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synced 2025-03-29 04:59:56 +00:00
[Localization][ko] Some localization updates for Korean (#2046)
* localization * localization2 * local3
This commit is contained in:
@ -171,98 +171,98 @@ export const PGMachv: AchievementTranslationEntries = {
name: "The Original Rival",
description: "Complete the generation one only challenge.",
name: "근본 라이벌",
description: "1세대 챌린지 모드 클리어.",
name: "Generation 1.5",
description: "Complete the generation two only challenge.",
name: "이거 1.5세대죠?",
description: "2세대 챌린지 모드 클리어.",
name: "Too much water?",
description: "Complete the generation three only challenge.",
description: "3세대 챌린지 모드 클리어.",
name: "Is she really the hardest?",
description: "Complete the generation four only challenge.",
name: "난천이 진짜 최강인가요?",
description: "4세대 챌린지 모드 클리어.",
name: "All Original",
description: "Complete the generation five only challenge.",
name: "100% 오리지널!",
description: "5세대 챌린지 모드 클리어.",
name: "Almost Royalty",
description: "Complete the generation six only challenge.",
name: "크루아상 안에 뭐 들었나요?",
description: "6세대 챌린지 모드 클리어.",
name: "Only Technically",
description: "Complete the generation seven only challenge.",
name: "기술적으로는…",
description: "7세대 챌린지 모드 클리어.",
name: "A Champion Time!",
description: "Complete the generation eight only challenge.",
name: "챔피언 타임!",
description: "8세대 챌린지 모드 클리어.",
name: "She was going easy on you",
description: "Complete the generation nine only challenge.",
name: "걔, 봐 준 거야",
description: "9세대 챌린지 모드 클리어.",
"MonoType": {
description: "Complete the {{type}} monotype challenge.",
description: "{{type}} 타입 챌린지 모드 클리어.",
name: "Mono NORMAL",
name: "심플한 것이 가장 강한 것",
name: "I Know Kung Fu",
name: "태권도 할 줄 알아요",
name: "Mono FLYING",
name: "추락하는 것은 날개가 있다",
name: "Kanto's Favourite",
name: "관동 지방 최애 타입",
name: "Mono GROUND",
name: "전기 안 통해요",
name: "Brock Hard",
name: "웅골참",
name: "Sting Like A Beedrill",
name: "독침붕처럼 쏴라",
name: "Who you gonna call?",
name: "누굴 부를 거야?",
name: "Mono STEEL",
name: "강철 심장",
name: "Mono FIRE",
name: "불타오르네",
name: "When It Rains, It Pours",
name: "물 들어올 때 노 젓기",
name: "Mono GRASS",
name: "초록은 동색",
name: "Mono ELECTRIC",
name: "찌릿찌릿",
name: "Mono PSYCHIC",
name: "1세대 최강",
name: "Mono ICE",
name: "얼음땡",
name: "Mono DRAGON",
name: "용용 죽겠지",
name: "It's just a phase",
name: "어둠의 다크",
name: "Mono FAIRY",
name: "설마 자시안으로?",
} as const;
@ -58,5 +58,7 @@ export const battle: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"ivScannerUseQuestion": "{{pokemonName}}에게 개체값탐지기를 사용하시겠습니까?",
"wildPokemonWithAffix": "야생 {{pokemonName}}",
"foePokemonWithAffix": "상대 {{pokemonName}}",
"useMove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}의 {{moveName}}!"
"useMove": "{{pokemonNameWithAffix}}의 {{moveName}}!",
"drainMessage": "{{pokemonName}}[[로]]부터\n체력을 흡수했다!",
"regainHealth": "{{pokemonName}}[[는]]\n기력을 회복했다!"
} as const;
@ -383,6 +383,186 @@ export const PGMdialogue: DialogueTranslationEntries = {
3: "내가 뱃멀미가 나는 것 같군…"
"rocket_grunt": {
"encounter": {
1: "Prepare for trouble!"
