.SPD ], 2
/** Triggers an {@linkcode PokemonAnimType | animation} of the tagged Pokemon "spitting out" Tatsugiri */
override onRemove(pokemon: Pokemon): void {
if (this.getSourcePokemon(pokemon.scene)?.isActive(true)) {
pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonBattleAnim(pokemon, PokemonAnimType.COMMANDER_REMOVE);
* Battler tag enabling the Stockpile mechanic. This tag handles:
* - Stack tracking, including max limit enforcement (which is replicated in Stockpile for redundancy).
@ -2932,6 +2963,8 @@ export function getBattlerTag(tagType: BattlerTagType, turnCount: number, source
return new IceFaceBlockDamageTag(tagType);
case BattlerTagType.DISGUISE:
return new FormBlockDamageTag(tagType);
case BattlerTagType.COMMANDED:
return new CommandedTag(sourceId);
case BattlerTagType.STOCKPILING:
return new StockpilingTag(sourceMove);
case BattlerTagType.OCTOLOCK:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { ChargeAnim, initMoveAnim, loadMoveAnimAssets, MoveChargeAnim } from "./battle-anims";
import { EncoreTag, GulpMissileTag, HelpingHandTag, SemiInvulnerableTag, ShellTrapTag, StockpilingTag, SubstituteTag, TrappedTag, TypeBoostTag } from "./battler-tags";
import { CommandedTag, EncoreTag, GulpMissileTag, HelpingHandTag, SemiInvulnerableTag, ShellTrapTag, StockpilingTag, SubstituteTag, TrappedTag, TypeBoostTag } from "./battler-tags";
import { getPokemonNameWithAffix } from "../messages";
import Pokemon, { AttackMoveResult, EnemyPokemon, HitResult, MoveResult, PlayerPokemon, PokemonMove, TurnMove } from "../field/pokemon";
import { getNonVolatileStatusEffects, getStatusEffectHealText, isNonVolatileStatusEffect, StatusEffect } from "./status-effect";
@ -714,6 +714,10 @@ export default class Move implements Localizable {
getTargetBenefitScore(user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move): integer {
let score = 0;
if (target.getAlly()?.getTag(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED)?.getSourcePokemon(target.scene) === target) {
return 20 * (target.isPlayer() === user.isPlayer() ? -1 : 1); // always -20 with how the AI handles this score
for (const attr of this.attrs) {
// conditionals to check if the move is self targeting (if so then you are applying the move to yourself, not the target)
score += attr.getTargetBenefitScore(user, !attr.selfTarget ? target : user, move) * (target !== user && attr.selfTarget ? -1 : 1);
@ -3245,6 +3249,41 @@ export class CutHpStatStageBoostAttr extends StatStageChangeAttr {
* Attribute implementing the stat boosting effect of {@link https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Order_Up_(move) | Order Up}.
* If the user has a Pokemon with {@link https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Commander_(Ability) | Commander} in their mouth,
* one of the user's stats are increased by 1 stage, depending on the "commanding" Pokemon's form. This effect does not respect
* effect chance, but Order Up itself may be boosted by Sheer Force.
export class OrderUpStatBoostAttr extends MoveEffectAttr {
constructor() {
super(true, { trigger: MoveEffectTrigger.HIT });
override apply(user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move, args?: any[]): boolean {
const commandedTag = user.getTag(CommandedTag);
if (!commandedTag) {
return false;
let increasedStat: EffectiveStat = Stat.ATK;
switch (commandedTag.tatsugiriFormKey) {
case "curly":
increasedStat = Stat.ATK;
case "droopy":
increasedStat = Stat.DEF;
case "stretchy":
increasedStat = Stat.SPD;
user.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatStageChangePhase(user.scene, user.getBattlerIndex(), this.selfTarget, [ increasedStat ], 1));
return true;
export class CopyStatsAttr extends MoveEffectAttr {
apply(user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move, args: any[]): boolean {
if (!super.apply(user, target, move, args)) {
@ -5852,7 +5891,13 @@ export class ForceSwitchOutAttr extends MoveEffectAttr {
return false;
/** The {@linkcode Pokemon} to be switched out with this effect */
const switchOutTarget = this.selfSwitch ? user : target;
// If the switch-out target is a Dondozo with a Tatsugiri in its mouth
// (e.g. when it uses Flip Turn), make it spit out the Tatsugiri before switching out.
