Larry and Lance now only need one localization key for both of their positions (because i just use setName and now they use the same key). This does not affect their title ()

This commit is contained in:
Jannik Tappert 2024-05-18 04:04:14 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 4a9664c04c
commit 93dee06e21
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
9 changed files with 5 additions and 21 deletions

@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ export const trainerConfigs: TrainerConfigs = {
[TrainerType.BRASSIUS]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForGymLeader([ Species.SMOLIV, Species.SHROOMISH, Species.ODDISH ], Type.GRASS),
[TrainerType.IONO]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForGymLeader([ Species.TADBULB, Species.WATTREL, Species.VOLTORB ], Type.ELECTRIC),
[TrainerType.KOFU]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForGymLeader([ Species.VELUZA, Species.WIGLETT, Species.WINGULL ], Type.WATER),
[TrainerType.LARRY]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForGymLeader([ Species.STARLY, Species.DUNSPARCE, Species.KOMALA ], Type.NORMAL),
[TrainerType.LARRY]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setName("Larry").initForGymLeader([ Species.STARLY, Species.DUNSPARCE, Species.KOMALA ], Type.NORMAL),
[TrainerType.RYME]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForGymLeader([ Species.GREAVARD, Species.SHUPPET, Species.MIMIKYU ], Type.GHOST),
[TrainerType.TULIP]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForGymLeader([ Species.GIRAFARIG, Species.FLITTLE, Species.RALTS ], Type.PSYCHIC),
[TrainerType.GRUSHA]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForGymLeader([ Species.CETODDLE, Species.ALOLA_VULPIX, Species.CUBCHOO ], Type.ICE),
@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ export const trainerConfigs: TrainerConfigs = {
[TrainerType.LORELEI]: new TrainerConfig((t = TrainerType.LORELEI)).initForEliteFour([ Species.SLOWBRO, Species.LAPRAS, Species.DEWGONG, Species.ALOLA_SANDSLASH ], Type.ICE),
[TrainerType.BRUNO]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForEliteFour([ Species.ONIX, Species.HITMONCHAN, Species.HITMONLEE, Species.ALOLA_GOLEM ], Type.FIGHTING),
[TrainerType.AGATHA]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForEliteFour([ Species.GENGAR, Species.ARBOK, Species.CROBAT, Species.ALOLA_MAROWAK ], Type.GHOST),
[TrainerType.LANCE]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForEliteFour([ Species.DRAGONITE, Species.GYARADOS, Species.AERODACTYL, Species.ALOLA_EXEGGUTOR ], Type.DRAGON),
[TrainerType.LANCE]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setName("Lance").initForEliteFour([ Species.DRAGONITE, Species.GYARADOS, Species.AERODACTYL, Species.ALOLA_EXEGGUTOR ], Type.DRAGON),
[TrainerType.WILL]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForEliteFour([ Species.XATU, Species.JYNX, Species.SLOWBRO, Species.EXEGGUTOR ], Type.PSYCHIC),
[TrainerType.KOGA]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForEliteFour([ Species.WEEZING, Species.VENOMOTH, Species.CROBAT, Species.TENTACRUEL ], Type.POISON),
[TrainerType.KAREN]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForEliteFour([ Species.UMBREON, Species.HONCHKROW, Species.HOUNDOOM, Species.WEAVILE ], Type.DARK),
@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ export const trainerConfigs: TrainerConfigs = {
[TrainerType.KAHILI]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForEliteFour([ Species.BRAVIARY, Species.HAWLUCHA, Species.ORICORIO, Species.TOUCANNON ], Type.FLYING),
[TrainerType.RIKA]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForEliteFour([ Species. WHISCASH, Species.DONPHAN, Species.CAMERUPT, Species.CLODSIRE ], Type.GROUND),
[TrainerType.POPPY]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForEliteFour([ Species.COPPERAJAH, Species.BRONZONG, Species.CORVIKNIGHT, Species.TINKATON ], Type.STEEL),
[TrainerType.LARRY_ELITE]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForEliteFour([ Species.STARAPTOR, Species.FLAMIGO, Species.ALTARIA, Species.TROPIUS ], Type.NORMAL, Type.FLYING),
[TrainerType.LARRY_ELITE]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setName("Larry").initForEliteFour([ Species.STARAPTOR, Species.FLAMIGO, Species.ALTARIA, Species.TROPIUS ], Type.NORMAL, Type.FLYING),
[TrainerType.HASSEL]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForEliteFour([ Species.NOIVERN, Species.HAXORUS, Species.DRAGALGE, Species.BAXCALIBUR ], Type.DRAGON),
[TrainerType.CRISPIN]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForEliteFour([ Species.TALONFLAME, Species.CAMERUPT, Species.MAGMORTAR, Species.BLAZIKEN ], Type.FIRE),
[TrainerType.AMARYS]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForEliteFour([ Species.SKARMORY, Species.EMPOLEON, Species.SCIZOR, Species.METAGROSS ], Type.STEEL),
@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ export const trainerConfigs: TrainerConfigs = {
[TrainerType.BLUE]: new TrainerConfig((t = TrainerType.BLUE)).initForChampion([ Species.GYARADOS, Species.MEWTWO, Species.ARCANINE, Species.ALAKAZAM, Species.PIDGEOT ]).setBattleBgm('battle_kanto_champion'),
[TrainerType.RED]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForChampion([ Species.CHARIZARD, [ Species.LUGIA, Species.HO_OH ], Species.SNORLAX, Species.RAICHU, Species.ESPEON ]).setBattleBgm('battle_johto_champion'),
[TrainerType.LANCE_CHAMPION]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForChampion([ Species.DRAGONITE, Species.ZYGARDE, Species.AERODACTYL, Species.KINGDRA, Species.ALOLA_EXEGGUTOR ]).setBattleBgm('battle_johto_champion'),
[TrainerType.LANCE_CHAMPION]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setName("Lance").initForChampion([ Species.DRAGONITE, Species.ZYGARDE, Species.AERODACTYL, Species.KINGDRA, Species.ALOLA_EXEGGUTOR ]).setBattleBgm('battle_johto_champion'),
[TrainerType.STEVEN]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForChampion([ Species.METAGROSS, [ Species.DIALGA, Species.PALKIA ], Species.SKARMORY, Species.AGGRON, Species.CARBINK ]).setBattleBgm('battle_hoenn_champion'),
[TrainerType.WALLACE]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForChampion([ Species.MILOTIC, Species.KYOGRE, Species.WHISCASH, Species.WALREIN, Species.LUDICOLO ]).setBattleBgm('battle_hoenn_champion'),
[TrainerType.CYNTHIA]: new TrainerConfig(++t).initForChampion([ Species.SPIRITOMB, Species.GIRATINA, Species.GARCHOMP, Species.MILOTIC, Species.LUCARIO, Species.TOGEKISS ]).setBattleBgm('battle_sinnoh_champion'),