"victory": {
1: "Team Rocket blasting off again!"
"magma_grunt": {
"encounter": {
1: " If you get in the way of Team Magma, don’t expect any mercy!"
"victory": {
1: "Huh? I lost?!"
"aqua_grunt": {
"encounter": {
1: "No one who crosses Team Aqua gets any mercy, not even kids!"
"victory": {
1: "You're kidding me!"
"galactic_grunt": {
"encounter": {
1: "Don't mess with Team Galactic!"
"victory": {
1: "Shut down..."
"plasma_grunt": {
"encounter": {
1: "We won't tolerate people who have different ideas!"
"victory": {
1: "Plasmaaaaaaaaa!"
"flare_grunt": {
"encounter": {
1: "Fashion is most important to us!"
"victory": {
1: "The future doesn't look bright for me."
"rocket_boss_giovanni_1": {
"encounter": {
1: "So! I must say, I am impressed you got here!"
"victory": {
1: "WHAT! This cannot be!"
"defeat": {
1: "Mark my words. Not being able to measure your own strength shows that you are still a child."
"rocket_boss_giovanni_2": {
"encounter": {
1: "My old associates need me... Are you going to get in my way?"
"victory": {
1: "How is this possible...?\nThe precious dream of Team Rocket has become little more than an illusion..."
"defeat": {
1: "Team Rocket will be reborn again, and I will rule the world!"
"magma_boss_maxie_1": {
"encounter": {
1: "I will bury you by my own hand. I hope you appreciate this honor!"
"victory": {
1: "Ugh! You are... quite capable...\nI fell behind, but only by an inch..."
"defeat": {
1: "Team Magma will prevail!"
"magma_boss_maxie_2": {
"encounter": {
1: "You are the final obstacle remaining between me and my goals.\nBrace yourself for my ultimate attack! Fuhahaha!"
"victory": {
1: "This... This is not.. Ngh..."
"defeat": {
1: "And now... I will transform this planet to a land ideal for humanity."
"aqua_boss_archie_1": {
"encounter": {
1: "I'm leader of Team Aqua, so I'm afraid it's the rope's end for you."
"victory": {
1: "Let's meet again somewhere. I'll be sure to remember that face."
"defeat": {
1: "Brilliant! My team won't hold back now!"
"aqua_boss_archie_2": {
"encounter": {
1: "I've been waiting so long for this day to come.\nThis is the true power of my team!"
"victory": {
1: "Like I figured..."
"defeat": {
1: "I'll return everything in this world to its original, pure state!!"
"galactic_boss_cyrus_1": {
"encounter": {
1: "You were compelled to come here by such vacuous sentimentality\nI will make you regret paying heed to your heart!"
"victory": {
1: "Interesting. And quite curious."
"defeat": {
1: "I will create my new world..."
"galactic_boss_cyrus_2": {
"encounter": {
1: "So we meet again. It seems our fates have become intertwined.\nBut here and now, I will finally break that bond!"
"victory": {
1: "How? How? HOW?!"
"defeat": {
1: "Farewell."
"plasma_boss_ghetsis_1": {
"encounter": {
1: "I won't allow anyone to stop me! No matter who does what!"
"victory": {
1: "How can this be? I'm the creator of Team Plasma! I'm perfect!"
"defeat": {
1: "I am the perfect ruler of a perfect new world! Mwa ha ha!"
"plasma_boss_ghetsis_2": {
"encounter": {
1: "Come now! I want to see your face at the moment you lose all hope!"
"victory": {
1: "My calculations... No! My careful schemes! The world should be mine!"
"defeat": {
1: "Kyurem! Use Absofusion!"
"flare_boss_lysandre_1": {
"encounter": {
1: "Do you want to stop me? Show me in battle."
"victory": {
1: "You are here to stop me. But I ask you to wait. "
"defeat": {
1: "Pokemon...Shall no longer exist."