if (switchOutTarget instanceof PlayerPokemon) {
* Check if Wimp Out/Emergency Exit activates due to being hit by U-turn or Volt Switch
@ -5955,6 +6000,12 @@ export class ForceSwitchOutAttr extends MoveEffectAttr {
return false;
// Dondozo with an allied Tatsugiri in its mouth cannot be forced out
const commandedTag = switchOutTarget.getTag(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED);
if (commandedTag?.getSourcePokemon(switchOutTarget.scene)?.isActive(true)) {
return false;
if (!player && user.scene.currentBattle.isBattleMysteryEncounter() && !user.scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter?.fleeAllowed) {
// Don't allow wild opponents to be force switched during MEs with flee disabled
return false;
@ -10300,8 +10351,8 @@ export function initMoves() {
new AttackMove(Moves.LUMINA_CRASH, Type.PSYCHIC, MoveCategory.SPECIAL, 80, 100, 10, 100, 0, 9)
.attr(StatStageChangeAttr, [ Stat.SPDEF ], -2),
new AttackMove(Moves.ORDER_UP, Type.DRAGON, MoveCategory.PHYSICAL, 80, 100, 10, 100, 0, 9)
.partial(), // No effect implemented (requires Commander)
new AttackMove(Moves.JET_PUNCH, Type.WATER, MoveCategory.PHYSICAL, 60, 100, 15, -1, 1, 9)
new StatusMove(Moves.SPICY_EXTRACT, Type.GRASS, -1, 15, -1, 0, 9)
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import { ReturnPhase } from "#app/phases/return-phase";
import i18next from "i18next";
import { ModifierTier } from "#app/modifier/modifier-tier";
import { CLASSIC_MODE_MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_WAVES } from "#app/game-mode";
import { BattlerTagType } from "#enums/battler-tag-type";
/** the i18n namespace for the encounter */
const namespace = "mysteryEncounters/theWinstrateChallenge";
@ -187,6 +188,7 @@ function endTrainerBattleAndShowDialogue(scene: BattleScene): Promise<void> {
} else {
const playerField = scene.getPlayerField();
playerField.forEach((pokemon) => pokemon.lapseTag(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED));
playerField.forEach((_, p) => scene.unshiftPhase(new ReturnPhase(scene, p)));
for (const pokemon of scene.getPlayerParty()) {
@ -88,5 +88,6 @@ export enum BattlerTagType {
@ -12,5 +12,15 @@ export enum PokemonAnimType {
* Removes a Pokemon's Substitute doll from the field.
* The Pokemon then moves back to its original position.
* Brings Tatsugiri and Dondozo to the center of the field, with
* Tatsugiri jumping into the Dondozo's mouth
* Dondozo "spits out" Tatsugiri, moving Tatsugiri back to its original
* field position.
@ -1563,6 +1563,11 @@ export default abstract class Pokemon extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
* @returns `true` if the pokemon is trapped
public isTrapped(trappedAbMessages: string[] = [], simulated: boolean = true): boolean {
const commandedTag = this.getTag(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED);
if (commandedTag?.getSourcePokemon(this.scene)?.isActive(true)) {
return true;
if (this.isOfType(Type.GHOST)) {
return false;
@ -2914,6 +2919,7 @@ export default abstract class Pokemon extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
this.scene.unshiftPhase(new FaintPhase(this.scene, this.getBattlerIndex(), isOneHitKo));
@ -2962,6 +2968,7 @@ export default abstract class Pokemon extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
this.scene.unshiftPhase(new FaintPhase(this.scene, this.getBattlerIndex(), preventEndure));
return damage;
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import i18next from "i18next";
import { type DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifierType, type EvolutionItemModifierType, type FormChangeItemModifierType, type ModifierOverride, type ModifierType, type PokemonBaseStatTotalModifierType, type PokemonExpBoosterModifierType, type PokemonFriendshipBoosterModifierType, type PokemonMoveAccuracyBoosterModifierType, type PokemonMultiHitModifierType, type TerastallizeModifierType, type TmModifierType, getModifierType, ModifierPoolType, ModifierTypeGenerator, modifierTypes, PokemonHeldItemModifierType } from "./modifier-type";
import { Color, ShadowColor } from "#enums/color";
import { FRIENDSHIP_GAIN_FROM_RARE_CANDY } from "#app/data/balance/starters";
