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synced 2025-03-03 08:27:59 +00:00
Make Rookidee line more rare
Sorry, the bird was just too good to be that common. Also included is a touched up Tera icon sprite.
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 162 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 250 B |
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ export const biomePokemonPools: BiomePokemonPools = {
[TimeOfDay.DUSK]: [ { 1: [ Species.WEEDLE ], 7: [ Species.KAKUNA ] }, Species.POOCHYENA, Species.PATRAT, Species.PURRLOIN, Species.BLIPBUG ],
[TimeOfDay.NIGHT]: [ { 1: [ Species.WEEDLE ], 7: [ Species.KAKUNA ] }, Species.HOOTHOOT, Species.SPINARAK, Species.POOCHYENA, Species.CASCOON, Species.PATRAT, Species.PURRLOIN, Species.BLIPBUG ],
[TimeOfDay.ALL]: [ Species.PIDGEY, Species.RATTATA, Species.SPEAROW, Species.ZIGZAGOON, Species.WURMPLE, Species.TAILLOW, Species.BIDOOF, Species.LILLIPUP, Species.FLETCHLING, Species.ROOKIDEE, Species.WOOLOO, Species.LECHONK ]
[TimeOfDay.ALL]: [ Species.PIDGEY, Species.RATTATA, Species.SPEAROW, Species.ZIGZAGOON, Species.WURMPLE, Species.TAILLOW, Species.BIDOOF, Species.LILLIPUP, Species.FLETCHLING, Species.WOOLOO, Species.LECHONK ]
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: {
[TimeOfDay.DAWN]: [ Species.BELLSPROUT, Species.POOCHYENA, Species.LOTAD, Species.SKITTY, Species.COMBEE, Species.CHERUBI, Species.PATRAT, Species.MINCCINO, Species.PAWMI ],
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ export const biomePokemonPools: BiomePokemonPools = {
[TimeOfDay.NIGHT]: [ Species.EKANS, Species.ODDISH, Species.PARAS, Species.VENONAT, Species.MEOWTH, Species.SEEDOT, Species.SHROOMISH, Species.KRICKETOT, Species.VENIPEDE ],
[TimeOfDay.ALL]: [ Species.NINCADA, Species.WHISMUR, Species.FIDOUGH ]
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: { [TimeOfDay.DAWN]: [ Species.TANDEMAUS ], [TimeOfDay.DAY]: [ Species.TANDEMAUS ], [TimeOfDay.DUSK]: [], [TimeOfDay.NIGHT]: [], [TimeOfDay.ALL]: [ Species.ABRA, Species.SURSKIT ] },
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: { [TimeOfDay.DAWN]: [ Species.TANDEMAUS ], [TimeOfDay.DAY]: [ Species.TANDEMAUS ], [TimeOfDay.DUSK]: [], [TimeOfDay.NIGHT]: [], [TimeOfDay.ALL]: [ Species.ABRA, Species.SURSKIT, Species.ROOKIDEE ] },
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: { [TimeOfDay.DAWN]: [], [TimeOfDay.DAY]: [], [TimeOfDay.DUSK]: [], [TimeOfDay.NIGHT]: [], [TimeOfDay.ALL]: [ Species.EEVEE, Species.RALTS ] },
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: { [TimeOfDay.DAWN]: [], [TimeOfDay.DAY]: [], [TimeOfDay.DUSK]: [], [TimeOfDay.NIGHT]: [], [TimeOfDay.ALL]: [ Species.DITTO ] },
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: { [TimeOfDay.DAWN]: [], [TimeOfDay.DAY]: [], [TimeOfDay.DUSK]: [], [TimeOfDay.NIGHT]: [], [TimeOfDay.ALL]: [] },
@ -165,12 +165,7 @@ export const biomePokemonPools: BiomePokemonPools = {
[TimeOfDay.DAY]: [ { 1: [ Species.SENTRET ], 15: [ Species.FURRET ] }, { 1: [ Species.YUNGOOS ], 30: [ Species.GUMSHOOS ] }, { 1: [ Species.SKWOVET ], 24: [ Species.GREEDENT ] } ],