"flare_boss_lysandre_2": {
"encounter": {
1: "The future you want, or the future I want... Let us see which one is more deserving, shall we?"
"victory": {
1: "Whaugh!"
"defeat": {
1: "Fools with no vision will continue to befoul this beautiful world."
"brock": {
"encounter": {
1: "내 전문인 바위 타입 포켓몬으로 널 쓰러뜨려줄게! 덤벼!",
@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ export const pokemonInfoContainer: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"nature": "성격:",
"epic": "에픽",
"rare": "레어",
"common": "커먼"
"common": "커먼",
"form": "폼:"
} as const;
@ -13,6 +13,12 @@ export const titles: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"rival": "라이벌",
"professor": "박사",
"frontier_brain": "프런티어 브레인",
"rocket_boss": "로켓단 보스",
"magma_boss": "마그마단 보스",
"aqua_boss": "아쿠아단 보스",
"galactic_boss": "갤럭시단 보스",
"plasma_boss": "플라스마단 보스",
"flare_boss": "플레어단 보스",
// Maybe if we add the evil teams we can add "Team Rocket" and "Team Aqua" etc. here as well as "Team Rocket Boss" and "Team Aqua Admin" etc.
} as const;
@ -48,7 +54,7 @@ export const trainerClasses: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"depot_agent": "역무원",
"doctor": "의사",
"doctor_female": "간호사", // doctor_f.png 파일이 간호사
"firebreather": "Firebreather",
"firebreather": "불놀이꾼",
"fisherman": "낚시꾼",
"fisherman_female": "낚시꾼",
"gentleman": "신사",
@ -118,7 +124,19 @@ export const trainerClasses: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"worker": "작업원",
"worker_female": "작업원",
"workers": "작업원",
"youngster": "반바지 꼬마"
"youngster": "반바지 꼬마",
"rocket_grunt": "로켓단 조무래기",
"rocket_grunt_female": "로켓단 조무래기",
"magma_grunt": "마그마단 조무래기",
"magma_grunt_female": "마그마단 조무래기",
"aqua_grunt": "아쿠아단 조무래기",
"aqua_grunt_female": "아쿠아단 조무래기",
"galactic_grunt": "갤럭시단 조무래기",
"galactic_grunt_female": "갤럭시단 조무래기",
"plasma_grunt": "플라스마단 조무래기",
"plasma_grunt_female": "플라스마단 조무래기",
"flare_grunt": "플레어단 조무래기",
"flare_grunt_female": "플레어단 조무래기",
} as const;
// Names of special trainers like gym leaders, elite four, and the champion
@ -247,6 +265,11 @@ export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"leon": "단델",
"rival": "핀",
"rival_female": "아이비",
"maxie": "마적",
"archie": "아강",
"cyrus": "태홍",
"ghetsis": "게치스",
"lysandre": "플라드리",
// Double Names
"blue_red_double": "그린 & 레드",
@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ export const tutorial: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
statChange: `포켓몬은 교체하지 않으면 다음 전투에서도 능력치 변화가 유지됩니다.
$대신 트레이너 배틀이나 새로운 바이옴 입장 직전에 자동으로 들여보내지게 됩니다.
$C 또는 Shift를 꾹 눌러 현재 포켓몬의 능력치 변화를 볼 수도 있습니다.
$V를 눌러 상대방이 사용했던 기술도 확인하여 전투를 유리하게 이끌어봅시다.`,
$V를 눌러 상대방이 사용했던 기술도 확인할 수 있습니다.
$단, 이번 배틀에서 상대 포켓몬이 이미 사용한 기술만 나타납니다.`,
selectItem: `전투가 끝날때마다 무작위 아이템 3개 중 하나를 선택하여 얻습니다.
$종류는 소모품, 포켓몬의 지닌 도구, 영구적 패시브 아이템에 이르기까지 다양합니다.
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