import { applyAbAttrs, CommanderAbAttr } from "#app/data/ability";
export type ModifierPredicate = (modifier: Modifier) => boolean;
@ -1937,10 +1938,16 @@ export class PokemonInstantReviveModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
* @returns always `true`
override apply(pokemon: Pokemon): boolean {
// Restore the Pokemon to half HP
pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new PokemonHealPhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(),
toDmgValue(pokemon.getMaxHp() / 2), i18next.t("modifier:pokemonInstantReviveApply", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), typeName: this.type.name }), false, false, true));
// Remove the Pokemon's FAINT status
pokemon.resetStatus(true, false, true);
// Reapply Commander on the Pokemon's side of the field, if applicable
const field = pokemon.isPlayer() ? pokemon.scene.getPlayerField() : pokemon.scene.getEnemyField();
field.forEach((p) => applyAbAttrs(CommanderAbAttr, p, null, false));
return true;
@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ export class CommandPhase extends FieldPhase {
// If the Pokemon has applied Commander's effects to its ally, skip this command
if (this.scene.currentBattle?.double && this.getPokemon().getAlly()?.getTag(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED)?.getSourcePokemon(this.scene) === this.getPokemon()) {
this.scene.currentBattle.turnCommands[this.fieldIndex] = { command: Command.FIGHT, move: { move: Moves.NONE, targets: []}, skip: true };
if (this.scene.currentBattle.turnCommands[this.fieldIndex]?.skip) {
return this.end();
@ -92,7 +97,7 @@ export class CommandPhase extends FieldPhase {
handleCommand(command: Command, cursor: integer, ...args: any[]): boolean {
const playerPokemon = this.scene.getPlayerField()[this.fieldIndex];
let success: boolean;
let success: boolean = false;
switch (command) {
case Command.FIGHT:
@ -232,11 +237,8 @@ export class CommandPhase extends FieldPhase {
const trapTag = playerPokemon.getTag(TrappedTag);
const fairyLockTag = playerPokemon.scene.arena.getTagOnSide(ArenaTagType.FAIRY_LOCK, ArenaTagSide.PLAYER);
// trapTag should be defined at this point, but just in case...
if (!trapTag && !fairyLockTag) {
currentBattle.turnCommands[this.fieldIndex] = isSwitch
? { command: Command.POKEMON, cursor: cursor, args: args }
: { command: Command.RUN };
i18next.t(`battle:noEscape${isSwitch ? "Switch" : "Flee"}`);
if (!isSwitch) {
@ -272,11 +274,11 @@ export class CommandPhase extends FieldPhase {
if (success!) { // TODO: is the bang correct?
if (success) {
return success!; // TODO: is the bang correct?
return success;
cancel() {
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import { PlayerGender } from "#enums/player-gender";
import { Species } from "#enums/species";
import i18next from "i18next";
import { WEIGHT_INCREMENT_ON_SPAWN_MISS } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounters";
import { BattlerTagType } from "#enums/battler-tag-type";
export class EncounterPhase extends BattlePhase {
private loaded: boolean;
@ -482,6 +483,7 @@ export class EncounterPhase extends BattlePhase {
} else {
if (availablePartyMembers.length > 1 && availablePartyMembers[1].isOnField()) {
this.scene.getPlayerField().forEach((pokemon) => pokemon.lapseTag(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED));
this.scene.pushPhase(new ReturnPhase(this.scene, 1));
this.scene.pushPhase(new ToggleDoublePositionPhase(this.scene, false));
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene";
import { BattlerIndex } from "#app/battle";
import { Command } from "#app/ui/command-ui-handler";
import { FieldPhase } from "./field-phase";
import { Abilities } from "#enums/abilities";
import { BattlerTagType } from "#enums/battler-tag-type";
* Phase for determining an enemy AI's action for the next turn.
@ -34,6 +36,11 @@ export class EnemyCommandPhase extends FieldPhase {
const trainer = battle.trainer;
if (battle.double && enemyPokemon.hasAbility(Abilities.COMMANDER)
&& enemyPokemon.getAlly().getTag(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED)) {
this.skipTurn = true;
* If the enemy has a trainer, decide whether or not the enemy should switch
* to another member in its party.
