From 951d5416d42b39d40c909a86a29276fcb0ec7bbb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: sodam <> Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 22:58:39 +0900 Subject: [PATCH] [Localization(ko)] localized Sinnoh region named trainer (#2296) --- src/locales/ko/dialogue.ts | 100 ++++++++++++++++++------------------- 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/locales/ko/dialogue.ts b/src/locales/ko/dialogue.ts index fc4530b94fa..2a13a8d32c5 100644 --- a/src/locales/ko/dialogue.ts +++ b/src/locales/ko/dialogue.ts @@ -860,19 +860,19 @@ export const PGMdialogue: DialogueTranslationEntries = { }, "crasher_wake": { "encounter": { - 1: "Crash! Crash! Watch out!\nCrasher Wake…is…heeere!", - 2: "Crash! Crash! Crasher Wake!", - 3: "I'm the tidal wave of power to wash you away!" + 1: "철썩! 철썩! 조심해라!\n맥시멈 가면이…지금…간다!", + 2: "철썩! 철썩! 파도의 맥시멈 가면!", + 3: "밀물같은 힘으로 쓸려나가도록 해보실까!!" }, "victory": { - 1: "That puts a grin on my face!\nGuhahaha! That was a blast!", - 2: "Hunwah! It's gone and ended!\nHow will I say this…\nI want more! I wanted to battle a lot more!", - 3: "WHAAAAT!?" + 1: "저절로 웃음이 나오게 되는군!\n크하하핫! 정말 훌륭했다!", + 2: "우왓! 끝나버렸나!\n뭐랄까…\n좀 더 싸우고 싶은 기분이야!", + 3: "이럴수가!?" }, "defeat": { - 1: "Yeeeeah! That's right!", - 2: "I won, but I want more! I wanted to battle a lot more!", - 3: "So long!" + 1: "으하하핫! 보람차군!", + 2: "내가 이겼지만, 아쉽군! 좀 더 배틀하고 싶은데!", + 3: "잘 가게나!" } }, "falkner": { @@ -1164,19 +1164,19 @@ export const PGMdialogue: DialogueTranslationEntries = { }, "candice": { "encounter": { - 1: `You want to challenge Candice? Sure thing! I was waiting for someone tough! - $But I should tell you, I'm tough because I know how to focus.`, - 2: `Pokémon, fashion, romance… It's all about focus! - $I'll show you just what I mean. Get ready to lose!` + 1: `나, 무청에게 도전하고 싶은거야? 좋아! 강한 사람을 기다리고 있었으니까! + $그치만 말해두는데, 집중하는 방법을 아는 나도 강력하거든.`, + 2: `포켓몬도 멋도 연애도 정신 집중이 중요하다고! + $무슨 뜻인지 보여줄테니까 각오해!` }, "victory": { - 1: "I must say, I'm warmed up to you! I might even admire you a little.", - 2: `Wow! You're great! You've earned my respect! - $I think your focus and will bowled us over totally. ` + 1: "있지, 나 조금 불타오르게 됐어! 널 조금 존경하게 될지도 몰라.", + 2: `우와! 제법인데! 내가 존경하게 만들다니! + $네 집중력과 의지, 완전히 나를 압도하는 같아. ` }, "defeat": { - 1: "I sensed your will to win, but I don't lose!", - 2: "See? Candice's focus! My Pokémon's focus is great, too!" + 1: "이기고자 하는 의지는 전해졌지만, 난 지지 않았어!", + 2: "봤지? 무청의 집중력! 내 포켓몬의 집중력도 대단하다구!" } }, "gardenia": { @@ -1192,13 +1192,13 @@ export const PGMdialogue: DialogueTranslationEntries = { }, "aaron": { "encounter": { - 1: "Ok! Let me take you on!" + 1: "좋습니다! 그럼 상대해 드리죠!" }, "victory": { - 1: "Battling is a deep and complex affair…" + 1: "승부는 딥하고 컴플렉스한 일이네요…" }, "defeat": { - 1: "Victory over an Elite Four member doesn't come easily." + 1: "사천왕을 상대로 하는 승리는 쉽게 오지 않는다구요." } }, "cress": { @@ -1429,15 +1429,15 @@ export const PGMdialogue: DialogueTranslationEntries = { }, "bertha": { "encounter": { - 1: "Well, would you show this old lady how much you've learned?" + 1: "그럼, 할머니가 네가 얼마나 해낼 수 있는지 보도록 할게?" }, "victory": { - 1: `Well! Dear child, I must say, that was most impressive. - $Your Pokémon believed in you and did their best to earn you the win. - $Even though I've lost, I find myself with this silly grin!