[TimeOfDay.DUSK]: [ { 1: [ Species.MEOWTH ], 28: [ Species.PERSIAN ] }, { 1: [ Species.POOCHYENA ], 18: [ Species.MIGHTYENA ] } ],
[TimeOfDay.NIGHT]: [ { 1: [ Species.ZUBAT ], 22: [ Species.GOLBAT ] }, { 1: [ Species.MEOWTH ], 28: [ Species.PERSIAN ] }, { 1: [ Species.POOCHYENA ], 18: [ Species.MIGHTYENA ] } ],
[TimeOfDay.ALL]: [
{ 1: [ Species.ZIGZAGOON ], 20: [ Species.LINOONE ] },
{ 1: [ Species.BIDOOF ], 15: [ Species.BIBAREL ] },
{ 1: [ Species.ROOKIDEE ], 18: [ Species.CORVISQUIRE ], 38: [ Species.CORVIKNIGHT ] },
{ 1: [ Species.LECHONK ], 18: [ Species.OINKOLOGNE ] }
[TimeOfDay.ALL]: [ { 1: [ Species.ZIGZAGOON ], 20: [ Species.LINOONE ] }, { 1: [ Species.BIDOOF ], 15: [ Species.BIBAREL ] }, { 1: [ Species.LECHONK ], 18: [ Species.OINKOLOGNE ] } ]
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: {
[TimeOfDay.DAWN]: [
@ -202,7 +197,7 @@ export const biomePokemonPools: BiomePokemonPools = {
[TimeOfDay.DAY]: [ Species.PALDEA_TAUROS ],
[TimeOfDay.DUSK]: [ { 1: [ Species.SHINX ], 15: [ Species.LUXIO ], 30: [ Species.LUXRAY ] } ],
[TimeOfDay.NIGHT]: [ { 1: [ Species.SHINX ], 15: [ Species.LUXIO ], 30: [ Species.LUXRAY ] } ],
[TimeOfDay.ALL]: [ { 1: [ Species.ABRA ], 16: [ Species.KADABRA ] }, { 1: [ Species.BUNEARY ], 20: [ Species.LOPUNNY ] } ]
[TimeOfDay.ALL]: [ { 1: [ Species.ABRA ], 16: [ Species.KADABRA ] }, { 1: [ Species.BUNEARY ], 20: [ Species.LOPUNNY ] }, { 1: [ Species.ROOKIDEE ], 18: [ Species.CORVISQUIRE ], 38: [ Species.CORVIKNIGHT ] } ]
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: { [TimeOfDay.DAWN]: [], [TimeOfDay.DAY]: [], [TimeOfDay.DUSK]: [], [TimeOfDay.NIGHT]: [], [TimeOfDay.ALL]: [ Species.FARFETCHD, Species.LICKITUNG, Species.CHANSEY, Species.EEVEE, Species.SNORLAX, { 1: [ Species.DUNSPARCE ], 40: [ Species.DUDUNSPARCE ] } ] },
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: { [TimeOfDay.DAWN]: [], [TimeOfDay.DAY]: [], [TimeOfDay.DUSK]: [], [TimeOfDay.NIGHT]: [], [TimeOfDay.ALL]: [ Species.DITTO, Species.LATIAS, Species.LATIOS ] },
@ -656,16 +651,14 @@ export const biomePokemonPools: BiomePokemonPools = {
{ 1: [ Species.SWABLU ], 35: [ Species.ALTARIA ] },
{ 1: [ Species.STARLY ], 14: [ Species.STARAVIA ], 34: [ Species.STARAPTOR ] },
{ 1: [ Species.PIDOVE ], 21: [ Species.TRANQUILL ], 32: [ Species.UNFEZANT ] },
{ 1: [ Species.FLETCHLING ], 17: [ Species.FLETCHINDER ], 35: [ Species.TALONFLAME ] },
{ 1: [ Species.ROOKIDEE ], 18: [ Species.CORVISQUIRE ], 38: [ Species.CORVIKNIGHT ] }
{ 1: [ Species.FLETCHLING ], 17: [ Species.FLETCHINDER ], 35: [ Species.TALONFLAME ] }
[TimeOfDay.DAY]: [
{ 1: [ Species.TAILLOW ], 22: [ Species.SWELLOW ] },
{ 1: [ Species.SWABLU ], 35: [ Species.ALTARIA ] },
{ 1: [ Species.STARLY ], 14: [ Species.STARAVIA ], 34: [ Species.STARAPTOR ] },
{ 1: [ Species.PIDOVE ], 21: [ Species.TRANQUILL ], 32: [ Species.UNFEZANT ] },
{ 1: [ Species.FLETCHLING ], 17: [ Species.FLETCHINDER ], 35: [ Species.TALONFLAME ] },
{ 1: [ Species.ROOKIDEE ], 18: [ Species.CORVISQUIRE ], 38: [ Species.CORVIKNIGHT ] }
{ 1: [ Species.FLETCHLING ], 17: [ Species.FLETCHINDER ], 35: [ Species.TALONFLAME ] }