@ -211,11 +211,14 @@ export class MoveEffectPhase extends PokemonPhase {
&& (target.getAbility()?.getAttrs(TypeImmunityAbAttr)?.[0]?.getImmuneType() === user.getMoveType(move))
&& !target.getTag(SemiInvulnerableTag);
/** Is the target hidden by the effects of its Commander ability? */
const isCommanding = this.scene.currentBattle.double && target.getAlly()?.getTag(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED)?.getSourcePokemon(this.scene) === target;
* If the move missed a target, stop all future hits against that target
* and move on to the next target (if there is one).
if (!isImmune && !isProtected && !targetHitChecks[target.getBattlerIndex()]) {
if (isCommanding || (!isImmune && !isProtected && !targetHitChecks[target.getBattlerIndex()])) {
this.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("battle:attackMissed", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(target) }));
if (moveHistoryEntry.result === MoveResult.PENDING) {
@ -417,6 +417,7 @@ export class MysteryEncounterBattlePhase extends Phase {
} else {
if (availablePartyMembers.length > 1 && availablePartyMembers[1].isOnField()) {
scene.getPlayerField().forEach((pokemon) => pokemon.lapseTag(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED));
scene.pushPhase(new ReturnPhase(scene, 1));
scene.pushPhase(new ToggleDoublePositionPhase(scene, false));
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { SubstituteTag } from "#app/data/battler-tags";
import { PokemonAnimType } from "#enums/pokemon-anim-type";
import Pokemon from "#app/field/pokemon";
import { BattlePhase } from "#app/phases/battle-phase";
import { Species } from "#enums/species";
export class PokemonAnimPhase extends BattlePhase {
@ -37,12 +38,18 @@ export class PokemonAnimPhase extends BattlePhase {
case PokemonAnimType.SUBSTITUTE_REMOVE:
case PokemonAnimType.COMMANDER_APPLY:
case PokemonAnimType.COMMANDER_REMOVE:
doSubstituteAddAnim(): void {
private doSubstituteAddAnim(): void {
const substitute = this.pokemon.getTag(SubstituteTag);
if (substitute === null) {
return this.end();
@ -106,7 +113,7 @@ export class PokemonAnimPhase extends BattlePhase {
doSubstitutePreMoveAnim(): void {
private doSubstitutePreMoveAnim(): void {
if (this.fieldAssets.length !== 1) {
return this.end();
@ -135,7 +142,7 @@ export class PokemonAnimPhase extends BattlePhase {
doSubstitutePostMoveAnim(): void {
private doSubstitutePostMoveAnim(): void {
if (this.fieldAssets.length !== 1) {
return this.end();
@ -164,7 +171,7 @@ export class PokemonAnimPhase extends BattlePhase {
doSubstituteRemoveAnim(): void {
private doSubstituteRemoveAnim(): void {
if (this.fieldAssets.length !== 1) {
return this.end();
@ -233,4 +240,121 @@ export class PokemonAnimPhase extends BattlePhase {
private doCommanderApplyAnim(): void {
if (!this.scene.currentBattle?.double) {
return this.end();
const dondozo = this.pokemon.getAlly();
if (dondozo?.species?.speciesId !== Species.DONDOZO) {
return this.end();
const tatsugiriX = this.pokemon.x + this.pokemon.getSprite().x;
const tatsugiriY = this.pokemon.y + this.pokemon.getSprite().y;
const getSourceSprite = () => {
const sprite = this.scene.addPokemonSprite(this.pokemon, tatsugiriX, tatsugiriY, this.pokemon.getSprite().texture, this.pokemon.getSprite()!.frame.name, true);
[ "spriteColors", "fusionSpriteColors" ].map(k => sprite.pipelineData[k] = this.pokemon.getSprite().pipelineData[k]);
sprite.setPipelineData("spriteKey", this.pokemon.getBattleSpriteKey());
sprite.setPipelineData("shiny", this.pokemon.shiny);
sprite.setPipelineData("variant", this.pokemon.variant);
sprite.setPipelineData("ignoreFieldPos", true);
sprite.setOrigin(0.5, 1);
this.pokemon.getSprite().on("animationupdate", (_anim, frame) => sprite.setFrame(frame.textureFrame));
return sprite;
const sourceSprite = getSourceSprite();
const sourceFpOffset = this.pokemon.getFieldPositionOffset();
const dondozoFpOffset = dondozo.getFieldPositionOffset();
targets: sourceSprite,
duration: 375,
scale: 0.5,
x: { value: tatsugiriX + (dondozoFpOffset[0] - sourceFpOffset[0]) / 2, ease: "Linear" },
y: { value: (this.pokemon.isPlayer() ? 100 : 65) + sourceFpOffset[1], ease: "Sine.easeOut" },
onComplete: () => {
targets: sourceSprite,
duration: 375,
scale: 0.01,
x: { value: dondozo.x, ease: "Linear" },
y: { value: dondozo.y + dondozo.height / 2, ease: "Sine.easeIn" },
onComplete: () => {
this.scene.playSound("battle_anims/PRSFX- Liquidation1.wav");
targets: dondozo,
duration: 250,
ease: "Sine.easeInOut",
scale: 0.85,
yoyo: true,
onComplete: () => this.end()
private doCommanderRemoveAnim(): void {
// Note: unlike the other Commander animation, this is played through the
// Dondozo instead of the Tatsugiri.
