Add rarer candy and candy jar items
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@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ export function getPokeballCatchMultiplier(type: PokeballType): number {
case PokeballType.ULTRA_BALL:
return 2;
case PokeballType.MASTER_BALL:
return 10;
return -1;
case PokeballType.LUXURY_BALL:
return 1;
@ -243,6 +243,12 @@ export class PokemonLevelIncrementModifierType extends PokemonModifierType {
export class AllPokemonLevelIncrementModifierType extends ModifierType {
constructor(name: string, iconImage?: string) {
super(name, `Increase all party members' level by 1`, (_type, _args) => new Modifiers.PokemonLevelIncrementModifier(this, -1), iconImage);
function getBaseStatBoosterItemName(stat: Stat) {
switch (stat) {
case Stat.HP:
@ -431,14 +437,15 @@ class HeldItemTransferModifierType extends PokemonHeldItemModifierType {
type ModifierTypeFunc = () => ModifierType;
type WeightedModifierTypeWeightFunc = (party: Pokemon[]) => integer;
class WeightedModifierType {
public modifierType: ModifierType;
public weight: integer | WeightedModifierTypeWeightFunc;
constructor(modifierType: ModifierType, weight: integer | WeightedModifierTypeWeightFunc) {
this.modifierType = modifierType;
constructor(modifierTypeFunc: ModifierTypeFunc, weight: integer | WeightedModifierTypeWeightFunc) {
this.modifierType = modifierTypeFunc();
this.weight = weight;
@ -448,46 +455,47 @@ class WeightedModifierType {
const modifierTypes = {
POKEBALL: new AddPokeballModifierType(PokeballType.POKEBALL, 5, 'pb'),
GREAT_BALL: new AddPokeballModifierType(PokeballType.GREAT_BALL, 5, 'gb'),
ULTRA_BALL: new AddPokeballModifierType(PokeballType.ULTRA_BALL, 5, 'ub'),
MASTER_BALL: new AddPokeballModifierType(PokeballType.MASTER_BALL, 1, 'mb'),
POKEBALL: () => new AddPokeballModifierType(PokeballType.POKEBALL, 5, 'pb'),
GREAT_BALL: () => new AddPokeballModifierType(PokeballType.GREAT_BALL, 5, 'gb'),
ULTRA_BALL: () => new AddPokeballModifierType(PokeballType.ULTRA_BALL, 5, 'ub'),
MASTER_BALL: () => new AddPokeballModifierType(PokeballType.MASTER_BALL, 1, 'mb'),
RARE_CANDY: new PokemonLevelIncrementModifierType('RARE CANDY'),
RARE_CANDY: () => new PokemonLevelIncrementModifierType('RARE CANDY'),
RARER_CANDY: () => new AllPokemonLevelIncrementModifierType('RARER CANDY'),
EVOLUTION_ITEM: new EvolutionItemModifierTypeGenerator(),
EVOLUTION_ITEM: () => new EvolutionItemModifierTypeGenerator(),
POTION: new PokemonHpRestoreModifierType('POTION', 20),
SUPER_POTION: new PokemonHpRestoreModifierType('SUPER POTION', 50),
HYPER_POTION: new PokemonHpRestoreModifierType('HYPER POTION', 200),
MAX_POTION: new PokemonHpRestoreModifierType('MAX POTION', 100, true),
POTION: () => new PokemonHpRestoreModifierType('POTION', 20),
SUPER_POTION: () => new PokemonHpRestoreModifierType('SUPER POTION', 50),
HYPER_POTION: () => new PokemonHpRestoreModifierType('HYPER POTION', 200),
MAX_POTION: () => new PokemonHpRestoreModifierType('MAX POTION', 100, true),
REVIVE: new PokemonReviveModifierType('REVIVE', 50),
MAX_REVIVE: new PokemonReviveModifierType('MAX REVIVE', 100),
REVIVE: () => new PokemonReviveModifierType('REVIVE', 50),
MAX_REVIVE: () => new PokemonReviveModifierType('MAX REVIVE', 100),
FULL_HEAL: new PokemonStatusHealModifierType('FULL HEAL'),
FULL_HEAL: () => new PokemonStatusHealModifierType('FULL HEAL'),
SACRED_ASH: new AllPokemonFullReviveModifierType('SACRED ASH'),
SACRED_ASH: () => new AllPokemonFullReviveModifierType('SACRED ASH'),
ETHER: new PokemonPpRestoreModifierType('ETHER', 10),
MAX_ETHER: new PokemonPpRestoreModifierType('MAX ETHER', -1),
ETHER: () => new PokemonPpRestoreModifierType('ETHER', 10),
MAX_ETHER: () => new PokemonPpRestoreModifierType('MAX ETHER', -1),
ELIXIR: new PokemonAllMovePpRestoreModifierType('ELIXIR', 10),
MAX_ELIXIR: new PokemonAllMovePpRestoreModifierType('MAX ELIXIR', -1),
ELIXIR: () => new PokemonAllMovePpRestoreModifierType('ELIXIR', 10),
MAX_ELIXIR: () => new PokemonAllMovePpRestoreModifierType('MAX ELIXIR', -1),
TEMP_STAT_BOOSTER: new ModifierTypeGenerator((party: Pokemon[]) => {
TEMP_STAT_BOOSTER: () => new ModifierTypeGenerator((party: Pokemon[]) => {
const randTempBattleStat = Utils.randInt(7) as TempBattleStat;
return new TempBattleStatBoosterModifierType(randTempBattleStat);