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ export const modifierType: ModifierTypeTranslationEntries = {
description: "Erhöht die {{tempBattleStatName}} aller Teammitglieder für 5 Kämpfe um eine Stufe",
"AttackTypeBoosterModifierType": {
description: "Erhöht die Stärke aller {{moveType}}attacken eines Pokémon um 20%",
description: "Erhöht die Stärke aller {{moveType}}-Attacken eines Pokémon um 20%",
"PokemonLevelIncrementModifierType": {
description: "Erhöht das Level eines Pokémon um 1",

@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"kahili": "Kahili",
"rika": "Cay",
"poppy": "Poppy",
"larry_elite": "Aoki", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here)
"hassel": "Sinius",
"crispin": "Matt",
"amarys": "Erin",
@ -227,7 +226,6 @@ export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"drayton": "Levy",
"blue": "Blau",
"red": "Rot",
"lance_champion": "Siegfried", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here)
"steven": "Troy",
"wallace": "Wassili",
"cynthia": "Cynthia",

@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"kahili": "Kahili",
"rika": "Rika",
"poppy": "Poppy",
"larry_elite": "Larry", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here)
"hassel": "Hassel",
"crispin": "Crispin",
"amarys": "Amarys",
@ -227,7 +226,6 @@ export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"drayton": "Drayton",
"blue": "Blue",
"red": "Red",
"lance_champion": "Lance", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here)
"steven": "Steven",
"wallace": "Wallace",
"cynthia": "Cynthia",

@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"kahili": "Kahili",
"rika": "Rika",
"poppy": "Poppy",
"larry_elite": "Larry", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here)
"hassel": "Hassel",
"crispin": "Crispin",
"amarys": "Amarys",
@ -227,7 +226,6 @@ export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"drayton": "Drayton",
"blue": "Blue",
"red": "Red",
"lance_champion": "Lance", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here)
"steven": "Steven",
"wallace": "Wallace",
"cynthia": "Cynthia",

@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"kahili": "Kahili",
"rika": "Cayenn",
"poppy": "Popi",
"larry_elite": "Okuba", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here)
"hassel": "Hassa",
"crispin": "Rubépin",
"amarys": "Nérine",
@ -227,7 +226,6 @@ export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"drayton": "Irido",
"blue": "Blue",
"red": "Red",
"lance_champion": "Peter", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here)
"steven": "Pierre Rochard",
"wallace": "Marc",
"cynthia": "Cynthia",

@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"kahili": "Kahili",
"rika": "Rika",
"poppy": "Poppy",
"larry_elite": "Larry", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here)
"hassel": "Hassel",
"crispin": "Crispin",
"amarys": "Amarys",
@ -227,7 +226,6 @@ export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"drayton": "Drayton",
"blue": "Blue",
"red": "Red",
"lance_champion": "Lance", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here)
"steven": "Steven",
"wallace": "Wallace",
"cynthia": "Cynthia",

@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"kahili": "Kahili",
"rika": "Rika",
"poppy": "Poppy",
"larry_elite": "Larry", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here)
"hassel": "Hassel",
"crispin": "Crispin",
"amarys": "Amarys",
@ -227,7 +226,6 @@ export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"drayton": "Drayton",
"blue": "Blue",
"red": "Red",
"lance_champion": "Lance", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here)
"steven": "Steven",
"wallace": "Wallace",
"cynthia": "Cynthia",

@ -252,7 +252,6 @@ export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
// 帕底亚地区 Paldea Region
"rika": "辛俐",
"poppy": "波琵",
"larry_elite": "青木", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here)
"hassel": "八朔",
// 蓝莓学院 Blueberry Academy
@ -266,9 +265,6 @@ export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"blue": "青绿",
"red": "赤红",
// 城都地区 Johto Region
"lance_champion": "阿渡", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here)
// 丰缘地区 Hoenn Region
"steven": "大吾",
"wallace": "米可利",