[TimeOfDay.DUSK]: [ { 1: [ Species.RHYHORN ], 42: [ Species.RHYDON ] }, { 1: [ Species.ARON ], 32: [ Species.LAIRON ], 42: [ Species.AGGRON ] }, { 1: [ Species.ROGGENROLA ], 25: [ Species.BOLDORE ] } ],
[TimeOfDay.NIGHT]: [ { 1: [ Species.RHYHORN ], 42: [ Species.RHYDON ] }, { 1: [ Species.ARON ], 32: [ Species.LAIRON ], 42: [ Species.AGGRON ] }, { 1: [ Species.ROGGENROLA ], 25: [ Species.BOLDORE ] } ],
@ -677,6 +670,7 @@ export const biomePokemonPools: BiomePokemonPools = {
{ 1: [ Species.ARON ], 32: [ Species.LAIRON ], 42: [ Species.AGGRON ] },
{ 1: [ Species.ROGGENROLA ], 25: [ Species.BOLDORE ] },
{ 1: [ Species.RUFFLET ], 54: [ Species.BRAVIARY ] },
{ 1: [ Species.ROOKIDEE ], 18: [ Species.CORVISQUIRE ], 38: [ Species.CORVIKNIGHT ] },
{ 1: [ Species.FLITTLE ], 35: [ Species.ESPATHRA ] },
@ -685,6 +679,7 @@ export const biomePokemonPools: BiomePokemonPools = {
{ 1: [ Species.ARON ], 32: [ Species.LAIRON ], 42: [ Species.AGGRON ] },
{ 1: [ Species.ROGGENROLA ], 25: [ Species.BOLDORE ] },
{ 1: [ Species.RUFFLET ], 54: [ Species.BRAVIARY ] },
{ 1: [ Species.ROOKIDEE ], 18: [ Species.CORVISQUIRE ], 38: [ Species.CORVIKNIGHT ] },
{ 1: [ Species.FLITTLE ], 35: [ Species.ESPATHRA ] },
@ -5929,19 +5924,19 @@ export const biomeTrainerPools: BiomeTrainerPools = {
[ Species.ROOKIDEE, Type.FLYING, -1, [
[ Biome.TOWN, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.PLAINS, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.MOUNTAIN, BiomePoolTier.COMMON, [ TimeOfDay.DAWN, TimeOfDay.DAY ] ]
[ Biome.TOWN, BiomePoolTier.RARE ],
[ Biome.PLAINS, BiomePoolTier.RARE ],
[ Biome.MOUNTAIN, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON, [ TimeOfDay.DAWN, TimeOfDay.DAY ] ]
[ Species.CORVISQUIRE, Type.FLYING, -1, [
[ Biome.PLAINS, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.MOUNTAIN, BiomePoolTier.COMMON, [ TimeOfDay.DAWN, TimeOfDay.DAY ] ]
[ Biome.PLAINS, BiomePoolTier.RARE ],
[ Biome.MOUNTAIN, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON, [ TimeOfDay.DAWN, TimeOfDay.DAY ] ]
[ Biome.PLAINS, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.MOUNTAIN, BiomePoolTier.COMMON, [ TimeOfDay.DAWN, TimeOfDay.DAY ] ],
[ Biome.PLAINS, BiomePoolTier.RARE ],
[ Biome.MOUNTAIN, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON, [ TimeOfDay.DAWN, TimeOfDay.DAY ] ],
[ Biome.MOUNTAIN, BiomePoolTier.BOSS, [ TimeOfDay.DAWN, TimeOfDay.DAY ] ]
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ export default class BattleInfo extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
this.teraIcon.setOrigin(0, 0);
this.teraIcon.setPositionRelative(this.nameText, 0, 2);
this.teraIcon.setInteractive(new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 14, 15), Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Contains);
this.teraIcon.setInteractive(new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 12, 15), Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Contains);
this.splicedIcon = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, 'icon_spliced');
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