BASE_STAT_BOOSTER: new ModifierTypeGenerator((party: Pokemon[]) => {
BASE_STAT_BOOSTER: () => new ModifierTypeGenerator((party: Pokemon[]) => {
const randStat = Utils.randInt(6) as Stat;
return new PokemonBaseStatBoosterModifierType(getBaseStatBoosterItemName(randStat), randStat);
ATTACK_TYPE_BOOSTER: new AttackTypeBoosterModifierTypeGenerator(),
ATTACK_TYPE_BOOSTER: () => new AttackTypeBoosterModifierTypeGenerator(),
BERRY: new ModifierTypeGenerator((party: Pokemon[]) => {
BERRY: () => new ModifierTypeGenerator((party: Pokemon[]) => {
const berryTypes = Utils.getEnumValues(BerryType);
const randBerryType = berryTypes[Utils.randInt(berryTypes.length)];
return new PokemonHeldItemModifierType(getBerryName(randBerryType), getBerryEffectDescription(randBerryType),
@ -495,7 +503,7 @@ const modifierTypes = {
null, 'berry');
TM: new ModifierTypeGenerator((party: Pokemon[]) => {
TM: () => new ModifierTypeGenerator((party: Pokemon[]) => {
const partyMemberCompatibleTms = => (p as PlayerPokemon).compatibleTms);
const uniqueCompatibleTms = partyMemberCompatibleTms.flat().filter((tm, i, array) => array.indexOf(tm) === i);
if (!uniqueCompatibleTms.length)
@ -504,35 +512,37 @@ const modifierTypes = {
return new TmModifierType(uniqueCompatibleTms[randTmIndex]);
EXP_SHARE: new ModifierType('EXP. SHARE', 'All POKéMON in your party gain an additional 10% of a battle\'s EXP. Points',
EXP_SHARE: () => new ModifierType('EXP. SHARE', 'All POKéMON in your party gain an additional 10% of a battle\'s EXP. Points',
(type, _args) => new Modifiers.ExpShareModifier(type), 'exp_share'),
EXP_BALANCE: new ModifierType('EXP. BALANCE', 'All EXP. Points received from battles are split between the lower leveled party members',
EXP_BALANCE: () => new ModifierType('EXP. BALANCE', 'All EXP. Points received from battles are split between the lower leveled party members',
(type, _args) => new Modifiers.ExpBalanceModifier(type), 'exp_balance'),
EXP_CHARM: new ExpBoosterModifierType('EXP CHARM', 25),
GOLDEN_EXP_CHARM: new ExpBoosterModifierType('GOLDEN EXP CHARM', 100),
EXP_CHARM: () => new ExpBoosterModifierType('EXP CHARM', 25),
GOLDEN_EXP_CHARM: () => new ExpBoosterModifierType('GOLDEN EXP CHARM', 100),
LUCKY_EGG: new PokemonExpBoosterModifierType('LUCKY EGG', 50),
LUCKY_EGG: () => new PokemonExpBoosterModifierType('LUCKY EGG', 50),
HEALING_CHARM: new ModifierType('HEALING CHARM', 'Doubles the effectiveness of HP restoring moves and items (excludes revives)',
HEALING_CHARM: () => new ModifierType('HEALING CHARM', 'Doubles the effectiveness of HP restoring moves and items (excludes revives)',
(type, _args) => new Modifiers.HealingBoosterModifier(type, 2), 'healing_charm'),
OVAL_CHARM: new ModifierType('OVAL CHARM', 'For every X (no. of party members) items in a POKéMON\'s held item stack, give one to each other party member',
OVAL_CHARM: () => new ModifierType('OVAL CHARM', 'For every X (no. of party members) items in a POKéMON\'s held item stack, give one to each other party member',
(type, _args) => new Modifiers.PartyShareModifier(type), 'oval_charm'),
BERRY_POUCH: new ModifierType('BERRY POUCH', 'Adds a 25% chance that a used berry will not be consumed',
CANDY_JAR: () => new ModifierType('CANDY JAR', 'Increases the number of levels added by RARE CANDY items by 1', (type, _args) => new Modifiers.LevelIncrementBoosterModifier(type)),
BERRY_POUCH: () => new ModifierType('BERRY POUCH', 'Adds a 25% chance that a used berry will not be consumed',
(type, _args) => new Modifiers.PreserveBerryModifier(type)),
LEFTOVERS: new PokemonHeldItemModifierType('LEFTOVERS', 'Heals 1/16 of a POKéMON\'s maximum HP every turn',
LEFTOVERS: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType('LEFTOVERS', 'Heals 1/16 of a POKéMON\'s maximum HP every turn',
(type, args) => new Modifiers.TurnHealModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)),
SHELL_BELL: new PokemonHeldItemModifierType('SHELL BELL', 'Heals 1/8 of a POKéMON\'s dealt damage',
SHELL_BELL: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType('SHELL BELL', 'Heals 1/8 of a POKéMON\'s dealt damage',
(type, args) => new Modifiers.HitHealModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)),