const tatsugiri = this.pokemon.getAlly();
const tatsuSprite = this.scene.addPokemonSprite(
this.pokemon.x + this.pokemon.getSprite().x,
this.pokemon.y + this.pokemon.getSprite().y + this.pokemon.height / 2,
[ "spriteColors", "fusionSpriteColors" ].map(k => tatsuSprite.pipelineData[k] = tatsugiri.getSprite().pipelineData[k]);
tatsuSprite.setPipelineData("spriteKey", tatsugiri.getBattleSpriteKey());
tatsuSprite.setPipelineData("shiny", tatsugiri.shiny);
tatsuSprite.setPipelineData("variant", tatsugiri.variant);
tatsuSprite.setPipelineData("ignoreFieldPos", true);
this.pokemon.getSprite().on("animationupdate", (_anim, frame) => tatsuSprite.setFrame(frame.textureFrame));
tatsuSprite.setOrigin(0.5, 1);
targets: this.pokemon,
duration: 250,
ease: "Sine.easeInOut",
scale: 1.15,
yoyo: true,
onComplete: () => {
this.scene.playSound("battle_anims/PRSFX- Liquidation4.wav");
targets: tatsuSprite,
duration: 500,
scale: 1,
x: { value: tatsugiri.x + tatsugiri.getSprite().x, ease: "Linear" },
y: { value: tatsugiri.y + tatsugiri.getSprite().y, ease: "Sine.easeIn" },
onComplete: () => {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene";
import { BattlerIndex } from "#app/battle";
import { applyPostSummonAbAttrs, PostSummonAbAttr } from "#app/data/ability";
import { applyAbAttrs, applyPostSummonAbAttrs, CommanderAbAttr, PostSummonAbAttr } from "#app/data/ability";
import { ArenaTrapTag } from "#app/data/arena-tag";
import { StatusEffect } from "#app/enums/status-effect";
import { PokemonPhase } from "./pokemon-phase";
@ -28,5 +28,8 @@ export class PostSummonPhase extends PokemonPhase {
applyPostSummonAbAttrs(PostSummonAbAttr, pokemon).then(() => this.end());
const field = pokemon.isPlayer() ? this.scene.getPlayerField() : this.scene.getEnemyField();
field.forEach((p) => applyAbAttrs(CommanderAbAttr, p, null, false));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
import { BattlerIndex } from "#app/battle";
import { BattlerTagType } from "#enums/battler-tag-type";
import { PokemonAnimType } from "#enums/pokemon-anim-type";
import { EffectiveStat, Stat } from "#enums/stat";
import { StatusEffect } from "#enums/status-effect";
import { WeatherType } from "#enums/weather-type";
import { MoveResult } from "#app/field/pokemon";
import { Abilities } from "#enums/abilities";
import { Moves } from "#enums/moves";
import { Species } from "#enums/species";
import GameManager from "#test/utils/gameManager";
import Phaser from "phaser";
import { afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest";
describe("Abilities - Commander", () => {
let phaserGame: Phaser.Game;
let game: GameManager;
beforeAll(() => {
phaserGame = new Phaser.Game({
type: Phaser.HEADLESS,
afterEach(() => {
beforeEach(() => {
game = new GameManager(phaserGame);
.moveset([ Moves.LIQUIDATION, Moves.MEMENTO, Moves.SPLASH, Moves.FLIP_TURN ])
vi.spyOn(game.scene, "triggerPokemonBattleAnim").mockReturnValue(true);
it("causes the source to jump into Dondozo's mouth, granting a stat boost and hiding the source", async () => {
await game.classicMode.startBattle([ Species.TATSUGIRI, Species.DONDOZO ]);
const [ tatsugiri, dondozo ] = game.scene.getPlayerField();
const affectedStats: EffectiveStat[] = [ Stat.ATK, Stat.DEF, Stat.SPATK, Stat.SPDEF, Stat.SPD ];
expect(game.scene.triggerPokemonBattleAnim).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(tatsugiri, PokemonAnimType.COMMANDER_APPLY);
affectedStats.forEach((stat) => expect(dondozo.getStatStage(stat)).toBe(2));