`, + 1: `좋아! 꼬마야, 정말로, 인상적이었단다. + $Y네 포켓몬은 너를 믿고 승리를 위해 최선을 다했구나. + $비록 내가 졌지만, 좋아서 바보같이 웃음이 나오는구나!`, }, "defeat": { - 1: "Hahahahah! Looks like this old lady won!" + 1: "호호호! 이 할머니가 이겼구나!" } }, "lenora": { @@ -1510,13 +1510,13 @@ export const PGMdialogue: DialogueTranslationEntries = { }, "flint": { "encounter": { - 1: "Hope you're warmed up, cause here comes the Big Bang!" + 1: "뜨겁게 타오를 준비는 됐겠지, 이제 곧 대폭발이 다가올테니까!" }, "victory": { - 1: "Incredible! Your moves are so hot, they make mine look lukewarm!" + 1: "놀랍군! 네 기술이 너무 뜨거워서, 내가 미적지근해보이잖아!" }, "defeat": { - 1: "Huh? Is that it? I think you need a bit more passion." + 1: "하? 그게 다야? 좀 더 열정이 필요해보이는걸." } }, "grimsley": { @@ -1638,16 +1638,16 @@ export const PGMdialogue: DialogueTranslationEntries = { }, "lucian": { "encounter": { - 1: `Just a moment, please. The book I'm reading has nearly reached its thrilling climax… - $The hero has obtained a mystic sword and is about to face their final trial… Ah, never mind. - $Since you've made it this far, I'll put that aside and battle you. - $Let me see if you'll achieve as much glory as the hero of my book!,` + 1: `잠깐, 기다려주세요. 제가 읽던 책이 거의 클라이맥스에 도달했거든요… + $주인공이 성스러운 검을 얻었고 마지막 시련을 앞두고 있는데… 아, 신경 쓰지 마세요. + $여기까지 왔으니, 그건 제쳐두고 당신과 싸워야겠습니다. + $당신이 과연 주인공이 될 그릇인지 확인해 보도록 하죠!` }, "victory": { - 1: "I see… It appears you've put me in checkmate." + 1: "그렇군요… 결국 체크메이트인가요." }, "defeat": { - 1: "I have a reputation to uphold." + 1: "제 평판을 지켜냈네요." } }, "drasna": { @@ -1757,13 +1757,13 @@ export const PGMdialogue: DialogueTranslationEntries = { }, "cynthia": { "encounter": { - 1: "I, Cynthia, accept your challenge! There won't be any letup from me!" + 1: "나, 난천은, 네 도전을 받아들일게! 온 힘을 다해 너와 시합하겠어!" }, "victory": { - 1: "No matter how fun the battle is, it will always end sometime…" + 1: "포켓몬 배틀보다 재밌는 것은 없지만, 언젠간 끝나기 마련이니…" }, "defeat": { - 1: "Even if you lose, never lose your love of Pokémon." + 1: "비록 졌어도, 포켓몬에 대한 사랑은 잃지 않도록 해." } }, "iris": { @@ -1911,15 +1911,15 @@ export const PGMdialogue: DialogueTranslationEntries = { }, "byron": { "encounter": { - 1: `Trainer! You're young, just like my son, Roark. - $With more young Trainers taking charge, the future of Pokémon is bright! - $So, as a wall for young people, I'll take your challenge!`, + 1: `젊은 트레이너여! 자네는 내 아들 강석처럼 젊군. + $젊은 트레이너가 많아질수록, 포켓몬의 미래도 밝지! + $그러니, 젊은이들이 넘어야할 벽으로서 상대해주겠다!`, }, "victory": { - 1: "Hmm! My sturdy Pokémon--defeated!" + 1: "흠! 내 견고한 포켓몬이--져버렸군!" }, "defeat": { - 1: "Gwahahaha! How were my sturdy Pokémon?!" + 1: "으하하핫! 내 견고한 포켓몬은 어땠나?!" } }, "olympia": { @@ -1935,17 +1935,17 @@ export const PGMdialogue: DialogueTranslationEntries = { }, "volkner": { "encounter": { - 1: `Since you've come this far, you must be quite strong… - $I hope you're the Trainer who'll make me remember how fun it is to battle!`, + 1: `여기까지 왔으니, 넌 꽤 강하겠군… + $네가 내게 포켓몬 승부의 즐거움을 상기시켜 줄 트레이너이길 바란다!`, }, "victory": { - 1: `You've got me beat… - $Your desire and the noble way your Pokémon battled for you… - $I even felt thrilled during our match. That was a very good battle.`, + 1: `너 나를 이겼군… + $네 열정과 포켓몬이 그런 너를 위해 싸워준 고귀한 방식… + $심지어 스릴까지 넘쳤다. 아주 좋은 승부였어.`, }, "defeat": { - 1: `It was not shocking at all… - $That is not what I wanted!`, + 1: `전혀 충격적이지 않았다… + $이런 건 원하지 않았어!`, } }, "burgh": {