SHINY_CHARM: new ModifierType('SHINY CHARM', 'Dramatically increases the chance of a wild POKéMON being shiny', (type, _args) => new Modifiers.ShinyRateBoosterModifier(type)),
SHINY_CHARM: () => new ModifierType('SHINY CHARM', 'Dramatically increases the chance of a wild POKéMON being shiny', (type, _args) => new Modifiers.ShinyRateBoosterModifier(type)),
MINI_BLACK_HOLE: new HeldItemTransferModifierType('MINI BLACK HOLE'),
MINI_BLACK_HOLE: () => new HeldItemTransferModifierType('MINI BLACK HOLE'),
GOLDEN_POKEBALL: new ModifierType(`GOLDEN ${getPokeballName(PokeballType.POKEBALL)}`, 'Adds 1 extra item option at the end of every battle',
GOLDEN_POKEBALL: () => new ModifierType(`GOLDEN ${getPokeballName(PokeballType.POKEBALL)}`, 'Adds 1 extra item option at the end of every battle',
(type, _args) => new Modifiers.ExtraModifierModifier(type), 'pb_gold', null, 'pb_bounce_1'),
@ -600,6 +610,7 @@ const modifierPool = {
new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ULTRA_BALL, 8),
new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.EVOLUTION_ITEM, 12),
new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ATTACK_TYPE_BOOSTER, 5),
new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.CANDY_JAR, 3),
//new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.OVAL_CHARM, 1),
new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.HEALING_CHARM, 1),
new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.LEFTOVERS, 2),
@ -616,7 +627,8 @@ const modifierPool = {
].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.MASTER); return m; }),
[ModifierTier.LUXURY]: [
new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.GOLDEN_EXP_CHARM, (party: Pokemon[]) => party.filter(p => p.level < 100).length ? 1 : 0),
new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.GOLDEN_POKEBALL, 1)
new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.GOLDEN_POKEBALL, 1),
new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.RARER_CANDY, 1)
].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.LUXURY); return m; }),
@ -628,7 +640,7 @@ const enemyModifierPool = {
new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.BASE_STAT_BOOSTER, 1)
].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.GREAT); return m; }),
[ModifierTier.ULTRA]: [
new WeightedModifierType(new AttackTypeBoosterModifierTypeGenerator(), 5),
new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ATTACK_TYPE_BOOSTER, 5),
new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.LUCKY_EGG, 2),
].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.ULTRA); return m; }),
[ModifierTier.MASTER]: [
@ -741,7 +753,7 @@ function getNewModifierTypeOption(party: Pokemon[], player?: boolean, tier?: Mod
export function getDefaultModifierTypeForTier(tier: ModifierTier): ModifierType {
let modifierType: ModifierType | WeightedModifierType = modifierPool[tier][tier !== ModifierTier.LUXURY ? 0 : 1];
let modifierType: ModifierType | WeightedModifierType = modifierPool[tier][tier !== ModifierTier.LUXURY ? 0 : 2];
if (modifierType instanceof WeightedModifierType)
modifierType = (modifierType as WeightedModifierType).modifierType;
return modifierType;
@ -404,6 +404,30 @@ export class HitHealModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
export class LevelIncrementBoosterModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
match(modifier: Modifier) {
return modifier instanceof LevelIncrementBoosterModifier;
clone() {
return new LevelIncrementBoosterModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return super.shouldApply(args) && args[0] instanceof Utils.IntegerHolder;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
(args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value += this.getStackCount();
return true;
export class BerryModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
public berryType: BerryType;
public consumed: boolean;
@ -587,7 +611,10 @@ export class PokemonLevelIncrementModifier extends ConsumablePokemonModifier {
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as PlayerPokemon;
const levelCount = new Utils.IntegerHolder(1);
pokemon.scene.applyModifiers(LevelIncrementBoosterModifier, true, levelCount);
pokemon.level += levelCount.value;
if (pokemon.level <= 100) {
pokemon.exp = getLevelTotalExp(pokemon.level, pokemon.species.growthRate);
pokemon.levelExp = 0;