game.move.select(Moves.SPLASH, 1);
// Force both enemies to target the Tatsugiri
await game.forceEnemyMove(Moves.TACKLE, BattlerIndex.PLAYER);
await game.forceEnemyMove(Moves.TACKLE, BattlerIndex.PLAYER);
await game.phaseInterceptor.to("BerryPhase", false);
game.scene.getEnemyField().forEach(enemy => expect(enemy.getLastXMoves(1)[0].result).toBe(MoveResult.MISS));
it("should activate when a Dondozo switches in and cancel the source's move", async () => {
await game.classicMode.startBattle([ Species.TATSUGIRI, Species.MAGIKARP, Species.DONDOZO ]);
const tatsugiri = game.scene.getPlayerField()[0];
game.move.select(Moves.LIQUIDATION, 0, BattlerIndex.ENEMY);
await game.phaseInterceptor.to("MovePhase", false);
expect(game.scene.triggerPokemonBattleAnim).toHaveBeenCalledWith(tatsugiri, PokemonAnimType.COMMANDER_APPLY);
const dondozo = game.scene.getPlayerField()[1];
await game.phaseInterceptor.to("BerryPhase", false);
it("source should reenter the field when Dondozo faints", async () => {
await game.classicMode.startBattle([ Species.TATSUGIRI, Species.DONDOZO ]);
const [ tatsugiri, dondozo ] = game.scene.getPlayerField();
expect(game.scene.triggerPokemonBattleAnim).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(tatsugiri, PokemonAnimType.COMMANDER_APPLY);
game.move.select(Moves.MEMENTO, 1, BattlerIndex.ENEMY);
await game.forceEnemyMove(Moves.TACKLE, BattlerIndex.PLAYER);
await game.forceEnemyMove(Moves.TACKLE, BattlerIndex.PLAYER);
await game.setTurnOrder([ BattlerIndex.PLAYER_2, BattlerIndex.ENEMY, BattlerIndex.ENEMY_2, BattlerIndex.PLAYER ]);
await game.phaseInterceptor.to("FaintPhase", false);
expect(game.scene.triggerPokemonBattleAnim).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(dondozo, PokemonAnimType.COMMANDER_REMOVE);
await game.phaseInterceptor.to("BerryPhase", false);
it("source should still take damage from Poison while hidden", async () => {
await game.classicMode.startBattle([ Species.TATSUGIRI, Species.DONDOZO ]);
const [ tatsugiri, dondozo ] = game.scene.getPlayerField();
expect(game.scene.triggerPokemonBattleAnim).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(tatsugiri, PokemonAnimType.COMMANDER_APPLY);
game.move.select(Moves.SPLASH, 1);
await game.phaseInterceptor.to("TurnEndPhase");
it("source should still take damage from Salt Cure while hidden", async () => {
await game.classicMode.startBattle([ Species.TATSUGIRI, Species.DONDOZO ]);
const [ tatsugiri, dondozo ] = game.scene.getPlayerField();
expect(game.scene.triggerPokemonBattleAnim).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(tatsugiri, PokemonAnimType.COMMANDER_APPLY);
tatsugiri.addTag(BattlerTagType.SALT_CURED, 0, Moves.NONE, game.scene.getField()[BattlerIndex.ENEMY].id);
game.move.select(Moves.SPLASH, 1);
await game.phaseInterceptor.to("TurnEndPhase");
it("source should still take damage from Sandstorm while hidden", async () => {
await game.classicMode.startBattle([ Species.TATSUGIRI, Species.DONDOZO ]);
const [ tatsugiri, dondozo ] = game.scene.getPlayerField();
expect(game.scene.triggerPokemonBattleAnim).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(tatsugiri, PokemonAnimType.COMMANDER_APPLY);
game.move.select(Moves.SPLASH, 1);
await game.phaseInterceptor.to("TurnEndPhase");
it("should make Dondozo immune to being forced out", async () => {
game.override.enemyMoveset([ Moves.SPLASH, Moves.WHIRLWIND ]);
await game.classicMode.startBattle([ Species.TATSUGIRI, Species.DONDOZO ]);
const [ tatsugiri, dondozo ] = game.scene.getPlayerField();
expect(game.scene.triggerPokemonBattleAnim).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(tatsugiri, PokemonAnimType.COMMANDER_APPLY);
game.move.select(Moves.SPLASH, 1);
await game.forceEnemyMove(Moves.WHIRLWIND, BattlerIndex.PLAYER_2);
await game.forceEnemyMove(Moves.SPLASH);
// Test may time out here if Whirlwind forced out a Pokemon
await game.phaseInterceptor.to("TurnEndPhase");
it("should interrupt the source's semi-invulnerability", async () => {
.moveset([ Moves.SPLASH, Moves.DIVE ])
await game.classicMode.startBattle([ Species.TATSUGIRI, Species.MAGIKARP, Species.DONDOZO ]);
const tatsugiri = game.scene.getPlayerField()[0];
game.move.select(Moves.DIVE, 0, BattlerIndex.ENEMY);
game.move.select(Moves.SPLASH, 1);
await game.phaseInterceptor.to("CommandPhase");
await game.toNextTurn();
await game.phaseInterceptor.to("MovePhase", false);
const dondozo = game.scene.getPlayerField()[1];
await game.toNextTurn();
const enemy = game.scene.getEnemyField()[0];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
import { BattlerIndex } from "#app/battle";
import { BattlerTagType } from "#enums/battler-tag-type";
import { PokemonAnimType } from "#enums/pokemon-anim-type";
import { EffectiveStat, Stat } from "#enums/stat";
import { Abilities } from "#enums/abilities";
import { Moves } from "#enums/moves";
import { Species } from "#enums/species";
import GameManager from "#test/utils/gameManager";
import Phaser from "phaser";
import { afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest";
describe("Moves - Order Up", () => {
let phaserGame: Phaser.Game;
let game: GameManager;
beforeAll(() => {
phaserGame = new Phaser.Game({
type: Phaser.HEADLESS,
afterEach(() => {
beforeEach(() => {
game = new GameManager(phaserGame);
vi.spyOn(game.scene, "triggerPokemonBattleAnim").mockReturnValue(true);
{ formIndex: 0, formName: "Curly", stat: Stat.ATK, statName: "Attack" },
{ formIndex: 1, formName: "Droopy", stat: Stat.DEF, statName: "Defense" },
{ formIndex: 2, formName: "Stretchy", stat: Stat.SPD, statName: "Speed" }
])("should raise the user's $statName when the user is commanded by a $formName Tatsugiri", async ({ formIndex, stat }) => {
game.override.starterForms({ [Species.TATSUGIRI]: formIndex });
await game.classicMode.startBattle([ Species.TATSUGIRI, Species.DONDOZO ]);
const [ tatsugiri, dondozo ] = game.scene.getPlayerField();
expect(game.scene.triggerPokemonBattleAnim).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(tatsugiri, PokemonAnimType.COMMANDER_APPLY);
game.move.select(Moves.ORDER_UP, 1, BattlerIndex.ENEMY);
await game.phaseInterceptor.to("BerryPhase", false);
const affectedStats: EffectiveStat[] = [ Stat.ATK, Stat.DEF, Stat.SPATK, Stat.SPDEF, Stat.SPD ];
affectedStats.forEach(st => expect(dondozo.getStatStage(st)).toBe(st === stat ? 3 : 2));
it("should be boosted by Sheer Force while still applying a stat boost", async () => {
.starterForms({ [Species.TATSUGIRI]: 0 });
await game.classicMode.startBattle([ Species.TATSUGIRI, Species.DONDOZO ]);
const [ tatsugiri, dondozo ] = game.scene.getPlayerField();
expect(game.scene.triggerPokemonBattleAnim).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(tatsugiri, PokemonAnimType.COMMANDER_APPLY);
game.move.select(Moves.ORDER_UP, 1, BattlerIndex.ENEMY);
await game.phaseInterceptor.to("BerryPhase", false);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user